Lilik Ambarwati

The theme of this study is how the strategy planning in optimizing market levy in Bantul Regency. During 2012-2015, the levy achievement always exceeded the market target, but based on the potential data from Kepala Seksi Pendapatan in Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar, the specified target is too low, so that, the market levy still has potential to be optimized. Therefore, the aim of this study is to formulate the strategy to optimize market levy in Bantul Regency.The data used in this study was obtained from employees of the Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar both in the field and administration sector, also traders in Bantul district markets. The data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed to 34 employees of Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar, and interviews with market traders. The analysis mehod used is descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis.Based on the SWOT analysis, it is obtained the strategies for optimizing market levy in quadrant III by reducing the weaknesses to rise the opportunities. The implementation of the strategy, by the Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar, firstly by committing traders data validity, which is continued by collecting in an integrated system, that is a book keeping system. The officer made the routine administration after collecting, and traders who often do not pay the levy (in arrears) are required to pay the levy directly to BPD DIY.

Lilik Ambarwati

The theme of this study is how the strategy planning in optimizing market levy in Bantul Regency. During 2012-2015, the levy achievement always exceeded the market target, but based on the potential data from Kepala Seksi Pendapatan in Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar, the specified target is too low, so that, the market levy still has potential to be optimized. Therefore, the aim of this study is to formulate the strategy to optimize market levy in Bantul Regency.The data used in this study was obtained from employees of the Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar both in the field and administration sector, also traders in Bantul district markets. The data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed to 34 employees of Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar, and interviews with market traders. The analysis mehod used is descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis.Based on the SWOT analysis, it is obtained the strategies for optimizing market levy in quadrant III by reducing the weaknesses to rise the opportunities. The implementation of the strategy, by the Kantor Pengelolaan Pasar, firstly by committing traders data validity, which is continued by collecting in an integrated system, that is a book keeping system. The officer made the routine administration after collecting, and traders who often do not pay the levy (in arrears) are required to pay the levy directly to BPD DIY.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Iis Yeni Sugiarti

Abstrak. Desa Trusmi merupakan sentra batik sekaligus kuliner di Kabupaten Cirebon. Banyaknya pemegang usaha di bidang produksi batik mengakibatkan persaingan dagang diwilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)  di salah satu usaha batik milik H. Edi Baredi atau sering dikenal dengan EB Batik Tradisional melalui inkuri terbimbing. Analisis meliputi profil usaha, aspek produksi, aspek tenaga kerja, aspek pemasaran dan aspek keuangan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskripstif analisis. Berdasarkan analisis internal dan eksternal analisis SWOT, strategi yang  dilakukan oleh EB Batik Tradisional yaitu menghindari kehilangan penjualan dan profit yang disebabkan banyaknya persaingan dagang di kawasan sentra batik Trusmi dengan munculnya inovasi baru. Penguatan karakter pada produksi batiknya dapat mengatasi pesaingan dagang dan menambah daya tarik pembeli. Kata Kunci: SWOT, Inkuiri Terbimbing, dan Kegiatan Ekonomi Abstract. Trusmi village is a center of batik as well as culinary in Cirebon Regency. A large number of business holders in the field of batik production has resulted in trade competition in the region. This study aims to analyze SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) in one of the batik business owned by H. Edi Baredi or often known as EB Traditional Batik through guided injury. The analysis includes the business profile, production aspects, labor aspects, marketing aspects, and financial aspects. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Based on internal and external analysis of the SWOT analysis, the strategy carried out by EB Traditional Batik is to avoid losing sales and profits due to the high level of trade competition in the Trusmi batik center area with the emergence of innovations. Strengthening the character of batik production can overcome trade competition and increase the attractiveness of buyers. Keywords: SWOT, Guided Inquiry, and Economic Activities

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Youstiana Dwi Rosita

ABSTRAK Rumah sakit adalah institusi penyedia jasa layanan kesehatan, Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro sebagai salah satu Rumah Sakit milik pemerintah kabupaten Bojonegoro. Sebagai pusat rujukandari beberapa rumah sakit di daerah Bojonegoro dan sekitarnya. Dalam penelitian ini menggunkan suatu pen dekatan dengan analisis SWOT yang merupakan langkah awal dari suatu perencanaan strategi pengembangan yang dimulai dengan identifikasi masalah, tujuan organisasi sampai pada menimbang kekuatan dan kelemahan sendiri serta peluang dan ancaman dari luar dan juga melakukan beberapa langkah penting yang menunjang pemasaran atau pengembangan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan Populasi dalam penelitian ini populasinya adalah pasien rawatinap dan pasien rawat jalan sebanyak 200 orang responden Sampel merupakan sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan sampling pertimbangan (Judgement Sampling) Dari hasil pendekatan dengan analisis SWOT perlunya pelaksanaan atau realisasi dari struktur organisasi yang menempatkan farmasis dalam farmasi klinik, peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia, serta perlunya penambahan fasilitas berhubungan dengan IPTEK untuk kegiatan pelayanan farmasi baik secara manajerial maupun ke arah farmasi klinik. Kata Kunci : Farmasi, Analisis SWOT ABSTRACT The hospital is an institution health care providers, Regional General Hospital Dr. R. Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro as one of the government-owned hospital Bojonegoro. As the center rujukandari several hospitals in Bojonegoro and the surrounding area. In this study using the approach with a pen SWOT analysis is the first step of a development strategy planning which starts with the identification of the problem, the purpose of the organization came to weigh their own strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats from the outside and also did some important steps to support the marketing or development. This research is a case study using qualitative descriptive study design and population in this study population was rawatinap patients and outpatients as many as 200 people respondent sample is partially or representative of the population studied. In this study, using sampling considerations (Judgement Sampling) From the SWOT analysis approach with the need for the implementation or realization of the organizational structure that puts pharmacists in clinical pharmacy, improving the quality and quantity of human resources, as well as the need for additional facilities related to science and technology for good pharmaceutical service activities managerially and in the direction of clinical pharmacy. Key Words : Pharmacy, SWOT Analysis

