Horetska O.V.

Мета. У статті поставлено за мету розкрити сутність оптимізму як психологічного феномену, про-аналізувати його зв’язок з іншими психологічними конструктами, визначити психологічні особливості прояву оптимізму у людей похилого віку. Методи. За допомогою описового методу проаналізовано різні підходи до дефініції оптимізму; систематизовано наукові теоретичні й емпіричні дослідження цього конструкту; за допомогою методики Л. Рудіної «Тест на оптимізм» визначено рівень оптимізму, песимізму й надії людей похилого віку. Результати. Здійснено аналіз взаємозв’язку оптимізму з іншими психологічними категоріями. Наведено основні переваги оптимізму на життєвому шляху особистості. Зазначено, що оптимізм – здатність людини переживати надію на успіх, вірити у власні сили й можливості, турбуватися про себе та конструктивно долати перешкоди на шляху до досягнення мети. Описано психологічні характеристики людини-оптиміста й людини-песиміста. Розглянуто соціально-психологічні проблеми літніх. Надано результати емпіричного дослідження прояву оптимізму в людей похилого віку. Оптимістичні люди похилого віку більш щасливі, продуктивні, задоволені життям, упевнені в собі й у власному майбутньому, готові до нового, здатні прийняти себе і власний вік, більш успішно соціалізуються, мають певні цілі в житті та потрібні ресурси для їх реалізації, конструктивні копінг-стратегії подолання життєвих труднощів. У них загалом менше проблем зі здоров’ям. Песимістично налаштовані люди похилого віку гірше адаптуються до нового етапу життя, мають занижений емоційний фон і самооцінку, не прийма-ють старість, очікують найгіршого в майбутньому, почуваються розгубленими у стресових ситуаціях, невпевнені в собі, безініціативні, малопродуктивні, некомунікабельні, тривожні, бояться проявляти себе, вважають, що життя скінчено, проте набагато точніше, ніж оптимісти, здатні оцінити ситуацію та власні ресурси для її вирішення. У більшості респондентів встановлено переважання помірного песимізму. Висновки. Дослідження акцентує увагу на створенні необхідних умов посилення оптимізму в людей похилого віку задля благополучного старіння, позитивного прийняття себе та світу, формування впевненості в собі, віри у власні сили й успіх, планів на життя, ефективного подолання стресу, підтримки психічного й фізичного здоров’я. Ключові слова: людина похилого віку, оптимізм, песимізм, щастя, психічне здоров’я, благополучна старість. Purpose. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of optimism as a psychological phenomenon, to analyze its connection with other psychological constructs, to determine the psychological peculiarities of optimism in the elderly persons.Methods. With the help of the descriptive method there have been analyzed the different approaches to the definition of optimism; there have been systematized the scientific theoretical and empirical researches of this construct; with the help of the method of L. Rudina “Test for optimism” there have been defined the role of optimism, pessimism and hope of the elderly persons.Results. There have been done the analysis of the relationship of optimism with other psychological categories. The main advantages of optimism in the personality’s life path have been given. It is noted that optimism is a person’s ability to feel hope for success, believe in own strengths and abilities, take care of themselves and constructively overcome obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. There have been described the psychological features of optimist and pessimist. The social and psychological problems of the elderly persons have been considered. The results of the empirical research of optimism in elderly persons are given. The optimistic elderly persons are happier, more productive, satisfied with life, confident in themselves and their future, ready for new, able to accept themselves and their own age, socialize more successfully, have certain goals in life and necessary resources for their realization, constructive coping-strategies for overcoming life’s difficulties. In general they have fewer health problems. Pessimistic elderly people often adapt worse to the new stage of life, have low emotional background and self-esteem, don’t accept old age, expect the worst in the future, feel confused in stressful situations, insecure, uninitiated, unproductive, uncommunicative, fearless, believe that life is over, but much more accurately than optimists they are able to evaluate the situation and own resources for its solving. The majority of respondents demonstrate a predominance of moderate pessimism. Conclusions. The research pays attention on creating the necessary conditions as for strengthening optimism in the elderly for healthy aging, positive acceptance of yourself and the world, building self-confidence and success, life plans, effective coping with stress, mental and physical health. Key words: elderly person, optimism, pessimism, happiness, mental health, prosperous old age.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 851-860 ◽  
Alessandra Martins Ferreira Warmling ◽  
Silvia Maria Azevedo dos Santos ◽  
Ana Lúcia Schaefer Ferreira de Mello

