scholarly journals Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Prof. H. Muzayyin Arifin, M.Ed dan Relevansinya di Era Modern

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Siti Rodhiatun Faizah

The study explains the Islamic education thinking of Prof. H. Muzayyin Arifin, M.ED. and its relevance in the modern age. His goal is to know the biography of Prof. H. Muzayyin Arifin, M.ED, Islamic education thinking Prof. H. Muzayyin Arifin, M.ED., dan its relevance in the modern age. The study uses library research methods with a descriptive approach. The study of Muzayyin Arifin’s thinking on Islamic education was that the correct science in his view was that it benefited many fields of modern life, both theoretical and practical. The ultimate goal of Islamic education is to achieve happiness in the world and the afterlife. The curriculum is viewed as both comprehensive and integrated with the purpose of Islamic education, as well as covering general and religious science. Educators should use principled methods of education in child-centered, that learners are more important than the educators themselves. The evaluation in Islamic education is the assessment technique on the behavior of learners based on comprehensive standards of accounting for all aspects of both religion and psychological life. The relevance of Islamic education thinking Muzayyin Arifin is in harmony with Indonesia’s rules of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-44
Luthfi Hibatullah ◽  
Ahmad Qomarudin

In the world of education the dichotomy between religion and general science is no longer a new problem in the Islamic education system. This discourse has emerged for a long time and is still a complex issue that has not been resolved. This is due to the boundary between religious and non-religious studies taught in each educational unit. From this, Fazlur Rahman proposed the idea of ​​reforming all Islamic education systems. What is gained from experience, making observations and various research. So this research focuses on the intellectual biography of Fazlur Rahman, Fazlur Rahman’s educational thoughts and educational thoughts in Indonesia, and the relevance of the two. In this study the authors used data collection methods with documentation methods, which are in data collection techniques in library research (library research).

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-73
Muhammad Abrar Parinduri ◽  
Zuliana Zuliana ◽  

The presence of modernization in the world of Islamic education seems to be a necessity that cannot be avoided. The birth of reformer figures in the Islamic world who came from the Middle East and Indonesia became a separate impetus to accelerate the pace of renewal of Islamic education. This research uses library research type (library research) which is carried out using literature (literature) in the form of books, notes, and research reports from previous research. Sources of data can be obtained from documents or document studies. Document study, namely looking for data about things or variables in the form of notes or transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, and other documents needed for research data. This research proves that the flow of renewal in Islamic education finds momentum when the Indonesian government is able to synergize with Muslim figures. Likewise, the accommodative and cooperative attitude displayed by some Indonesian Muslim leaders and Islamic community organizations has contributed to the government's belief that advancing Islamic educational institutions is not something that is scary but will add stability to the condition of government and politics in Indonesia. It is at this stage that the reform of Islamic education is ultimately integrated into the national education system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
Lusia Mumtahana

Abstract: The world of education in Indonesia indeed faces very complex problems and requires careful reform. To realize quality and efficient education, it is necessary to arrange and implement educational programs that are able to educate students in a sustainable manner. In this case the values of Islamic education are needed to improve the standard of living through all its aspects, which may not be able to reach the intended goals without going through a step-by-step process. By choosing the book titlled la tahzan as a scientific writing because in it the writer found the values of Islamic education that are absolutely needed in dealing with such problems. This is a library research and is a qualitative one. Data sources are then analyzed and the results are recorded and classified in accordance with the planned framework. The results of this study are: 1). to find out the values of Islamic education in the perspectives of education experts which include the value of religious education (aqidah islamiyah), the value of health education, the value of religious education, the value of sex education. 2). To find out the values of Islamic education in the book of Tahzan written by 'Aidh Al-qarni that includes both divine and human values. 3). to find out the differences and similarities of the values of Islamic education in the perspectives of education experts with the values of Islamic education in the book.Keywords: Values, Islamic education, La Tahzan

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 626-631
Irawan Irawan ◽  
Denny Hermawan

