2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Hayata Hayata ◽  
Araz Meilin ◽  
Tari Rahayu

AbstractThe purpose of this research was to know: 1) weed dominancy in rubber replanting plantations before controlling, 2) weed control effectiveness both is chemically and manualy, 3) difference weed SDR value after the chemically and manualy. This research was conducted in comunity control have been done Plantation area eg. Suka Damai  Pondok Meja village, Mestong district, Muaro Jambi Regency, Jambi province. . Research conducted for ± 2 months ( December 2014 to January 2015). Experiment using a completely randomized design with  four treatment, namely : P0: control(without treatment), P1: parakuat dichloride  dose of 6 ml 2400 ml-1 water for treatment plots, P2: glyphosate isopropyl amine  dose of 6 ml 2400 ml water-1 for treatment plots, P3: manualy control by pulling. Each treatment has four times replication. Dominant weed acreage replanting of rubber Suka damai before treatment weed control is Euphorbia hirta (SDR 29.02%), Cleome rutidospermae (SDR 19.70 %), Paspalum conjugatum (SDR 12.82%), Cyperus pilosus (SDR 7.99%), and Clidemia hirta (SDR 6.49%). Chemically weed control treatment with the herbicide paraquat and glyphosate herbicides are more effective in suppressing the growth of new weed than manually treatment. There is a difference SDR value after being given by chemically and manually weeds controling treatment the most dominant weed, Euphorbia hirta has increased from 29.02% to 45.80%, Cleome rutidospermae weed has decreased the SDR value from 19.70% to 15.26%. Keywords : herbicides, dominant weeds, rubber tree, SDR AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) dominansi gulma di perkebunan replanting karet sebelum pengendalian, 2) efektifitas pengendalian gulma secara kimiawi dan manual, 3) perbedaan nilai SDR gulma yang tumbuh setelah dilakukan pengendalian secara kimiawi dan manual. Penelitian dilakukan di areal perkebunan rakyat replanting berumur 3 tahun dusun Suka damai desa Pondok Meja, kecamatan Mestong, kabupaten Muaro Jambi, provinsi Jambi.. Penelitian dilakukan selama ± 2 bulan mulai bulan Desember 2014 sampai bulan Januari 2015. Percobaan dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap satu faktor dengan empat perlakuan, terdiri dari : P0: kontrol (tanpa perlakuan), P1: parakuat diklorida 6 ml 2400 ml-1 air per petak perlakuan, P2: isopropyl amina glifosat 6 ml 2400 ml air-1 per petak perlakuan, P3: pengendalian manual dengan cara dicabut. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang 4 kali Gulma dominan pada areal replanting karet dusun Suka damai sebelum perlakuan pengendalian gulma adalah Euphorbia hirta (SDR 29,02%), Cleome rutidospermae (SDR 19,70%),  Paspalum conjugatum (SDR 12,82%), Cyperus pilosus (SDR 7,99%), dan Clidemia hirta (SDR 6,49%). Pengendalian gulma secara kimiawi dengan herbisida paraquat dan herbisida glifosat lebih efektif menekan pertumbuhan gulma baru dibanding pengendalian gulma secara manual. Terdapat perbedaan nilai SDR setelah perlakuan pengendalian gulma secara kimiawi dan manual pada gulma yang paling dominan, Euphorbia hirta mengalami peningkatan dari 29,02% menjadi 45,80%, gulma Cleome rutidospermae mengalami penurunan nilai SDR dari 19,70% menjadi 15,26%. Kata kunci ; herbisida, gulma dominan, tanaman karet, SDR

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
Chakkrit Poonpakdee ◽  
Khwunta Khawmee ◽  
Jumpen Onthong

