scholarly journals Analisis Strategi Pemerkasaan Asnaf Fakir dan Miskin Berdasarkan Hadis Lelaki Ansar

Hussein ‘Azeemi Abdullah Thaidi ◽  
Muhamad Firdaus Ab Rahman ◽  
Azman Ab Rahman

Islam emphasizes on the empowerment of the poor and needy. This empowerment initiative can be seen since the time of the Prophet SAW where effective management and the growth of waqf, zakah and charity were optimised. This peak of excellence can be witnessed in the reign of ʿUmar bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz where the initiative of strengthening the impoverished population was so effective in a way that it was difficult to find the poor who were eligible for zakat. This achievement is different from the reality of Muslims nowadays. Survey from the United Nations indicates that a large number of Muslim countries are classified as 'poverty' or 'extreme poverty'. Therefore, this study aims to study the method used by the Prophet to address the poverty problem. The Hadith of impoverished man from Anṣār narrated by Anas bin Mālik was chosen because it was believed to contain comprehensive strategies for empowering the poor. Inductive and deductive research techniques are used consistently. The results show that there are at least seven empowerment strategies that can be extracted from this hadith. It includes satisfying basic needs, outreach and accessibility, screening process, financial intermediary, cash liquidity, technical support as well as education and awareness. These strategies have the potential to be implemented by agencies involved in empowering the poor in order to initiate greater social impacts. Abstrak Islam amat menekankan soal pemerkasaan populasi fakir dan miskin. Usaha pemerkasaan ini dapat dilihat sejak dari zaman Nabi SAW di mana pengurusan berkesan dan pemesatan harta wakaf, zakat dan sedekah berlaku dengan optimum. Kemuncak kecemerlangan ini dapat dilihat pada era pemerintahan ʿUmar bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz di mana inisiatif pemerkasaan populasi miskin dilakukan dengan begitu efektif hinggakan amat sukar untuk menjumpakan golongan asnaf atau miskin yang layak menerima zakat. Pencapaian tersebut berbeza dengan realiti umat Islam hari ini. Dapatan kajian dari Pertubuhan Bangsa Bangsa Bersatu mendapati sejumlah besar negara-negara Islam dikelaskan sebagai berpopulasi ‘miskin’ atau ‘miskin tegar’. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji metode yang digunakan oleh Nabi SAW dalam manyantuni golongan miskin. Hadis lelaki miskin Anṣār yang diriwayatkan oleh Anas bin Mālik telah dipilih kerana dipercayai mengandungi strategi yang komprehensif untuk memperkasakan golongan miskin. Kaedah penyelidikan secara induktif dan deduktif digunakan secara konsisten. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat sekurang-kurangnya tujuh strategi pemerkasaan yang dapat diekstrak dari hadis ini. Ia merangkumi penyelesaian keperluan asas, capaian dan akses mudah, proses tapisan kemampuan, perantara kewangan, kecairan tunai, sokongan teknikal serta pendidikan dan kesedaran. Strategi-strategi ini amat berpotensi untuk dilaksanakan oleh agensi yang terlibat dengan pemerkasaan populasi miskin agar inisiatif yang dijalankan mampu memberi impak sosial yang lebih berkesan.     

Humanomics ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 314-329 ◽  
Naziruddin Abdullah ◽  
Alias Mat Derus ◽  
Husam-Aldin Nizar Al-Malkawi

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of zakat (the Islamic tax) in alleviating poverty and inequality in Pakistan using a newly developed index, namely, the Basic Needs Deficiency Index (BNDI). Design/methodology/approach – The study formulates an index (BNDI) to measure the deficiency and effectiveness of zakat as one of the different items of government expenditure/spending to alleviate poverty. In this paper, Pakistan is chosen as a case study for two reasons: the availability and accessibility of data required for computing BNDI; and, in the past, no index such as this had been used to measure poverty in Pakistan. Findings – The results obtained from the computation of the BNDI have been able to explain the effectiveness of zakat in alleviating poverty and inequality in Pakistan. Practical implications – The findings of the study can be used by policymakers to measure and improve the effectiveness of zakat in reducing poverty and inequality. Social implications – As the ultimate beneficiaries of zakat are the poor people, the outcome of this study may help improve their quality of life. Originality/value – The paper develops a new methodology to measure poverty alleviation in Pakistan, focusing on the poor households’ consumption/expenditure on basic needs, government spending in terms of zakat and the number of zakat recipients as the three main determinants. The index developed in the present study can be applied to measure the performance of all Muslim countries whose provision of zakat is embedded in the national agenda to alleviate poverty.

