2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Suherman Sohor

ABSTRACT Health center are the spearhead in the realization of the vision and mission of the Department of Health which among other is to improve the performance Health Center, by increasing public access to quality health services, monitoring and health information systems. In Harapan Raya Health Center, these processes must be done manually will require a longer time and have a risk of errors can occur in the process that will ultimately affect the performance of the respective health center. Process models to be used in Information Systems Data Processing In Toddlers Nutritional Status is based paradigm waterfall consisting of Systems Engineering, Requirements Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance. In the construction of this information system, the authors use the Java programming language and MySQL as the database. Results of this research is the application of Information Systems Data Processing In Toddlers Nutritional Status In Harapan Raya Health Center more effective and accurate to assist officers in processing data nutrition nutritional status of children in the health center. Key Word : Information Systems, Nutritional Status, Java, MySQL   ABSTRAK Puskesmas merupakan ujung tombak dalam merealisasikan visi dan misi Departemen Kesehatan diantaranya adalah meningkatkan kinerja Puskesmas, dengan cara meningkatkan akses masyarakat terhadap pelayanan kesehatan yang berkualitas, monitoring dan sistem informasi kesehatan. Tempat penelitian  di UPTD Puskesmas Harapan Raya, proses-proses tersebut dilakukan secara manual tentunya akan memerlukan waktu yang lebih lama serta memiliki resiko kesalahan dapat terjadi pada proses tersebut sehingga pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada kinerja Puskesmas bersangkutan. Model penelitian ini melalui proses yang akan digunakan dalam Sistem Informasi, Pengolahan Data Status Gizi Pada Balita  ini berdasarkan paradigma waterfall yang terdiri dari Systems Engineering, Requirements Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Implementation dan Maintenance. Dalam pembangunan Sistem Informasi ini, penulis menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dan MySQL sebagai database. Hasil penelitian ini berupa aplikasi Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Status Gizi Pada Balita di UPTD Puskemas Harapan Raya yang lebih efektif,  akurat dan efesien untuk membantu petugas gizi dalam mengolah data status gizi balita di Puskesmas.   Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, Status Gizi, Java, MySQL

Dini Kesumah Dini Kesumah

ABSTRACT According to World Health Organization Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 showed 49% of deaths occur in children under five in developing countries. Nutritional problems can not be done with the medical and health care approach alone. Causes related to malnutrition that maternal education, socioeconomic families, poor environmental sanitation, and lack of food supplies. This study aims to determine the relationship between education and socioeconomic status of families with nutrition survey using a cross sectional analytic approach, with a population of all mothers of children under five who visited the health center in Palembang Keramasan Accidental sampling Sampling the number of samples obtained 35 respondents. Variables include the study independent and dependent variables and univariate analysis using Chi-Square test statistic with a significance level α = 0.05. The results from 35 respondents indicate that highly educated mothers earned as many as 16 people (45.7%), and middle and upper income families as many as 12 people (34.3%) and bivariate test results show that highly educated respondents toddler nutritional status good for 81.3% (13 people) is larger than the less educated respondents balitanya good nutritional status 26.3% (5 persons) as well as respondents who have middle and upper socioeconomic families with good nutritional status of children at 91.7% ( 11 people) is larger when compared to respondents who have family socioeconomic medium with good nutritional status of children at 30.4% (7 people). Statistical tests show that education has a significant relationship with nutritional status of children P value = 0.004 and socioeconomic families have a meaningful relationship with nutritional status of children P value = 0.002. Based on the results of the study suggested the health professionals in the health center should further improve the education, information about the importance of nutrition to the development of the child in the mothers through the selection and processing of good food and a good diet through health centers and integrated health.   ABSTRAK  Menurut badan kesehatan World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2005 menunjukkan 49% kematian yang terjadi pada anak dibawah umur lima tahun di negara berkembang. Masalah gizi ini tidak dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan medis dan pelayanan kesehatan saja. Penyebab yang berhubungan dengan kurang gizi yaitu pendidikan ibu, sosial ekonomi keluarga, sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik,dan kurangnya persediaan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan status gizi balita dengan menggunakan metode survei analitik pendekatan secara Cross Sectional, dengan populasi semua ibu yang memiliki anak balita yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Keramasan Palembang dengan pengambilan sampel secara Accidental Sampling diperoleh jumlah sampel 35 responden. Variabel penelitian meliputi variabel independen dan dependen serta analisis univariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari 35 responden didapatkan ibu yang berpendidikan tinggi sebanyak 16 orang  (45,7%), dan keluarga yang berpenghasilan menengah keatas sebanyak 12 orang (34,3%) dan hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa responden yang berpendidikan tinggi status gizi balitanya baik sebesar 81,3% (13 orang) lebih besar bila dibanding responden yang berpendidikan rendah status gizi balitanya baik 26,3% (5 orang) serta responden yang mempunyai sosial ekonomi keluarga menengah keatas dengan status gizi balita baik sebesar 91,7% (11 orang) lebih besar bila dibanding responden yang mempunyai sosial ekonomi keluarga menengah kebawah dengan status gizi balita baik sebesar 30,4% (7 orang). Uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan status gizi balita P value = 0,004 dan sosial ekonomi keluarga mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan status gizi balita P value = 0,002. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan pada petugas kesehatan di Puskesmas hendaknya lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan-penyuluhan tentang pentingnya gizi terhadap tumbuh kembang anak pada ibu-ibu melalui cara pemilihan dan pengolahan bahan makanan yang baik serta pola makanan yang baik melalui kegiatan Puskesmas dan Posyandu.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Yeni Nuraeni

