Substantia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin
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Published By Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry


2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Abdul Malik ◽  
Busrah Busrah

Religious moderation is one of the government's important agendas and commitments to realize a peaceful Islam, including through intellectual movements in the form of seminars, academic presentations, and scientific publications. The focus of this article is the mapping of research/academic writings by Islamic academics in the study of religious moderation. Data collection was carried out through a literature review by analyzing research publications among academics related to the theme of religious moderation. The analytical framework used in this article is discourse analysis and dialectics. This study concludes that some of the dominant themes published are: (a) The theme of religious moderation within the Indonesian-National scope. The discourse developed is Islamic moderation and Cultural Society. (b) The theme of religious moderation is da'wah broadcasts. The discourses raised are moderation and social media. (c) The theme of religious moderation of social organizations and ideological groups. The discourse that was raised was about the Islamic Moderatism of NU and Muhammadiyah. (d) The theme of Religious Moderation in Educational Institutions. The discourse that emerged was that Pesantren builds Moderation and Internalization of Moderation Values. The discourse analysis in this article shows that the article on Islamic Moderation is an expression or response of academics in viewing the reality and state of social policy around it. The Ministry of Religion as politicians and academics from several Islamic campuses under the Ministry of Religion have mutually supportive relationships in this issue of religious moderation Abstrak:. Moderasi agama merupakan salah satu agenda dan komitmen penting pemerintah untuk mewujudkan islam yang rahmatan lil ‘alamin, salah satunya melalui gerakan intelektual berupa: seminar, presentasi akademik dan publikasi Ilmiah. Fokus artikel ini adalah pemetaan terhadap riset/tulisan akademik para Akademisi Islam dalam kajian moderasi beragama. Penggalian data dilakukan melalui kajian kepustakaan dengan menganalisa publikasi riset dikalangan akademisi terkait dengan tema moderasi beragama. Kerangka analisis yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah analisis wacana dan dialektika. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa beberapa tema dominan yang dipublikasi adalah : (a) Tema Moderasi beragama dalam lingkup Nasional-Keindonesiaan. Wacana yang dimunculkan yakni moderasi Islam dan Masyarakat Kultural. (b) Tema Moderasi beragama siaran dakwah. Wacana yang dimunculkan yakni moderasi dan Media Sosial. (c) Tema Moderasi beragama organisasi Kemasyarakatan dan kelompok Ideologi. Wacana yang dimunculkan seputar Moderatisme Islam NU dan Muhammadiyah. (d) Tema Moderasi beragama Instansi Pendidikan. Wacana yang dimunculkan yakni Pesantren membangun Moderasi dan Internalisasi Nilai Moderasi. Analisis wacana dalam artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa artikel mengenai Moderasi Islam merupakan sebuah ekspresi atau respon akademisi dalam memandang realitas dan keadaan kebijakan sosial di sekitarnya. Kementerian Agama sebagai Politisi dan akademisi dari beberapa kampus Islam di bawah kementerian Agama memiliki relasi yang saling mendukung dalam isu Moderasi beragama ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Nurul Khair

This paper is a literature review of Mulla Sadra's thoughts on the concept of ilm al-ilahī to complement the western epistemological discourse which is considered to eliminate the spiritual aspect in philosophy. This paper aims to explain the meaning, purpose, and urgency of Ilm al-Ilahī to add paradigms and individual behavior in Mulla Sadra's perspective by referring to one of his magnum opus entitled al-Hikmah al-Mutāliyah fī al-Asfār al-Aqliyyah al-Arba'ah. . By using the philosophical descriptive method, it is concluded that al-'Ilm al-Ilah' in Mulla Sadra's philosophical systematics explains the significance of the paradigm and individual behavior to achieve ultimate perfection through the actuality of the soul. The soul in Mulla Sadra's view is the substance of human existence that experiences a movement from potential to actuality by involving the existence of reason and the five senses as the basic building of Islamic epistemology. The result of this paper is that the western epistemological discourse has not yet explained spiritual knowledge in human existence, while Mulla Sadra's significant role is to complete it by adding the spiritual side that is neglected in western discourse.Abstrak: Tulisan ini merupakan telaah pustaka pemikiran Mulla Sadra mengenai konsep ilm al-ilahī untuk menyempurnakan wacana epistemologi barat yang dipandang telah menghilangkan pengetahuan spiritual dalam peradaban filsafat. Tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan makna, tujuan, dan urgensi Ilm al-Ilahī untuk menyempurnakan paradigma dan perilaku individu dalam perspektif Mulla Sadra dengan merujuk salah satu magnumopusnya yang berjudul al-Hikmah al-Mutāliyah fī al- Asfār al-Aqliyyah al-Arba’ah. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif filosofis dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa al-‘Ilm al-Ilahī dalam sistematika filsaat Mulla Sadra menjelaskan signifikansi paradigma dan perilaku individu untuk mencapai kesempurnaan hakiki melalui aktualitas jiwa. Jiwa dalam pandangan Mulla Sadra merupakan substansi keberadaan manusia yang mengalami pergerakan dari potensial menuju aktualitas dengan melibatkan eksistensi akal dan pancaindra sebagai bangunan dasar epistemologi Islam. Hasil dari tulisan ini, ialah menyempurnakan wacana epistemologi barat yang dipandang belum menjelaskan pengetahuan spiritual dalam eksistensi manusia melalui studi pemikiran Mulla Sadra.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Mutrofin Mutrofin ◽  
Izzul Madid

