scholarly journals Literacy Hub (L-hub): Studi Strategi Literasi Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Kasus di Kota Baubau)

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Herie Saksono

  Literacy is still a problem in various regions. The times’ development has also changed the spectrum of literacy, so literacy is not just the ability to read, write, and count. The results of the measurement of various international institutions prove how the condition of literacy has deteriorated. How is the management of literacy carried out by the Government, Regional Government and the community? What should literacy stakeholders do in an effort to develop a cultural literacy? This study aims to describe the condition of literacy in the region, encourage the presence of the Government and Regional Governments to initiate extraordinary agenda of literacy implementation, and provide understanding to the public regarding the availability of public participation space to actualize literacy culture. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach to describe literacy in the area with a case study method in Baubau City. The study concluded the importance of rearranging literacy management in an integrated manner - Central and regional by involving stakeholders in literacy. It is recommended that the Baubau City Government initiate the Literacy Hub (L-Hub) which will be an accelerator of the development of cultural literacy by prioritizing the active role and collaboration between community elements. In addition, it is necessary to create a conducive climate that supports ecosystem literacy and literacy as a lifestyle for the sake of the creation of literate generations that will accelerate the realization of the city of literacy. Abstrak Literasi masih menjadi problematika di berbagai daerah. Perkembangan zaman turut merubah spektrum literasi, sehingga literasi tidak sekedar kemampuan membaca, menulis, dan berhitung. Hasil pengukuran berbagai institusi internasional membuktikan betapa terpuruknya kondisi literasi. Bagaimana pengelolaan literasi yang dilakukan Pemerintah, Pemerintah Daerah, dan masyarakat? Apa yang harus dilakukan para pemangku kepentingan literasi dalam upaya mengembangkan budaya literasi? Kajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kondisi literasi di daerah, mendorong kehadiran Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah untuk menginisiasi extraordinary agendapenyelenggaraan literasi, dan memberi pemahaman kepada masyarakat terkait ketersediaan ruang partisipasi publik untuk mengaktualisasikan budaya literasi. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan literasi di daerah dengan metode studi kasus di Kota Baubau. Kajian menyimpulkan pentingnya menata kembali manajemen literasi secara terintegrasi - Pusat dan daerah dengan melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan literasi. Direkomendasikan agar Pemerintah Kota Baubau menginisiasi Literacy Hub(L-Hub) yang akan menjadi akselerator pengembangan budaya literasi dengan mengedepankan peran aktif dan kolaborasi antarelemen masyarakat. Selain itu, diperlukan penciptaan iklim kondusif yang mendukung ekosistem literasi dan pembiasaan berliterasi sebagai gaya hidup demi terciptanya generasi literat yang akan memercepat terwujudnya kota literasi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Silvia Widya Kusumaningtyas ◽  
Zon Vanel

<span lang="IN">Social media is one type of new media that facilitates the process of communication among human. Social media makes it easy for users to communicate and share information in a wider range. At present, not only people use Instagram, but the government also needs to keep up with the time to participate in using Instagram as an online information media. Public Relations of the Salatiga Government is one of the public relations departments that uses Instagram as an online information media to provide information needed by the community.<br /> This research aimed to find out how the content of the information was<span>  </span>and how the role of instagram was as an information deliverance to the citizen by the public relations of Salatiga. Through qualitative methods research, data is collected by means of interviews and observations. The results showed that the Salatiga <span> </span>Government Public Relations Instagram account had a role to increase brand awareness, connect many people and as a source of information/ business promotion.Public Relations of the Salatiga Government considers that Instagram plays an active role in conveying information to the public. This is seen from the many positive responses received by the Salatiga City Government Public Relations during managing Instagram as a modern information deliverance.<span>     </span></span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-2015
Lala Novikasari ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain

Performance measurement is very important in evaluating the performance of local government officials or organizations in their efforts to provide services to the public. This study soughts to provide an overview of the financial performance of the Sukabumi City Government as a region that has won the Unqualified Audit Opinion from the BPK-RI in five consecutive years. The research was conducted using a descriptive quantitative approach. Regional financial ratios were used to measure the financial performance in question. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it was found that the Sukabumi City Government was quite capable of financing development or operations in the government by self-financing; PAD has always increased from year to year; Others Legal PAD has the highest contribution in contributing to overall PAD revenue; the level of dependence of the Sukabumi City Government on the source of transfer income on average was in the "MEDIUM" category; the achievement of the annual target of the Sukabumi City Government's PAD has been very effective; and the capital expenditure ratio in the Sukabumi City Government was still low below the average capital expenditure ratio in the regional government.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
I Gede Putu Krisna Juliharta

ABSTRACT e-Governement in Indonesia is a must this time. Good E-Governments certainly have the ability to provide good information to the public and fulfill aspects of confidentiality, integrity and availability, Kediri in East Java is one of the government that use e-Government. To measure these three aspects the system must be measured. Indeks KAMI (Keamanan Informasi) is an application that is used as a tool to analyze and evaluate the level of readiness (completeness and maturity) for implementing information security in an organization in accordance with SNI ISO / IEC 27001 criteria. Government of Kediri the score for the electronic system category was 20, for the governance assessment the score was 75, risk management score 18, the information security framework was 58, asset management 74, and the application of security and information technology had a value of 83, and the results measurement says the City Government of Kediri needs to improve the system management.<br />Keywords: Index, KAMI , Security, Information Technology<br />ABSTRAK Penerapan e-Governement dalam tata kelola Pemerintahan di Indonesia saat ini merupakan sebuah keharusan. E-Governement yang baik tentu memiliki kemampuan untuk memberikan Informasi yang baik kepada masyarakat dan memenuhi aspek kerahasiaan (confidentiality), keutuhan (integrity) dan ketersediaan (availability), Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Kediri adalah salah lembaga pemerintah yang menggunakan e-Government. Untuk mengukur ketiga aspek tersebut sistem haruslah diukur. Indeks KAMI (Keamanan Informasi) merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk menganalisa dan mengevalusi tingkat kesiapan (kelengkapan dan kematangan) penerapan keamanan informasi di sebuah organisasi sesuai dengan kriteria pada SNI ISO/IEC 27001. Untuk Pemkot Kediri didapatkan skor kategori sistem elektronik (SE) adalah 20, untuk penilaian tata kelola skornya adalah 75, pengelolaan resiko skornya 18, kerangka kerja keamanan informasi nilainya 58, pengelolaan asset 74, dan penerapan teknologi keamanan dan informasi memiliki nilai 83, dan hasil pengukuran menyebutkan Pemkot Kediri perlu meningkatkan system pengelolaan system yang dimiliki.<br />Kata Kunci : indeks, KAMI, keamanan, teknologi informas