AbstractDemocracy about education in which many problems often occur, one of which is a problem that often occurs in the world of education according to the observations of researchers, such as schools, especially teachers often become a reference of many things that are not desired by the community. When children depend on watching television, it is the school that is targeted because it is considered not to provide maximum media education. When brawls often occur, it is the school that is highlighted the most because schools lack instill education in values. When people do not know much about technology, it is also the school that is the focus because of inattention to the times, and there are still many other examples of problems. The purpose of this study is to find out what is a democratic concept in Islam and to explain democratic education according to Islam. The research method used is a grounded theory method that uses data from materials that are a library (library research), where the author reads and studies books or literature relating to the problem under study. The principles of Islamic democracy towards Islamic education are: There is freedom for educators and students, which freedom here includes: freedom of work, freedom to develop potential and freedom of opinion. Similarities with students in Islamic education. Because Islam provides equal opportunities for all students to get an education or study. Respect for the dignity of individuals in Islamic education. Keywords: Democracy; Discussion; Education; Value.    Abstrak Demokrasi mengenai pendidikan yang mana banyak permasalahan yang sering terjadi salah satunya adalah masalah yang sering terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan menurut hasil pengamatan peneliti, seperti: sekolah terutama guru sering menjadi rujukan dari banyak hal yang tidak diinginkan masyarakat. Ketika anak-anak ketergantungan menonton televisi, sekolahlah yang yang menjadi sasaran karena dianggap tidak memberikan pendidikan media yang maksimal. Ketika sering terjadi tawuran, sekolahlah yang paling disorot karena sekolah kurang menanamkan pendidikan nilai. Ketika masyarakat tidak mengenal jauh teknologi, sekolahlah juga yang menjadi tumpuan karena kurang perhatian terhadap perkembangan zaman, dan masih banyak contoh masalah-masalah yang lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep demokratis dalam Islam dan untuk menjelaskan pendidikan demokratis menurut Islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode teori dasar yang menggunakan data dari bahan-bahan yaitu bersifat kepustakaan (library research), dimana penulis membaca dan mempelajari buku-buku atau literatur yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Prinsip demokratis dalam Pendidikan Islam yaitu: Adanya kebebasan bagi pendidik dan peserta didik, yang mana kebebasan di sini meliputi: kebebasan berkarya, kebebasan mengembangkan potensi dan kebebasan berpendapat. Persamaan terhadap peserta didik dalam pendidikan Islam. Karena, Islam memberikan kesempatan yang sama bagi semua peserta didik untuk mendapatkan pendidikan atau belajar. Penghormatan akan martabat individu dalam pendidikan Islam.  Kata Kunci: Demokrasi; Musyawarh; Pendidikan; Nilai.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Rustam Ibrahim

<p>The author’s interest in researching on de-radicalization of religion in the literature of islamic boarding school education was driven by the fact that religion de-radicalization are now starting to touch many aspects of society. Religious radicalism is often associated with terrorism, such as suicide bombers under the pretext of <em>jihad</em> (martyrdom), violence in the name of <em>amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar</em> (commanding the good and forbidding the evil), even now starting to organize religious radicalism in the establishment of the state. Ironically, some of the perpetrators of terrorism are graduates of boarding schools. This is due to the fact that there are several texts in the literature of boarding school education that are vulnerable to radical behaviors, such as <em>jihad</em>, commanding the good, or fighting against non-Muslims. It makes boarding schools are negatively affected despite the fact that they are institutions of Islamic education in Indonesia who spread the teachings of Islam which is <em>rahmatan lil Alamin</em> (blessing for the universe), tolerant, and contextual. Therefore, this study wanted to know about de-radicalization of religion in the understanding of texts in the literature of boarding school education, particularly related to the meaning of <em>jihad</em>, commanding the good, and Islam as the blessing for the universe.</p><p>This research uses library research, which is a pure literature research. This method is used for obtaining data on de-radicalization in the view of boarding schools using descriptive approach. This research is a study on religious teachings in relation to society, nature, character, and the influence of the thoughts and ideas in forming the character of a group.</p><p>De-radicalization of religion in the literature of boarding schools includes several things. First, boarding schools should not teach jihad with war, but with education. Next, the applications of <em>amar ma'ruf-nahy munkar</em> must be done through certain stages, so that the direction fits the condition of the object of the missionary endeavor. Violence must not be used as long as it is still possible to use subtle ways since violence is only legalized when the situation is extremely urgent.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>De-radicalisation of Religion, Text, Literature, Boarding School</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Ngalimun Ngalimun ◽  
Yusup Rohmadi

Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu menjadikan bahan pustaka sebagai sumber (data) utama, sehingga lebih sebagai penelitian dokumen (documentary research). Penelitian ini juga termasuk dalam katergori historis-faktual, karena yang diteliti adalah pemikiran seseorang. Dengan demikian, dalam penilitian kepustakaan ini penulis ingin menganalisis tentang pemikiran pendidikan Islam dan relevansinya dengan dunia pendidikan menurut Harun Nasution di Indonesia dan pengaruhnya. Sebagai sarana untuk memudahkan analisis data, dalam kajian kepustakaan ini digunakan beberapa pendekatan segingga dapat memperjelas kajian dalam penelitian. Dalam tulisan ini pula akan membahas tentang Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Harun Nasution yang kesemuanya tidak jauh dari permasalahan mengenai pembaharuan Islam di era modern. Dengan mengetahui latar belakang, pemikiran dan solusi yang ditawarkan oleh Harun, akan menambah kekayaan keilmuan keislaman yang semoga dapat dimanfaatkan.This research belongs to the type of library research, which makes library materials the main source (data), so that it is more of a document research (documentary research). This research is also included in the historical-factual category, because what is being researched is a person's thoughts. Thus, in this literature research the author wants to analyze the thought of Islamic education and its relevance to the world of education according to Harun Nasution in Indonesia and its influence. As a means to facilitate data analysis, in this literature review several approaches were used so as to clarify the study in research. This paper will also discuss about Harun Nasution's Islamic Education Thought, all of which are not far from the problem of Islamic renewal in the modern era. By knowing the background, thoughts and solutions offered by Harun, it will add to the wealth of Islamic scholarship which hopefully can be utilized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Hindun Maisaroh ◽  
Toriquddin Toriquddin