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Mahkruf Joko Purwanto ◽  
Mohd. Harisudin ◽  
Aulia Qonita

This study aims to determine the cost, revenue and profit in potato cultivation in  Ngablak  subdistrict,  analyze  internal  and  external  factors,  formulate  strategic alternatives, prioritize strategies that can be applied in developing in potato cultivation in  the  Ngablak  subdistrict.  The  basic  method  of  research  is  descriptive  analysis.  The research location in Ngablak subdistrict  Magelang regency. The data used are primary and  secondary  data.  Analysis  of  the  data  were  used:  (1)  Cost,  Revenue,  Income  and Profit, (2) Analysis of Internal Factor Evaluation, (3) External Factor Evaluation, (4) SWOT  Analysis,  (5)  QSPM.  The  Results  showed,  the  cost  potato  cultivationis Rp.11,413,271.00,  revenue  is  Rp.18,631,117.00.  income  to  Rp.7,217,846.00  and  the profit received Rp.4,827,071.00. Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) showed that there are four strengths and six weaknesses. External Factor Evaluation (EFE) shows that there are six opportunities and three threats. SWOT Analysis generate alternative strategies that  can  be  applied  is  to  maintain  the  quality  and  increase  the  quantity  of  potato cultivation  with  agricultural  intensification,  maximizing  land  for  planting  potato through  monoculture  cropping  systems  and  crop  rotation  as  well  as  utilizing  existing technology and marketing cooperation relationship with more than a middleman. QSPM analysis showed that the priority of strategy can be applied is to maintain the quality and increasing the quantity of potato cultivation with agricultural intensification.

2021 ◽  
pp. 283
Antonius Kasa Raja ◽  
Rizki Alfian ◽  
Riyanto Djoko

Study of Ecotourism Management in Bendosari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency. The concept of ecotourism is one alternative to develop an area into a tourist destination that pays attention to environmental sustainability by utilizing the potential of natural and cultural resources of the local community.Therefore, the existence of the concept of ecotourism can ensure the preservation of nature and its ecosystem. This study aims to: 1) Identify the potential and problems in Bendosari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency, 2) Identify the feasibility level of ecotourism in Bendosari Village, Pujon District, MalangRegency, and 3) Develop a strategy for developing ecotourism areas in Bendosari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency. Collecting data in this study using survey methods (observations and interviews), literature study and documentation methods. Analysis of the data used, namely: first qualitative descriptive analysis, second feasibility analysis based on the Guidelines (ADO-ODTWA) of the Director General of PHKA 2003 and the last is SWOT analysis. The results showed that: 1) The potential of natural resources in the ecotourism area of Bendosari Village, namely: the potential for flora and fauna, the potential for naturetourism, the potential for educational tourism, the potential for craft tourism and the potential for cultural tourism. The problems of ecotourism in Bendosari Village include the low quality of human resources, limited funds and the role of the Malang Regency Government which has not been active. 2) Ecotourism inBendosari Village is feasible to be developed as a tourist attraction with the results of the Guideline assessment (ADO-ODTWA) of 82.71%. 3) The strategy for developing Ecotourism in Bendosari Village is an expansion strategy (supporting offensive strategies) with alternative strategies that include: maximizing thedevelopment of ecotourism packages, empowering local communities in ecotourism activities, increasing security in tourist attractions, and maximizing tourism potential management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-82
Meswari Dwi Hadiyanto ◽  
Sriroso Satmoko ◽  
Mukson Mukson