Basirah Mustarin

AbstractRoad construction projects for public use, usually involve many locations of land owned by communities with ownership rights. The construction of public facilities made by the government prior to construction must carry out the stages of land acquisition as contained in Law No. 2 of 2012 concerning land acquisition for development in the public interest. The research method used is normative research by using the statutory approach and concept analysis approach. The results showed that the city government provided compensation for the location of land that would be affected by the construction of public facilities. The mechanism of land acquisition or land acquisition in the city is carried out by providing compensation to the value of the land price that will be released in an appropriate and fair manner based on article 9 paragraph (2) of Law Number 2 of 2012. Land issues so far are very relevant to be studied together and considered in depth in relation to policies in the field of land because at the level of policy implementation that has been shown so far has neglected the structural aspects of land tenure, which in turn caused various disputes. Keywords: Compensation, Land Acquisition, Property Rights, Public Interest.AbstrakProyek pembuatan jalan untuk kepentingan umum, biasanya melibatkan banyak lokasi tanah yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat yang berstatus hak milik.  Pembuatan sarana umum yang dibuat oleh pemerintah tersebut sebelum dibangun harus melakukan tahapan pembebasan lahan sebagaimana yang termuat dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 2 tahun 2012 tentang pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian normatif dengan melakukan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach) dan pendekatan analisis konsep (Conceptual Approach). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah kota memberikan ganti kerugian atas lokasi tanah yang akan terkena pembuatan sarana umum tersebut.  Mekanisme pembebasan tanah atau pengadaan tanah di kota dilakukan dengan memberikan ganti kerugian terhadap nilai harga tanah yang akan dibebaskan secara sesuai dan adil berdasarkan pasal 9 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012. Persoalan tanah selama ini sangat relevan dan dipertimbangkan secara mendalam dalam kaitannya dengan kebijakan dibidang pertanahan karena ditingkat implementasi kebijakan yang diperlihatkan selama ini telah mengabaikan aspek struktural penguasaan tanah yang pada akhirnya menimbulkan berbagai macam sengketa.Kata Kunci : Ganti Kerugian, Hak Milik, Kepentingan Umum, Pembebasan Tanah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Isril ' ◽  
Rury Febrina ◽  
Zulfa Harirah

The partnership between the Regional Government and the private sector is a step that the Government can take as an effort to cover up the limitations in waste management in the city of Pekanbaru. The dynamics of rapid population growth have had consequences for increasing the volume of garbage to approximately 1,100 tons per day. The Pekanbaru City Government then took steps to implement partnerships with the private sector as an effort to manage waste management. However, the involvement of the private sector in dealing with waste issues actually showed a failure in 2015. In 2018, the Pekanbaru City Government again planned to submit waste management to the private sector. Therefore, this study tries to focus on two formulations of the problem, which is why the Pekanbaru City Government again delegates the authority to manage waste in the city of Pekanbaru to the private sector? And what is the right scheme for government and private partnerships in carrying out waste management in Pekanbaru City? To answer the above questions, this research was escorted by the Reinventing Government theory of David Osborne and Ted Gaebler and also the theory of Public Private Partnership. Through the case study method, this research will explore the partnership between Pekanbaru City Government and the private sector in waste management in Pekanbaru City. The results showed that the objective of the partnership between the Regional Government of Pekanbaru and third parties in waste management in the city of Pekanbaru was to overcome the inability of the Pekanbaru City Government to provide facilities and infrastructure, garbage fleets, human resources and budget constraints. Thus, the logic of this partnership leads to one of the lines of thought offered by Osborn regarding the Catalytic Government (Steering Rather Than Rowing). The scheme of success of the partnership of Pekanbaru City Government and the private sector in waste management needs to pay attention to process factors, partner factors and structural factors. Thus, waste management in the city of Pekanbaru requires a paradigm shift, from being limited to disposal to become a focus on management and utilization.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Chia-ju, Lin

<p><em>In recent years, with the rapid development of the media, an increasing number of corporations and even government agencies are using the new format known as the micro film as a means of advertising</em><em> and</em><em> marketing. In this study, we </em><em>took</em><em> the micro films produced by the Taipei City Government </em><em>as objects of analysis to</em><em> investigate the image of the city as constructed in and produced by these films. Furthermore, </em><em>in this study, </em><em>the symbol of image in </em><em>three such micro films </em><em>was </em><em>studied: Love@Taipei, My Micro Tour of Taipei, and Happily Ever After. It was found that in these films, the characteristics of the city of Taipei have </em><em>been </em><em>presented accurately and successfully </em><em>by means of</em><em> the [appropriate selection of] celebrity performers, the romance narratives used, and the lively presentation of these films. Therefore, these films have foregrounded </em><em>an</em><em> image of Taipei that is free, friendly, diverse, and progressive; furthermore, they have successfully conveyed the idea that “Taipei is a city that is positive and capable of outstanding achievements”</em><em>.</em><em> These films, designed to attract audiences, have been made with great skill and portray little elements of the government-run campaigns they are actually part of, thus making them even more entertaining for viewers.</em><em></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-205
Victorina Z. Tirayoh ◽  
Lady D. Latjandu ◽  
Harijanto Sabijono ◽  
Christoffel M. O. Mintardjo

