Percepciones de las mujeres en un espacio cerrado: Las prisiones en España

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-84
Francisco Jiménez Bautista

[Full article is in Spanish]English: This article analyzes differences between genders/sexes (female and male) in contexts of structural violence such as those found in prison—the cell, shared spaces (the courtyard) and modules as living spaces where women deprived of freedom construct and adapt their lives on a daily basis. The research presents the results of a survey on 538 women prisoners as part of a national project carried out in Spain. This sample represents approximately 15% of the Spanish female prison population. Some conclusions lead us to highlight prison life, routines that encourage drug consumption and the perception of feeling undervalued institutionally. These women perceive that men receive better treatment in both cells/rooms and modules, while they believe that they are getting better treatment in common spaces such as the courtyard.Spanish: En este artículo analizamos las diferencias entre los géneros/ sexos (mujeres y hombres) en un contexto de violencia estructural tales como aquellas diferencias encontradas en la prisión—celda, espacios comunes (patio) y módulos como espacios de convivencia donde las mujeres privadas de libertad construyen y adaptan a diario su vida. Se presentan los resultados de un cuestionario de investigación realizada a 538 mujeres presas en el marco de una investigación nacional llevada a cabo en toda España. Esta muestra realizada representa aproximadamente el 15% del total de la población femenina penitenciaria española. Algunas de las conclusiones nos llevan a destacar la vida en prisión, las rutinas que incitan el consumo de drogas y la percepción de sentirse infravaloradas institucionalmente. Estas mujeres perciben que los hombres reciben un mejor trato tanto en las celdas/habitaciones como en los módulos, mientras que ellas consideran que reciben un mejor trato en los espacios comunes (como el patio).French: Cet article analyse les diff érences entre les genres/sexes (femmes et hommes) dans un contexte de violence structurelle comme l’est le contexte de la prison : la cellule, les espaces communs (la cours), les modules conçus comme des espaces de convivialité où les femmes privées de leur liberté construisent et adaptent quotidiennement leur vie. Il présente les résultats d’un questionnaire de recherche appliqué à 538 femmes prisonnières dans le cadre d’une recherche nationale menée en Espagne. Cet échantillon représente approximativement 15% de la population pénitentiaire féminine espagnole. Quelques-unes des conclusions soulignent la vie en prison, les routines qui incitent à la consommation de drogue et la perception d’une infra-valoration institutionnelle. Ces femmes perçoivent que les hommes reçoivent un meilleur traitement à la fois dans leurs cellules et dans les modules, alors qu’elles considèrent être l’objet d’un meilleur traitement dans les espaces communs (comme la cours).

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-71 ◽  
Dhananjay Tripathi

[Full article is in English]English: This article analyzes the role of school education as a medium for indoctrinating young minds through school textbooks within the framework of India–Pakistan relations. This fact is more pronounced in Pakistan, but even in the case of India, eff orts are not undertaken to objectively teach subjects in a way that helps sensitize students about the India–Pakistan relationship. The author argues that the young generations in India and Pakistan largely lack a shared understanding until they undergo a process of de-learning and re-learning. Hence, the borders between India and Pakistan remained intact and militarized but defi nite types of borders are also created in young minds. Unless the psychological borders melt, it is diffi cult to imagine a porous physical border between India and Pakistan. This article att empts to understand how pedagogically the image of an enemy is created in young minds serving the purpose of the state.Spanish: Este artículo analiza el papel de la educación escolar como un medio para adoctrinar mentes jóvenes a través de libros de texto en el marco de las relaciones India–Pakistán. Esta situación es más pronunciada en Pakistán, pero incluso en la India, no se llevan a cabo esfuerzos para enseñar objetivamente temas que apoyen la sensibilización de los estudiantes sobre la relación India–Pakistán. El autor argumenta que jóvenes generaciones en India y Pakistán comparten la falta de un conocimiento compartido hasta que pasen por un proceso de des-aprendizaje y re-aprendizaje. En consecuencia, las fronteras entre India y Pakistán permanecen intactas y militarizadas, pero también otros tipos de definición de fronteras son creados en las mentes jóvenes. A menos que las fronteras psicológicas se derritan, es difícil imaginar una frontera física porosa entre la India y Pakistán. Este artículo busca entender cómo la imagen del enemigo es pedagógicamente creada en las mentes jóvenes sirviendo el propósito del Estado. Los casos de los libros de texto en India y Pakistán son presentados para comprender los diferentes tipos de fronteras prevalecientes en el sur de Asia.French: Cet article analyse le rôle de l’éducation scolaire comme un moyen d’endoctrinement de jeunes esprits à travers les livres scolaires dans le contexte des relations entre l’Inde et le Pakistan. Cette situation est particulièrement marquée au Pakistan mais y compris en Inde, aucun effort n’est mené pour enseigner objectivement des thèmes qui sensibilisent les élèves sur les relations Inde-Pakistan. L’auteur argumente que les jeunes générations indiennes et pakistanaises manquent de connaissances partagées jusqu’à ce qu’elles transitent par un processus de désapprentissage et de ré-apprentissage. En conséquence, les frontières entre l’Inde et le Pakistan continuent à être intactes et militarisées et d’autres types de frontières claires son créées dans les esprits de la jeunesse. À moins que les frontières psychologiques ne disparaissent, il reste difficile d’imaginer une frontière physique poreuse entre l’Inde et le Pakistan. Cet article cherche à comprendre comment l’image de l’ennemi est créée pédagogiquement dans les jeunes esprits et sert les intérêts de l’Etat.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-109 ◽  
Patricia Ravelo Blancas ◽  
May-ek Querales Mendoza