This study aimed to examine the effect of the application of dolomite and kieserite on the growth and nutrient uptake of rubber tree saplings and the relationship between K:Mg ratios in soils and nutrient uptake. The experiment followed a completely randomized design with five replicates. Budded stumps of RRIM 600 rubber were planted in soil with low extractable Mg (< 0.30 cmolc kg-1). Kieserite application at a rate of 0.5 cmolc Mg kg-1 significantly promoted the greatest sapling height, stem diameter, Mg and S concentrations, and leaf chlorophyll levels. High kieserite application rates (1.0 cmolc Mg kg-1) were more likely to decrease K and N uptake significantly. Applying dolomite (0.5 cmolc Mg kg-1) also significantly increased rubber growth compared with the control treatment but the significant increases were lower than those for kieserite application. Applying K at 72, 108, and 180 mg kg-1 significantly increased leaf K concentration, but significantly decreased Mg concentrations. Therefore, rubber plantations should apply Mg at a rate of 0.5 cmolc Mg kg-1 in the form of kieserite, and a ratio of K:Mg 2:1 is suitable for promoting rubber tree growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Paulo Vinicius Da Silva ◽  
Mack José dos Santos ◽  
Sergio Mateus Tronquini ◽  
Ana Lígia Giraldeli ◽  
Roque Dias de Carvalho ◽  

Coffee litter and the rain that occurs after the application of pre-emergence herbicides impact on their leaching and weed control effectiveness. The objective of this study was to evaluate the leaching and control effectiveness of indaziflam, applied on coffee litter, and under simulations of different amounts of rainfall. Two experiments in greenhouse were conducted with the application of indaziflam (0.1 kg of active ingredient - a.i. - ha-1), in a completely randomized design. The first involved the leaching of the herbicide using Urochloa plantaginea as a bioindicator, in a 8 x 4 factorial arrangement, with eight depths in the PVC column (0-0.05; 0.05-0.1; 0.1-0.15; 0.15-0.2; 0.2-0.25; 0.25-0.3; 0.3-0.35; 0.35-0.4 m) and four amounts of straw (0; 1; 3 and 5 t ha-1), this factor was isolated for rainfall simulations (10, 20 and 40 mm). The second experiment tested the effectiveness in controlling U. plantaginea, in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement, with four amounts of litter (0; 1; 3 and 5 t ha-1) and three amounts of rainfall (10, 20 and 40 mm). Both experiments had four repetitions and controls without application of the herbicide. In leaching, a greater effect of indaziflam was found at a depth of 0-0.05 m, and the higher the simulated rainfall, the greater the phytotoxicity observed in U. plantaginea, with 39.75%, 52.50% and 92.06%, for rainfall amounts of 10, 20 and 40 mm, respectively. U. plantaginea showed high susceptibility to control by the herbicide indaziflam, and the lowest control, 82%, was observed when indaziflam was applied on 5 t ha-1 with simulation of rainfall at 10 mm. The increase in the amount of litter on the soil surface, combined with lower amounts of rainfall can reduce the leaching of indaziflam and the control of U. plantaginea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-163
S Sapkota ◽  
D Kc ◽  
H Giri ◽  
M Saud ◽  
M Basnet ◽  

The present research was conducted on two factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with eight treatments and three replications. A set of experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of postharvest ethephon treatment and packaging on ripening of mango cv. Maldah. The treatments consisted of ripening agent i.e., ethephon and control treatment under different packaging condition i.e., fiber with hole, fiber without hole, plastic with hole and plastic without hole. The result revealed that different packaging condition and ripening agents influenced the ripening behavior of mango. The highest TSS (15.26), sugar-acid ratio (23.66) and juice content (126.05) were recorded with fiber (without hole) and the lowest TSS (12.60), sugar-acid ratio (9.01) and juice content (116.05) with plastic (without hole). The highest TA (1.44) was recorded with plastic (without hole) and the lowest (0.66) with fiber (without hole). Similarly, the highest BT (2.83) was recorded with fiber (with hole) and the lowest (1.66) with plastic (without hole). Firmness, sweetness, TSS and juice content were the highest with the interaction effect of fiber bag (without hole) and ethephon treatment. In conclusion, mango fruits with ethephon treatment packed in fiber bag (without hole) enhances quality and ripening of mango whereas under controlled condition and without hole plastic packaging mangoes had low quality performance in terms of physio-chemical properties. SAARC J. Agric., 19(1): 155-163 (2021)