Asset management in the public sector is important to provide quality public services. One of the important public assets is the regional property that manages by the regional government. Various problems often occurred related to asset management in Indonesia's public sector, especially the management issue that follows regulations. The research aims to examine the management of public sector assets in The Government of Indonesia, especially regional property, which refers to Indonesia's prevailing laws and regulations, namely Government Regulation number 27 of 2014. The research was conducted in Indonesia at the Minahasa District government of North Sulawesi Province. The research method used descriptive qualitative, focusing on investigating the use and utilization of regional property and locus at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) in Minahasa Regency. The data collection method in this research is an interview with several key point informants. The informants consist of top-level management, middle management, and staff of BPKAD, with a total of nine informants. The research findings indicate that Regional Property Management by the Minahasa Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency has been carried out under applicable regulations, namely Government Regulation Number 27 of 2014. Several suggestions were given to interested parties. The limitations of this research were limited to specific objects, only general discussion, and only one case study.

Ikhwan Rahmatika Latif

This article is research on the implementation of e-Kinerja within the Banda Aceh City Government.  In this paper, the author uses a descriptive qualitative approach and collects data through a study of existing documents.  This method illustrates how the implementation of e-Kinerja is carried out by the Banda Aceh Government, which the author then compares with existing concepts, namely the concept of performance and reward and punishment.  The results of this study are that the implementation of the e-Kinerja system carried out by the Banda Aceh City Government has a good impact on the regional civil apparatus, the government, the City Government Work Unit (SKPK), and the public.  These impacts include making promotions and transfers based on equal job for equal pay for regional civil servants, facilitating supervision for the government, and knowing the effectiveness and efficiency of work units.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 27
Gustavo Arteaga ◽  
Edier Segura ◽  
Diego Escobar

In the last decades, the occupation of the pedestrian routes and in general of the public space in the city center of Cali Colombia, have been evidencing diverse phenomena, which to a great extent respond to the accelerated growth of the urban population, where the migrations that have occurred in the interior of the country (fruit of the social conflicts of the last decades), have particularly marked the realities. In Cali, on 10th and 15th streets, near the Government Building, the Palace of Justice and the Municipal Administrative Center - CAM, the public space in general terms has been stressed in a particular way, which has generated conflicts in the surfaces designed for the pedestrians, since they are occupied by vendors in the midst of the informality routines, forcing the pedestrian to use the automobile tracks being a notorious and interesting phenomenon, when observing the factors that produce it and using them as parameters in the design of architectural spaces that contribute to improvement.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Andrean Loenardus Bandoro

Wellness Tourism is a tourism involves people who travel to pursue activities that maintain or enhance their personal health and wellbeing, and who are seeking unique, authentic or location-based experiences/therapies. Surabaya has a huge amount of wellness business sites scattered all over the city but there are very less foreign visitors. And in the local market, wellness business is perceived very negatively: very expensive and there is always hidden sex service. This research is done with the purpose to present some specific considerations and recommendations for the Government and the Wellness industry to pursue to position themselves to take the most advantage of wellness tourism opportunities. Methods used are: Library study, Direct Observation, Interview with business owners, therapist, local and foreign customers. Research result suggests that City Government shall play an active role to put scattered wellness businesses in an area together with hotels, health shops, and money changer and market this area through Tour Planner, Tourism Information Office, and Tourism Web. They have to be managed anyway to avoid hidden prostitutes. That serves 2 benefits: they are undercontrol and they will become an obvious wellness tourism destination.

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