Sumber daya manusia (SDM) di lingkungan perguruan tinggi yang terdiri dari dosen dan tenaga penunjang memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis, karena memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap proses belajar, mutu lulusan dan pola keluaran yang kompetitif. Efektivitas kinerja dalam proses belajar mengajar dan perbaikan atmosfer akademik sangat dipengaruhi oleh standardisasi mutu yang ingin dicapai serta proses penjaminan mutu yang harus dilakukan oleh sebuah perguruan tinggi salah satunya dalam bidang sumber daya manusia (SDM). Syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar penerapan sistem penjaminan mutu SDM di sebuah perguruan tinggi dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik adalah ketersediaan basis data akurat yang dapat digunakan pada setiap pengambilan keputusan. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan sistem informasi penjaminan mutu SDM di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Sistem informasi penjaminan mutu SDM ini dapat berfungsi untuk memudahkan bagi perguruan tinggi dalam menjalankan penjaminan mutu, sehingga proses penjaminan mutu bisa dijalankan melalui tahap-tahap yang terangkai dan didukung oleh pangkalan data (basis data), sistem informasi manajemen, dan sistem pendukung keputusan yang terintegrasi. Adapun tahapan yang dilakukan dalam perancangan sistem informasi ini meliputi analisis kebutuhan, perancangan model proses, analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak, dan desain. Human resources (HR) in the college environment consisting of lecturers and support staff have a very strategic position, because it has a direct impact on the learning process, the quality of graduates and the competitive output pattern. Effectiveness of performance in teaching and learning and improved academic atmosphere is strongly influenced by the standardization of quality to be achieved and the quality assurance process that should be done by a university either in the field of human resources (HR). Condition that must be met in order for the application of quality assurance system in a college human resources can be successfully implemented is the availability of accurate database that can be used in any decision-making. It is necessary to develop human resources information system of quality assurance in higher education environments. Human resource quality assurance information system can serve to make it easier for universities in implementing quality assurance, so that the quality assurance process can be run through the connected stages and supported by the data base (database), management information systems, and integrated decision support system. The stage that is done in designing information systems include requirements analysis, design process models, software requirements analysis, and design.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Arum Sekar Rahayuning Putri ◽  
Trias Mahmudiono

