scholarly journals Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pasangan Remaja Usia 13 – 22 Tahun Untuk Melakukan Sex Bebas Di Kawasan Tretes Kecamatan Prigen Kabupaten Pasuruan

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 6
Iis Fatimawati ◽  
M. Rijal Febrianto

Adolescence is a period of transition from child to adulthood. Many problems experienced by adolescents in this biological transition, for example is free sex. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence teenage couples aged 13-22 years for  free sex in the districts Tretes Prigen Pasuruan regency. This study used a cross sectional analytic design. Independent variable in this study is the family factor, sex education, and environment. Dependent Variabel is free sex. The sample was mostly couples teenager in Tretes Pasuruan District Prigen that totaling 34 people. Sampling technique that is accidental sampling. This study was conducted in June 2014. Results showed the majority of family factors (55.9%) is less. Factors sex education the majority (67.6%) is less. Environmental factors most (61.8.%) Is less. Teen couple who are free sex is majority (64.7%). Analysis using chi square test showed association of family factors, environmental factors, and the factor of sex education to teen couple sex free.Need for Sex explanation that correct and proper manner that is based on religious values, culture and ethics, so the teenager will avoid that are negative things and reprehensible associated with problem-free sex.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-25
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Evita Muslima Isnanda Putri ◽  
Fidrotin Azizah

Background:Covid-19 pandemic has spread across the world and is having an impact globally. The rules for handling the Covid-19 pandemic force people to change their habits and patterns of daily life. Covid-19 has brought dramatic changes to our lives, including many losses. However, change or transition experienced by the community due to the Covid-19 pandemic can cause loss and grief.Objectives:This study aims to determine society dimension variables with loss and grief in Covid-19 pandemic era.Methods:. Correlational analytic with cross sectional approach that analyzes the relationship between age, sex, education and occupation with Loss and Grieving. A sample of 278 respondents with accidental sampling technique. The instrument uses a questionnaire distributed by social media. Descriptive analysis with process analysis, analytic analysis with chi square test and Spearman's Rho at a significance level of 5%Results: All respondents experienced a grieving phase and most were in the Bargaining stage (54.3%). Men are more acceptable (14.3%) than women (9.6%). The age of 33.3% early adolescents and people who do not work 50% are dominant in the anger phase, most of all educational backgrounds are in the Bargaining phase (42.8% -55.9%)Conclusion:The length of time the incident occurred, the cultural context, the similarity of policies, and the territorial background of the Indonesian State greatly influenced the loss and grieving stages, making the majority of the grieving stages in the Bargaining stage. Keywords: loss, grief, Covid-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-191
Rina Aprianti ◽  
Susilo Wulan ◽  
Elza Wulandari

Background: Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness, decreased level of vigilance, decreased physical performance, decreased work motivation and ultimately can reduce one's productivity. The working period is knowledge or skills that someone has known and controlled as a result of an act or job that has been carried out for a certain period of time. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between work tenure and subjective work fatigue in inpatient nurses at dr. M Yunus Bengkulu. Subjects and Methods: This study was a type of analytic survey with a cross sectional approach which was carried out in dr. M Yunus Bengkulu. The population is nurses. Sampling used a total sampling technique of 128 nurses. The independent variable in this study is tenure. The dependent variable in this study is subjective work fatigue. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The data analysis used is chi square, which is to test whether there is a relationship between independent and dependent variables. Results: This study showed that most of the nurses experienced subjective work fatigue with the moderate category as many as 65 nurses (50.7%) and had a service life of> 10 years as many as 84 (65.6%). The results of the chi square test showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between years of service (p = 035). Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that there is a statistically significant relationship between tenure and subjective work fatigue in inpatient nurses at RSUD Dr. M Yunus Bengkulu. Keywords: Working Period, Subjective Work Fatigue

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Farida Umamah ◽  
Aprillia Lestari

