Ali Imron

Madrasah merupakan institusi pendidikan bercorak ke-Islaman, dari sisi budaya posisi ini sangat strategis sebab karakter ke-Islaman dapat dibangun secara moderat sejak dini. Secara politis, eksistensi madrasah dapat dijadikan sebagai parameter kekuatan Islam. Madrasah memiliki kontribusi penting dalam keikutsertaannya mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Banyaknya jumlah Madrasah di Indonesia serta jumlah peserta didiknya pada tiap Madrasah, menjadikan lembaga ini layak diperhitungkan dalam pembangunan bangsa di bidang pendidikan dan moral. Perbaikan secara terus menerus dilakukan terhadap madrasah, baik dari segi manajemen, akademik (kurikulum) maupun fasilitas, hingga menjadikan madrasah keluar dari kesan tradisional dan kolot. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) setingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD), sebagai sebuah institusi di tingkat dasar MI memiliki peran yang cukup vital karena merupakan institusi pendidikan Islam di tingkat dasar yang berperan ganda. MI tidak hanya mengenalkan ilmu pengetahuan umum, namun juga melakukan transfer nilai-nilai keagamaan, sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan yang baik dan profesional. Salah satu bidang keagamaan yang disampaikan di MI adalah bidang studi Al-Qur’an Hadits, dengan tujuan memberikan kemampuan dasar membaca, menulis, membiasakan, dan menggemari membaca Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Membina dan membimbing perilaku peserta didik dengan berpedoman pada isi kandungan ayat Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Tujuan sebagai hasil belajar tersebut membutuhkan metode untuk mencapainya, dan di antara metode yang digunakan adalah metode demonstrasi.Kata kunci: hasil belajar, metode demonstrasi, Al-Qur’an Hadits MIMadrasah is an Islamic educational institution. From culture side, this positionis very strategic because the Islamic characters can be built moderately early. Politically, the existence of madrasah can be used as parameter of Islamic power. Madrasah has an important contribution in educating the nation. A large number of Madrasah in Indonesia as well as the number of learners in each Madrasah, making this institution to be reckoned in the national development in education and moral. Continual improvements always do to madrasah, both in management, academic (curriculum) and facilities. Those make madrasah is not like traditional and out of date. Islamic Elementary School (MI) as level as Elementary School (SD), is an institution on basic level. MI has a vital role because is an Islamic education institution on basic level which has dual roles. MI not only introduces the general science, but also to transfer religious values, so needed good management and professional. One of religious field delivered by MI is Al- Qur'an Hadits study. It goals to give basic skills of reading, writing, adapt, and fond of reading Al-Qur'an and Hadits. Nurture and guide learners’ behavoiur based on the content of Al-Qur'an and Hadits. The aim of learning result need some methods to achieve it, and among those methods used is demonstration method.Keywords: Learning Result, Demonstration Method, Al-Quran and Hadits for MI

At-Tafkir ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-186
Muslim Hasballah

Meunasah is one of the basic levels of traditional Islamic educational institutions in Aceh. Which to date continues to be vehement with recitation and other civic activities. aims to find out the origins and the development of meunasah as a basic traditional Islamic educational institution in Aceh. This research applied a literature study by collecting various references. The results showed that meunasah had existed since the formation of the Islamic community in Aceh. The development of meunasah as a traditional Aceh Islamic education institution was only discovered during the period of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Siti Yumnah

The idea put forward by Fazlur Rahman on Modernization of Islamic Education, namely: 1. Educational Objectives, Fazlur Rahman argues that the purpose of Islamic education must be oriented to the life of the world and the hereafter as well as sourced from the Qur'an. The psychological burden of Muslims in facing the West must be immediately eliminated to eliminate the psychological burden. Fazlur Rahman suggested that a comprehensive and historically comprehensive Islamic study be conducted on the development of Islamic disciplines such as theology, law, ethics, Hadith, social sciences, and philosophy, by holding on to the Qur'an as an appraiser. 2. The Education System, according to Fazlur Rahman, is to eliminate the dichotomy by integrating general science and religion 3. Students, Fazlur Rahman suggests that students must be given Qur'anic lessons, and students are given material in the disciplines of Islamic sciences 4. Educator, Fazlur Rahman offers several ideas, namely, recruiting students who have the best talent for Islam, educators must be trained at the center of Islamic studies abroad, and encourage educators to produce Islamic works creatively. 5. Educational facilities, Fazlur Rahman suggested that each library in an educational institution be equipped with Arabic and English-language books. According to Fazlur Rahman, in essence all the problems of "modernizing" Islamic education, namely making it capable of creative Islamic intellectual productivity in all fields.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Ika Hariani

