scholarly journals The Comparison of Er α Expression Between Endometriosis with No Endometriosis

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
D. Irsat Syafardi ◽  
Hendry Salim Siregar ◽  
Yostoto B Kaban ◽  
Edy Ardiansyah

Estrogen receptors (ER) play an important role in mediating action. The ER α has a higher affinity for estrogen and the dominant form of the normal endometrium. A cross-sectional study from an ectopic  tissue of endo-metriosis and normal was examined for immunohistochemistry. This research was conducted from November 2015 until the sample complete. The analysis was performed using Fisher Exact test, p <0.05 was considered to any difference of estrogen alpha receptor expression between endometriosis patients with no endometriosis. REα is more dominant in normal endometrium, whereas in the case of endometriosis in the presence of many negative expression of REα then the assumption that REβ is a receptor that many encountered. There is a dif-ference in the expression of REα between endometriosis with no endometriosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 898-903
Ruslang Ruslang ◽  
Nirmawati Darwis ◽  
Tetti Surianti ◽  
Riki Rusanda

ABSTRACT The prevalence of hypertension increases in line with the lifestyle of elderly men that harm their own health, namely smoking which without them knowing it can cause hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between smoking habits and the incidence of hypertension in elderly men in Bekku Village, Awangpone District, Bone Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between smoking habits and the incidence of hypertension. This type of research is quantitative research with a Cross Sectional Study approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire given to each respondent. The analysis test used a computer program, namely SPSS 21 to assess the frequency statistical data and the Chi-Square test on the bivariate variable obtained the Fisher exact test value, on the smoking habit variable the value of = 0.01 < 0.05, so it can be stated that there is a relationship between Smoking Habits with Hypertension Incidence in Elderly Males in Bekku Village, Awangpone District, Bone Regency. The researcher's suggestion is for elderly men in Bekku Village to reduce their smoking habits so that their hypertension does not continue. Keywords : Hypertension, Smoking, Elderly Male ABSTRAK Prevalensi hipertensi meingkat sejalan dengan gaya hidup lanjut usia laki-laki yang merugikan kesehatan mereka sendiri yakni kebiasaan merokok yang tanpa mereka sadari dapat menyebabkan terjadinya hipertensi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Hubungan Kebiasaan Merokok Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Lanjut Usia Laki-Laki Di Desa Bekku Kecamatan Awangpone Kabupaten Bone. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan merokok dengan kejadian hipertensi. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang diberikan kepada masing-masing responden. Uji analisis menggunakan program komputer yaitu SPSS 21 untuk menilai data statistik frekuensi dan uji Chi-Square pada pada variabel bivariat diperoleh nilai fisher exact test, pada variabel kebiasaan merokok diperoleh nilai ρ=0,01< α=0,05, sehingga dapat dinyatakan ada hubungan antara Kebiasaan Merokok Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Lanjut Usia Laki-Laki Di Desa Bekku Kecamatan Awangpone Kabupaten Bone. Adapun saran peniliti yaitu bagi para lanjut usia laki-laki di desa bekku agar kebiasaan merokoknya dikurangi agar penyakit hipertensi yang dideritanya tidak terus berlanjut. Kata Kunci : Hipertensi, Merokok, Lanjut Usia Laki- Laki

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-241
Rusnaeni Rusnaeni ◽  
Muhammad Azikin ◽  
Fitriani Umar

Salah satu perubahan secara biologis dapat mempengaruhi status gizi pada masa tua yaitu banyaknya gigi geligi yang sudah tanggal. Mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi mengunyah yang berdampak pada kurangnya asupan gizi pada usia lanjut, untuk memperbaiki mastikasi pengunyahaan maka lansia kebanyakn menggunaka gigi tiruan penuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penggunaan gigi tiruan penuh dengan status gizi pada lansia di Desa Tonrong Rijang Kecamatan Baranti Kabupaten Sidrap.Jenis penelitian ini observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Populasi yaitu seluruh lansia yang tinggal menetap di Desa Tonrong Rijang, Pengambilan sampel dengan metode purposive sampling sebanyak 54 orang diperoleh dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin. Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji chi-square dan fisher exact test. dan  ditolak jika nilai  p< 0,05.Hasil penelitian diperoleh tidak ada hubungan penggunaan gigi tiruan penuh dengan asupan energi (p = 0,133) dan status gizi (p = 0,05), Serta ada hubungan signifikan asupan energi dengan status gizi (p = 0,000). Diharapkan kepada lansia untuk terus mempertahakan asupan  energinya guna menigkatkan status gizi lansia untuk menunjang masa tuanya untuk hidup secara mandiri baik itu pengguna gigi tiruan penuh maupun yang tidak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Mohammad Dharma Utama ◽  
Yustisia Puspitasari ◽  
Rachmi Bachtiar ◽  
Yusrini Selviani ◽  
Masriadi Masriadi ◽  

