scholarly journals Analisis Dampak Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Motivasi Pegawai (Study Kasus Di Bpsdm Provinsi Jambi)

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Suwarto Suwarto

The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) an overview of work discipline, and employee motivation at the Jambi Province Human Resources Development Agency. (2) To determine the effect of work discipline on employee motivation at the Jambi Province Human Resources Development Agency. This research is descriptive and verification. The population in this study are employees of the Jambi Province Human Resources Development Agency. The research sampling technique used Stratified Sampling technique. The total sample in this study was 50 respondents. Data were analyzed using 2 (two) ways, namely using descriptive analysis using a Likert scale. Descriptive research results indicate, the average level of respondents' answers to the variable work discipline (X) of 3,188. The average level of respondents' answers to the motivation variable (Y) was 3.113.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Resya Saputra ◽  
Usman Lewangka ◽  
Muhlis Ruslan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk; Untuk menganalisis pengaruh diklat, disiplin kerja, dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Gowa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai yakni sebanyak 47 orang PNS pada BKPSDM Kabupaten Gowa. Teknik pengambilan sampel mengambil seluruh jumlah populasi untuk dijadikan sampel tanpa terkecuali, sehingga dalam penelitian ini hasilnya menunjukkan jumlah sampel sebanyak 47 orang PNS. Hasil pengujian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa Diklat dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Gowa, sedangkan disiplin kerja berpengaruh tidak signifikan. Variabel motivasi kerja mempunyai pengaruh dominan dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Gowa. Selanjutnya Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hasil pengujian secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa variabel diklat, disiplin kerja, dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Kantor Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kabupaten Gowa. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of education and training, work discipline, and work motivation on the performance of employees in Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM), Gowa. The population in this study were all employees, as many as 47 civil servants in BKPSDM Gowa. Sampling technique takes the entire population to be sampled without any exception, so that in this the total samples were 47 civil servants. The results of the partial testing indicate that training and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at Human Resources Development Agency Gowa, while work discipline has insignificant effect. Work motivation variables have a dominant influence in improving employee performance at the Human Resources Development Agency, Gowa. Furthermore The results showed that the simultaneous testing showed that the variables of training, work discipline, and work motivation have a significant effect on employee performance at Human Resources Development Agency, Gowa.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Sanrof Baskara Exaudi Simanungkalit ◽  
Sukaria Sinulingga ◽  
Iskandarini .

A government agency is an organization that is a group of people specially selected to carry out state duties as a form of service to the masses. This research aims to determine how much influence organizational culture, work motivation, and leadership style have on employee performance as a dependent variable of the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of Sumatera Utara Province. The research method used is descriptive analysis with a quantitative approach to all employees at BPSDM Sumatera Utara Province, amounting to 85 respondents. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with the SPSS program. Based on the calculation results obtained, the organizational culture, motivation, and leadership style partially and simultaneously influence employee performance. Organizational culture variables, work motivation and leadership style together contribute to employee performance 42%, and 58% other factors that contribute to employee performance. The leadership style variable is the variable with the strongest influence on performance with a coefficient value of 0.255. Keywords: Organizational culture, motivation, leadership style, performance, BPSDM.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-146
Muzanny Muzanny ◽  
Nina Siti Salmaniah Siregar ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

The purpose of this research is to analyze the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at the Human Resources Development and Human Resources Development Agency in East Aceh Regency in terms of time discipline and work discipline and what are the obstacles. While the purpose of this study is to analyze the time discipline and work discipline of the state civil apparatus at the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency in East Aceh District and determine what obstacles are faced in improving the time discipline and work discipline of the state civil apparatus. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, with a focus of research that is time discipline and work discipline. Based on the results of research and discussion the authors conclude that time discipline and work discipline apparatus BKPSDM East Aceh in general is good. Barriers that occur are distant domicile, do not have standard work standards, lack of maximum vigilance, not all understand work ethics. Some things suggested are more cooperative, give penalties for violations, continuous supervision.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 30-38
Hence Erwin Tumiwan ◽  
Marthinus Mandagi ◽  
Itje Pangkey

The purpose of this study was to determine the system for placing employees in structural positions as well as the determinants of the placement of employees in structural positions in the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency of Southeast Minahasa Regency. Data collection techniques were collected through 1) Observation, 2) Interviews, 3) Documentation. The research results are the Employee Placement System in Structural Positions through a standard mechanism, namely using Government Regulation Number 11 of 2017 concerning the Management of the State Civil Apparatus. Placement of employees in structural positions is carried out based on the principle of professionalism by the competence, work performance, ranks assigned to the position as well as other objective requirements regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, race, or class as well as the Determinant Factors on Employee Placement, namely: 1) Academic Achievement, 2) Experience, 3) Physical and Mental Health, 4) Marital Status, 5) Age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Herman Sismono

Increasing the quality of professionalism, an attitude of dedication and loyalty to the State and the development of insight into governance for Prospective Civil Servants to support the realization of good governance, namely through education and training guidance. Basic Training for 2019 Metro City Government Civil Servant Candidates was held by BKPSDM Metro City through the Human Resources Development Sector. The goal is to determine the role of the Metro City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency for the implementation of the Class III CPNS Basic Training Class I Year 2019. With this research, it is hoped that the implementation of Basic Training Training can run better. This study uses a qualitative method. The data sources used were primary and secondary data from interviews, observation and documentation. The data will be analyzed using descriptive analysis method. Based on the data analysis carried out, it was concluded that the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency of Metro City as the organizing committee has made every effort to smooth and successful the implementation of Basic Training Class III Class I Year 2019. This can be seen from the implementation of group dynamics activities to make participants become more comfortable during the Basic Training Training; providing modules and stationery to support learning activities during training; The provision of facilities and infrastructure is carried out in accordance with the budget constraints set by the Metro City Government; The determination of competent widyaiswara by submitting the results of the widyaiswara evaluation to the Lampung Province Education and Training Agency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 104
Sutoro Sutoro

