M Kholilulloh

In management studies, the presence of educational conflicts cannot be separated from the daily problems felt by managers of educational institutions. This conflict occurs because the school is a gathering place for a variety of complex characteristics and characteristics, which meet with interactions within the school environment. SMK Darul Karomah is one of the vocational schools in the Randuagung area, Singosari, Malang which has good conflict management. This SMK is different from schools in general, where this school has certain steps or strategies in overcoming and preventing conflicts among students, or conflicts that occur inside or outside the school. One of the conflict management strategies contained in SMK Darul Karomah is the existence of School Culture.Based on the cases taken, the formulation of the research problem is to describe how the form of school culture at SMK Darul Karomah and to describe how school culture is a preventive and solution action in conflict management at SMK Darul Karomah. In this study, the method used is qualitative research located at SMK Darul Karomah Randuagung. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data which was then selected and simplified according to research findings, by presenting data that could be drawn conclusions. The data validity checking techniques used by the author in this study include: credibility, transfrability, independence, and confirmability.The results of this study can be concluded that: 1) school culture at SMK Darul Karomah has a pesantrenan nuance, there are daily, weekly, monthly and annual activities considering that this vocational school is in the middle of Darul Karomah Islamic boarding school. 2) school culture as a preventive and solution action in conflict management at SMK Darul Karomah in the form of cultivating habits, ishlah, tabayyun and punishment with pesantren nuances.

Mirza Nur Alimi

In educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, the policy of a leader becomes the center of discussion and attention of experts, namely in terms of science itself and other sciences. Based on these facts, especially those related to the policies of the boarding school leaders have the right to all authority and responsibility that exist in the foundation, especially in formal education under its auspices. Therefore it is necessary to re-examine the policies of the Islamic boarding school leaders in the development of formal education, so that in the development of education it is not only in Islamic boarding school education.          Based on the cases taken, the formulation of the research problem is to describe how the policies of the leader of the Islamic boarding school Hidayaul Mubtadi'in Kembang in the development of formal education, and to describe how the policy making process of the leader of the Islamic boarding school Hidayaul Mubtadi'in Kembang in the development of formal education. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by conducting observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data which was then selected and simplified according to the research findings, by presenting data that could be drawn conclusions. In this study, the data validity checking techniques used were credibility, transfrability, dependability, and confirmability              The results of this study can be concluded that: 1) The policy of the leader of the Islamic boarding school Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Kembang in the development of formal education is made in a way that is always side by side, in line and continues to collaborate with the school. the policies are also very good, and very supportive of the existing programs in schools. Planning any policies before the start of each year of the education period. Planning references are the government's vision and mission, vision and mission of the institutions and pesantren programs. Policy efforts include meetings to evaluate development programs, strengthening collaboration, and building creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship. Policies are made on the basis of deliberation and the existence of responsible parties, namely caregivers, administrators, school principals and all WAKA, 2) The process of making policies for the leadership of the Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Kembang Islamic boarding school in the development of formal education, namely receiving input and suggestions by considering conditions and situations, communicate intensively, and use the alternative dar'ul mafasid muqoddamu 'ala jalbil masholih in the rules of ushul fiqh, accompanied by holding meetings and deliberations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-17 ◽  
Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum ◽  
Musa Asy’arie ◽  
Abdullah Aly

Purpose of the study: The study aims to explore the development of Islamic boarding school culture as the basis of actualization democracy education in Pesantren. Methodology: The study uses a qualitative approach with interviews and observations and documentation as a key research tool for data collection. As for the participation in this research is Islamic Modern Boarding School Assalaam Surakarta (PPMI Assalaam). Main Findings: This study found three main themes to actualize democracy education through the development of the culture of Pesantren, namely 1) establishing the identity of Pesantren 2) created a vision and mission of Pesantren 3) integrating essential and instrumental values of pesantren with democratic values that are compatible with Islam. Applications: This study can be useful to increase knowledge treasures and to be a prototype for the actualization of democracy education in educational institutions, especially in pesantren through the development of the democratic pesantren culture. Novelty: This study created the basis and prototype of the actualization of democracy education in the school environment and especially the pesantren, through the building of the identity of Pesantren, creating the vision and mission of Pesantren and the integration of essential values and instrumental of pesantren with the values of democracy that is compatible with Islam. Carrying out the orders of the vision, mission, and objectives of Indonesian national education shown to eliminate education discrimination, and to make students able to live in the society and system of democracy, so important step of the development of school culture as the basis of it all.