Pendahuluan: Perawatan ortodonti bertujuan untuk memperbaiki fungsi pengunyahan, estetika, mencegah kerusakan jaringan dan mengembalikan fungsi rongga mulut yang baik. Perawatan ortodonti cekat dapat menyebabkan oral hygiene yang buruk karena menyebabkan akumulasi sisa makananmaupun plak di bawah piranti dan plak dapat meninggalkan warna pada permukaan gigi. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama perawatan ortodonti cekat terhadap perubahan warna gigi pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi di Makassar, Indonesia. Bahan & Metode: Desain penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan Cross sectional study. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kedokteran gigi tahun pertama dan kedua Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Muslim Indonesia di Makassar, Indonesia yang menjalani perawatan ortodonti cekat. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu perawatan ortodonti cekat <1 tahun dan > 2 tahun. Foto intraoral diambil dari tampilan frontal, dan garis besar permukaan labial dari semua gigi seri diperbesar menjadi skala (pembesaran × 4). Permukaan labial gigi seri digambar pada sistem grid menggunakan photoshop cc 2020. Hasil: Menunjukkan adanya pengaruh lama perawatan ortodonti cekat dengan diskolorisasi gigi terbanyak terjadi pada lama perawatan >12 bulan dengan diskolorisasi derajat 1. Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Fisher Exact Test nilai P value kurang dari 0,05 artinya bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan. Hipotesis diterima dan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh lama perawatan ortodonti cekat terhadap diskolorisasi gigi pada Mahasiswa Kedokteran Gigi di Makassar, Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Ade Devriany ◽  
Endah Mayang Sari

Air Susu Ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan alamiah yang ideal untuk bayi, terutama pada bulan-bulan pertama. Berdasarkan data dari United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) dan WHO (World Health Organization), pemberian ASI eksklusif di dunia masih tergolong rendah. Tujuan penelitian yait untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ASI eksklusif terhadap grafik pertumbuhan pada KMS pada bayi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional study. Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh bayi usia 6 – 11 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Girimaya Pangkalpinang sebanyak 172 orang. Sampel minimal pada penelitian ini adalah 105 bayi yang dipilih dengan Stratified Random Sampling. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan KMS dalam menilai pertumbuhan bayi dan kuesioner untuk menilai pemberian ASI eksklusif. Analisa data dilakukan menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan fisher exact test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih banyak bayi yang tidak diberikan ASI eksklusif yaitu sebesar 59% dan bayi yang tumbuh normal sebesar 78,1%. Hasil analisis bivariat menyatakan ada hubungan pemberian ASI eksklusif  terhadap pertumbuhan bayi usia 6-12 bulan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Girimaya

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Dina Mariana L ◽  
Muhammad Asrul

Abstrac: One indicator of the quality of health services and a serious problem for all hospitals is nosocomial infection. Nosocomial infection is the presence of an infection that is acquired or experienced by the patient during his hospitalization and shows symptoms of a new infection after 72 hours the patient is in the hospital. One of the nosocomial infections that often appears in the hospital is phlebitis. This study aims to determine the relationship of the total of insertions with phlebitis events in pediatric patients at General Regional Hospital in Kendari 2018.This research is a descriptive analytic study with a cross sectional study approach. The population in this study were pediatric patients in the Mawar treatment room, amounting to 175 people at General Regional Hospital in Kendari. The sample consisted of 35 respondents, the sampling technique was purposive sampling. The statistical test used was the Fisher Exact Test and Mann Whitney test. The results showed that there was a correlation between the number of insertions and phlebitis events in pediatric patients in Kendari City Hospital which was indicated by the value of ρ value = 0,000. It was concluded that there was a relationship between the amount of insertion with phlebitis events in pediatric patients at General Regional Hospital in Kendari. It is recommended that this study be continued by using more samples and using research methods with the type of case control.Keywords : total insertion, phlebitis incidence Abstrak: Salah satu indikator mutu pelayanan kesehatan dan merupakan masalah serius bagi semua rumah sakit adalah infeksi nosokomial. Infeksi nosokomial adalah adanya infeksi yang diperoleh atau dialami oleh pasien selama dia dirawat di rumah sakit dan menunjukkan gejala infeksi baru setelah 72 jam pasien berada di rumah sakit. Salah satu infeksi nosokomial yang sering muncul di rumah sakit adalah phlebitis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan jumlah insersi dengan kejadian phlebitis pada pasien anak di RSUD Kota Kendari.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien anak di ruang perawatan Mawar yang berjumlah 175 orang di RSUD Kota Kendari. Sampel berjumlah 35 responden, teknik penarikan sampel yaitu purposive sampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Fisher Exact Test dan uji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara jumlah insersi dengan kejadian phlebitis pada pasien anak di RSUD Kota Kendari yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai ρ value = 0,000. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara jumlah insersi dengan kejadian phlebitis pada pasien anak di RSUD Kota Kendari. Disarankan penelitian ini dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan sampel yang lebih banyak dan menggunakan metode penelitian dengan jenis case control.Kata Kunci : jumlah insersi, kejadian phlebitis