[Full article is in Spanish]English: Femicide has become a serious problem in Mexico. The recorded number of murders of girls and women increased by 68% in 2007 alone; between 2008 and 2015, more than 1,000 such murders took place in Ciudad Juárez. This article examines femicide in Mexico through a discussion of the protest groups that have organized around this problem. The article is divided into four sections. Following the introduction, part two conceptually discusses femicide and examines its different characteristics. Part three then presents the situation in Ciudad Juárez. This is followed in part four by a description of three important protest groups against femicide in Ciudad Juárez and a discussion of how they have affected public debates on this subject, particularly by bringing the debate on femicide in Ciudad Juárez to the attention of the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal.Spanish: El feminicidio se ha convertido en un problema grave en México. Sólo en el 2007 los asesinatos de niñas y mujeres aumentaron en un 68% de los registros anteriores; y entre 2008 y 2015, más de un millar de tales asesinatos tuvieron lugar en Ciudad Juárez. Este artículo examina el feminicidio en México a través de un análisis de los grupos de protesta que se han organizado en torno a este problema. El artículo se divide en cuatro secciones. Después de la introducción, la segunda parte se analiza conceptualmente el feminicidio y examina sus diferentes características. La tercera parte presenta la situación en Ciudad Juárez, seguida de una cuarta parte donde se describen tres importantes grupos de protesta contra el feminicidio en Ciudad Juárez, así como una discusión de cómo dichos movimientos han afectado los debates públicos sobre este tema. En particular el debate sobre el feminicidio en Ciudad Juárez para la atención del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos.French: Au Mexique, le féminicide s’est converti en un problème de plus en plus grave si on considère uniquement qu’en 2007 les assassinats de filles et de femmes ont augmenté de 68% et qu’entre 2008 et 2015 à Ciudad Juárez ont été commis plus de mille assassinats. Cett e extrême violence vis-à-vis des femmes n’a pas pu être éradiquée dans aucune région du Mexique et au contraire, elle a augmenté de manière exponentielle malgré l’organisation depuis 1993 de groupes de la société civile et de mères des femmes et filles assassinées pour exiger justice et sécurité, ce qui a donné lieu à un débat public qui a cherché à transformer la conscience collective sur le féminicide et a fait l’objet d’une audience au Tribunal Permanent des Peuples comme un de ses évènements notables. Ce travail prétend décrire et analyser ces actions protestataires, en se centrant sur la participation des mères et des jeunes dans cett e lutt e.

Sociology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Brae Campion Young ◽  
Miriam Northcutt Bohmert

Women make up only a small portion of the prison population; however, the number of women in prison has increased exponentially as a result of the War on Drugs. The growth of women in prison in the 2010s has outpaced the growth of male prisoners. Not only are women a growing prison population, they are also a unique prison population. Women prisoners, compared to their male counterparts, are more likely to have histories of abuse and neglect and have greater incidents of substance abuse and mental health concerns. Women prisoners are also more likely to be the primary caretakers of children under the age of eighteen. The incarceration of women, then, has a substantial impact not only on the women who experience it, but on their families. Women prisoners also pose a unique challenge for correctional officials. The US correctional system was developed for males and is staffed and run largely by men. As such, risk assessment tools and in-prison programming do not consider the special needs of women prisoners. However, when programming takes into consideration women’s unique pathways into crime, they are much more effective. This article considers, in turn, each of these issues, beginning with a historical understanding of women’s prisons. Next, we consider the role of gender in risk assessment tools and prison programming, and the special issues surrounding women in prison, including female sexuality and parenting in prison. Finally, we conclude with a brief look into girls’ prisons.