Islamic Scholars (ulama) have important position in Muslim society, they are not only as references but also as determinants in decisions making process, specially related to the benefit of the ummah, as a result, who can be called ulama is not clear, as a result, ulama are defined according to the interests of certain groups. This article examines the dichotomy of scholars in Al-Ghazali's perspective. This article uses data from literature review sources, especially the works written by Al-Ghazali. This article concludes that Al-Ghazali did a sociological reading of the ulama concept according to the social, political, and life context. At the time of Al-Ghazali, the term ulama had become a certain social status, even this term was juxtaposed with certain types of scholarship. With the various titles of ulama according to their expertise, this condition caused a conflict between them. The goal of each group is to claim the most correct according to their opinion. This article discusses the definition of ulama in Alghazali's perspective along with the standards developed by Alghazali to determine the criteria of the ulama in the context of the Islamic community during  he lived that stiil suitable to be applied today.Abstrak:  Ulama memiliki posisi yang cukup penting dalam masyarakat, mereka tidak hanya sebagai panutan namunn juga sebagai penentu dalam penggambilan keputusan terkait denggan kemaslahatan umat, akibatnya siapa yang dapat disebut sebagai ulama merupa area yang kadang abu-abu, akibatnya ulama didefinisikan sesuai kepentingan kelompok tertentu.  Artikel ini  mengkaji tentang dikotomi ulama dalam perspektif Al-Ghazali.  Artikel ini mengunakan data dari sumber kajian kepustakaan khususnya karya-karya yangg ditulis oleh Alghazali.  Kesimpulan dari artikel ini bahwa Al-Ghazali melakukan pembacaan secara sosiologis atas konsep ulama tersebut sesuai dengan konteks sosial, politik dan kehidupannya. Pada masa Al-Ghazali istilah ulama sudah menjadi status sosial tertentu, bahkan istilah ulama ini disandingkan pada jenis keilmuan tertentu. Dengan berbagai julukan ulama sesuai dengan keahliannya tersebut, memunculkan mereka untuk saling berseteru antara ulama satu dengan lainnya. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengklaim yang paling benar menerut pendapat tertentu.  Artikel ini membahas tentang definisi ulama dalam perskpektif Alghazali beserta standar yang dikembang oleh Alghazali untuk mentukan kriteria ulama dalam konteks masyarakat islam saat itu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Muhammad Roni ◽  
M. Anzaikhan ◽  
Ismail Fahmi Arrauf Nasution

This study examines social change or social transformation in the view of the Qur'an. This paper emphasizes the understanding that social transformation is a necessity because it is part of the sunnatullah applied in the reality of life through the pattern or process of its transformation. This paper uses the concept of alibtila' as a selection process. The argument is described based on the perspective of the verses of the Qur'an and by the interpretations of the interpreters in understanding the verses that identify the term. In addition, this study is intended to build knowledge that people can understand and be able to realize a positive-idealistic, constructive social transformation amid their lives based on the most fundamental source of Islamic teachings.Abstrak:  Studi ini mengkaji  tentang perubahan sosial atau transformasi sosial dalam pandangan Al-Quran. Tulisan ini menekankan pada pemahaman bahwa transformasi sosial adalah sebuah keniscayaan terjadi karena itu merupakan bagian dari sunnatullah dalam realitas kehidupan melalui pola atau proses transformasinya. Tulisan ini menggunakan konsep alibtila' sebagai proses seleksi. Argument tersebut dideskripsikan berdasarkan perspektif ayat-ayat Al-Qur‟an dan sesuai dengan interpretasi para penafsir dalam memahami ayat-ayat yang mengidentifikasi term tersebut. Selain itu, studi ini ditujukan agar masyarakat dapat memahami dan mampu mewujudkan transformasi sosial yang positif-idealistik, konstruktif di tengah-tengah kehidupan mereka berdasarkan kepada sumber ajaran Islam yang paling fundamental, yaitu ayat-ayat Al-Qur‟an Al-Karim dari karya-karya tafsir yang menjelaskannya secara lebih rinci dan luas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Wendi Parwanto