Background: One of the efforts made in overcoming malnutrition in the toddler age group is by implementing a Recovery Supplementary Feeding program.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in nutritional status of children based on weight for height before and after the Supplementary Food Recovery and differences in nutritional status of children after Supplementary Food Recovery and when they had not received Supplementary Food Recovery in the Simomulyo Community Health Center work area.Methods: This study was observational study using case-control design. A total of 38 toddlers with history of obtaining Supplemental Feeding Recovery (PMT) Program in the working area of Simomulyo Health Center were randomly selected. Nutritional status of toddlers is obtained using anthropometric methods of body weight and height / body length. Statistically tested using t-test paired with a significance level of <0.05.Results: After not getting Supplemental Feeding Recovery, it was found that 2.6% of children under five severely wasting, 34.2% wasting, and 63.2% had normal nutritional status. There was a decrease in the percentage of infants with normal nutritional status compared to after completing PMT Recovery program from 68.4% to 63.2%. There were no significant differences in nutritional status of children before and after the program (p=0.585). There was no difference between the nutritional status of children under five after the program and when they had not received the program (p=0.430)Conclusions: There was no difference in nutritional status of children (weight-for-height) before and after Supplemental Feeding Recovery Program.ABSTRAK  Latar Belakang: Upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi kekurangan gizi pada kelompok usia balita adalah program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Pemulihan.Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk menganalisis adanya perbedaan pada status gizi balita berasarkan BB/TB sebelum dan setelah Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Pemulihan serta perbedaan status gizi balita setelah PMT Pemulihan dan saat sudah tidak mendapat PMT Pemulihan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Simomulyo.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah peneitian observasional dengan desain penelitan cross sectional. Lokasi penelitian adalah di wilayah kerja Puskemas Simomulyo, Surabaya. Sebanyak 38 balita dengan riwayat mendapat PMT Pemulihan dipilih secara acak menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Status gizi balita didapat menggunakan metode antropometri berat badan dan tinggi/panjang badan. Indeks BB/TB digunakan dalam penilaian status gizi dengan alasan sasaran utama PMT Pemulihan adalah balita dengan status gizi kurus.  Uji secara statistik dilakukan menggunakan uji t berpasangan dengan tingkat signifikansi <0,05.Hasil: Setelah 3 bulan mendapat PMT Pemulihan ada peningkatan persentase balita dengan status gizi normal dari 65,8% menjadi 68,4%. Setelah tidak mendapat PMT Pemulihan ada penurunan persentase balita dengan status gizi normal menjadi 63,2%. Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna status gizi balita berasarkan BB/TB sebelum dan setelah PMT Pemulihan (p=0,585). Tidak ada perbedaan pada status gizi dapat disebabkan oleh konsumsi PMT yang belum optimal. Begitu juga diketahui tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakana status gizi balita setelah PMT Pemulihan dan saat sudah tidak mendapat PMT Pemulihan (p=0,430).Kesimpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan pada status gizi balita dengan indeks antropometri BB/TB saat sebelum PMT Pemulihan dan setelah PMT Pemulihan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-138
Siti Nurhasiyah Jamil ◽  
Aning Subiyatin

The toddler period is a period that must be observed property, at this time the direction of child development will be determined for the next period. The purpose of this study was to study the immunization status of nutritional status in infants. The research design used was cross-sectional in the work area of Johar Baru Health Center, Jakarta Pusat, which was conducted from April–June 2019. The population of all children aged 6-59 months, while the study sample was infants with stunting of 105 respondents, which is data child nutrition in Health Center. Data processing and analysis using SPSS with Chi-Square statistical test, the confidence level of 95%. The results of variables related to the nutritional status of children under five are the relationship of immunization P value (0.004 OR and CI (0.173 (0.051-0.59). The conclusion of the variable related to the nutritional status of under-five children is immunization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Okta Vianis