The relationship between pre-menopause women with incidence of hypertension in RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village Sidoarjo. Menopause women have increasing blood pressure is higher than pre-menopause women, it caused by decreasing of hormonal levels. Initial data showed in February 2015 in RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village was obtained 6 out of 10 women or 60% women had symptoms of hypertension in pre- menopause women. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between pre- menopause women with incidence of hypertension in RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village Sidoarjo.It use analytic design, with cross sectional approach. The population were 61 women. The sample were 52 respondents taken by simple random sampling technique. The independent variable was the incidence of hypertension and the dependent variable was the incidence of pre-menopause. Data were collected by using check list. Analyzed by chi square test ( α = 0.05 ) . Study results showed almost all pre–menopause women and most women them had hypertension. Results test ρ = 0.001 < α = 0.05. so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted . The conclusion of this study is there is relationship between Pre-menopause with incidence of hypertension In women In RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village Sidoarjo. Suggested for women to understand and have knowledge about the signs of pre-menopause and the incidence of hypertension and Health staff to provide information to the women about the signs of pre-menopause and hypertension .

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-70
Emdat Suprayitno ◽  
Sri Sumarni ◽  
Isqi Lailatul Islami

Abstract Hypertension is a major problem as a risk factor for death in cardiovascular disease caused by genetic and lifestyle factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between hypertension and lifestyle in Poja Village, Gapura District. This study used a cross sectional analytic design. The population in this study were 73 people. The sampling technique was simple random sampling and data analysis used the Chi Square test, the data collection technique used online questionnaire forms (google forms). Chi square test results obtained P value = 0.001 <a (0.05), which means that there is a relationship between hypertension and lifestyle in Poja Village, Gapura District. Therefore it is important to always adopt a good and healthy lifestyle to prevent hypertension Keywords: Hypertension, lifestyle, the incidence of hypertension

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Zahrotul Fitria Suryawan

Background: Hypertension is the cardiovascular disease that contribute to at least 45% of deaths from heart disease, and 51% of deaths from stroke. Adolescents with high blood pressure have a high risk of becoming hypertensive during adulthood. Objective: This study was aimed to investigate factors correlating with hypertension in adolescent. Methods: This study design was correlational with cross-sectional approach. The number of respondents was 125 people selected by simple random sampling technique. The independent variable of this research is gender, family history, BMI (Body Mass Index), sodium intake, smoking, psychogenic stress, parental income, and physical activity. The dependent variable of this research is hypertension. Data were taken through questionnaires, measurement of blood pressure, weight, and height and data analyzed using Spearman Correlation and Chi-Square test with α

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 8
Yuniar Lestari ◽  
Rima Semiarty ◽  
Wirsma Arif Harahap

Breast cancer cause multifactorial, one of the risk factors is exposure of pesticides. The aim of this study was to determine association of pesticides exposure with breast cancer in West Sumatera Province, Indonesia. In this cross sectional study, the data were collected from Dr. M Djamil General Hospital Padang. Sampling technique with convenience sampling. We selected 234 patients with breast cancer diagnosed. The variables of this study included independent variable is exposure pesticides and dependent variable is breast cancer. Pesticides exposure were collected from the questionnaire of pesticides exposure that have been validated. The association was analyzed by using chi-square test and cut off point analyzed using receiver operating characteristics (ROC). A two-tailed P-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Data  were  analyzed  using  the SPSS version 22.0. The results of study found that more than half of respondents (53.8%) were exposed of pesticides while less than half of respondents (46.2%) were not exposed. This study confirmed no association of pesticides exposure with breast cancer in West Sumatera Province, Indonesia

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Nur Hidaayah

A woman looking at pregnancy as a natural result marital relationship, intended and unintended. Most of the other women received a pregnancy as a natural desire and even some women, including teens, the pregnancy is the result of sexual experimentation without using contraception and pregnancy showed no preparation is a problem. This study aimed readiness relationship with the incidence of postpartum blues pregnancy on postpartum mothers in RSIA Prima Husada Sidoarjo. Methods: The study design was cross-sectional analytic, the entire population was puerperal women of 30 people, with a simple random sampling technique obtained a sample of 28 people. the independent variable is the readiness of pregnancy and the dependent variable was the incidence of post partum blues. The instruments used were questionnaires, analyzed with the chi-square statistic. Results: of the 28 respondents, there were 15 respondents were unprepared for pregnancy, most experience post partum blues events. Results of chi-square test with significance level α = 0.05, P = 0.000 found <α = 0.05, H0 is rejected that there is a relationship with the incidence of pregnancy readiness post partum blues. Conclusion: mothers who are not ready to get pregnant may experience post partum blues. Suggestion: the provision of information about the gestation period should be given to the couple before pregnancy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Irmah Nur Lailia ◽  
Fauziyatun Nisa

