Governance multilivello e partecipazione politica: una introduzione

2009 ◽  
pp. 5-30
Fabio de Nardis ◽  
Alteri Luca

- The introduction draws a picture of the link between multi-level governance and transnational social movement. The Authors moves from the description of governance polity as a system of political opportunities to social mobilization, then they describe both local and global dimensions, regarding as a field of conflict and legitimacy. The fourth paragraph develops a comparative analysis on two alternative Europe, the one from above (the institutional building suffering a democratic deficit), the latter from below (the process of collective learning built up by Social Forums). In the end, the last paragraph describes the guidelines of the whole Issue. Keywords: Multilevel Governance; Social Movements; Europe; Globalization; Public Sphere

Donatella della Porta ◽  
Massimiliano Andretta ◽  
Tiago Fernandes ◽  
Eduardo Romanos ◽  
Markos Vogiatzoglou

Chapter 3 addresses the institutional legacy (that is, the set of formal and informal rules that regulate the exercise of power in a political regime) of the transition to democracy, particularly those institutional dimensions that are more relevant for social movements—what social movement studies have defined as political opportunities. After setting the theoretical framework by specifying the main qualities of democracy the research has addressed, the chapter covers the legal and constitutional provisions on civil (especially protest) rights, political rights (right to resistance, majoritarian versus consensual assets), and social rights as well as practices—particularly with regard to protest, citizens’ participation, protest policing, and concertation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Velichka Traneva ◽  
Stoyan Tranev

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is an important method in data analysis, which was developed by Fisher. There are situations when there is impreciseness in data In order to analyze such data, the aim of this paper is to introduce for the first time an intuitionistic fuzzy two-factor ANOVA (2-D IFANOVA) without replication as an extension of the classical ANOVA and the one-way IFANOVA for a case where the data are intuitionistic fuzzy rather than real numbers. The proposed approach employs the apparatus of intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) and index matrices (IMs). The paper also analyzes a unique set of data on daily ticket sales for a year in a multiplex of Cinema City Bulgaria, part of Cineworld PLC Group, applying the two-factor ANOVA and the proposed 2-D IFANOVA to study the influence of “ season ” and “ ticket price ” factors. A comparative analysis of the results, obtained after the application of ANOVA and 2-D IFANOVA over the real data set, is also presented.

2021 ◽  
pp. 016344372110227
Yingzi Wang ◽  
Thoralf Klein

This paper examines the changes and continuities in TV representations of Chinese Communist Party’s revolutionary history and interprets them within the broader context of China’s political, economic and cultural transformations since the 1990s. Drawing on a comparative analysis of three state-sponsored TV dramas produced between the late 1990s and mid-2010s, it traces how the state-sanctioned revolutionary narratives have changed over time in response to the Party’s propaganda imperatives on the one hand, and to the market-oriented production environment on the other. The paper argues that while recent TV productions in the new century have made increasing concessions to audience taste by adopting visually stimulating depictions and introducing fictional characters as points of identification for the audience, the revolutionary narratives were still aligned with the Party’s propaganda agenda at different times. This shows the ongoing competition between ideological and commercial interests in Chinese TV production during the era of market reforms.

Soraya Hamdaoui

This article analyses the anti-populist strategy of La République en marche! (LREM) during the Yellow Vest protests by comparing it with the one used against the Rassemblement National (RN), France’s main populist party. It argues that while the political elites of LREM have ostracised and strongly demonised the RN to contain its progression, their reaction to the populist protest movement was more balanced and cautious. As they were facing ordinary citizens asking for more fiscal justice and direct democracy rather than radical right politicians of the RN, LREM behaved in a more conciliatory way and softened their rhetoric of demonisation. Overall, the article distinguishes two types of anti-populism: an adversarial one to face a populist party and an accommodative one to deal with a populist social movement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-223
Nadir N. Budhwani ◽  
Gary N. McLean

The Problem There is a growing need to explore the role of the centuries-old tradition of Sufism and its teachings which, through social movements, have contributed to, and continue to influence, human resource development (HRD) at various levels—individual, group, organization, community, nation, and international. The Solution To address this need, we present cases of social movements inspired by Sufi teachings in selected parts of the world. We discuss, using literature and personal experiences, links among Sufi teachings, social movements, and HRD, and provide a framework for understanding Sufi teachings within the context of the social movement phenomenon. We end with recommendations for practice and research. The Stakeholders We target broadening the horizons of HRD researchers, practitioners, civil society members, and social movement activists, encouraging them to address long-term changes and collective learning through the quest for unconditional love and liberation, which represent the core of Sufi teachings.