Jacob Z. Morris ◽  
Ken D. Thomas

Access to clean water for drinking and sanitation is an urgent issue that the world is facing. According to the United Nations (UN), approximately one billion people live in extreme poverty, and almost 2.6 billion people live without the basics of adequate sanitation. Over the past two decades, the BioSand Filter has proven to be an effective and efficient point-of-use device to purify water to a potable level in developing countries. The success of this device is due to its simplicity, use of appropriate technology, and sustainability. This chapter discusses a case study of His Hands Mission International’s work installing these filters in the villages of rural Honduras. It focuses on the implementation, adoption, diffusion, and impacts of these filters, providing insight to the system’s factors of success. These factors provide information that can be utilized to improve the chances for success of similar system implementations around the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 420
Noura Abdel Maksoud Eissa

The objective of this article is to (1) posit indicators to measure the performance of Egypt in achieving United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals one, to end poverty in all its forms and two, zero hunger, and (2) develop policy recommendations with regards to reducing poverty. Research methods include a systematic macro-process, general to narrow analysis, offering indicators and policy recommendations for governments to follow in achieving the sustainable development goals on poverty. The article is significant since it links between macroeconomics of poverty, an analysis of the quality and quantity of research conducted on the topic, the poor economics individual perspective, examples of pre and post-covid sustainable development goals one and two actual performance. Conclusions convey that poverty alleviation requires a combined public, private, and institutional collaboration to enhance the poor community capacity building, domestic resource mobilization techniques, efficient resource allocation and an awareness of the importance of implementing the sustainable development goals. 

Science ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 369 (6508) ◽  
pp. 1188-1192
Rohini Pande

Millions of the world’s poorest people now live in middle-income democracies that, in theory, could use their resources to end extreme poverty. However, citizens in those countries have not succeeded in using the vote to ensure adequate progressive redistribution. Interventions aiming to provide the economically vulnerable with needed resources must go beyond assisting them directly, they must also improve democratic institutions so that vulnerable populations themselves can push their representatives to implement redistributive policies. Here, I review the literature on such interventions and then consider the “democracy catch-22”: How can the poor secure greater democratic influence when the existing democratic playing field is tilted against them?

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 275-276
R Lakhan

The poor implementation of traffic rules & regulations, heterogeneous mixed traffic, poorly designed roads, traffic vehicles, increasing speed, poor use of protective device such as helmet, drinking and driving, poor visibility, and poor trauma care are a major concern in reducing the prevalence of injuries and related outcome5. Looking at the magnitude of the problems, strong public health emphasis is needed in the areas of research, policy development, community education and awareness, and the health care system in India.  DOI: Nepal Journal of Epidemiology 2013;3(3): 275-276

1995 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 259-266 ◽  
Donald P. Brandt

Christian development agencies often purport to work with the physically and spiritually poor. Do they? To answer this question, several measures of poverty are combined into two indices to better define “the poor.” World maps and a scatter plot are used to show physical and spiritual poverty. The question is then answered for one Christian development agency. World Vision International. The paper concludes with implications for mission. What does presenting the gospel mean in a world in which the physically poor are often the most spiritually impoverished? Now add restrictions to speech, especially in Muslim countries, where the verbal gospel is unwelcomed. In such situations, holistic practitioners would seem to be the messengers of the hour.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (S1) ◽  
pp. s850-s850
B. Latecki

Otello syndrome derives its name from Shakespeare's drama (character) and, clinically, describes a person with delusions of the partner's infidelity. A variety of other psychopathology may present: obsessive-compulsive features, alcohol dependency, voyeurism, sadism, possessiveness and domineering, hyper-sexuality, paranoid attitude, abuse of different nature, violent behaviour, including, occasionally, homicide. Yet, in the author's opinion, the syndrome, unless it presents itself as obviously absurd, is frequently missed.Management is rather difficult and does not always result in recovery but, if not treated with neuroleptics, it would render any other means of treatment useless. The condition could pose a diagnostic challenge. Moreover, it also poses an ethical dilemma whether to warn the spouse of the psychotic condition of the partner, the poor prognosis and possible implications of its existence. Moreover, the long-term partners of such patients frequently present with the symptoms of dependency, submissiveness or even masochism.The paper discusses the abovementioned issues, including the likely psychodynamics, biological background, historical and social elements and possible effective management.Disclosure of interestThe author has not supplied his/her declaration of competing interest.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Dewi Purwanti

