Satriana Didiek Isnanta ◽  
Much. Sofwan Zarkasi ◽  
Asmro Nurhadi Panindias

ABSTRACTThis article is the result of a study on the creation of installation art based on local wisdom with the source of the idea of creating the Loro Blonyo statue. Loro blonyo is a pair of wooden statues consisting of a statue of a woman accompanied by a man wearing a traditional Javanese wedding dress in a basahan style in a sitting position. Broadly speaking, the meaning of the Loro Blonyo statue for the Javanese community is the unity of a couple as a reflection of the harmony and unity of Javanese thoughts. The meaning of the loro blonyo statue is then analyzed, elaborated, and reinterpreted.The research method used is Dharsono's Artistik Creation (2016), namely: research with an ethical approach and research with an emic approach, exploration, experimentation, and formation. The results of the research were concluded and became the basis for the concept of installation art with the visual form of local culture as a strengthening of cultural identity. Keywords: installation art, art experimentation, loro blonyo, cultural identity.  ABSTRAKArtikel ini merupakan hasil studi penciptaan karya seni instalasi berbasis kearifan lokal dengan sumber ide penciptaan patung Loro Blonyo. Loro blonyo adalah sepasang patung dari bahan kayu yang terdiri atas patung perempuan dan didampingi seorang laki-laki dengan menggunakan busana perkawinan adat Jawa gaya basahan dalam posisi duduk. Secara luas, makna patung Loro Blonyo  bagi masyarakat Jawa adalah kesatuan pasangan sebagai refleksi pikiran Jawa yang harmoni dan manunggal. Makna patung loro blonyo tersebut kemudian dianalisis, dielaborasi dan ditafsir ulang.Metode penelitian menggunakan Kreasi Artisik  Dharsono (2016), yaitu : riset dengan pendekatan etik dan riset dengan pendekatan emik, eksplorasi, eksperimentasi dan pembentukan. Hasil riset tersebut disimpulkan dan menjadi dasar konsep karya seni instalasi dengan wujud visual budaya lokal sebagai penguatan identitas kultural. Kata kunci: Seni instalasi, eksperimentasi seni, loro blonyo, identitas kultural.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 148-156
Satriana Didiek Isnanta ◽  
Much. Sofwan Zarkasi ◽  
Asmoro Nurhadi Panindias

This research was designed as an experimental study of intermedia art creation based research by reinterpretingthe loro blonyo statue as a source of ideas for creating works. Loro Blonyo is a pair of wooden sculpturesconsisting of a female statue and accompanied by a man wearing a Javanese traditional wedding dress in asitting position. Broadly, the meaning of the Loro Blonyo statue for the Javanese people is the unity of thecouple as a reflection of the harmony of the Javanese mind and harmony. The meaning of the loro blonyostatue is then analyzed, elaborated and reinterpreted. This research is an artistic study with a focus on thestudy of the creation of intermedia art creation using various media based on conceptual thinking with aninterdisciplinary approach. The purpose of this creation is to create a multi-media installation art that usesvisual, motion and sound elements. This artistic research method uses Dharsono’s Creative Creation (2016):research with are ethic and emic approach, exploration, experimentation and formation approach. The resultsof the research were concluded and became the basis for the concept of space-based intermedia artwork,namely multi-media installation art with a visual form of local culture as a strengthening of national identity.

2019 ◽  

The purpose of applying education to instill tolerance in society is to form citizens who can realize a common civilization in the life of nation and state, and able to create Indonesian people as a whole. Education is one way to instill tolerant. As for efforts education to instill tolerant attitude in society through: 1) multicultural education and character; 2) education with national insight; and 3) professional education management. The method used in this writing is a qualitative research method descriptive library studi. Expected with education so the community can respect the diversity and eliminate suspicion and discrimination so that the creation of a tolerant society.

2007 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 515-522
Elena Rudan

This paper investigates whether it is possible to impact on the competitiveness of a destination through new dimensions of cultural tourism and by improving the existing forms of cultural tourism. The paper deals with the possibility of upgrading the development of cultural tourism through historical trails. The historical trails from Moscenicka Draga and Moscenice to Trebisce and Perun could supplement the creation of an image for this destination, which in itself has a strong seasonal character, as well as a strong orientation of tourists towards sea- and-sun motivated holidaymaking. According to the latest research, Trebisce was a place where the old Slavs used to make their offerings to Perun, the Slavic god of thunder. In other words, this is a sacred site of early Croatian mythology. The historical trails can help to differentiate, improve and enrich the tourism offering of Moscenicka Draga as a tourist destination. The initiator and coordinator of this project is the Chair of the Chakavian Council (an organization dedicated to the preservation of the local culture and the chakavian dialect) of the Municipality of Moscenicka Draga.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 839-859
Stela Cristina Hott Corrêa ◽  
Marlusa de Sevilha Gosling ◽  