Andressa C. Neves ◽  
Camila N. Bergamini ◽  
Rafaela de O. Leonardo ◽  
Manoel P. Gonçalves ◽  
Dilcemara C. Zenatti ◽  

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying increasing doses of biofertilizer obtained by the anaerobic digestion of cassava effluent on the development of crambe plants. The experiment was conducted in a protected environment at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Palotina Sector, between April and August 2015. A completely randomized design was used, and five different treatments with the following doses were applied in five replicates: 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg ha-1 of K2O. The following parameters related to plant development were evaluated: final height, stem diameter, number of branches, dry shoot and root biomass, mass of the grains, and oil content. The 160 kg K2O ha-1 dose was found to have the best influence on the plant development, because all the measured parameters reached their highest values at this dose, except for oil content, which attained the highest percentage in the case of the control treatment (0 kg ha-1 of K2O). This study proved that the biofertilizer obtained by anaerobic digestion of cassava effluent can be used as an alternative to regular fertilizers in cultivating crambe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
Neliane Galvão Porto ◽  
Felipe Barbosa Ribeiro ◽  
Jefferson Costa de Siqueira ◽  
Marcos Antonio Delmondes Bomfim ◽  
Rafael Silva Marchão ◽  

ABSTRACT Methionine is an essential amino acid, and generally, the first limiting one in the diets of tambaqui, the main native fish produced in continental aquaculture in South America. However, there is a lack of information on their amino acid requirement, especially for maintenance and efficiency of utilization. The present study aimed to determine the requirement of [methionine plus cystine] for the maintenance and efficiency of utilization using tambaqui of different body weights. Two experiments were carried out using 250 tambaqui with weights of 100 and 300 g. They were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatment groups (0.264, 0.396, 0.528, and 0.660% of digestible [Met + Cys]), five replications. The control treatment (CT) was performed with the addition of methionine at the first level (0.264%) until the second level was reached (0.396%). The maintenance requirement was determined by the regression analysis between the consumption of [Met + Cys] and protein retention equal to zero. The efficiency was determined using the value of the slope coefficient of the line obtained by the linear regression. The protein and methionine retention values of tambaqui weighing 100 to 300 g were compared by the parallelism test, and no difference was observed between the parameters of the equations indicating the need for only one equation to describe the responses to body weights. The requirement of digestible [Met + Cys] for the maintenance of tambaqui with weights from 100 to 300 g was 60.47 mg kg-0.7 day-1 and the efficiency of utilization of 42%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Murtadha Murtadha ◽  
M. Abduh Ulim ◽  
Syamsuddin Syamsuddin