Abstract Objective: To identify strategies used in the oral health care of elderly persons with Alzheimer's disease in the home. Method: an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach to collecting and analyzing data was performed. Data was collected through interviews with 30 caregivers and analyzed by the content analysis technique. Results: The majority of subjects were female, daughters of the elderly person, university graduates and aged 32-77 years. The strategies identified were grouped into categories according to the participation of the caregiver: does not participate in care actions or oral health assessments; reminds the elderly person about oral hygiene, demonstrates movements and assists with some procedures; directly carries out actions of care. Conclusion: The strategies employed are related to the degree of dependence of the elderly person, as the caregiver acts based on the need for oral health care and the difficulties in carrying out such care.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 54
Avi Bitzur ◽  
Mali Shaked

The world in which we live is aging at a dizzying pace and expressions like “70 is the new 50” or the creation of concepts such as the “Silver Tsunami”, a nickname for the aging baby-boomer generation, have become an inseparable part of the reality in our society.On the one hand, the spread of aging is a welcome phenomenon – a sort of solution to the great human effort to reach immortality. On the other hand, however, old age can be perceived as a period burdened by economic, social and health-related challenges and it is becoming more and more clear that throughout the world, and in Israel in particular – the focus of this article - we must begin to prepare systems and services for the provision of rapid and comprehensive solutions for the tsunami of aging that befalls us. This stems from an understanding that the services we have in place today are not sufficiently prepared to handle the range of challenges and issues that will arise as a side effect of this phenomenon.The dilemmas that come hand in hand with the aging of our population are innumerable, however five particular issues stand out: the first is who should be responsible for the elderly and their care – the government or the person’s family? The second: Should all of the elderly receive the same care or should the treatment assistance vary differentially – meaning each elderly person should receive care according to his or her economic, social and health status and receive only according to their needs? The third is, should we provide assistance to the elderly directly (e.g. specific medications) or should the elderly receive financial assistance equivalent to the value of their needs and should we hope that they purchase the relevant medications, for example, and not something else instead? The fourth dilemma is: should we provide assistance for specific projects or should we work on long-term solutions through legislation to provide care and assistance to the elderly? Fifth, which is also the main questions, is should the services provided be privatized or should the treatment be the responsibility of the state and its institutions?The question of privatization or nationalization is the main focus of this article, and while we do not pretend to offer a firm stance on the issue, the authors offer to shed some light on the basic concepts associated with our aging population and how we as a society might handle these issues from the perspective of comparison between privatization versus nationalization of services rendered. The main focus of this article will be around the issue of the residential arrangements for the elderly: Mainly - should the elderly move into what are typically called “old age homes” or should we allow for “Aging in Place” – an approach that favors allowing the elderly to remain in their own homes for the remainder of their lives. Which is the most favorable solution? This issue also falls under the dilemma of whether or not homes for the aging as one possible solution should be a state-provided service or if “aging in place” will result in the privatization of the services granted to the elderly.The focus of this article is the situation in Israel, a country in which a significant portion of the population is elderly and where, by 2035, 15% of the population will be considered senior citizens. We will present the dilemma through the lens of the situation in Israel. The article shall begin with an introduction offering an in-depth examination of the dilemma presented. We will continue by presenting basic concepts from the general literature in the field of gerontology available today. We will then examine the situation in Israel between the years 2017-2019 and conclude by examining the concepts of privatization and nationalization in regards to services for the elderly, while once again emphasizing that comprehensive solutions to these dilemmas are unlikely to be reached in the near future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 456-463
Cristina Imaginário ◽  
Magda Rocha ◽  
Paulo Puga Machado ◽  
Cristina Antunes ◽  
Teresa Martins

Abstract Objective: to assess whether the health condition of an elderly person can serve as a mediating factor between the cognitive state and general self-esteem of the institutionalized elderly. Method: a quantitative, cross-sectional correlational study was performed, based on the path analysis technique.The following instruments were used for data collection: the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment, the Mini Nutritional Evaluation and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Results: the sample was composed of 312 elderly patients of both genders (112 men and 200 women), with an average age of 83.39 (+7.09) years. Most of the elderly persons were widowed, with a low educational level, and had been institutionalized in Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly for on average 54.6 (+51.69) months. The mediating factor of health condition renders the link between the cognitive state and self-esteem of the elderly null. However, the analysis of the decomposition of the effects showed a significant indirect effect between the cognitive state and health condition. The total effect of cognitive state on the health condition of the elderly is significant, positive and direct. Conclusion: based on the results of this study we maintain that cognitive changes can affect the nutritional state and physical balance of the institutionalized elderly.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1057-1064 ◽  
Lin Meng ◽  
Xiangbo Kong ◽  
Daiki Taniguchi ◽  