Денис Алексеевич Кудрин

В статье рассматривается результат исследования динамики личностного роста курсантов ведомственного вуза, а также необходимость изучения данной проблемы в рамках подготовки кадров для Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний. Анализируются исторические этапы формирования термина «личностный рост». Рассматриваются различные подходы к содержанию понятия. Дается современная интерпретация понятия «личностный рост». Определено, что профессиональный личностный рост курсанта вуза ФСИН России представляет собой динамический процесс профессионального становления. В статье описывается проведенное лонгитюдное исследование курсантов Академии ФСИН России. В исследовании использовался Многоуровневый личностный опросник (МЛО). Анализ полученных данных позволил прийти к выводу, что личностные изменения курсантов являются, с одной стороны, результатом взросления, которому способствуют условия обучения в вузе ФСИН России, а с другой стороны, результатом профессионального становления (освоение своей новой социальной роли). Также анализировались отдельные стимулы методики. В результате анализа было выявлено, что личностные изменения, происходящие с некоторыми курсантами в процессе обучения в специализированном вузе, носят негативный характер и схожи по симптоматике с синдромом «эмоционального выгорания». The article discusses the results of the study of the dynamics of personal growth of students of a departmental university, as well as the need to study this problem in the framework of training personnel for the Federal Penitentiary System. The historical stages of the formation of the term «personal growth» are analyzed. Various approaches to the content of the concept are considered. A modern interpretation of the concept of «Personal growth» is given. It is determined that the professional personal growth of a cadet of a departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is a dynamic process of professional development. The article analyzes the statistics of the expelled cadets for 2017-2020, which may be a consequence of the lack of dynamics of personal growth. The article describes a longitudinal study of cadets of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Ryazan. The study used a multi-level personal questionnaire. In the course of the study, data were obtained, the analysis of which can lead to the conclusion that the personal changes that occur in cadets are, on the one hand, the result of growing up, which is facilitated by the conditions of education in the departmental university of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, and, on the other hand, the result of professional formation (mastering their new social role). Individual stimuli of the methodology were also analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the personal changes that occur with some cadets in the course of training at a specialized university are negative in nature and are similar in symptoms to the «emotional burnout syndrome»

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (S1) ◽  
pp. S79-S102
Mihai Popa ◽  
Liviu Andreescu

AbstractIn this article, we discuss the relation between the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and its jurisprudence and social mobilizations around the place of religion in the society. We focus on the struggles to define the intersection of religion and public education in Romania after the fall of communism. We show that secularist and counter-secularist civil society activists contending for the place of religion in public education in this country have made strategic use of the ECtHR and its case law, both in legal battles and in debates within the national public sphere. We argue that, since references to the ECtHR and its jurisprudence can be used in discursive battles as a form of symbolic “capital”, the strategies of mobilizing actors are at times more important than the strict doctrinal content of the ECtHR's judgments for understanding if and how the ECtHR's “shadow” is cast over religion-related mobilizations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-147
Diego González Cadenas

For some scholars, the possibilities for diminishing the European democratic deficit and the Union’s legitimacy crisis are intertwined with the creation of a European demos and a European public sphere, that, in turn, can create a European civil solidarity. The European citizens’ initiative, which has recently been re-regulated, was precisely designed to help to solve these problems. As we shall see, the new Regulation includes a whole series of positive technical issues that will improve the usage of the mechanism. However, the European citizens’ initiative is still far from being a popular initiative and, therefore, to contribute to diminish the perception of distance between institutions and citizens of the EU or promoting the creation of a European demos. In this vein, after an overview of the European citizens’ initiative new Regulation main innovations and weaknesses, I will present a set of measures in order to achieve a more effective development of the mechanism.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 75-80
I. D. Yevtushenko ◽  
A. Sh. Makhmutkhodzhayev ◽  
T. V. Ivanova ◽  
O. V. Parshina ◽  
I. A. Ryzhova ◽  

A clinical prospective examination of 90 women with complete pregnancy and indications for labor induction because of unsatisfactory maturity of uterus cervix has been made. The aim was to create a comparative analysis of efficiency of intravaginal introduction of prostaglandin synthetic analogue E1 misoprostol («Sytotec») and intracervical introduction of prostaglandin E2 dinoprostone («Prepidil» gel) for uterus cervix preparation and labor induction at complete pregnancy. Misoprostol in a dose of 25 mkg has been introduced to pregnant women of the 1 group (n=44), every 4 hours not more than 3 times. In case of discharge of waters or labor activity the second introduction has not been done. Dinoprostone has been introduced intracervically in a single dose to pregnant women of the 2 group (n=46). The use of misoprostol has been accompanied by spontaneous beginning of labor activity by 2 times more often than the use of dinoprostone. The quantity of vaginal births within 12 and 24 hours of observation has been surely greater and the duration of time between the beginning of introduction and labor has been surely smaller in the group of women received misoprostol as compared to the one received dinoprostone. It has not been revealed any differences between examined groups by the frequency of uterus hyperstimulation symptom development, labor duration, frequency of abdominal and vaginal labor, as well as perinatal outcomes.

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