Abstrak.  Penelitian bertujuaan untuk mendapatkan isolat rizobakteri yang mampu berperan sebagai agens biokontrol terhadap pengendalian patogen R. microporus dan P. noxius secara in vitro serta sebagai agen rizobakteri pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman (RPPT). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Darussalam Banda Aceh, mulai Oktober sampai Desember 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap non faktorial. Faktor yang diteliti yaitu isolat rizobakteri, taraf yang dicobakan terdiri dari 15 isolat dan dua patogen antagonis R. microporus dan P. noxius, yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga terdapat 90 unit satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunujukkan isolat rizobakteri mampu menekan pertumbuhan koloni cendawan patogen. Pada patogen uji R. microporus terdapat 3 rizobakteri yang paling baik yaitu isolat DLG5/3 dengan persentase penghambatan 68,33%, DLG4/1 dengan persentase penghambatan 66,66% dan DLG4/7 dengan persentase penghambatan 63,33%. Pada patogen uji P.noxius terdapat dua rizobakteri yang paling baik dalam menghambat pertumbuhan koloni cendawan patogen yaitu isolat DLG5/1 dengan persentase penghambatan 60,33%, dan DKP6/3 dengan persentase penghambatan 52,50%. Pada laju penghambatan isolat rizobakteri yang paling baik pada patogen R. microporus yaitu isolat DLG6/4 dan DKP4/1 dengan nilai rerata laju penghambatan 20,33 mm/hari. Pada patogen P. noxius menunjukan isolat rizobakteri yang paling baik yaitu isolat DLG4/1 dengan nilai laju penghambatan 12,05 mm/hari.Exploration of Indigenous Rizobacteria and Antagonistic Test against Patogen Rigidoporus microporus And Phellinus noxius In Rubber Plant (Hevea brasiliensis) In VitroAbstract. The research was conducted to obtain rhizobacteria isolates capable of acting as biocontrol agents on pathogen control of R. microporus and P. noxius in vitro and as plant growth promoter rhizobacteria (PGPR). The research was conducted at the Science and Technology of seed Laboratory, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam Banda Aceh, starts from October to December 2017. The research using Completely Randomized Design non factorial. Factors researched were rhizobacteria isolates, the experimental stage consisted of 15 isolates and 2 antagonist were R. microporus dan P. noxius, and 3 time repeated until be found 90 units of treatment. The results showed that rhizobacteria isolates capable to inhibith growth of colonies pathogenic. In the pathogen of R. microporus test, there are 3 better rhizobacteria were DLG5/3 isolate with 68.33% inhibition percentage, DLG4/1 with 66.66% inhibition percentage and DLG4/7 with 63,33% inhibition percentage. In the pathogen of P. noxius there are 2 best rhizobacteria inhibiting growth, DLG5/1 isolate with 60.33% inhibition percentage, and DKP6/3 with 52,50% inhibition percentage. In the pathogen of R. microporus test, there are 2 better rhizobacteria were DLG6/4 and DKP4/1 with 20,33 mm/day inhibition percentage. In the pathogen of P. noxius test,  the best rhizobacteria were DLG4/1  with 12,05 mm/day inhibition percentage. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
I Made Indra Agastya ◽  
Aminudin Afandhi ◽  
Luqman Qurata Aini

This research was conducted in vitro in the laboratory. Studies conducted in the Laboratory of Bacteriology Department of Plant Pests and Diseases of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, on the effectiveness of the bacteria Bacillus cereus and Bacillus megaterium as biological pesticides controlling Spodoptera litura. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the bacteria Bacillus sp as biological control. Effectiveness pesticide was measured by testing the incubation period and mortality in larvae of S. litura instar 3. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), conducted observations every 6 hours until the larvae dead. The results showed that the percentage of mortality of S. litura reached 94.66% compared to the control, while the incubation time of the bacteria B. cereus cause disease until 29.84 hours. B. cereus and B. megaterium have the ability to incubate third instar larvae of S. litura up to 29.84 hours and caused the death of larvae up to 94.66%. Keywords: Biological pesticides, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, entomopatogen, Spodoptera litura

Rahmad Afdillah ◽  
Yuli Andriani ◽  
Zahidah Hasan ◽  
. Rosidah ◽  
. Iskandar

This research aims was to determine the effective pressure on fine bubbles technology on the growth of Siamese catfish fry in the aquaponic system. This study uses a completely randomized design with four treatments and three replications. Treatment A (Control), Treatment B (FBs at a pressure of 4,5 atm), Treatment C (FBs at a pressure of 5 atm and treatment D (FBs at a pressure of 5,5 atm). The parameters observed were Specific Growth Rate, Survival Rate and water quality (Temperature, pH, DO, Ammonia) Data were analyzed using variance with the F test at a 95% confidence level. The best treatment for catfish growth was treatment D (5,5 atm pressure), which gave the highest SGR value of 7,24% and the highest SR value of 100%. The value of water quality parameters were in good condition for the growth and survival of catfish.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-170
Muhaeming Muhaeming ◽  
Jamilah Jamilah ◽  
Zulkarnaim Zulkarnaim

