Muhammad Anis

AbstractZakat is an obligation for those who have the ability called Muzakki which aims to help others and for those who don’t have the ability to be called Mustahik, including the poor, amil, converts, people who owe, people who demand knowledge, and people who struggle in the way of Allah Swt. Besides that, zakat can also be a tool for empowering Muslims. The Muzakki, Amil and Zakat Collecting Institutions must be at the forefront in the process of empowering umad, according to Minister of Religion Regulation No. 52 of 2014, Zakat is a treasure that must be issued by a Muslim or a business entity owned by Muslims to be given to those entitled to receive it in accordance with Islamic law. According to QS. At-Taubah verse 60, that Allah gave the provisions there are eight groups of people who receive Zakat. In general, Zakat is divided into two types of Zakat Fitrah and Zakat Harta (Mal). Zakat Fitrah must be issued in the holy month of Ramadan for every soul both men and women with Islamic religious requirements, Living on the Month of Ramadan, Having food or basic needs for the night of Eid al-Fitr. Zakat Harta (Mal) is zakat which is issued if the nizab has been fulfilled and is not in conflict with religious law. Keywords: Community Empowerment, Solutions, Zakat.AbstrakZakat merupakan Kewajiban bagi yang punya kemampuan dinamakan Muzakki yang bertujuan untuk membantu orang lain dan bagi tidak punya kemampuan dinamakan Mustahik, diantaranya adalah Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Orang Yang berutang, Orang yang Menuntut Ilmu, dan Orang yang berjuang dijalan Allah Swt. Disamping itu zakat juga dapat menjadi alat pemberdayaan ummad. Para Muzakki, Amil dan Lembaga Pengumpul Zakat (UPZ) harus berada pada garda terdepan dalam dalam proses pemberdayaan umad, menurut Peraturan Menteri Agama  no 52 Tahun 2014, Zakat adalah Harta yang wajib dikeluarkan  oleh seorang muslim atau badan usaha yang dimiliki oleh orang islam untuk diberikan kepada yang berhak menerimanya sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Menurut QS. At-Taubah ayat 60, bahwa Allah memberikan ketentuan ada delapan golongan orang yang menerima Zakat. Secara umum Zakat terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu Zakat Fitrah dan Zakat Harta (Mal). Zakat Fitrah wajib dikeluarkan pada bulan suci ramadhan atas setiap jiwa baik laki laki maupun perempuan dengan syarat beragama Islam, Hidup pada Bulan Ramadhan, Memiliki kebutuhan makanan atau kebutuhan pokok  untuk pada malam hari raya idul fitri. Zakat Harta (Mal) adalah zakat yang dikeluarkan jika nizabnya sudah terpenuhi dan tidak bertentangan dengan syariat agama.Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Solusi, Zakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-26
Istato Hudayana ◽  
Nurhadi Nurhadi

This article aims to reveal how the members of the poor family perceive wellbeing and poverty. This article is based on the theory of cultural poverty which sees the existence of a set of cultures that cause poor people difficult to escape from poverty. The research method used is qualitative inductive (exploratory) through phenomenology approach and data analysis uses descriptive analysis. The important finding of the study is that the poor perceived wellbeing as multiple and gradual i.e. (i) have healthy physical, (ii) a harmonic relation with others in communities and (iii) have enough money to meet the basic needs, especially, food. There is a dualistic view of poverty, between they accept as in the philosophy of "nrimo ing pandum" and they reject the conditions of their poverty although they do not know the way out.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-269
Muhammad Roshdi Ibrahim Mas'ud

Wealth is one of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on man, with which the connection between peoples has increased, and many things have been accomplished, for it is truly the engine of the economy, has increased its speed, and has reduced a lot of time in matters that were done through trade-offs. People must not deviate from the money from what it was created for, and take it as a tool of hoarding, as this is contrary to its purpose, but given that some people may deviate from grace, then take the criticism as a destination after it was a means, which results in a lot of harm, so the ruling of the street comes in a way that violates everything that contradicts Therefore, preventing Islam from Iktinaz (hoarding wealth by not paying zakat on it) is not just an occasional phenomenon in Islamic law, but rather it expresses one of the serious differences between Islamic doctrine and capitalist doctrine, and reflects the way in which Islam was able to get rid of the problems of capitalism, resulting from the poor capitalist role of using criticism, which It leads to the most dangerous complications, threatens the movement of production and constantly rocks capitalist society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 295
Jael ., Murib ◽  
Oktavianus ., Porajow ◽  
Lorraine W. Th. Sondak

This study aims to describe Community Empowerment through Hope Family Program in Ranotana Weru Village, Wanea Sub-district, Manado City. The data collected consists of primary and secondary. The data used in this study is qualitative, by selecting the village head, the head of the environment, the accompaniment of the Hope Family Program and the beneficiaries as informants. The results of this study prove that, the empowerment done by the government to the poor in Ranotana Weru Village is very good in terms of household needs, health and education. Based on the results of this study can be concluded that; The recipient of the Hope Family Program in Kelurahan Ranotana Weru consists of eight families. Assistance in the form of Direct Cash Assistance to participants maintains the life of basic needs of the household. Community Empowerment through Family Hope Program in Kelurahan Ranotana Weru is not right on target from the main goal of Family Hope Program. Because the benefits by participants of Family Hope Program in ranotana weru sub-district mostly use is household basic need compared to education and health.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-41
Ach Maimun

