scholarly journals ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL INCOME DEVELOPMENT (Analisis Perkembangan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD))

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Barmin Yusuf

Abstract The development budget needed every year is increasing. For this reason the regional government must improve regional economic development with a targeted level of GDP to be proportional to the amount of regional expenditure. The government also determines the sources of revenue from regions that can be extracted. One of the most important sources of income is original income (PAD). The original regional income consists of regional taxes and levies, profits of regionally owned companies, results of regional wealth management, and other local revenue. Regional tax is a source of local revenue which has a significant role in the formation of local revenue. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of Regional Original Revenue (PAD) in North Gorontalo District. The quantitative analysis model is used to analyze the development of North Gorontalo Regency's Local Revenue (PAD) using the Times Series or the time needed to look at revenue potential, namely the Linear Trend method. In the results of this study stated that the original revenue (PAD) of North Gorontalo Regency in the future will continue to increase. Where it can be seen that in 2015 the original regional income (PAD) of North Gorontalo District which was compared to 2014 would have decreased by 983,042,804 Rupiah and in 2016 increased by 1,733,651,583 Rupiah when compared to 2014, while in 2017 North Gorontalo regency's local revenue (PAD) when compared to 2014 increased by 4,450,345,972 Rupiah. Abstrak Anggaran pembangunan yang dibutuhkan tiap tahun semakin meningkat. Untuk itu pemerintah daerah harus meningkatkan perkembangan ekonomi daerah dengan tingkat PDB yang ditargetkan agar sebanding dengan jumlah pengeluaran daerah. Pemerintah pun menentukan sumber-sumber penerimaan daerah yang dapat digali. Salah satu sumber penerimaan paling penting adalah pendapatan asli daerh (PAD).Pendapatan asli daerah terdiri dari pajak dan retribusi daerah, keuntungan perusahaan milik daerah, hasil pengelolaan kekayaan daerah, dan lain-lain pendapatan asli daerah. Pajak daerah merupakan sumber pendapatan asli daerah yang cukup besar peranannya dalam terbentuknya pendapatan asli daerah.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD)  di Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara. Model analisis kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisa perkembangan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara menggunakan Times Series atau runtut waktu untuk melihat potensi pendapatan yaitu metode Trend Linier.  Dalam hasil penelitian ini menyatakan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara dimasa yang akan datang akan terus mengalami peningkatan. Dimana dapat dilihat bahwa pada tahun 2015 pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara yang ada apabila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014 akan mengalami penurunan sebesar 983.042.804 Rupiah dan pada tahun 2016 meningkat sebesar 1.733.651.583 Rupiah apabila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014, sedangkan tahun 2017 pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara apabila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014 meningkat sebesar 4.450.345.972 Rupiah. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Nathania Ch. E. Sasuwuk ◽  
Jullie J. Sondakh ◽  
Jessy D. L. Warongan

Realization of Regional Government budget (APBD) is one of measure instrument to see  the implementation from policies and operationalization implementation of financial regional management for optimal actualization public services. Management potential of Local Revenue (PAD) have to do with correct and appropriate in order to support the progress. The purpose of this research are to know and analyze the realization performance of regional government budget and district own source revenue potential at North Minahasa Region. The result of this research show the regional government budget of North Minahasa in terms of revenue considered good by looking from variance analyzes and tax effectiveness, expect from decentralization  degree analyzes is not good enough or low. While for expense, from variance analyzes over all is good by looking at the budget are well controlled and the impact in the North Minahasa Region for having an surplus from the allocated budget, and for compatibility analyzes expenditure are effective because realization of the expense budget not over amount that has been planned. And for the Own Source Revenue Potential for 2016-2020 seen from tax regional income are 42,78% while from regional retribution are 37,36%. Keywords: performance, government, budget, Potential, Local Revenue

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tarwo Kusnarno ◽  
Eddy Suratman

This study analyzes the factors that affect the competitiveness of ASEAN-5 countries in terms of Labor Productivity, Net Exports, Investment, Inflation and Exchange Rates in two periods, namely the ASEAN internal crisis and the global crisis using the times series data from 1997-2017, then analyzed with the regression analysis model. The results showed that the labor productivity of the 1997-2008 period had a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5, as well as the period of 2008-2019, labor productivity had a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5. The net export period of 1997-2008 had a negative and not significant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5, as well as the period of 2008-2017, the net export had a negative and not significant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5. The investment period of 1997-2008 has a negative and not significant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5, while the period 2008-2017 has a positive and not significant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5. Inflation in the 1997-2017 period had a negative and insignificant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5, as well as the 2008-2017 inflation period had a negative and not significant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5. Exchange rates for the period 1997-2008 have a negative and insignificant influence on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5, as well as the 2008-2017 period, which has a negative and insignificant effect on the competitiveness of ASEAN-5.