Revista Trace ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 48
María Elena Figueroa Díaz

Este artículo analiza, desde la perspectiva teórica de las representaciones sociales, el ejercicio y la justificación de la violencia, a partir del argumento de la infidelidad femenina, de varones campesinos oaxaqueños que se ven amenazados por el creciente fortalecimiento de sus esposas, a partir de la participación de ellas en una empresa de procesamiento y distribución de alimentos tradicionales. La violencia hacia las mujeres es vista como una estrategia de afrontamiento ante la presencia de nuevos elementos en las representaciones sociales de la mujer, del hombre y de la violencia.Abstract: From a theoretical perspective of social representations, this article analyses the exercise and justification of violence practiced by Oaxacan male peasants with the argument of infidelity from their partners or wives who seem to threaten these males, due to the increasing strengthening of these women derived from their working in an enterprise which processes and distributes traditional foods. Violence towards women is contemplated as a confronting strategy when encountering those new elements in the social representations of women, of men and of violence.Résumé : Dans la perspective théorique des représentations sociales, cet article analyse l´exercice et la justification de la violence, à partir de l´argument d’infidélité féminine avancé par les hommes de Oaxaca qui se voient menacés par l’assurance grandissante de leurs épouses, depuis qu’elles travaillent dans une entreprise de traitement et de distribution d´aliments traditionnels. La violence envers les femmes est vue comme une stratégie d´affrontement face à l’émergence de nouveaux éléments dans les représentations sociales de la femme, de l´homme et de la violence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 58-77
Frieder Dünkel

[full article, abstract in English; abstract in Lithuanian] First experiments with electronic monitoring emerged in Europe in the early 1990s. Within 15 years, the majority of countries in Europe reported having introduced electronic monitoring at least as pilot projects. The amazing dynamic rise of electronic monitoring in Europe may be explained by the commercial interests that become evident when looking at the activities of private companies selling the technique. Although electronic monitoring seems to have expanded in many countries, one has to realize its marginal role within the European sanctions systems compared to other sentencing or release options. On average, only about 3% of all probationary supervised persons were under electronic monitoring at the end of 2013. This article deals with questions regarding the impact of electronic monitoring on prison population rates and reduced reoffending, with net-widening effects and costs, essential rehabilitative support, human rights-based perspectives and the general (non)sense of electronic monitoring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Flore Croux ◽  
Dorien Brosens ◽  
Stijn Vandevelde ◽  
Liesbeth De Donder ◽  
Bart Claes

Challenges in setting up and conducting interviews with non-Belgian prisoners In 2018, 44.6% of the prison population in Belgium consisted of prisoners with a non-Belgian nationality (n = 4.601). Despite their overrepresentation, little is known about this group of prisoners, because they are often excluded from research. Therefore, the FIP2 project (Foreigners’ Involvement and Participation in Prison) was initiated and focuses on non-Belgian prisoners and their formal and informal participation in prison life. Fifty-one interviews with non-Belgian prisoners were conducted in four prisons. During these interviews, we experienced several challenges, which included various difficulties. In this article, we describe, analyze and reflect on the most important challenges in setting up and conducting interviews with non-Belgian prisoners: (1) how we can reach non-Belgian prisoners; (2) interviewing in a foreign language for the researcher/respondent; (3) the presence of an interpreter in individual interviews; (4) the use of Appreciative Inquiry in a less appreciative context; (5) objective researchers versus emotionally jarring conversations; and (6) ‘white’ female researchers and male non-Belgian prisoners. We do not have miracle solutions about how to deal with these challenges. Nevertheless, we do have some recommendations that we would like to give to other researchers and professionals about engaging in interviews or conversations with this ‘forgotten’ group of prisoners.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-103
Angélica Rodríguez Rodríguez ◽  
Carlos Enrique Guzmán Mendoza