Sejauh ini, keberadaan ’urf sebagai sumber hukum Islam tidak menonjol. Padahal `urf memiliki posisi penting untuk pengembangan Islam di Nusantara yang kaya budaya. `Urf dapat menjadi pembendung kolompok yang anti terhadap tradisi lokal. Para ulama sejatinya telah berbicara panjang lebar tentang ’urf sebagai dasar hukum. Para mujtahid dan mufti disyaratkan menguasai tradisi suatu masyarakat dan cermat mempertimbangkannya. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya penguatan ‘urf dalam rangka pengembangan hukum Islam agar dapat tetap berperan di masa depan. Tujuan itu dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah, yaitu memperbaiki cara memahami dan mendudukkan nash sebagai landasan utama hukum Islam, menegaskan posisi fiqih sebagai hasil ijtihad manusiawi yang historis dan kultural, dan melakukan negosiasi antara doktrin Islam dengan tradisi sekaligus menciptakan tradisi baru sebagai wujud penerjemahan doktrin yang bersifat mutlak. (The existence of 'urf as one of sources of Islamic law is not dominant while it has an important position in the context of Islamic development in Indonesia, which is rich of culture and tradition. `Urf can be a barrier against those who are anti-local traditions. Actually, Islamic scholars have discussed a lot about ‘urf as the legal basis in the context of Islamic law. Mujtahid (experts in islamic law) and mufti (advisers on religious law) are required to be knowledgable of the traditions of a society and carefully consider them.Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the 'urf for developing Islamic law in order to keep it playing a role in the future. In so doing, it is necessary to take several steps; improving the way to understand and place the texts of the Quran as the main foundation of Islamic law, affirming the position of Islamic jurisprudence as the result of historical and cultural human interpretation and judgement (ijtihad), and negotiating between Islamic doctrine and tradition while creating new traditions as a form of absolute doctrinal translation.

Omar Shaikh ◽  
Stefano Bonino

The Colourful Heritage Project (CHP) is the first community heritage focused charitable initiative in Scotland aiming to preserve and to celebrate the contributions of early South Asian and Muslim migrants to Scotland. It has successfully collated a considerable number of oral stories to create an online video archive, providing first-hand accounts of the personal journeys and emotions of the arrival of the earliest generation of these migrants in Scotland and highlighting the inspiring lessons that can be learnt from them. The CHP’s aims are first to capture these stories, second to celebrate the community’s achievements, and third to inspire present and future South Asian, Muslim and Scottish generations. It is a community-led charitable project that has been actively documenting a collection of inspirational stories and personal accounts, uniquely told by the protagonists themselves, describing at first hand their stories and adventures. These range all the way from the time of partition itself to resettling in Pakistan, and then to their final accounts of arriving in Scotland. The video footage enables the public to see their facial expressions, feel their emotions and hear their voices, creating poignant memories of these great men and women, and helping to gain a better understanding of the South Asian and Muslim community’s earliest days in Scotland.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Husni Husni

This article studies the concept of Ihsan (good deed) in the thought of ulama mufassirs (Muslim scholars interpretering the Qur’an). The result of the study being carried out by the writer is that the concept of ihsan being too narrowly interpreted, proves that it has wide interpretation in the thought of muffasirs. If so far among society the concept of ihsan has been narrowly interpreted on the good deed or doing good deed, so according to mufassirs, the concept means: (1) carrying out all obligations, (2) being patient to receive all the obligation and anything forbidden by God, (3) being obedient and always perfects his obedience in quality as well as in the way, (4) forgiving, (5) being sincere, (6) realizing the existence of God, (7) emphasizing the esoteric aspect rather than exoteric world, (8) knowledge, (9) being firm in the truthfulness, (10) havng understanding about the true teachings of God, (11) having good comprehension about the law appropriately applied among the Islamic society. The wide meaning of this concept because this concept is really expressed by the Koran in context. This article tries to attach the concept of Ihsan in several meanings about the education world

Rebecca Skreslet Hernandez

The final chapter brings the discussion of al-Suyūṭī’s legal persona squarely into the modern era. The discussion explores how contemporary jurists in Egypt use the legacy of the great fifteenth-century scholar in their efforts to frame their identity and to assert authority as interpreters and spokesmen for the Sharīʿa in a political arena that is fraught with tension. In the midst of Mursī’s embattled presidency, leading scholars at Egypt’s state religious institutions rushed to news and social media outlets to affirm their status as representatives of “orthodoxy” and to distance themselves from more extreme salafī trends that threaten to change the way Islamic law is practiced in the modern Egyptian state. It is striking how closely the image of the moderate Sunni, Sufi-minded, theologically sound scholar grounded in the juristic tradition (according to the accepted legal schools) fits with the persona that al-Suyūṭī strove so tenaciously to construct.

Samuel K. Cohn, Jr.

This chapter investigates changes in mentalities after the Black Death, comparing practices never before analysed in this context—funerary and labour laws and processions to calm God’s anger. While processions were rare or conflictual as in Catania and Messina in 1348, these rituals during later plagues bound communities together in the face of disaster. The chapter then turns to another trend yet to be noticed by historians. Among the multitude of saints and blessed ones canonized from 1348 to the eighteenth century, the Church was deeply reluctant to honour, even name, any of the thousands who sacrificed their lives to succour plague victims, physically or spiritually, especially in 1348: the Church recognized no Black Death martyrs. By the sixteenth century, however, city-wide processions and other communal rituals bound communities together with charity for the poor, works of art, and charitable displays of thanksgiving to long-dead holy men and women.

1983 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-330 ◽  
Bruce Bellingham

… surely there would be men enough, willing and glad to contribute to the regeneration of the poor outcasts of the city. It is no longer an experiment since the Children's Aid has removed of this class, in thirteen years, eleven thousand two hundred and seventy two! Who would not rejoice to aid in such an enterprise…? Money only is wanting. Shall that be an insurmountable obstacle in the way of accomplishing such an unspeakable blessing? New York Children's Aid Society, 1866 Annual Report

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