We developed a restroom danger detection system (RDDS) for detecting dangerous situations and protecting the elderly. Restrooms are particularly dangerous places for elderly persons. Our RDDS detects danger in real time by using image processing and sends an alert to a family member, hospital staff, etc. It comprises four processes: person detection, center of gravity detection, ellipse detection, and danger decision. The human detection process calculates the difference between an image of the empty restroom and one of the restroom when it is occupied (to which a brightness correction has been applied). The difference image is binarized and used for detecting the presence of a person. If a person is detected, the person’s center of gravity and ellipse are detected in the binarized image after it is denoised. The obtained information is used for detecting a dangerous situation. If the dangerous situation continues for 60 seconds, an alert is sent. Testing showed that our system can detect a dangerous situation within 1.5 seconds. This RDDS is one step toward the development of a comprehensive elderly person protection system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-284
Mohammed Ishaq Mohammed ◽  
Noralfishah Sulaiman

Purpose The year 2020 heralds a landmark in Malaysia’s demographic and economic landscape, as the country is expected to become an ageing country, as well as aspiring of becoming a high-income country. The elderly persons are, however, reported to be vulnerable to the risk of financial insecurity in old age, which if not addressed can affect the country’s effort of accomplishing the Vision 2020 goal of becoming a high-income nation. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the factors that are capable of affecting the development of reverse mortgage market in Malaysia from the perspective of the financial service professionals. Design/methodology/approach The study is a qualitative design that involves the use of semi-structured questionnaire as data collection strategy. A total number of nine participants were selected for the interview using critical case sample scheme based on purposive sampling strategy. Findings The findings reveal that various economic, socio-demographic, behavioural and political/institutional factors would impose varying degrees of influence on reverse mortgage market in Malaysia. Originality/value The study is expected to spur discussion among stakeholders on the practicability of using reverse mortgage as alternative source of old-age financing in Malaysia.

2009 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-218 ◽  
Ildri Kjølseth ◽  
Øivind Ekeberg ◽  
Sissel Steihaug

ABSTRACTBackground: The objective of this study is to acquire an understanding of the suicides among a group of elderly people by studying how they experienced their existence towards the end of life.Methods: This is a psychological autopsy study based on qualitative interviews with 63 informants in relation to 23 suicides committed by persons aged over 65 in Norway. Informants who knew the deceased persons well describe what the elderly person communicated to them about their experience of life in the period before the suicide and how they as informants saw and understood this. The informants comprise relatives, family doctors and home-based care nurses. The analysis of the interviews follows the systematic text condensation method.Results: The descriptions are divided into three main elements: the elderly persons' experiences of life, their perception of themselves, and their conceptions of death. “Experience of life” has two sub-topics: this life has been lived and life as a burden. Everything that had given value to their life had been lost and life was increasingly experienced as a burden. Their “perception of themselves” concerned losing oneself. Functional decline meant that they no longer had freedom of action and self-determination. “Conceptions of death” involve the following sub-topics: acknowledgement/acceptance and death is better than life. Life had entered into its final phase, and they seemed to accept death. For some time, many of them had expressed the wish to die.Conclusions: The results lead us to argue that their suicides should be considered as existential choices. The sum total of the different forms of strain had made life a burden they could no longer bear. Age meant that they were in a phase of life that entailed closeness to death, which they could also see as a relief.

Nitesh Mangal ◽  
Dilip Kumar L. ◽  
K. A. Varghese ◽  
Meet Chauhan ◽  
Matariswa Samanta

Background: There is a paradigm shift in the social values towards the elderly people due to urbanization and higher educational linked migration. Consequently, problems like loneliness, lack of emotional support, economic insecurities are faced by the elderly population. The objectives of the study were to assess the socio-economic dimensions and to examine the morbidity and mortality patterns of elderly persons in the study area.Methods: A cross- sectional study was conducted among 536 elderly persons from May to August 2019 in an urban area of Udaipur. A pre-structured and pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect information on socio-demographic details, morbidity profile and socio-economic problems of elderly persons. The data was analyzed using class frequencies, ‘t’ test for equality of gender difference in mortality ages and Chi-square test for association of age class with morbidity.Results: A majority of study subjects were females (52.05%). There was significant difference in proportions of elderly male and female persons across their educational levels. The chi-square test for association of age classes with number of health problems revealed significant association. About 56.34% of 536 elderly people were leading an unsatisfactory life.Conclusions: The major morbidities included arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, cataract, dental problems, cardiovascular problems etc. Financial problems were more severe among elderly. The availability of trained paramedical professionals for home care and day care units and legal bindings on family members for safety and security of elderly person can be effective measures to overcome the problems being faced by them. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Neema Stella ◽  
Nankwanga Annet ◽  