The continuity of laboring process can be seen from the length of delivery takes and do not undergo complications during childbirth. In fact, there are many women who have suffered due to an excessive fearness therefore they had labor disfluencies which can be hindering the delivery process of laboring. This study aims to determine the relationship between mentoring husband with the continuity of labor process in BPM Arifin S Surabaya.The design which is used is analytic cross-sectional study design. The population study is all women who is giving birth in the moment of January to May with 142 respondents. The sampling technique using simple random sampling, 61 respondents. The independent variable (mentoring husband) with the dependent variable (continuity laboring process). The collecting data using partograf. Data anlysis using Chi-Square α = 0.05.The results showed that 85.3%of respondents who accompanied by husband during laboring process, they will have precious continuity of laboring. The results of chi-square test with α = 0.05 is ρ = 0.000 obtained significant ρ < α Ho have been ignored, it means that there is a relation between accompanied husband and the continuity laboring process.The concusions of this study, there is a relation between accompanying by husband while laboring process and a fluency of laboring process. Unaccompanied by husband while labor process will increase the risk uncontinuity of laboring process. Hence, this is truly necessary for husband having counseling about the importance of accompanying mothers while laboring process.

1970 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Eny Sendra ◽  
Dewi Indriani

Breast feeding is giving milk to be drunk to the baby from the breast. Uterus involution is a process how the uterus return to the condition back, before pregnanting after bearing. At the moment of suckling, happens a stimulus and brings the hormones out, such as oksitosin uses not only to stimulate some muscles constraction but also to stimulate the uterus, so that the process of uterus involution happens foster. According to the explanations above, the research aimed to know about the correlation between breast feeding and uterus involution. This research’s design was, cross sectional by the population of all childbirth mothers approximately 50 persons / month. By using accidental sampling technique we got 21 sample respondents. The place of research in RSIA Aura Syifa in Kediri Regency on 16th until 22nd of June 2009. From this research’s result, we got 14 persons (66,67%) with normal uterus involution, suckled in a good way, one person (4,67%) with normal uterus involution, suckled in a wrong way, 2 persons (9,52%) with abnormal uterus involution, suckled in a good way and 4 persons (19,05%) with abnormal uterus involution, suckled in a wrong way. Statistic test which used chi-square test, counted the probability frequency in advance, from that we got 3 columns with the score, less than 5, so that chi-square can not be continued and by doing exact fisher test, the score was 0,001. Because P with the grade mistake 0,05 smaller, so the conclusion was “Ho” is rejected, it meant “there was correlation between suckling and uterus involution”. Key Word : Breast feeding, uterus involution

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 875
Asfri Sri Rahmadeni

<p class="Normal1"><em>Commitment is the attitude or behavior of likes or dislikes shown by someone against the organization at work. Indonesia is recorded as a nurse who has a low organizational commitment (76%) so it harms services. This phenomenon in the hospital can be seen from the indicator of the high turnover rate of nurses which reaches 30.9% which exceeds the standard &lt;5%. Many factors affect organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Personal Factors Associated with Organizational Commitment of Hospital Nurses. This study is a cross-sectional analytic study and purposive sampling technique with a sample of 59 nurses. Chi-Square test results obtained personal factors that have a relationship with organizational commitment Nurse Hospital is age with p = 0,000 and education with p = 0,000, personal factors not related to organizational commitment are gender p = 1,053 and years of service with p = 1,147. Hospitals should conduct research/surveys on Organizational Commitment periodically as an evaluation material in the context of the organization's development and development in the future</em>.</p>

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