This paper contains the psychology orientation of Islamic education. Each education level is different in how to educate and how to overcome the problems that occur, the age of the kindergarden is different from elementary school age, as well as elementary schools are different teaching systems with secondary schools, and also level schools. middle school is different in how to teach and how to deal with the problem with upper level schools. All levels have a phase that must be passed as an educator, if the wrong application results in misorientation, or lose direction. So that education is only a formality without any spirit that shapes the ethics of students to become human beings who are desired by Islamic education itself. The success of education depends on the initial orientation of the establishment of an educational institution. Where students will be taught at the institution. There is a lot of moral degradation in education because the empty psychology orientation of Islamic education in educational institutions, if there is an Islamic name is only a label without content, if from the beginning the educational institution has lost its orientation.

Fathurrahman Muhtar

This article shows the numerous benefits created in the 7th-13th century A.D. by a primary education institution named Kuttab. Kuttab is an educational institution that teaches the Qur'an to be read and memorized, history to be studied, and Arabic verses. This article utilizes an approach to literature research, gathering different references related to Kuttab. The empirical content process then evaluates the relation, and conclusions are drawn from the reference analysis. This paper concludes that with education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Kuttab institutions have a similar curriculum. The excellence of Kuttab focuses more on memorizing the Qur'an so that in the golden age (7-12 years), Kuttab students will remember the entire material of the Qur'an, in addition to teachers who have excelled and skills. Unlike Ibtidaiyah madrasahs, which do not focus students on memorizing the Qur'an, and as teachers in Kuttab, teachers are also far from professionalism. In comparison to the current madrasah Ibtidaiyah curriculum, the learning materials in Kuttab are thin.Keywords : curriculum, kuttab, madrasah, teacher, student.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Zainal Anshari Marli

Islami Elementary School is combination Islamic education institution that was born from non formal education in Islamic boarding school formed as formal  education of madrasah with elementary school as the continuing of Sekolah Rakyat (SR). This school is an elementary school formed by Dutch colonialist for the local students in Indonesia as the basic need of education. Sekolah Rakyat for the next transformation become elementary school created to make a combination the heritage of colonial education with the heritage of Indonesian Islamic education so that it is called Islamic Elementary School that still drive formal education mission and madrasah generally. Islamic Elementary School is a respond of muslim that shown by doing some innovation and creation of development of education institution in a complex society. Islamic elementary school not always using Islamic term, some of them stil use elementary school but the subject elaborate between elementary school and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, so the content of this school become an Islamic Elementary School. It means the combination elementlary school with Madrasah Ibtidaiyah like Elementary Full Day School al-Baitul Amien Jember as the object focus of this paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-59
Aminatul Zahroh ◽  
Khurotin Anggraeni ◽  
Muhamad Faizul H ◽  
H. Karim

Education is strategic to increasing human resources quality which is a determinant factor of national development. To achieve education goals, we need human resources. Human resources are a keys factor in an institution. Human resources will support organizations with their creation, talent, creativity, and support. Education plays an important role in increasing human resources. Human resources in education include principle, teachers, staff, and committees. Teacher plays an important role to decided education success to produce quality output. A teacher is the main key to learning success. The teacher is expecting to create learning education interaction and make innovation to learning quality improvement. The purpose of study is to analysis and finding increasing teacher performance through human resources in Islamic education Institution. The research method used descriptive qualitative. The data collecting method uses in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The result of the study the human resources at Pondok Pesantren Banyumas Jawa Tengah managed is well. The study has proven with planning, recruitment, teacher selection, placement process or orientation, teacher performance assessment, training, carrier development, compensation and allowance, teacher dismissal.  Teacher performance is optimal yet, cause many teachers cannot finish their tasks on time, although discipline is a priority. While the implementation of human resources management did well and given an effect on increasing teacher performance. Many resistances increasing teacher performance is prepared lesson plan and learning media maximal yet