Grounded Theory emerged as an appropriate research method for extracting from data concepts organized around basic categories that once integrated establish a substantive theory about the phenomenon. Internationally, Tourism researchers have been using Grounded Theory in their research, but in Brazil it has been scarcely used. Thus, this paper aims to present the foundations of Grounded Theory showing the similarities and differences between its three versions, and to point out how this methodology is used in Tourism research. This work is bibliographic making an integrative review of the theory. Grounded Theory has been shown to be appropriate for studying tourist experience, but its use may be expanded as it may be associated with other research methodologies such as ethnography, favoring the creation of substantive tourist theories or simply the appropriation of a theme in the early stages of the research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-95
Venny Agustin Hidayat

Tari Merak Jawa Barat, merupakan jenis tarian tontonan (pertunjukan). Tari Merak pertama kali diciptakan oleh Rd. Tjetje Somantri pada tahun 1955. Kemudian pada tahun 1965, tari Merak dikemas kembali oleh Irawati Durban Ardjo, yang bertujuan untuk dipertunjukkan pada misi kesenian Soekarno. Tari Merak yang sering kita jumpai saat ini merupakan Tari Merak karya Irawati Durban Ardjo.Tarian ini mempresentasikan keindahan yang dimiliki oleh burung merak pada saat burung merak jantan melebarkan ekornya. Kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia salah berasumsi jika tarian ini bercerita tentang kehidupan burung merak betina, sedangkan sang jantanlah yang memamerkan keindahan bulu ekornya. Sang jantan melakukan gerak-gerik yang tampak seperti tarian gemulai untuk menunjukkan pesona dirinya, sehingga sang betina terpesona dan bersedia kawin dengannya. Gerakan itulah yang mengekspresikan dibuatnya Tari Merak. Untuk mendukung keindahan tari, maka dibuat bentuk visual Merak pada kostum Tari Merak yang telah diinovasikan oleh Irawati. Irawati mengonsepnya melalui ide-ide kreatif dan mengindahkan esensi burung merak pada bentuk visual. Beberapa bagian kostum tari Merak Irawati, yaitu siger (mahkota), susumping, giwang (anting), kelat bahu, garuda mungkur, gelang tangan, kemben, ekor, Ikat pinggang, kacih, selendang, dan sinjang. Kostum yang memiliki banyak unsur estetika seperti garis (lurus, lengkung, bergelombang), bentuk (lingkaran, setengah lingkaran, persegi panjang, ekor merak, dan penyederhanaan burung merak), ornamen (ragam hias binatang, ragam hias tumbuhan, geometris, ulir). Beberapa motif yang digunakan yaitu motif ekor, bulu, ataupun keseluruhan bentuk burung merak. ABSTRACT Peacock Dance is a type of spectacle dance (performance). The Peacock Dance was first created by Rd. Tjetje Somantri in 1955. Then in 1965, the Merak dance was repackaged by Irawati Durban Ardjo, which aimed to be performed on Soekarno's art mission. The Peacock Dance that we often encounter at the moment is the Peacock Dance by Irawati Durban Ardjo. This dance presents the beauty of peacocks. The peacock is the inspiration for the creation of the Peacock dance and its beauty is found when the male peacock widens its tail. Most Indonesian people wrongly assume that this dance tells the story of the life of a female peacock, while the male exhibits the beauty of its tail feathers. The male performs movements that look like graceful dances to show his charms so that the female is fascinated and willing to marry him. That movement expresses the Peacock Dance. With the visual form of the Peacock Dance costume that has been innovated by Irawati. Irawati conceptualized it through creative ideas and heeded the essence of the peacock in visual form. Some parts of the Merraw Irawati dance costume, namely siger (crown), susumping, ear studs (earrings), kelat shoulders, garuda mungkur, wristbands, kemben, tail, belt, belts, shawls, and sinjang. Costumes that have many aesthetic elements such as lines (straight, curved, wavy), shapes (circles, semicircles, rectangles, peacock tails, and simplifications of peacocks), ornaments (various animal decoration, plant decoration, geometric, threaded). Some of the motifs used are the tail, feather, or overall shape motif.