Penambahan nutrisi perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pertumbuhan jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). Salah satu bahan yang dapat digunakan adalah serbuk jagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan serbuk jagung pada komposisi media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan miselium bibit F1 jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) dan mengetahui konsentrasi serbuk jagung yang paling baik digunakan pada pertumbuhan  miselium bibit F1 jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus). Penelitian ini mengunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan sehingga diperoleh 12 satuan percobaan; P0 (perlakuan kontrol), P1 (25%), P2 (50%), dan P3 (100%). Variabel yang diukur adalah persentase pertumbuhan miselium yang diamati pada hari ke-6, 12 dan 18 dan waktu penyebaran miselium Hari Setelah Inokulasi (HSI). Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA) dengan uji lanjut menggunakan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pada pertumbuhan miselium bibit F1 jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) dengan penambahan serbuk jagung pada komposisi media tanam. Selain Itu, konsentrasi serbuk jagung yang memberikan hasil yang paling baik terhadap pertumbuhan miselium adalah P2 dengan konsentrasi 50%. Kata kunci : miselium F1; Pleurotus ostreatus; serbuk jagung  ABSTRACTAdditional nutrition needs to be done to increase the productivity of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) growth. One of the materials that can be used is corn powder. This study aimed to determine the effect of corn powder on the planting medium composition towards mycelium growth of oyster mushroom F1 seeds (Pleurotus ostreatus) and to find the best concentration of corn powder to grow mycelium seeds F1 oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). This research was an experimental study using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments namely; P0 (control treatment), P1 (25%), P2 (50%), and P3 (100%), and 3 repetitions so that obtained 12 experimental units. The variables measured were the mycelium growth percentage on days 6, 12, and 18, and the mycelium widespread time after the day of inoculation. The data were analyzed using ANOVA then continued on the Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The results showed that the addition of corn powder on oyster mushroom growing media affected mycelium growth of the oyster mushroom F1 seeds (Pleurotus ostreatus). It also found that the P2 with a 50% concentration of corn powder gave the widest mycelium growth.  Keywords: corn powder; mycelium; Pleurotus ostreatus

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 383
Mukhaila Iryani ◽  
Yusnita Yusnita ◽  
Dwi Hapsoro ◽  
Kukuh Setiawan ◽  
Agus Karyanto

Hybrid moth orchid (genus Phalaenopsis) is one of the most popular ornamentals in Indonesia. It has beautiful and long-lasting flowers, but cultivating this orchid is still become a challenging issues due to the need of specific condition to grow and long time period to re-blooming. Plant growth regulators (PGR) (i.e. Benzyladenine (BA)) has been widely documented as a flower-inducing substance in several orchids. However, the optimal concentration and its mechanism in inducing flower-stalk bud and re-blooming is still unclear. This research aimed to study the effects of BA application in the form of lanolin paste on hybrid Phalaenopsis flower-stalk buds. We conducted this study using completely randomized design with four replications at the greenhouse laboratory Faculty of Agriculture University of Lampung on August to December 2018. We divided the orchid into 5 group of BA concentration (0, 1000, 1500, 3000, or 6000 ppm). The sheath of the fourth or fifth buds of the flowers were carefully opened, then it smeared with BA. The percentage of bud break into flower spike or keiki, length of shoots or spike and number of open flowers were recorded until 10 weeks of observation. The results showed that, neither of the buds under the control treatment (without BA), 1000 ppm nor 1500 ppm BA broke and grew into keiki or spike. On the other hand, application of BA at 3000 ppm or 6000 ppm successfully induced 100% flower spikes on the buds treated. No keiki was formed in all buds treated. In addition, treatment of the buds with 6000 ppm BA produced longer flower spikes as well as more open flowers. We conclude that the application of BA (minimal 3000 ppm) successfully induced flower spike of  hybrid Phalaenopsis.

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