CCIT Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 384-401
Dewi Immaniar ◽  
Triyono Triyono ◽  
Richi Setiawan

The development of multimedia technology , especially information technology today has grown more rapidly thereby making human life had now become so easy and fun . One area that can be combined with the development of the field of multimedia can be found in the advertising world , especially in education . Problems often occur advertising to promote the schools still less varied and less Mltimedia highlight developments that have been developed . The new breakthrough is needed , and in this case can be taken is a video profile which is often used as a medium for the introduction and promotion of schools in Indonesia . There are various types of advertising and video profiles are often produced , ranging from entirely ditokohkan and played by real human or using a 3D animation of characters that made ??such that it has the properties and behavior of human beings . By using Google Sketch up and 3D Max are arranged to create a frame by frame animation in the form of promotional advertising . Media Advertising Profile IT ALIA TANGERANG SMA – Based 3D Animation feature a wide range of excellence and achievement in high school there – IT ALIA . 3D advertising will reveal the main developments in the information technology IT ALIA high school that was already growing . This animation -based advertising media can contribute to increase the target of new students with a unique breakthrough advertising with 3D animation .

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-199
Agung Ramadhanu ◽  
Rahmad Hidayat ◽  
Mardison Mardison

The world of education today is something very valuable for the advancement of the Nation and State, both in the fields of religion, social, even general science. Human resources are the key to the development of life in the nation and water land that is intended for the welfare of human life, through basic education starting from kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school (MTs), high school (MA) and Bachelor, proven to be able to educate students to be human beings with dignity and virtue, which starts from the process of selecting new student candidates. Following up on this, the researcher will seriously respond and complete this research which focuses on the selection of new students based on Multimedia and E-mail systems at Madrasah Aliyah. Multimedia and E-mail systems are the most desirable tools for learning that are very good and easy to understand, and able to do a direct automatic system that is connected directly using E-mail as the output. By doing this research, researchers are very confident that this is able to break new things and greatly facilitate the school in making decisions to select new prospective students in Madrasah Aliyah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-72
Khubni Maghfirotun ◽  
Eka Nur Mahzumah

The morality / character of the nation's students has collapsed. This is marked by the rise of bullying, child anarchism, mass contests, free sex and so on. Seeing the importance of the role of etiquette in human life, the education world should think more seriously about the concept of planting etiquette in its students, so that the introduction and cultivation of etiquette must begin at an early age. Rasulullah SAW has taught that the example is the main factor of success in educating children. Exemplary is also the best method in children's education, especially in the early childhood period. On this basis the research formulated the formulation of the problem namely (1) How is the concept of Adab in SDI Ar-Roudloh Miru? (2) How is the Implementation of Adab Based Education in SDI Ar-Roudloh Miru-Sekaran-Lamongan? This study uses qualitative research and case studies as its research design. Research subjects in this study were students at SDI Ar-Roudloh. Data collection techniques used were observation, semistructural interviews and documentation. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data checking technique uses triangulation techniques. The results of this study include: (1) the formation of students' character at SDI Ar Roudloh is with the Applicative Religious concept. This is evidenced by the existence of Boarding School since students go up to fourth grade. This is expected to be more intensive in applying civilized values ​​that are prioritized by the institution. The etiquette values ​​emphasized and prioritized at SDI Ar Roudloh in this case are divided into three aspects namely; Judging from the pattern of attitudes and behavior to God, patterns of behavior to fellow human beings, patterns of behavior to nature. (2) in implementing civilized education for the formation of students' character by applying the religious concept with the details of the sub-chapters above, there are several stages in order to obtain maximum results, before implementing and informing the values ​​of civilized education to students. In this case the researcher classifies into three stages; first; Socialization, second; Implementation and third; Evaluation.  

Helmuth Plessner ◽  
J. M. Bernstein

“Centric positionality” is a form of organism-environment relation exhibited by animal forms of life. Human life is characterized not only by centric but also by excentric positionality—that is, the ability to take a position beyond the boundary of one’s own body. Excentric positionality is manifest in: the inner, psychological experience of human beings; the outer, physical being of their bodies and behavior; and the shared, intersubjective world that includes other human beings and is the basis of culture. In each of these three worlds, there is a duality symptomatic of excentric positionality. Three laws characterize excentric positionality: natural artificiality, or the natural need of humans for artificial supplements; mediated immediacy, or the way that contact with the world in human activity, experience, and expression is both transcendent and immanent, both putting humans directly in touch with things and keeping them at a distance; and the utopian standpoint, according to which humans can always take a critical or “negative” position regarding the contents of their experience or their life.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  