Rural communities in West Kalimantan use the Dayak language as their daily communication language. However, they do not understand the language, this condition makes it difficult for them to understand the contents of the Qur'an which is generally translated into language. This is qualitative research, with a descriptive-analytic method. The results of this study indicate that the Vernacularization of the Qur'an in the Kanayatn Dayak language has never been done before. Therefore, based on this, the research is feasible to do. The stage is to see the vernacularization process as an initial effort of indigenization (indigenization), especially for the people of the interior of West Kalimantan. The results of this study indicate that the vernacularization of the Qur'an is carried out using the ijmali (global) interpretation method by providing footnotes for verses that require explanation. Meanwhile, the process of indigenization is to make the Qur'an easier to understand, especially for the people of the interior of West Kalimantan, so that the values of the Qur'an can be applied in the daily life of the Dayak community.Abstrak: Masyarakat pedalaman Kalimantan Barat menggunakan bahasa Dayak sebagai bahasa komunikasi sehari-hari dan minimnya pemahaman dalam bahasa Indonesia, hal tersebutlah menyulitkan mereka untuk memahami isi al-Qur`an yang pada umumnya menggunakan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan motede analisis-deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Vernakularisasi Al-Qurʻan dalam bahasa Dayak Kanayatn belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penelitian layak untuk dilakukan yaitu melihat proses vernakularisasi sebagai upaya awal dari indigenisasi (pribumisasi) terutama untuk masyarakat pedalaman Kalimantan Barat.  Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah vernakularisasi Al-Qur'an yang mencakup seluruh isi al-Qur'an dengan menggunakan metode interpretasi ijmali (global), yaitu dengan memberikan catatan kaki untuk ayat-ayat yang membutuhkan penjelasan. Sementara proses indigenisasinya adalah menjadikan al-Qur'an lebih mudah dipahami, terutama untuk masyarakat pedalaman Kalimantan Barat, sehingga nilai-nilai al-Qur'an dapat bumisasikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Ernita Dewi

After the United Nations declared a worldwide pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, the debate over religion and science resurfaced. This situation raises various responses and perceptions in the middle. The Indonesian people are no exception. Since the first case of the Covid-19 virus was recorded in Indonesia in March 2020, the pros and cons in Acehnese society, especially in Pidie Jaya Regency, began to emerge. Some communities say that the virus was engineered while others claim that the virus is a myth. This study aims to identify the Pidie Jaya Community's perspective on the Covid-19 virus. This research was conducted in Pidie Jaya Regency using a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using documentation and interview techniques. This research shows that some people believe that the Covid-19 virus is scientific and needs to be studied with science and technology. They stated that to avoid the virus, they had to follow health protocols. But some believe that the Covid-19 virus will not affect the people of Aceh, except for the Chinese community, where the virus originated. This perspective makes people ignore health procedures, so they are reluctant to use masks, do not keep their distance, and wash their hands because they are sure that their bodies will not be infected by the Covid-19 virus. Besides that, some people don't believe at all about the virus, and say it's just a lie, fabricated by certain parties, to scare people. For people who don't believe in this virus, they are very ignorant of health procedures, they believe that only reading prayers can reject this virus.Abstrak: Setelah PBB menyatakan pandemi virus Covid-19 diseluruh dunia, perdebatan mengenai agama dan sains muncul kembali. Keadaan tersebut memunculkan berbagai respon dan persepsi di tengah masyarakat. Tak terkecuali dikalangan masyarakat Indonesia. Sejak kasus virus Covid-19 pertama sekali tercatat di Indonesia pada Maret 2020, pro kontra di dalam masyarakat Aceh terutama di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya mulai bermunculan.  Beberapa komunitas  mengatakan bahwa virus itu rekayasa dan sebagian lainnya menyatakan bahwa virus tersebut adalah mitos. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perspektif Masyarakat Pidie Jaya tentang virus Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif jenis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hal penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian masyarakat percaya bahwa virus Covid-19 adalah  ilmiah dan perlu dikaji dengan ilmu penggetahuan  dan teknologi. Mereka menyatakan bahwa untuk menghindari virus tersebut, mereka harus mengikuti protokol kesehatan. Tetapi masih ada juga yang percaya bahwa virus Covid-19 itu tidak akan terdampak pada masyarakat Aceh, kecuali masyarakat Cina, dimana virus itu berasal. Cara  pandang  seperti ini membuat  masyarakat mengabaikan prosedur kesehatan, sehingga mereka enggan menggunakan masker, tidak menjaga jarak, dan mencuci tangan karena yakin tubuhnya tidak akan dihinggapi oleh virus Covid-19. Disamping itu ada juga masyarakat yang tidak percaya sama sekali tentang virus tersebut, dan menyebutkan hanya cerita bohong, rekayasa pihak-pihak tertentu, untuk membuat masyarakat takut. Bagi masyarakat yang tidak percaya tentang virus ini, maka mereka sangat abai dengan prosedur kesehatan dan mereka yakin dengan hanya membaca doa mereka dapat menolak virus ini