2019 ◽  
Krista Surbakti

This research aims to explain the benefits of prostitution localization if it is managed well by the regional government as part of the source of local revenue but in terms of the moral and ethical aspects of the community. The background of this research is because the government is unable to overcome prostitution problems in the region and this problem has long been unable to be resolved and becomes a controversial issue within the community, then the government can take positive and cooperative attitudes by utilizing it as a source of local revenue . This research was conducted in Bandar Baru Village. Deli Serdang Regency where prostitution often occurs in this environment but is not a localization of prostitution, in the sense that prostitution activities in the village are illegal and do not contribute significantly to the local treasury. The data collection technique used is Observation where observation is a way of seeing or observing an event from the outside to the inside and then describing it exactly as what is seen and observed. Observation is not limited to vision (visual), but the experience gained from hearing. The observation made was participation observation. Observation of participation with the technique "part time participant observer" was chosen so that researchers can be directly involved in the field without having to stay in the field. Thus the data can be obtained objectively and planned.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 446-451
Dyfan Jaya ◽  
Tony Kwok ◽  
Feryanto Marcus

One of the ways for the government to find out the level of economic growth is by calculating the value of national income, especially which is the focus of the government to be able to increase the per capita income of the community in each region so that it can contribute to local revenue which will also increase national income, the government's strategies and efforts to increase it. This research method uses descriptive analysis presented with statistical data, statistical data used in the form of tables, diagrams, graphs and others. Descriptive analysis using various sources of literature and articles as material for analyzing research problems to describe the investment contribution of Central Java province to increasing national income. The conclusion that can be drawn from the results of the analysis of the article is the strategy of the regional government of Central Java Province to increase local revenue and support efforts to increase national income through investment by setting up investment licensing regulations for both PMA/PMDN easily and transparently as well as promotion and training to increase regional investment figures, besides that the most important point to increase investment realization is the consistency of innovation and creativity of the government and the community to form new ideas that can compete with the global market.

Rahmat Salam

For more than twenty years, reforms that have been going on have mandated the existence of autonomy and decentralization of government to manage their areas and give the broadest possible power to self-determination. The granting of this authority is intended to improve. As one indicator to measure regional autonomy's success, the government will better serve its citizens and guide them towards a better life. The provincial government's performance has not matched the expectations, yet it has not done the community optimally. Increasing the competence of the apparatus to improve the quality of work is a determining factor in local government activities' success. The result of local government officials towards quality performance leads to the development of education, competence, and abilities because of the times' face. The competence that local government officials are expected to have is analyzing and addressing issues within the city under a realistic framework of local government.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Krista Surbakti ◽  
Permai Yudi

This research aims to explain the benefits of prostitution localization if it is managed well by the regional government as part of the source of local revenue but in terms of the moral and ethical aspects of the community. The background of this research is because the government is unable to overcome prostitution problems in the region and this problem has long been unable to be resolved and becomes a controversial issue within the community, then the government can take positive and cooperative attitudes by utilizing it as a source of local revenue. This research was conducted in Bandar Baru Village. Deli Serdang Regency where prostitution often occurs in this environment but is not a localization of prostitution, in the sense that prostitution activities in the village are illegal and do not contribute significantly to the local treasury. The data collection technique used is Observation where observation is a way of seeing or observing an event from the outside to the inside and then describing it exactly as what is seen and observed. Observation is not limited to vision (visual), but the experience gained from hearing. The observation made was participation observation. Observation of participation with the technique "part time participant observer" was chosen so that researchers can be directly involved in the field without having to stay in the field. Thus the data can be obtained objectively and planned.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Herie Saksono