The purpose of this study was to determine the description of organizational culture and work motivation, and to determine the effect of organizational culture on employee work motivation at the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of Jambi Province. This research uses descriptive quantitative method with data collection methods using questionnaires to 75 respondents. The result is that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee motivation at 20.16. The conclusion is that organizational culture influences work motivation in BPSDM Jambi Province by 20.16%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-126
Yeti Fatimah

Employee placement in Indonesia has not yet fully applied the principle of “The Right Man On The Right Place”. This causes the performance of government employees and organizations are not optimal. On this basis, the author wants to know the role of the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency in the placement of Structural Officials, the obstacles encountered and efforts to overcome these problems based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 5 of 2014 and the opinion of Soekanto 2009 (212-213) relating to the role of the Personnel Agency and the Development of Apparatus Resources in the placement of structural officials. This research uses a qualitative method with an inductive approach. Data collection uses observation, interview and documentation techniques. While in analyzing data, the authors use data eduction techniques, data display and verification. Results of the Discussion, the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency of Alor Regency of NTT has performed its role well, namely to propose the placement of employees according to their competence and educational background. However, there are still obstacles faced by the intervention of the authority of the Regional Head in the placement of employees. The Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency has made efforts to overcome these obstacles both formally and informally.

Syaifuddin Syaifuddin

Human Resources development has an important role in improving employee performance and productivity. In developing human resources, it can be done using a work motivation approach where work motivation is an impulse to do something consciously that arises from within and outside of each individual with the aim of increasing superior and competitive human resources. In the work motivation there are 6 motivational theories including: Need theory from Abraham Maslow, (b) Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory, (c) McClelland's Achievement Theory, (d) Strengthening Theory (e ) Expectancy Theory, (f) Purpose Theory as Motivation. Based on this theory a leader can do various things to improve employee motivation and work to improve work productivity because with high motivation, work productivity will also be high and vice versa because between the two will be interrelated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Abdul Kahar Muzakir Sinapoy

This study intends to analyze the impact of work culture and job satisfaction on employee performance at BPSDM Southeast Sulawesi Province. This type of research is explanatory research, with a total sample of 47 respondents. The sample size was determined based on the slovin method, the sampling technique was carried out directly. Data was taken using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Analysis of the data by descriptive and multiple linear regression. The results of the research prove that work culture has a positive effect on employee performance with a significance number of 0, 000 and t is 43, 757 with a coefficient of 0, 74. Job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance with a significance number of 0, 000 and t is 82, 629 and a coefficient of 0, 93. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that work culture and job satisfaction greatly affect employee performance. This shows that the two variables, both work culture and job satisfaction, have been tested to significantly affect employee performance.AbstrakPenelitian ini bermaksud untuk menganalisa akibat aspek budaya kerja serta kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai di BPSDM Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.  Tipe penelitian merupakan eksplanatory research, dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 47 responden.  Besar sampel didetetapkan berdasarkan pada metode slovin, teknik penarikan  sampel dilakukan secara langsung. Data diambil menggunakan angket dengan skala likert.  Analisa data dengan cara deskriptif serta regresi linier berganda.  Hasil  riset membuktikan kalau budaya kerja mempengaruhi positif terhadap kemampuan pegawai dengan angka signifikansi 0, 000 serta t jumlah sebesar 43, 757 dengan angka koefisien 0, 74.  Kepuasan kerja mempengaruhi positif terhadap kinerja pegawai dengan angka signifikansi 0, 000 serta t jumlah sebesar 82, 629 serta angka koefisien 0, 93. Berdasarkan pada hasil analisa data, disimpulkan kalau budaya kerja serta kepuasan kerja sangat  mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua variable tersebut, baik budaya kerja maupun kepuasan kerja teruji secara sognifikan mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 76
Qasem Ali Qasem Saeed ◽  
Jafer Ahmad Odeh Al Slahen

The study aim to examine the impact of educational leadership on human resources development of Jordanian university. The study is an analysis descriptive research and the methods will be use survey in order to collect information needed for get the results. The population of the study includes all Jordanian universities. The sample of the study will includes (200) professors working in governmental universities located in Amman city. The study results indicated that there are positive attitudes towards educational leadership, the study also indicated that there are positive attitudes towards variables: communication, learning, influence, confidence, and knowledge. The study results accept main hypotheses that states: There is a statistically significant impact of educational leadership on human resources development of Jordanian university. The study results also accept the first three sub hypothesis which related to the impact of (communication, learning, and influence) on human resources development of Jordanian university, but the study results reject the sub hypothesis which related to the impact of (confidence, and knowledge). The study recommended to identify best practices in leadership styles, for positive change at the university, and how to increase the absorption of the change points when their employees, and to support and provide all the resources that help educational leadership in order to achieve: communication, learning, influence, confidence, and knowledge.

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