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Hindun Maisaroh ◽  
Toriquddin Toriquddin

Thematic interpretation (maudhu’i) is a pattern of interpretation by collecting verses of the Koran that have the same goal, meaning they both discuss one topic and arrange them based on the period of the verse down and pay attention to the background of the causes of the descent, then given explanation, description, comments, and points of content of the sentence. The purpose of this literature research is to find out thematic interpretations (maudhu'i) of the subject of the concept of student management in Islamic Education Institutions. In this study, the authors used a qualitative descriptive approach, and the type of research used was library research. The results of the literature review are: Based on the verses that have been described and analyzed, in the field of student management, the thematic interpretations are raised on QS. Al-Kahfi verses 23-24 and 69, QS Al-Hasyr verse 18, QS Az-Zumar verse 29, QS An-Nahl verse 125, and QS Al-Furqan verse 74, provide an explanation and explanation of the meaning of how student management is in perspective Al-Qur'an. Each of which is in the content as described above, namely that every activity to be carried out must be made with good planning, organization, and implementation and control, which in this case is especially in Surah Al-Kahfi verse 69 and Al-Furqan verse. 74 regarding guidance to students, so that students can develop their talents and interests as well as their competencies so that they become dzurriyah which are qurrota a'yun for parents and their second parents, namely the board of teachers in the Islamic educational institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Faisal Haitomi ◽  
Maula Sari

Problems that have always been discussed up to now are gender and issues regarding the inequality of relations between women and men. Apart from the Qur'an, Hadith is also accused of being a contributor to discriminating against women. The understanding of the ulama also seems taken for granted in justifying a form of discrimination, so that the relationship between men and women becomes unstable with one another. In this study, the aim of this research is to understand religious texts and focus on the hadiths which can provide a balanced interpretation offer that does not defend either party. This study uses the mubadalah approach as an analysis knife. The conclusion of this research is that the hadith regarding “women's slander” is not something that can legalize discrimination by using stereotypes against one of them. But further than that the text suggests both men and women to be aware of each other from all possible slander ( charm) that both of them could evoke.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Miskahuddin Miskahuddin ◽  
Zuherni Zuherni

Reciting Barzanji is a tradition that has long practiced among Muslim community, and performed in special ceremony or occasion. Even though the books known as Barzanji, in fact the origin title is ‘Iqd al-Jawahir (the strands of jewels), as the Prophet himself. Barzanji refer to the author Syekh Ja’far ibn Hasan ibn Abdul Karim ibn Muhammad al-Barzanji (1690 -1763 M) a sufi scholar, whose born in Madinah and relate to Barzan (Kurdistan) tribe. Based on the content, the author of barzanji present Islamic knowledge regarding with the life of Prophet (sirah). In Aceh, particularly in Julok distric East Aceh, the famous hand book of barzanji called Majmu’ah Maulud Syaraf al-Anam. That book written and recited in arabic, and that must be an issue wheather local people understand or not toward the content. Therefore this article obtain to figure out the barzanji tradition toward people knowledge of religious understanding effectivenessly. This research apply field research method, which is observation and interview used as the tool for collecting the data.  From observation and interview find out reciting barzanji tradition in Julok district, East Aceh that practised by local people is not in line with their understanding of Islamic knowledge. Whereas the tradition for them as a ceremony, entertainment, gathering and hospitality. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Ihsan Nurmansyah

In the 20th century AD, the writing of the Qur'anic tafsir that was born in the archipelago generally displayed its modern characteristics, both in terms of language and script. However, it is different from the Tafsīr Tūjuh Sūrah manuscript written in 1935 AD and the Tafsīr Āyāt aṣ-Ṣiyām manuscript which was written in 1936 AD by Muhammad Basiuni Imran, a scholar from the Sambas Sultanate, West Kalimantan, who still uses the language and script of classical interpretations of the archipelago, namely using the Malay language and the Jawi script.Therefore, it is urgent to study because of the polemic in terms of the emergence of interpretations, so a comprehensive way to understand the two interpretations of MuhammadBasiuni Imran is to use a codicological and historical-periodic approach.The results of this study indicate that first, the codicological aspects of the two interpretations of Muhammad Basiuni Imran manuscripts, including the identification of texts, aspects of books, aspects of writing and binding. Second, the emergence of the two interpretations of Muhammad Basiuni Imran in the 20th century AD in the form of the Malay-Jawi language, because it was born in the golden period (1920-1960 AD) in the periodization of the development of the al-Qur'an interpretation of the Malay-Jawi language. Third, the context of the emergence of the two interpretations of Muhammad Basiuni Imran in the Malay-Jawi language because they are influenced by socio-geographic, the history of the developing books and religious conditions.

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