  Literacy is still a problem in various regions. The times’ development has also changed the spectrum of literacy, so literacy is not just the ability to read, write, and count. The results of the measurement of various international institutions prove how the condition of literacy has deteriorated. How is the management of literacy carried out by the Government, Regional Government and the community? What should literacy stakeholders do in an effort to develop a cultural literacy? This study aims to describe the condition of literacy in the region, encourage the presence of the Government and Regional Governments to initiate extraordinary agenda of literacy implementation, and provide understanding to the public regarding the availability of public participation space to actualize literacy culture. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach to describe literacy in the area with a case study method in Baubau City. The study concluded the importance of rearranging literacy management in an integrated manner - Central and regional by involving stakeholders in literacy. It is recommended that the Baubau City Government initiate the Literacy Hub (L-Hub) which will be an accelerator of the development of cultural literacy by prioritizing the active role and collaboration between community elements. In addition, it is necessary to create a conducive climate that supports ecosystem literacy and literacy as a lifestyle for the sake of the creation of literate generations that will accelerate the realization of the city of literacy. Abstrak Literasi masih menjadi problematika di berbagai daerah. Perkembangan zaman turut merubah spektrum literasi, sehingga literasi tidak sekedar kemampuan membaca, menulis, dan berhitung. Hasil pengukuran berbagai institusi internasional membuktikan betapa terpuruknya kondisi literasi. Bagaimana pengelolaan literasi yang dilakukan Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah, dan masyarakat? Apa yang harus dilakukan para pemangku kepentingan literasi dalam upaya mengembangkan budaya literasi? Kajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kondisi literasi di daerah, mendorong kehadiran Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah untuk menginisiasi extraordinary agendapenyelenggaraan literasi, dan memberi pemahaman kepada masyarakat terkait ketersediaan ruang partisipasi publik untuk mengaktualisasikan budaya literasi. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan literasi di daerah dengan metode studi kasus di Kota Baubau. Kajian menyimpulkan pentingnya menata kembali manajemen literasi secara terintegrasi - Pusat dan daerah dengan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan literasi. Direkomendasikan agar Pemerintah Kota Baubau menginisiasi Literacy Hub(L-Hub) yang akan menjadi akselerator pengembangan budaya literasi dengan mengedepankan peran aktif dan kolaborasi antarelemen masyarakat. Selain itu, diperlukan penciptaan iklim kondusif yang mendukung ekosistem literasi dan pembiasaan berliterasi sebagai gaya hidup demi terciptanya generasi literat yang akan memercepat terwujudnya kota literasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-47
Cindy Gustiara Iszardani ◽  
Pancawati Hardiningsih

This study aims to analyze the effect of local revenue, leverage, local government wealth on the disclosure of web-based local government financial statements. The population and sample of this study are the regional government financial reports of Central Java Province which consist of 29 districts and 6 cities for the 2015-2018 fiscal year which have been audited by the BPK. The analysis method uses a multiple regression panel data model with the Eviews 9 application. The results of this study indicate that local revenue and general allocation funds have a significant positive effect on the disclosure of web-based local government financial reports. However, the wealth of the local government in turn has a negative effect on the disclosure of web-based local government financial reports. Meanwhile, leverage has no effect on the disclosure of web-based local government financial statements. The results of this study can be used as a consideration for the government informing regulations, rewards, and sanctions in order to increase the transparency of digital financial reports.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Ade Budi Setiawan ◽  
Eneng Surtini

This research aims to examine how much the effectiveness source of the local goverment income and the contribution of revenue collection at Regional Income of  Cianjur Regency, especially in the Regency of Cianjur in increasing source of local goverment income.  The unit of analisys was the Report of Income and Expenditure Budget Calculation period 2012 – 2014.  The method in this research is using descriptive methods,  with effectiveness analisys and contribution analisys as the instrument of the analisys.  The results of this research conducted shows that the average of the effectiveness of the Local Tax is 107,31 percent (very effective), Local Retribution is 105,49 percent (very effective),  Local Wealth Management is 95,54  percent (quite effective), and Other Legitimate Income is 112,51 percent (very effective).  Level of contribution of  source of local goverment income in period 2012 – 2014 strart at 0,30 percent until 10,13 percent and the result is very qiute and quite.Key word: Effectiveness, Contribution, Source of Income, Local Revenue, Local Goverment of Cianjur Regency

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 87 ◽  
Regina Usman

Local revenue (PAD) is a local earned revenue collected by the regional regulation in accordance with the legislation. Sources of revenue are derived from local tax, local retribution, regional owned enterprises and local wealth management results, and other revenues. The more the local needs can be financed by PAD, the higher the quality of the local autonomy. This study aims to determine the influence of local tax and local retribution to local revenue of Bandung period of 2011-2015 either simultaneously or partially. The population in this study is a Realized Regional Government Budget Report of Bandung in 2011-2015. Sample selection technique used is judgment sampling and obtained 60 samples, consisting of January to December 2011-2015. The data analysis method was multiple regression analysis. The results show that there is simultaneous significant difference between local tax and local retribution to local revenue. Partially, local tax has significant positive effect on PAD, while the local retribution has no significant effect on PAD

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