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 9299
Susana Morimoto ◽  
Wilma K. C. Lia ◽  
Flavia Gonçalves ◽  
Denis Yudi Nagase ◽  
Thais Gimenez ◽  

Objectives: This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the frequency and risk factors associated with cusp fractures in posterior permanent teeth. Methods: Patients presented cusp fractures on posterior permanent teeth, clinically assessed in up to 7 days after the event, and requesting dental treatment at two public services were included in this cross-sectional study. Fractured teeth already treated, with antagonist absence, or with prosthesis (total or removable) were excluded. Demographic and clinical data were collected to draw the patient profiles and establish how teeth were affected individually. Statistical analysis was performed by the Fisher exact test, and uni- and multivariate logistic regression (α = 0.05). Results: One hundred and seventy-seven (177) patients from 16 to 66 years old (±41.56), from 1998 to 2016, were included in this study. Non-functional and lingual cusps presented a higher fracture than functional and buccal cusps, respectively. Fractures were more common in teeth with isthmus wider than 1/3 of the intercuspid distance and/or more than three restored surfaces. Teeth with endodontic treatment presented a higher subgingival fracture. On lingual cusps, fracture type and location were significantly associated, being that total fractures were 3.2 times more likely to occur than partial fractures, and subgingival were 3.62 times more likely to occur than supragingival fractures. Conclusion: Indications of classic protection on functional cusps (LUBL) was refuted since, generally, nonfunctional cusps fractured more than the functional cusps. However, upper pre-molars showed more fractures in functional cusps and lower molars presented more fractures on the nonfunctional cusps. In general, lingual cusps were the most fractured and were associated with a higher prevalence of severe fractures (total fractures at the subgingival level). Fractures were more common in teeth where the restoration had an isthmus wider than 1/3 of the intercuspid distance and/or involved more than three restored surfaces. Most of the patients did not show previous symptoms and signs. Overall, teeth with endodontic treatment presented a higher subgingival fracture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Engki Zelpina ◽  
Trioso Purnawarman ◽  
Denny Widaya Lukman

<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan studi mengetahui keberadaan <em>Salmonella </em>sp. pada daging ayam suwir bubur serta rekomendasi agar aman dan layak untuk dikonsumsi. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian lapang <em>cross sectional study</em>. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pedagang bubur ayam yang berada (radius 100 meter) di lingkar kampus Institut Pertanian Bogor, Dramaga, Bogor. Penelitian dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan pengujian laboratorium. Sampel pada penelitian ini diambil dari 15 pedagang bubur ayam, setiap pedagang diambil sampel sebanyak 3 kali ulangan, total sampel adalah 45. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat (<em>fisher exact test</em>). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan keberadaan <em>Salmonella enteretica serovars Enteritidis </em>dalam daging ayam suwir bubur ayam sebanyak 6,66% (3/45) dan terdapat hubungan antara asal daging ayam dan keberadaan <em>Salmonella Enteritidis. </em>(p <em>value</em>=0,022 dan CC=0,577).</p><p> </p><p>This study was aims to conducted studies to determine the presence of Salmonella sp. in shredded chicken meat of chicken porridge and recommendations for safe for consumption. A cross sectional study approach was used in this study. The population in this study was all chicken porridge seller which located in radius of 100 m around of the campus area Bogor Agricultural University, Dramaga, Bogor. The research was done through interview, observation and laboratory examination. The samples in this study were 15 chicken porridge seller with repeated for three times and total number of samples were 45. The data were analyzed by univariat and bivariate (fisher exact test). The results of this study showed the presence of Salmonella Enteritidis in 6.66% (3/45) of shredded chicken meat chicken porridge and there was a relationship between the origin of chicken meat and the presence of Salmonella Enteritidis (p value = 0.022 and CC = 0.577).</p>

Ben Benson Agbo ◽  
Ekpoanwan Esienumoh ◽  
Simon Alain Inah ◽  
Jimmy Ebi Eko ◽  
Eze James Nwachukwu