<p>Based on monitoring reports nutritional status of children in Lubuk Kilangan Puskesmas Padang in 2014, from 291 infants who weighed by BB / U, known malnutrition by 10 people (3.44%), malnutrition as many as 54 people (18.56%), and good nutrition as much as 222 (76.3%). The purpose of this study to see if Factors Associated with the Nutritional Status In Toddlers in Sub Bandar Buat Padang District of Lubuk Kilangan 2016.</p><p>Types and methods of this research is analytic survey with cross sectional design. The research was conducted in the village of Lubuk Kilangan Bandar Buat District of Padang in May 2016. The population is all the mothers who have children amounted to 755 people. Samples taken as many as 88 people with cluster random sampling techniques and sample used for the randomization Simple Random Sampling technique. Data collected by using a questionnaire. Processing of data by univariate and bivariate data analysis performed using Chi-Square test.</p><p>The results were obtained over the majority 51.1% children have malnutrition. Mothers who are knowledgeable low of 3.6%, which the family income &lt;1.615 million as much as 47.7%. Mothers who do not give exclusive breastfeeding much as 52.3%. Of test statistics in get a significant relationship between the nutritional status of children with a mother knowledge (p value 0.000), there was a significant relationship between the nutritional status of children with family incomes (p value 0.000), and no significant correlation between the nutritional status of children with exclusive breastfeeding ( p value 0.034).</p><p> It was concluded that there is a relationship between the nutritional status of children with the knowledge of the mother, family income and exclusive breastfeeding in Lubuk Kilangan Puskesmas Padang Year 2016. For the Lubuk Kilangan health center in order to do counseling at least 1 time a month on Nutrition in infants in order to improve knowledge of mothers on nutritional status.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Hertien Novi Roficha ◽  
Fatmawaty Suaib ◽  
Hendrayati Hendrayati

Mothers’ nutritional knowledge play an important role in nutritional status of children since mothers have responsibility to provide food for family, particularly for children. Although mothers have good knowledge in nutrition, but if their level of socioeconomic is low, it will affect to nutritional status of children.The aim of this research is to determine effect of mothers’ nutritional knowledge and socioecomic family on nutritional status of children aged 6 to 24 months at Tamalanrea Jaya public health center. The kind of this research is analityc research. Sample consists of 69 children aged 6 to 24 months and their mother are the respondents who are chosen by purposive sampling. The effect of variable is detected by chi-squared test and data is demonstrated by table and narration.Result of this research shows that there are influence of mothers’ nutritional knowledge and parents revenue with nutritional status of children aged 6 to 24 months which are explained by p-value = 0.002 < α = 0.05 and p-value = 0.026 < α = 0.05 respectively. However, level of mothers’ education and mothers’ job did not have influence to nutritional status of children aged 6 to 24 months which are proved by p-value = 0.587 > α = 0.05 and p-value = 0.69 > α = 0.05 respectively.This research is suggestible to mothers to improve their knowledge in nutritional problem by following nutritional counselling or reading nutrition books for increasing insight about nutritional problem

Yuyun Firdawati ◽  
Arlin Adam ◽  
Andi Alim

Masalah gizi di Indonesia, sebagai mana halnya dengan negara-negara berkembang lainnya pada anak sangat dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu asupan makanan dan penyakit infeksi. Faktor konsumsi makanan merupakan penyebab langsung dari kejadian gizi buruk pada balita.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan gizi, pengetahuan ibu tentang gizi, penyakit infeksi, dan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi anak usia 24 – 59 bulan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analitik pada 72 responden yang memenuhi kriteria yang dilaksanakan melalui wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai acuan pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa ada hubungan antara asupan gizi, penyakit infeksi, pengetahuan ibu dan pendapatan keluarga dengan status gizi anak usia 24 – 59 bulan di Puskesmas Wangi-Wangi Selatan Kabupaten Wakatobi dengan nilai p = 0,000. Disarankan kepada petugas Puskesmas agar perlu dilakukan upaya perbaikan gizi pada anak balita, melalui penyuluhan mengenai pentingnya asupan zat gizi kepada anak balita, dan memberitahukan kepada ibu pentingnya rutin ke puskesmas.Kata-kata kunci: Status gizi, asupan gizi, pengetahuan ibu, penyakit infeksi, pendapatan keluargaABSTRACTNutritional problems in Indonesia, as well as other developing countries in children are strongly influenced by two factors, namely food supply and infectious diseases. Food consumption factor is a direct cause of the incidence of malnutrition in infants. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of nutritional supplay, knowledge of mothers about nutrition, infectious diseases, and family income with the nutritional status of children aged 24 – 59 months at the South Wangi-Wangi health center District of Wakatobi. This research was conducted in South Wangi-Wangi health center in Wakatobi District with quantitative research method with analytical approach in 72 respondents who meet the criteria implemented through interviews using questionnaires as Reference questions. The results showed that there was a relationship between nutritional intake, infectious diseases, mother knowledge and family income with nutritional status of children aged 24 – 59 months at the South Wangi-Wangi Health center of Wakatobi regency with a value P = 0.000. It is recommended to the health center officers to be done efforts to improve nutrition in children, because there are still many children who have a lack of energy intake and protein, by increasing the awareness of toddler mothers through About the importance of nutrient supply to children, and inform the mother of the importance of routine to the health center.Keywords: nutritional Status, nutritional supplay, maternal knowledge, infectious diseases, family income