Thematic interpretation (maudhu’i) is a pattern of interpretation by collecting verses of the Koran that have the same goal, meaning they both discuss one topic and arrange them based on the period of the verse down and pay attention to the background of the causes of the descent, then given explanation, description, comments, and points of content of the sentence. The purpose of this literature research is to find out thematic interpretations (maudhu'i) of the subject of the concept of student management in Islamic Education Institutions. In this study, the authors used a qualitative descriptive approach, and the type of research used was library research. The results of the literature review are: Based on the verses that have been described and analyzed, in the field of student management, the thematic interpretations are raised on QS. Al-Kahfi verses 23-24 and 69, QS Al-Hasyr verse 18, QS Az-Zumar verse 29, QS An-Nahl verse 125, and QS Al-Furqan verse 74, provide an explanation and explanation of the meaning of how student management is in perspective Al-Qur'an. Each of which is in the content as described above, namely that every activity to be carried out must be made with good planning, organization, and implementation and control, which in this case is especially in Surah Al-Kahfi verse 69 and Al-Furqan verse. 74 regarding guidance to students, so that students can develop their talents and interests as well as their competencies so that they become dzurriyah which are qurrota a'yun for parents and their second parents, namely the board of teachers in the Islamic educational institution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Rustam .

This journal deals with research studies on the value system and its relationship in the process of Islamic education (Axiology Study of Islamic Education). The main problem is how the value system relates to the process of Islamic education and the degree to which the value system relates to the process of Islamic education. This problem is seen with a pedagogical approach and discussed with library research methods, processed by inductive, deductive and comparative methods. Writing this journal intends to find out how the system of values and relationships in the process of Islamic education. The results of the writing indicate that the value system is very important, moreover this system is elements that are regularly and interrelated with the values caused by the subject. The relationship with the Islamic teaching process is very close to value, so it has a reciprocal relationship, meaning the subject with an object or in other words there is a cause for the emergence of everything. Values do not arise by themselves, but there are factors that are prerequisites. The realization of the value system in the process of Islamic education is not only used as a consultation material in the formulation of the objectives of Islamic education, but also a reference in education systems, strategies, and technology as well as educative interactions with the outside world and within Islamic educational institutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Aset Sugiana

This study aims to describe Islamic education according to Imam al-Ghazali and its relevance to education in Indonesia. The method of this research was to use library research. The research data was obtained from the results of the recording of Imam al-Ghazali's thoughts about Islamic education, and education in Indonesia. The validity of data was discussed and consulted from data findings to experts and peers. The results of this study are 1) The principle of the importance of morality integrated in spirituality in the goals of character education in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2003, 2) The values of Islamic education in al-Ghazali's perspective in Indonesia were characterized by Islamic nuances (Integrated Islamic Schools), 3) Educational methods by paying attention to differences in students and according to their education level, 4) The objectives of al-Ghazali's curriculum bring goodness, both in the world and the hereafter, as stated in the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning Chapter X Article 36 Paragraph 1 and 3.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Ashfira Nurza ◽  
Munawar Rahmat ◽  
Fahrudin Fahrudin

This research aims to find the concept of education according to Mahmud Yunus and its implication to Islamic Religious Education at school. This research is library research by using qualitative-descriptive approach. Based on this research, it is known that Islamic Education goal according to Mahmud Yunus is to form noble character (akhlak mahmudah) of the students and they are experts in both general and religious sciences. Materials of Islamic Education in Mahmud Yunus’ view in geleral can be divided ito three: math, skill,and drawing. In specific, Mahmud Yunus divides materials of Islamic Education based on levels of education.Methods of Islamic Education to him are story telling, question-answer, discussion, modelling, accustoming, and speech. The last, evaluation of Islamic Education used are school examination, general examination, and modern examination. The concept of education according to Mahmud Yunus, in the researchers’ view has implication to the process of Islamic Religious Education insctruction at school, either in the goal, materials, method, or in the evaluation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus dan  implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran PAI di sekolah.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa tujuan pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus adalah membentuk akhlak mulia peserta didik dan peserta didik dapat dihandalkan dalam ilmu umum dan ilmu agama.Materi pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus secara umum dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu matematika, keterampilan, dan melukis. Secara khusus Mahmud Yunus membagi materi Pendidikan Islam berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan.Metode pendidikan Islam yaitu metode kisah, metode tanya jawab, metode diskusi, metode teladan, metode pembiasaan dan metode ceramah. Evaluasi pendidikan Islam yang digunakan yaitu berupa ujian sekolah, ujian umum, dan ujian modern. Konsep pendidikan Islam perspektif Mahmud Yunus ini memiliki implikasi terhadap proses pembelajaran PAI di sekolah, baik pada tujuan pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran.

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