Mohamed Shenaan ◽  
Heike Schänzel ◽  
Tracy Berno

Food as a tourist activity offers the rare prospect of fulfilling all five senses, especially taste, and heightening experiences. For food studies in tourism, taking part in the act of eating and drinking as part of the research design is rare. This study aims to address this methodological gap by introducing tasting buffets as a novel research method. Buffets, which included local dishes, were arranged at three guesthouses on three different local islands in the Maldives. International tourists staying in guesthouses were recruited to sample the dishes and were then invited to participate in interviews about their experiences, perceptions, and sensory memories of food. Various themes emerged from the analysis of the interviews, including food neophilia and neophobia, food to explore local culture, indifference to food, and the connection be-tween food, memories, and sensory recall. The study offers an effective and practical meth-odological contribution towards embodiment in tourism food research. It offers a valuable method to prompt discussions of local cuisines, unfamiliar cuisines, and holiday food memo-ries, behaviours, and intentions. The efficient, practical, and useful methods utilised in this explorative study can be used as a blueprint for future food tourism studies, to explore food sensations and sensory memory recall related to food experiences.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-128

Social work sanctions is an alternative in handling traffic violations without going through a litigation process, this research aims; First, to find out the right strategies related to social work sanctions. Second, to find out the factors that influence the implementation of social work sanctions and finally to find out the impact of the application of social work sanctions. The research method used is a socio-normative research method. Data collection techniques for library research and interviews. The results of this study indicate that the strategies is used in implementing social work sanctions are; Field survey, socialization Collaborate with the police to conduct sweeping on the object of research, carry out social / social work sanctions and install stickers to control and there needs to be a conscious area or traffic order. namely the existence of the concept of ultimum Remedium. It’s mean that criminal is the last step and the Discretion is a power or authority that is carried out based on the law for consideration and belief and emphasizes moral considerations rather than legal considerations. The inhibiting factors are; Written rules or regulations / substances that do not yet exist, lack of socialization and legal culture or attitudes of both the community and the police are still low regarding legal issues. Finally, the impact of the implementation is the creation of rules or laws that specifically regulate the issue of social work sanctions. The next thing is the creation of the Community Police Concept

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Yholanda Kunthi Anggriva ◽  
Mahendradewa Suminto ◽  
Agnes Karina Pritha Atmani

Rockets are spacecraft, missiles, or flying vehicles that get a boost through rocket reactions to fluid materials. In this film the rocket represents dreams and hopes. The process of launching a rocket is the process of reaching someone's dream. The process of launching missiles into space is not easy, but that doesn't mean it can't. This film, invites the audience to be sure of hope and dare to fight for it. The creation of this animated film is presented in the form of 2D animation without using any narration or dialogue. As a support for the atmosphere, music is created that can build an atmosphere. Not forget the 12 principles of animation applied in this animated film to strengthen and improve the artistic impression as a support of visualization. The twodimensional animation technique is intentionally used because the visual form of 2D animation has a light but easy to remember impression.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Irwan Pegiardi ◽  
Firdanis Setyaning Handika ◽  
Supriyadi Supriyadi

The gas cutting area has several jobs that are risky to the operator, such as activities with squatting, bending positions. This study aims to determine the risk of work in the gas cutting area as a basis for improving work posture. The method used is RULA (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment) is a research method for investigating disorders of the upper limbs. By measuring the group A score and group B score. Based on the results of the RULA value in the process of operating the machine with a sitting position with a score 3. clearing the cutting plate with a bent position with a score of 5, and the highest score 6 in the grinding plate cutting. To reduce pain in the neck, torso, and arms, operators should not do work postures that cause pain in the body for a long time.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 678-687
Vladimir Gennadyevich Kudryavtsev

The article is devoted to the study of places of worship in traditional Mari culture, which are in varying degrees of sacredness. They have so far preserved artifacts and symbols that form the cultural identity of the people. The Mari religion in the most complete local traditions preserves the system of pagan cults and rites. The trend towards the revival of pagan religion and the creation of religious organizations and communities is associated with a general upsurge in national identity. This became necessary in the context of national movements as a means of ethnic self-defense and a factor of ethnocultural revival. Original ethnocultural traditions and formative elements of folk architecture are relevant and important in the design of modern architectural complexes and the creation of small architectural forms in folk architecture, landscape design, and the formation of an ethnocultural environment. Further sacralization of places of worship will contribute to the preservation of natural monuments and the manifestation of artifacts and symbols of cultural identity.

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