Nyai Mukholisah ◽  
Fani Rahayu ◽  
Yulia Apriana ◽  
Rahayu Lestari ◽  
Soni Prayoga ◽  

Islamic boarding school or <em>pondok pesantren</em> is one of the islamic educational institutions that grow fastly in Indonesia. Some efforts that can be done to improve the quality of <em>pondok pesantren</em> can be done with conservation activities that is through land optimalization. Activity of land optimalization is a strategic effort that can be done in <em>pesantren</em> environment in order to maintain the existing land resources in pesantren supported by large enough land and enough human resources. <em>Pesantren</em> which do the activities of land optimalization continuously referred to conservation islamic boarding school or <em>pesantren konservasi</em>. The program of <em>pesantren konservas</em>i include activities of land optimalization conducted in the field of feed crops to develop the potential the sector of animal husbandry. Focus on the goal to be achieved is to support the better feed for the better food too. This study was conducted in March–May 2017, at Pondok Pesantren Darul Fallah, Ciampea, Bogor. The methods through several steps include the identification of islamic boarding school, get contacts of foundation management, observation of islamic boarding school application and assosiation. Beside that, practical activities in <em>pesantren konservasi</em> include the clearing of land area, crop selection, planting, and mentoring. In addition to creating an islamic boarding school environment-based, <em>pesantren konservasi</em> also helps to develop human resources that can compete in science and economics.

Hasbialloh Hasbialloh

Generally, Salafi is religious group which is emphasize to the purification of Islamic teachings based the Qur'an and Al-Hadist (the traditions of the Prophet) as well as attend to follow the comprehension of scholars of al-Salaf al-Sāli’s Islamic teaching (called the generation of comrade or shahâbat), tâbi'în (followers of comrade) and atbâ ' al-tâbi'în (followers of tâbi'în). This study is a qualitative descriptive. The researcher describes the phenomenon that occurs in current Salafi educational institutions include the conflicts of belief and its resistance. This study was conducted at Islamic Boarding School of Abu Hurairah Mataram, As-Sunnah in East Lombok and Imam Bukhari in Dompu regency. Observation, interviews, and documentation was used to collect the data. The result of this study found that; 1) The characteristics of Salafi educational institutions in West Nusa Tenggara were held in the form of Khalafi education system, namely conducted public schools in the Islamic boarding school environment by emphasizing the cultivation of the faith and comprehension of Salaf (aqidah and manhaj Salaf). 2) The source of conflict occurred between Salafi and the community of Sasak in Lombok is the difference of understanding to the religious practices. The resistance that occurs to Salafi educational institutions was called close resistance, so that no significant influence on it existence of the Salafi educational institutions and, 3) The motivations that encourage the students’s parents to select the Salafi educational institutions including the teaching of Salaf faith, memorizing the Qur'an base on salafi dak’wa, and save environment for the students. And also Salafi educational institutions provide the Islamic curriculum, the credibility of the teaching staff as well as the boarding school system.

Yulius Rustan Effendi ◽  
Ibrahim bafadal ◽  
I Nyoman Sudana Degeng ◽  
Imron Arifin

This research described the fundamental inspiration behind the implementation of a humanistic approach to the principal's leadership and the steps of the principal's humanistic approach that have an impact on optimizing the implementation of the program for strengthening character education. This research used a qualitative approach, a case study design. The data collection was performed through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies to achieve the research objectives. Data analysis used a modified analytic analysis method. The level of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability was the basis of data validity. The research findings explained that personal excellence (integrity, wholeness, and self-authenticity) and the humanistic spirituality of inspirational figures inspired the principal’s humanistic approach. In addition, the application of the principal's humanistic approach had adequate impacts on optimizing the implementation of a program for strengthening character education and influenced the strengthening of the student's character. Through the principal's humanistic approach, school becomes an environment for empowering the character of the students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Gatot Krisdiyanto ◽  
Muflikha Muflikha ◽  
Elly Elvina Sahara ◽  
Choirul Mahfud