Background In most African countries, the elderly face challenges that affect their health and wellbeing and are more pronounced because of the systemic factors of inadequate health care, food insecurity and the general care. Increasing population of the elderly persons in Uganda is raising concern than ever before. The purpose of this paper to ascertain care available to the rural elderly persons and their role as carers for their grandchildren and implications on their wellbeing. Methods This was a qualitative study conducted among the rural elderly aged 60 years and above in eight purposively selected district that included Lira, Nebbi, Kampala, Luwero, Pallisa, Jinja, Mbarara, and Ntungamo. The study sample consisted of 101 elderly person from whom in-depth interviews were conducted. Data was analysed using qualitative thematic content analysis. Results Rural elderly in Uganda face a lot of constraints that include access to healthcare and information, poor economic status, food insecurity and poor nutrition, and poor accommodation and housing conditions. Two broader themes emerged inductively from the analysis that include care available for the rural elderly and providing care to grandchildren. These themes generated several subthemes. Taking care of grandchildren crippled the elderly and reduced the economic benefits. That said some rural elderly were happy and felt fulfilled to care of the grandchildren despite the lack of resources. Conclusion The rural elderly in Uganda are living in doleful conditions with limited care and support. They need care but are the providers of care to the grandchildren. They are frails and may not afford to provide adequate care. They care for grandchildren many of whom are orphans and vulnerable yet they themselves need care. It is important the government and the community re-enforce this care not to put strain on elderly. The rural elderly unique challenges necessitates special targeting and mobilization of resources at the household, local, district and national levels.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (spe) ◽  
pp. 216-224 ◽  
Rosalina Aparecida Partezani Rodrigues ◽  
Sueli Marques ◽  
Luciana Kusumota ◽  
Emanuella Barros dos Santos ◽  
Jack Roberto da Silva Fhon ◽  

OBJECTIVE: to examine the transition of care in families caring for elderly persons who suffered the first episode of a cerebrovascular accident. METHODOLOGY: an instrumental ethnographic case study was used. The sample comprised 20 subjects: 10 caregivers and 10 elderly persons aged 65 or over, of both sexes, with diagnoses of first episode of cerebrovascular accident, capable of communicating, and requiring care from a main carer in their family. The data was collected through interviews, observation, existing documentation and field notes. Qualitative analysis techniques were used to codify and classify the data and to formulate significant categories, which generated typologies of care. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The central idea was the Transition of Care and showed the context in three typologies: The care process for the dependent elderly person, Strategies for the care process and Impact and acceptance of the limitations. CONCLUSION: The data indicates that caring for an elderly person after a cerebrovascular accident is a challenge for the family. The data permitted it possible to elaborate a proposal for a model for the organization of the work, with a view to holistic care delivery in the health services, forming a care network, which constitutes an advance for the area of nursing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-10 ◽  
Fatemeh Estebsari ◽  
Maryam Dastoorpoor ◽  
Zahra Rahimi Khalifehkandi ◽  
Azadeh Nouri ◽  
Davoud Mostafaei ◽  

Background: With the increasing number of elderly people in the world, usage of concepts and terminology related to this phenomenon has substantially increased. One concept in this context is successful aging. The purpose of the present study is to extract and introduce a common concept to be used in studies on measuring successful aging. Methods: This is a review study. First, by searching the databases of Magiran, Noormags, Medlib, Irandoc, Iranmedex, Barakat Knowledge Network System, Civilica, SID, ISI Web Of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct and search engines, Google Scholar and Elmnet as well as using standard keywords such as elder, elderly, aging, and successful aging, all related published articles during the period 1995 to 2017 were retrieved. A total of 3417 documents were retrieved. By removing 3390 unrelated, duplicate and unusable documents, 27 articles were included in the study after quality control. Results: The findings of the study were categorized in three areas: "defining successful aging by focusing on dimensions", "successful aging principles" and "factors influencing successful aging". Reviewing various studies, we found that the definition of successful aging deals with cognitive action, perception, control, life satisfaction, and ethics. Successful aging is also defined as having inner feelings of happiness and satisfaction with life for the present and the past. Sometimes successful aging is also considered to be survival with health. Conclusion: Health care professionals as community health supporters can use the results from the present study for providing the grounds for successful aging. Then, they can use the designed successful aging program for preserving and promoting active and healthy aging for every elderly person in old age.

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