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-680
Angga Herlambang ◽  
Riska Wandini ◽  
Setiawati Setiawati

Introduction: Toddler nutrition problems are still a global problem. The number of malnourished children in developing countries reaches 181.92 million (32%). Data in Indonesia in 2018 the percentage of malnutrition is 3.9%, while malnutrition is 13.8%. In Lampung Province in 2018, 3.1% of children under five experienced malnutrition, and 12.8% for undernutrition. This figure according to WHO has been considered a health problem because its prevalence is> 15.0%. Data of West Pesisir Regency in 2018, the percentage of malnutrition and malnutrition in children aged 0-59 months is 2.06% for malnutrition, and 9.01 for malnutrition.Purpose: To identify the factors that influence the nutritional status of children under five.Method: This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional approach. The population was all mothers and children under five in the Krui Public Health Center in West Pesisir Regency, with a total sample of 268 people, using proportional random sampling. Data analysis in this study used the chi-square test.Results: The results of univariate analysis showed that most respondents were well-informed (74.6%), had good birth spacing, as many as 171 people (63.8%), had good socio-economic conditions, as many as 155 people (57.8%) . The results of the bivariate analysis that there is a relationship of knowledge (p-value = 0.000, and OR = 7.846), birth spacing (p-value = 0.000, and OR = 7.304), and socioeconomic with the nutritional status of children under five in Krui Public Health Center West Pesisir Regency 2020 (p-value = 0.000, and OR = 2.575).Conclusion: there is a relationship of knowledge, birth spacing, socioeconomic, with the nutritional status of children under five in the Krui Public Health Center, West Pesisir Regency. Suggestions for improving counseling and also risk factors such as birth spacing that is too tight. Keywords: Factors, Malnutrition, Under Five Years Old Pendahuluan: Masalah gizi balita masih menjadi permasalahan global. Jumlah anak kekurangan gizi di negara yang berkembang mencapai 181,92 juta (32%). Data di Indonesia tahun 2018 persentase gizi buruk yaitu 3,9%, sedangkan gizi kurang yatu 13,8%. Di Provinsi Lampung tahun 2018 sebanyak 3,1% balita mengalami gizi buruk, dan  12,8% untuk gizi kurang. Angka ini  menurut WHO sudah dianggap masalah kesehatan karena prevalensinya >15,0%. Data Kabupaten Pesisir Barat tahun 2018, persentase gizi buruk dan gizi kurang pada balita usia 0-59 bulan yaitu sebesar 2,06% untuk gizi buruk, dan  9,01 untuk gizi kurang.Tujuan: Diketahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi balita.Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh ibu berserta balita di Puskesmas Krui Kabupaten Pesisir Barat, dengan jumlah sampel 268 orang, menggunakan  proportional random sampling. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji chi-square.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil analisis univariat bahwa sebagian besar responden berpengetahuan baik (74,6%), memiliki jarak kelahiran baik, yaitu sebanyak 171 orang (63,8%), memiliki sosial ekonomi baik, yaitu sebanyak 155 orang (57,8%). Hasil analisis bivariat bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan (p-value = 0.000, dan OR= 7.846), jarak kelahiran (p-value = 0.000, dan OR= 7.304), dan sosial ekonomi dengan status gizi balita di Puskesmas Krui Kabupaten Pesisir Barat Tahun 2020 (p-value = 0.000, dan OR= 2.575).Kesimpulan: ada hubungan pengetahuan, jarak kelahiran, sosial ekonomi, dengan dengan status gizi balita di Puskesmas Krui Kabupaten Pesisir Barat. Saran agar ditingkatkannya penyuluhan dan juga faktor risikonya seperti jarak kelahiran yang terlalu rapat. Kata Kunci          : Faktor, gizi kurang balita

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