Background: The primary aim of Community Pharmacists’ participation in immunization is to contribute towards mitigating deaths associated with vaccine preventable diseases as well as expanding access to immunisation services. However, with the increasing Nigerian population, the global targets of reducing child mortality can significantly be achieved by periodically reviewing health systems performance to identify and address existing gaps. Objective: The general objective of the study is to identify the challenges encountered by Community Pharmacists in providing immunisation services in Calabar Metropolis of Cross River State. Method: A descriptive cross sectional study design was adopted for the study. Data were collected using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire from 68 community pharmacists which were selected using the purposive sampling technique. Data generated were synthesised and analysed using SPSS (version 20.0) and results were presented in frequency tables and charts. Fisher Exact test was used to test for association between variables at 0.05 alpha level. Results: Results showed that most community pharmacies have the resources to participate in immunization, only a few however had immunization administration record sheets 7(11.3%) and immunization record cards for patients 4 (6.5%). The finding also showed that lack of training 55 (88.7%); low awareness by the public of immunization services provided by the community pharmacist 44 (70.9%) and storage of vaccines 39 (62.9%) were the prominent perceived challenges to providing immunization in the community pharmacy. The association between lack of time (p =1.000, Fisher’s Exact test) and provision of immunization services was statistically not significant. Conclusion: Addressing identified challenges is pivotal to increasing and expanding accessibility and utilisation of immunisation services especially amongst the populace in resource limited settings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Elizabeth Thomas ◽  
HuiJun Chih ◽  
Belinda Gabbe ◽  
Melinda Fitzgerald ◽  
Gill Cowen

Abstract Background General Practitioners (GPs) may be called upon to assess patients who have sustained a concussion despite limited information being available at this assessment. Information relating to how concussion is actually being assessed and managed in General Practice is scarce. This study aimed to identify characteristics of current Western Australian (WA) GP exposure to patients with concussion, factors associated with GPs’ knowledge of concussion, confidence of GPs in diagnosing and managing patients with concussion, typical referral practices and familiarity of GPs with guidelines. Methods In this cross-sectional study, GPs in WA were recruited via the RACGP WA newsletter and shareGP and the consented GPs completed an electronic survey. Associations were performed using Chi-squared tests or Fisher’s Exact test. Results Sixty-six GPs in WA responded to the survey (response rate = 1.7%). Demographics, usual practice, knowledge, confidence, identification of prolonged recovery as well as guideline and resource awareness of GPs who practised in regional and metropolitan areas were comparable (p > 0.05). Characteristics of GPs were similar between those who identified all symptoms of concussion and distractors correctly and those who did not (p > 0.05). However, 84% of the respondents who had never heard of concussion guidelines were less likely to answer all symptoms and distractors correctly (p = 0.039). Whilst 78% of the GPs who were confident in their diagnoses had heard of guidelines (p = 0.029), confidence in managing concussion was not significantly associated with GPs exposure to guidelines. It should be noted that none of the respondents correctly identified signs of concussion and excluded the distractors. Conclusions Knowledge surrounding concussion guidelines, diagnosis and management varied across GPs in WA. Promotion of available concussion guidelines may assist GPs who lack confidence in making a diagnosis. The lack of association between GPs exposure to guidelines and confidence managing concussion highlights that concussion management may be an area where GPs could benefit from additional education and support.

Laima Alam

Objectives:Relation of demographics of hepatocellular-carcinoma with the aetiology.Tumour characteristics in relation to anti-viral therapy and presence of viral-DNA/RNATreatment modalities offeredMethods: This cross-sectional study enrolled all the patients aged 18-70 years with diagnosed hepatocellular carcinoma either through Triphasic Contrast-Enhanced-CT scan and/or Magnetic Resonance Imaging or biopsy presenting to the Outpatient-Department or multi-disciplinary-team meetings for the year 2019. Demographic variables, biochemical analysis including liver profile and stage of cirrhosis, viral-status, tumour staging and the treatment modalities offered were all noted. ANOVA (normal) and Kruskal-Wallis (non-normal) tests were used to compare quantitative data whereas chi-square-test and fisher-exact-test were used to compare qualitative-data.Results: Out of 195 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, 76% were males in their fifth to sixth decades of life, 96% had cirrhosis, 94% corresponded to viral hepatocellular-carcinoma (82% Hepatitis-C-Virus, 9% Hepatitis-B-Virus and 3% coinfection), 60% of the cirrhotics landed in Child-Pugh A category with tumour staging BCLC-B being the predominant one (43.6%) and single and multiple bilateral nodules were the commonest lesions encountered. Platelets and Alanine-Transaminase had a significant relation across aetiological groups. Lymph-nodes were the most common extra-hepatic organs for metastasis and the presence of viral PCR had a significant impact on the tumour aggressiveness. Thirty-two percent of the patients were amenable to curative treatment.Conclusion: Viral infection is the main cause of rising prevalence of this tumour in Pakistan. Treatment modalities are expensive and expertise are lacking. A nationwide cancer registry is required for the exact disease burden and tumour behaviour for our population. Continuous....

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