Representation of Batara Kala in Contemporar Theater of Kalamanungsa. This Kalamanungsa theater tellshumanitarian issues, the journey of human life, human beings who have characters that need to fi nd a way out forthe better life. Starting from the myth Betara Kala that was born not intentionally emerges a wide range of results.Kalamanungsa will show something different. Existence Betara Kala, Kala Betara existence presented, and the mythof the birth of stalling and Betara Kala is an inspiring creation performance theater Kalamanungsa. Kalamanungsaraised the issue of modern society life with invented characters, with burdened by the dialogues that contain philosophy,poetry, with strong musical aspect. Kalamanungsa is showed with a modern theatrical approach, by presentingthe symbols to express meaning and emotion, using multimedia, projector/LCD, with music that is processed ona computer elaborated with a variety of traditional and modern musical instruments as the stage spectacle which isintentionally presented to give specifi c meaning. Theater performance Kalamanungsa tries to explain all elements ofart in a show, like music art, dance art, lighting and other art media with hope that Kalamanungsa will attend as ashow of modern theater.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1014 ◽  
pp. 311-315
Yue Wu ◽  
Zi Xiong Dong

Community is based on a certain region of the community of human life. In the face of increasingly serious ecological crisis, a benign living environment has became the urgent need for human beings. Under the guidance of sustainable development and ecological civilization concepts, as well as relying on the paths of applied-information technology,Low-carbon industry,low-carbon transport and low-carbon consumption, we can establish an evaluation index system from low-carbon buildings, low-carbon production, low-carbon transport, low-carbon consumption the Delphi method and analysis hierarchy process (AHP), so as to promote the development of Hengyang low-carbon community.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-82
Muhamad Yusup ◽  
Untung Rahardja ◽  
Susan Oktaviani

The development of information technology , especially in the era of globalization software much influence on human life and the world of education. And supported by increased public participation in information technology to education in particular. Higher Education is a leading university that has had the best level of recognition from the National Accreditation Board makes a lot of enthusiasts who signed up. College Marketing Division has Integram system that supports data management Prospective New Students and can only be accessed on campus. Therefore we need a system that can be used online. To support this necessary or membership management student called INT +. There are four problems in the system that is running INTEGRAM system . There are three objectives in this study. Researchers using the prototype as a research method . Data collection techniques used were observation to stakeholders in the marketing division . This study is limited to the process of getting the data presentation area in the form of name , email and telephone number Prospective New Student . GO + is the latest version of GO that are connected to the Internet can be accessed anywhere. In the implementation shown prototype GO+ with INT+ , so it can be concluded that GO + with INT+ to maximize the performance of Personil Marketing .

Samuel Clark

Reasoning with autobiography is a way to self-knowledge. We can learn about ourselves, as human beings and as individuals, by reading, thinking through, and arguing about this distinctive kind of text. Reasoning with Edmund Gosse’s Father and Son is a way of learning about the nature of the good life and the roles that pleasure and self-expression can play in it. Reasoning with Siegfried Sassoon’s Memoirs is a way of learning about transformative experience, self-alienation, and therefore the nature of the self. Good Lives develops and defends this claim, by answering a series of questions. What is an autobiography? How can we learn about ourselves from reading one? On what subjects does autobiography teach? What should we learn about them? In particular, given that autobiographies are narratives, should we learn something about the importance of narrative in human life? Could our storytelling about our own lives make sense of them as wholes, unify them over time, or make them good for us? Could storytelling make the self? The overall aim of the book is a critique of narrative and a defence of a self-realization account of the self and its good. As it pursues that, the book investigates the wide range of extant accounts of the self and of the good life, and defends pluralist realism about self-knowledge by reading and reasoning with autobiographies of self-discovery, martial life, and solitude. It concludes: autobiography can be reasoning in pursuit of self-knowledge; each of us is an unchosen, initially opaque, seedlike self; our good is the development and expression of our latent capacities, which is our individual self-realization; self-narration plays much less role in our lives than some thinkers have supposed, and the development and expression of potential much more.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Muhasim Muhasim