2018 ◽  
pp. 218
Ajibah Quroti Aini

This present study aims to expose values of moderate Islam in pesantren (Islamic boarding school). Pesantren constitutes a traditional Islamic educational institution that has grown and developed among Indonesia’s Muslim societies. The institution gives a very significant contribution to the development of Islamic education in particular as well as the implementation of national education system in general. A qualitative descriptive approach was designed in this library research. The findings promote that pesantren has implemented the traditional education system that obliges santri (pesantren students) to live in a boarding school setting. They learn Islamic studies under the supervision of kyai (pesantren teachers). This study also promotes that pesantren plays a pivotal role in fostering values of moderate Islam as one of the national challenges nowadays. The values highlight tolerance in understanding diversity to realize a peaceful life. The today’s condition showing the development of pesantren can be used as the prospect for Muslims to spread the concept of moderate Islam that leads us not to be easily provoked by hoaxes. It implies that values of moderate Islam need to be sustainably promoted in pesantren as an Islamic education institution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Munawar Rahmat

Pesantren is a native Islamic education institution of Indonesia; while the school is a modern educational institution. The tested pesantren excelled in the development of religiosity, simple lifestyle, and independence of the santri; while schools excel in the intellectual and vocational development of the students. Learning in pesantren uses an individual system, while school uses a classical system. Kiai Hasan Ulama is the Mursyid of the Tarekat Shaththariah, better known as Wasithah, precisely Wasithah 43 (1873-1916). In 1886, he founded Pesantren Takeran (Magetan East Java) as the first modern pesantren in Indonesia that combines the excellence of pesantren and school systems. The educational model is preserved by Wasithah to the present, namely Pesantren Sabilul Muttaqien (PSM) Takeran (Wasithah 44-45), PSM Tanjunganom Nganjuk (Wasithah 46), Pondok Modern Resources At-Taqwa (Pomosda) Tanjunganom Nganjuk (Wasithah 47), and Pondok Pesantren Matlabus Salik (Pondok Al-Matlab) Jogomerto Nganjuk (Wasithah 48/now). The study aims to describe the modern pesantren model established by Kiai Hasan Ulama. The study method used a qualitative approach with documentary study techniques ((on main ideas of Mursyid), expost facto (educational institution of Wasithah 47), and depth interview with the Wasithah now. The study found that Pesantren Pomosda (2008-2012) and Pesantren Al-Matlab (2016 -...) is the present Pesantren Takeran that runs the school system excellence in pesantren ways.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-32
Nurfuadi Nurfuadi ◽  
Inayatul Farihah

Abstract:  Learning of Islamic Education aims to make a religion and good people, piety and noble in practicing Islamic religious values. Learning of religious education uses two kind, they are intrakurikuler and extracurricular activities. Madrasah Diniyah is one of learning of Islamic Education which is use extracurricular, and will applied in State Elementari school 1 Pejogol. The results of this study indicate that the learning of Islamic Religious Education of Madrasah Diniyah program in State Elementary school of 1 Pejogol, Cilongok, Banyumas. That shows there are three stages implemented, namely planning, implementation and evaluation. The methods of teaching uses by Madrasah Diniyah teachers lecture are, learning task method, question and answer method, singing and demonstration, sorogan and rote. The use of instructional media in Madrasah Diniyah program utilizes the existing facilities in class ie blackboard and markers, and uses al-Quran, Iqra or Islamic books brought by the students themselves. Keywords: Learning Islamic Religious Education, Madrasah Diniyah.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Zalik Nuryana

<p>Being a superior education institution is the hope of every educational institution, not exception in Islamic education. In the midst of competition between these institutions, Islamic education should be able to respond to changes quickly if it does not want to displaced and dead. Each of Islamic educational institutions that have certain characteristics to be able to be the strength and foundation to become a superior institution. Knowlegde Management  as an approach which is based on the understanding that the task of the school is a good understanding of how and when the creation of knowledge should be supported, how to use the accumulated knowledge that has been created so that this knowledge can improve productivity. With the knowledge of their respective Islamic educational institutions and managed properly expected of Islamic educational institutions remained firm stand to become an institution of superior and competitive.</p>

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