Forest Management in Java is carried out by Perum Perhutani, which has implemented a Community-Based Forest Management (PHBM) system. Pringapus Kecanatan has a State Forest which is quite extensive, however, most of the population around the forest is still in poor condition. The condition of the community around the forest in Pringapus District is illustrated by the people who do not have independence, do not have access to use the forest, the level of education and skills are still low. In an effort to overcome all this, Perum Perhutani is empowering the community in Pringapus District through the Community Forest Management System. This system is considered quite strategic because it is very accommodating to the interests of various parties including the community as the agents of development. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Collaborative Forest Management System (PHBM) from the Institutional aspect, the Empowerment aspect, the Agribusiness aspect and the LMDH Role aspect and formulating a community empowerment strategy through the PHBM. Analysis of the data used to answer the objectives is descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and SWOT analysis. The results of PHBM research in Pringapus sub-district indicate that the institution is being illustrated by the lack of realization of work programs as well as sub-optimal level of LMDH participation

Tun Susdiyanti

This study aims to analyze the development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs based on field observations and recommend appropriate strategies in implementing CSR in the National Park Management ( PTN ) Cianjur Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. Working methods in this study include the evaluation stage uses a conceptual framework for descriptive analysis and recommendations on technical and drafting stage strategy using SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis, CSR program in Cianjur PTN is aggressive ( points 2.22; 1.74 ) is a strategic position. Proposed development strategy that can be implemented that increase the public's understanding, increase community participation, the optimization of the use of funds, and improve the performance extension, Polhut, PEH and operators in the implementation of CSR activities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Amelia Larasita Negarawati

Abstrak Penelitian ini meneliti tentang bentuk pengurangan ekranisasi dari teori Eneste pada plot dari cerita adaptasi anime Assassination Classroom ke live action Assassination Classroom. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan struktural dan metode deskriptif analisis. Teknik validitas data menggunakan teknik triangulasi dengan teori. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik simak, teknik mencatat, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa adanya bentuk pengurangan ekranisasi, yaitu terdapat 16 plot yang mengalami pengurangan. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menghilangkan 16 plot adalah teknik eliminasi. Plot-plot yang berkurang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan plausibilitas atau kelogisan fabula di dalam live action. Selain itu, hal itu dilakukan karena durasi dari masing-masing dua live action, yaitu 1 jam 49 menit dan 1 jam 50 menit   Kata Kunci : Ekranisasi, Pengurangan, Plot, Anime, Live Action   Abstract This research discusses the form of ecranization from Eneste's theory to the plot of the anime adaptation story Assassination Classroom to live action Assassination Classroom. This research uses a structural approach and descriptive analysis method. The data validity technique uses triangulation techniques with theory. Data collection is carried out through listening techniques, collection techniques, and literature study. The results of the study showed that there were forms of ecranization, which were 16 approved plots. The technique used to eliminate 16 plots is the elimination technique. Plots that reduce priority to increase great plausibility or logic in direct action. In addition, this was done because the duration of each of the two live actions, namely 1 hour 49 minutes and 1 hour 50 minutes   Keywords : Ecranization, Reduction, Plot, Anime, Live Action  

Sifa Adriani Prihatina ◽  
Sukarno Sukarno ◽  
Endang Sri Markamah

<em>The objectives of this research are to: 1) improve the interest in Learning social sciences through the use of Joyful Learning strategy with Fun Social Puzzle media on 4th grade students 2) describe the use and the result of Joyful Learning strategy with Fun Social Puzzle media in improving the interest in Learning social science on 4<sup>th</sup> grade students. </em>The sources of data come from researcher, teachers, and students. The data collection techniques used are: interview, observation, and interest questionnaires. The data validity test techniques used are triangulation sources and methods. Data analysis techniques used are comparative descriptive analysis and interactive analysis models. The results of this research indicate that the interest in <em>Learning</em> social sciences on 4th grade students using <em>Joyful Learning</em> strategy with <em>Fun Social Puzzle</em> media improves. The improvement is seen by the number of students in high interest category and very high category increase. On pre-action, students who have a high interest and very high interest on the social sciences subjects are only 32%. In cycle I it increases to 63%. In the end of the cycle II it increases to 93% or 28.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-75
Aprilia Dame Christanty Sihombing

This endeed of  research is to describe the place of the kolintang music ensemble to accompany the singin of the flag ceremony at SMP Sw. St. Paulus Sidikalang. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The subject of this research is flag ceremony. The research focussed on the role of Kolintang music ensemble as song chanting. The data of the final research was obtained from the observations of the flag-raising activities, interview with teachers, student adan kolintang’s players in junior high school and take a documentation. Data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. Data validity is obtained through data triangulation, observer triangulation, theory triangulation and method triangulation. The purpose of this research is to know and descriebing  kolintang music. Example, in this research is by using numbered data such as document, archieves, interview results, observation result or also by interviewing more thn one subject that is consideret to have a different point of view.The result showed that : (1) In accompaniying singing at the flag-ceremony, students used the basic notes G, C and F. (2) the tecnic to performed kolintang    were not wheeled with a kolintang played general. (3). After carrying out their duties as chanting accompaniment in the ceremony, students who performed kolintang first practice on kolintang extracurricular activities. (4) in the process of playing kolintang, each player must have a strong feeling so that the technic kolintang is harmonious. Keywords : Descriptive Study, Ensemble, Kolintang music

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