National education functions to develop capabilities and form, dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the nation's life, aiming at developing potential students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. Such is the importance of noble character, so that guidance must continue to be carried out at a minimum along with the modernization of information technology. Noble character according to the term especially in Islam as a believer is defined as the nature or temperament of someone who has been attached and will usually be reflected in the behavior of that person. Someone who has good character will usually have good temperament or character too and vice versa someone who has a bad temper tended to have despicable character. There is no noble character for people who are not believers, so there is no faith for people who are despicable, because only people of noble character are able to avoid despicable deeds. But the reality of life still occurs behavior that is contrary to noble morals, such as those who relieve performing prayer, perform other acts of corruption: corruption, extortion, embezzlement, murder and turn am ong students still occur From the description above we observe that there are still many incompatibilities between moral values, with the attitudes and behavior of some people, including students. Therefore, noble moral formation is still needed, and for this purpose management intervention is still very important. The method used is descriptive method, which means understanding what is the object of writing, looking at various situations or social realities that exist in society from various sources that can be trusted, writing on online media is the subject of discussion. The results expected in this paper are to create a generation that is trustworthy, consistent, patient and trustworthy, in entering the era of information technology modernization, and able to avoid the negative influence of information technology. Therefore community development, including students to have noble character, is a necessity, because only in this way can the national education mandate be created, namely creating the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear the Almighty God, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable , capable, creative, independent, and a democratic and responsible citizen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-26
Anita Caroline ◽  
Taufik Akbar Rizqi Yunanto

Seksualitas melingkupi kehidupan manusia sejak lahir sampai sepanjang hidupnya. Seksualitas menyangkut berbagai dimensi, diantaranya dimensi kultural, sosial, biologis, dan psikologis. Namun isu seksualitas kerap dipandang tabu untuk diperbincangkan karena terkotak hanya pada pandangan sempit terkait perilaku seksual. Fenomena ini khususnya lebih sering ditemukan diantara perempuan dan kecenderungan ini dipengaruhi oleh identitas gender. Penelitian deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana persepsi perempuan Indonesia dalam menguraikan tentang konsep seksualitas. Pengumpulkan data diambil dari 293 partisipan perempuan yang diperoleh melalui sampling acak, 88 partisipan telah menikah dan 205 partisipan belum menikah pada jarak usia 18 – 40 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil dari angket terbuka menunjukkan bahwa istilah seksualitas masih cenderung dipandang sebagai suatu hal yang tabu untuk dibicarakan (40,96%) oleh perempuan Indonesia. Sekitar seperlima bagian (21,16%) memandang bahwa seksualitas sebagai sesuatu yang wajar untuk dibicarakan jika sesuai dengan konteks dan berada dalam situasi tertentu. Sedangkan sisanya (37,88%) beranggapan bahwa seksualitas bukanlah hal yang tabu untuk didiskusikan. Jika dijabarkan dikategorikan berdasarkan dimensinya, 23,89% mencakup dimensi biologis, 10,58% mencakup dimensi psikologis, 11,6% mencakup dimensi sosial / kultural dan 53,93% mencakup dimensi perilaku. Adapun harapannya adalah agar dapat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya pendidikan seksualitas yang komprehensif.  Sexuality covers human life from birth to throughout his life. Sexuality involves a wide range of dimensions, such as: biological, social / cultural, psychological, and behavior dimensions. But the issue of sexuality is often seen as taboo to be discussed because it is compartmentalized only in the narrow view of sexual behavior. This phenomenon is particularly common among women and this tendency is influenced by gender identity. This descriptive study aims to identify how Indonesian women perceive in describing the concept of sexuality. Collecting data was taken from 293 female participants obtained through random sampling, 88 married participants and 205 unmarried at the age range of 18-40 years. Based on the results of the open questionnaire, the term sexuality still tends to be seen as a taboo thing to talk about (40.96%) by Indonesian women. While (21.16%) the rest view sexuality as something natural to talk about if it is appropriate to the context and in certain situations. And only a small percentage (37.88%) think that discussing sexuality is no longer a taboo thing to talk about. If described as categorized by dimensions, 23.89% includes the biological dimension, 10.58% includes the psychological dimension, 11.6% includes the social / cultural dimension and 53.93% includes behavior dimension. The hope is that it can be useful to increase awareness of the importance of comprehensive sexuality education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Sri Wulan

<p><em>This study aims to understand how the framing of news is created in the education section of daily newspapers SOLOPOS. The main theory used in this research is the analysis of Todd Gitlin framing. With frames, journalist processing a wide range of information available to the pack in such a way in certain cognitive categories and presented to the audience. The methodology used is qualitative descriptive and analytical approach to framing using Todd Gitlin. This research was conducted at PT. AKSARA SOLOPOS Jl. Adisucipto No. Solo 190 57 145, with two (2) of informants in accordance with the criteria of the study subjects. The object of research is selected Pawiyatan money news relating to the acceptance of new students high school / vocational equivalent which in its message has content related message new admissions in July 2014. It was concluded from this study, education rubric SOLOPOS daily newspapers in reporting the news focus close to Solo and the surrounding community. The existence of sub-sections that are inserted every day to differentiate with other newspapers.</em><em></em></p>

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