Zakat is obligatory for all Muslims while infaq and alms are sunah. Zakat, infaq, and alms (ZIS) make distribution of wealth from the rich to the poor people. If the poor people are able to fulfill their basic needs, they can work well and contribute positively to the economy in various sectors. Zakat, infaq, and alms are expected to be one of the alternative policies to increase economic growth. However, to find out whether zakat, infaq, and alms have succeeded in positively contribute to economic growth, research is needed to prove the existence of the influence of zakat, infaq and alms in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of zakat, infaq, and alms on the economy. This study uses a panel regression analysis with driscoll and kraay standars errors. The results of this study showed that zakat, infaq, and alms have positive effect on Indonesia's economic growth.

Muhammad Anis

AbstractZakat is an obligation for those who have the ability called Muzakki which aims to help others and for those who don’t have the ability to be called Mustahik, including the poor, amil, converts, people who owe, people who demand knowledge, and people who struggle in the way of Allah Swt. Besides that, zakat can also be a tool for empowering Muslims. The Muzakki, Amil and Zakat Collecting Institutions must be at the forefront in the process of empowering umad, according to Minister of Religion Regulation No. 52 of 2014, Zakat is a treasure that must be issued by a Muslim or a business entity owned by Muslims to be given to those entitled to receive it in accordance with Islamic law. According to QS. At-Taubah verse 60, that Allah gave the provisions there are eight groups of people who receive Zakat. In general, Zakat is divided into two types of Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Harta (Mal). Zakat Fitrah must be issued in the holy month of Ramadan for every soul both men and women with Islamic religious requirements, Living on the Month of Ramadan, Having food or basic needs for the night of Eid al-Fitr. Zakat Harta (Mal) is zakat which is issued if the nizab has been fulfilled and is not in conflict with religious law. Keywords: Community Empowerment, Solutions, Zakat.AbstrakZakat merupakan Kewajiban bagi yang punya kemampuan dinamakan Muzakki yang bertujuan untuk membantu orang lain dan bagi tidak punya kemampuan dinamakan Mustahik, diantaranya adalah Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Orang Yang berutang, Orang yang Menuntut Ilmu, dan Orang yang berjuang dijalan Allah Swt. Disamping itu zakat juga dapat menjadi alat pemberdayaan ummad. Para Muzakki, Amil dan Lembaga Pengumpul Zakat (UPZ) harus berada pada garda terdepan dalam dalam proses pemberdayaan umad, menurut Peraturan Menteri Agama  no 52 Tahun 2014, Zakat adalah Harta yang wajib dikeluarkan  oleh seorang muslim atau badan usaha yang dimiliki oleh orang islam untuk diberikan kepada yang berhak menerimanya sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Menurut QS. At-Taubah ayat 60, bahwa Allah memberikan ketentuan ada delapan golongan orang yang menerima Zakat. Secara umum Zakat terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu Zakat Fitrah dan Zakat Harta (Mal). Zakat Fitrah wajib dikeluarkan pada bulan suci ramadhan atas setiap jiwa baik laki laki maupun perempuan dengan syarat beragama Islam, Hidup pada Bulan Ramadhan, Memiliki kebutuhan makanan atau kebutuhan pokok  untuk pada malam hari raya idul fitri. Zakat Harta (Mal) adalah zakat yang dikeluarkan jika nizabnya sudah terpenuhi dan tidak bertentangan dengan syariat agama.Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Solusi, Zakat.

Graham Maddox

In a post Cold-War world riven with ‘minor’ conflicts, and a West anxious about the intermittent threat of terrorist attack, human equality and sodality (fraternity and sorority) require urgent review. Among interesting proposals for a theoretical foundation to human equality is Martha Nussbaum’s call for a revived, modern version of Stoicism to teach indifference to race and a neighbourly goodwill. Yet in her concern to avoid ‘teleologies’ Nussbaum denatures Stoicism by disconnecting it from its transcendent foundations. A problem for the modern world is to maintain the authority of states, with their capacity to produce relief for the poor and oppressed along with their capacity to dominate, while having them absorb the ideals of cosmopolitanism into their own policyformation. It is incumbent on the democratic state, the progenitor of the cosmopolitanism of both Cynicism and Stoicism, to promote the ideals of human dignity and equality. Nussbaum’s Stoicism scarcely helps, but there are globalizing organizations, such as the United Nations and its agencies, and globalized religious organizations, as advanced by Hans Küng, which may supply the institutional foundation.

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