Abstract The “Ayo Mondok” Movement is part of the pesantren's response to modernity. In the modern era like this, there are still many Muslim societies in Indonesia that make pesantren a reference for formal and informal educational institutions. Indeed, initially the pesantren was only traditional and only aimed to explore the science of religion. However, along with the modernization of the times, Islamic boarding schools have not only become institutions to explore religious sciences but also general science. This paper explains the history and development of pesantren, and how the system of pesantren education answers the challenges of modernity. To get the desired results, the research library was chosen by researchers as the research method in this study. The results of this study reveal that Islamic boarding schools are a gathering place for santri to get religious knowledge from a cleric. The beginning of the pesantren was only a simple hut which was built as a makeshift with the aim of getting closer to the kyai or the teacher intended for the purposes of studying religion. While the system of pesantren education is still using the book of salaf or more familiarly called kitab kuning.   Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Modernity and Islamic Education   Abstrak Gerakan Ayo Mondok merupkan bagian dari respon pesantren menghadapi modernitas. Di era modern seperti ini, masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia masih banyak yang menjadikan pesantren sebagai rujukan lembaga pendidikan formal maupun informal. Memang pada awalnya pesantren hanya bersifat tradisional dan hanya bertujuan untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja. Akan tetapi seiring dengan modernisasi zaman, pesantren tidak hanya menjadi lembaga untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja tetapi juga ilmu umum. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah dan perkembangan pesantren, dan bagaimana sistem pendidikan pesantren menjawab tantangan modernitas. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, maka  library research dipilih oleh peneliti sebagai metode penelitian dalam studi ini. Hasil dari kajian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pesantren merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para santri untuk mendapatkan ilmu agama dari seorang kyai. Awal mula pesantren hanya berupa pondok sederhana yang dibangun seadanya dengan tujuan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada kyai atau guru yang dituju untuk keperluan menimba ilmu agama. Sedangkan sistem pendidikan pesantren sampai sekarang masih tetap menggunakan kitab salaf atau lebih familiar disebut kitab kuning.   Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Modernitas dan Pendidikan Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Ahmadun Najah

One of the distinctive cultures that live sustainably in the boarding school environment is the khidmah tradition. Khidmah is interpreted as an attitude and wholehearted devotion activity carried out by a santri to his kyai or teacher, both during the study period at the boarding school or after graduation. Among Islamic boarding schools, this khidmah tradition has been deeply rooted since ancient times and is still maintained until now, and it is felt that it will persist into the future. More than just a tradition, this khidmah becomes an important identity of a santri as well as one of the benchmarks for his success in studying because in Islamic boarding school education. This study tries to explain the meaning and forms of khidmah, the factors behind the emergence of khidmah, motivation for khidmah, the theological basis of khidmah, as well as its virtues and benefits so that people can understand this khidmah problem more deeply and completely. This research is qualitative in the form of a literature study, with a conceptual approach to Sufism and morality. So it is possible to answer some aspects of the problem as mentioned earlier. After extracting the data and analyzing it, in this study several conclusions were obtained, including; first, khidmah is a form of devotion and service performed by a student (santri) to his teacher (kyai), as a form of respect and obedience to the teacher. This devotion can be in the form of devotion that has physical nuances, thoughts, possessions, or in the form of prayer. Second, the emergence of a khidmah tradition in Islamic boarding schools and other Islamic educational institutions is motivated by several factors such as strong moral education, especially morals for teacher (kyai), kyai who is believed to be pious and holy people, and the dormitory life system in the community a long period which builds an inner closeness between teacher and student. Third, some of the motivations that encourage students to be khidmah are to get the kyai's willingness (ridha) as well as an expression of gratitude and want to repay the kyai's services..

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-203
N.E. Vodopyanova

The reviewed study guide reflects the status of educational conflict management in modern conflictology and includes conflict analysis in the multicultural school environment. The authors offer a large number of innovative methods, heuristic tasks and techniques for the study, resolution and conflict prevention in educational institutions of various levels. That allows the usage of the study guide as a training manual for the conflict competency formation as well as in the production of lecture and seminar course classes on conflictology, social and educational psychology.

Budi Triyono ◽  
Yuli Prasetyo ◽  
Hanifah Nur Kumala Ningrum ◽  
Raden Jasa Kusumo Haryo ◽  
Basuki Winarno ◽  

Indonesia is currently included in the covid19 virus pandemic category. Many cities have been hit by the Covid19 virus. The city of Madiun has also been confirmed positive for the Covid19 virus. Therefore, to prevent the transmission of the Covid19 virus, prevention efforts are needed. Islamic boarding schools are a gathering place for students from various cities in Indonesia. If there are no prevention efforts at the Islamic boarding school, there will be a new covid19 virus cluster. Community service activities through the partnership program for the Al Mujaddadiyah Islamic Boarding School are focused on developing technology to overcome the prevention of the Covid19 virus in the Islamic boarding school environment. The hope is that with this training, boarding school caregivers and students can better understand the health protocols applied to technology to prevent the spread of the Covid19 virus in the cottage environment.

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