Full article is in Spanish.English abstract: This article analyses how, during the period from 2013 to 2017, popular consultation was used by nine Colombian municipalities to slow mining and hydrocarbon exploitation due to their harmful socio-environmental impact. In order to do so, we review the concept of sustainable development in relation with the legal mechanisms employed to its promotion and defense. We present the developments of the extractive sector in Colombia and discuss the nine popular consultations promoted by the municipal authorities. We conclude that despite the suitability of popular consultation, it has proved to be ineffective to stop the extractive projects that generate harmful effects on the communities where they are developed.Spanish abstract: Este artículo analiza cómo, durante el periodo 2013–2017, la consulta popular fue utilizada por nueve municipios colombianos para frenar la explotación minera y de hidrocarburos dado su dañino impacto socioambiental. Para ello, revisamos el concepto de desarrollo sostenible en relación con los mecanismos legales empleados para su promoción y defensa. Presentamos los desarrollos del sector extractivo en Colombia y discutimos las nueve consultas populares adelantadas por los entes municipales. Concluimos que, a pesar de su idoneidad, la consulta popular ha resultado poco efectiva para detener los proyectos extractivos que generan efectos nocivos sobre las comunidades donde se desarrollan.French abstract: Cet article analyse comment, au cours de la période 2013-2017, une consultation populaire a été menée dans neuf municipalités colombiennes sur l’exploitation minière et des hydrocarbures, en lien avec leur impact socio-environnemental. Pour ce faire, nous procédons d’abord à une révision du concept de développement durable par rapport aux mécanismes juridiques utilisés pour sa promotion et sa défense. Nous présentons ensuite les développements du secteur extractif en Colombie et analysons les neuf consultations menées par les autorités municipales. Finalement, nous concluons que, malgré son utilité, la consultation populaire s’est révélée inefficace pour mettre un terme aux projets d’extraction là où ils ont eu des effets néfastes sur les communautés.

2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (3) ◽  
pp. 355-380 ◽  
Anouk Q. Bosma ◽  
Esther van Ginneken ◽  
Hanneke Palmen ◽  
Amanda J. Pasma ◽  
Karin A. Beijersbergen ◽  

Various survey measures have been developed to assess prison climate. Because these instruments have shortcomings, the Prison Climate Questionnaire (PCQ) was developed to measure prison climate and its related domains across a broad prison population. In this article, the instrument and its psychometric qualities are presented. Results show that the PCQ’s factor structure, reliability, and validity were in all aspects satisfactory. It was concluded that the PCQ is a promising instrument that can be used to measure and monitor individuals’ perceptions on the quality of prison life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-187
Ana Imelda Coronel Cabanillas ◽  
Jorge Antonio Gastélum Escalante ◽  
Cristina Ávila Valdez ◽  
Marco César Ojeda Castro

RESUMENEl objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la relación entre el tipo de delito y el nivel  escolar de las reclusas en Ahome, Culiacán y Mazatlán, en Sinaloa, México. El enfoque es cualitativo. Siguiendo a Taylor y Bodgan (1987) se entrevistó a veinte mujeres. Los resultados posibilitan concluir que la mayoría está presa por delitos contra la salud, transgresión cometida no sólo por las de baja instrucción escolar, sino también por quienes ostentan una licenciatura. Su tiempo promedio en prisión es menos de tres años y sin experiencia penitenciaria previa, conocido comúnmente como “población penitenciaria primaria”.ABSTRACTThe objective of this investigation was to know the relationship between the type of crime and the schooling level of the inmates in Ahome, Culiacán and Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico. The approach is qualitative. Following Taylor and Bodgan (1987) twenty women were interviewed. The results make it possible to conclude that the majority are imprisoned for crimes against health, transgression committed not only by those with low school education, but also by those who hold a degree. Their average time in prison is less than three years and no previous prison experience, commonly known as "primary prison population". 

Anna Müller

The last chapter focuses on daily prison life. It starts in interrogation rooms and moves to prison cells. Women prisoners undertook various activities to distract themselves from the idleness of their world. They spent their days learning, reading, and engaging in their own cultural activities. As they recreated their lives in prison, they chose traditionally female roles of sharing, providing for, and taking care of their cellmates. These new cell roles appeared to be stable. When they laughed at and ridiculed each other, they challenged this supportive model. Close attention is paid to the importance of religion. For Poles, religion is closely linked to nationalism, but religion and nationalism were not as important as expected. The role of religion became more prominent in the meaning of imprisonment for these women’s post-prison lives. This chapter takes place predominantly in the post-trial cells, in such prisons as Fordon and Inowrocław.

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