2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Nanda Isa Fajarina ◽  
Sutarno Haryono

AbstrakPenelitian DramaTari Langen Carita Jaka Tingkir bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan makna Teks dan bentuk Drama Tari Langen Carita Jaka Tingkir. Penelitian inimenggunakan Konsep Pragmatik menurut Maryono dan konsep seni pertunjukan menurut maryono. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dimanadi dalam metodeini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data sebanyak-banyaknya kemudian dianalisis dan dideskripsikan secara mendalam, sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran dan pemaparan mengenai Mana Teks Drama Tari Langen Carita Jaka Tingkir. Tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Drama Tari langen Carita Jaka tingkir memiliki sebuah mana teks karena didalamnya memiliki sebuah cerita yang mengandung makna nilai-nilai kehidupan. Nilai-nilai kehidupan tersebut diwujudkan dalam bentuk gerak, ekspresi, tembang dan juga dialog.nilai-nilai tersebut mampu diwujudkan dengan rasa melaui bentuk sajian Drama Tari langen Carita Jaka Tingkir. Drama Tari Langen Carita Jaka Tingir mampu mengungapkan sebuah rasa kegembiraan seorang anak yang sedang bermain dan menggelar langen Cerita dismping itu anak-anak tersebut mampu memberikan rasa gagah, berani dan berwibawa. Rasa tersebut dituang dalam sebuah tokoh Jaka tingkir, buaya dan juga prajurit. Dengan adanya sebuah makna teks Drama Tari Langen Carita Jaka tingkir diharapkan mampu memberikan sebuah pengajaran kepadapara generasi muda untuk lebih mencintai kebudayaan local atau cerita pahlawan local yang sekarang ini posisinya mulai tergantikan oleh perkembangan jaman.Kata kunci: Drama tari langen Carita Jaka Tingkir, Makna teks, bentuk.AbstractResearch DramaTari LangeJaka Tingkir aims to describe the meaning of the text and the form of dance Drama Langen Carita Jaka Tingkir. This research uses the Pragmatic Concept according to Maryono and the concept of performing arts according to maryono. Writing this thesis using qualitative research methods where in this method aims to obtain data as much as possible then analyzed and described in depth, so as to provide description and exposure of Mana Text Drama Dance Langen Carita Jaka Tingkir. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and literaturestudy.The result of the research shows that the Dance Drama of Carita Jaka Tingkir has a text where because it has a story that contains the meaning of life values. Values of life is manifested in the form of motion, expression, song and also dialog. These values can be realized with a taste through the form of dish Dance Drama Dance Carita Jaka Tingkir. The Langen Carita Jaka Tingir Dance Drama is able to express a sense of joy of a child who is playing and deploying. The story of dismping children is able to give a sense of dashing, courage and dignity.The taste is poured in a character Jaka tingkir, crocodile and also the soldier. With the existence of a text meaning of Dance Drama Langen Carita Jaka tingkir is expected to give a teaching to the young generation to better love local culture or local hero story which is now its position began to be replaced by the development of the era.Top of FormKeywords: Drama Tari Langen Carita Jaka Tingkir, the meaning of text, form.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
S Sriyadi ◽  
Wahyu Santoso Prabowo

Penelitian Nilai Estetik Tari Srimpi Pandhelori di Pura Mangkunegaran bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan koreografi dan nilai estetik tari Srimpi Pandhelori. Analisis koreografi Srimpi Pandhelori menggunakan konsep koreografi Sumandiyo Hadi. Analisis nilai estetik menggunakan konsep nilai estetik menurut The Liang Gie, yang didukung dengan konsep ciri-ciri sifat benda estetik oleh Monroe Beardsley, dan konsep pengungkapan nilai-nilai kehidupan dalam karya seni oleh De Witt H. Paker. Penulisan skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan estetik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tari Srimpi Pandhelori memiliki nilai estetik karena dari sudut pandang inderawi memiliki nilai bentuk dan dari isi mampu mengungkapkan nilai-nilai kehidupan.Kata kunci: Srimpi Pandhelori, koreografi, nilai estetik.AbstractResearch Value Aesthetic Srimpi Pandhelori Dance in Pura Mangkunegaran aims to describe the choreography and aesthetic value of Srimpi Pandhelori dance. Srimpi Pandhelori choreography analysis uses Sumandiyo Hadi’s choreography concept. Aesthetic value analysis uses the concept of aesthetic value according to The Liang Gie, supported by the concept of aesthetic properties by Monroe Beardsley, and the concept of life values in artwork by De Witt H. Paker. Writing this thesis using qualitative research methods, with an aesthetic approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and literature study. The results showed that the Srimpi Pandhelori dance has an aesthetic value because from the viewpoint of the senses have the value of the form and the content is able to express the values of life.Keywords: Srimpi Pandhelori, choreography, aesthetic value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Tasya Kartika Chandra ◽  
Nur Hadi

One of the diversity that Indonesia has is in terms of local culture. This culture can be in the form of tangible and intangible culture. One of the intangible cultures is the tradition Selamatan by most of the Javanese Muslim community, one of which is in Wonosari Village, Malang. Selamatan is held to fulfill someone's nadzar or for the purpose of connecting humans and the god to ask for salvation in life and the next life. In addition to Selamatan, there is also a puppet tradition that is held to tell various kinds of stories according to the request of the respondent and for the purpose of ruwatan. The purpose of this study was to determine the syncretism of culture and religion in the tradition of Selamatan and wayang performances. Where syncretism can be seen in the food served, the scripts and mantras that are read, as well as the stories on the puppets that are delivered. The sample used was purposive sampling and data collection methods were observation and interviews. This study uses qualitative research methods and data processing uses Miles and Huberman's analysis. Dalam keanekaragaman yang dimiliki Indonesia salah satunya yaitu dalam hal kebudayaan lokal. Kebudayaan ini dapat berupa budaya benda dan tak benda. Salah satu budaya tak benda adalah tradisi selamatan yang dilakukan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Islam suku Jawa, salah satunya di Desa Wonosari, Malang. Selamatan ini diadakan untuk memenuhi nadzar dari seseorang atau untuk tujuan penghubung antara manusia dengan sang pencipta untuk memohon keselamatan dalam hidup dan kehidupan selanjutnya. Selain selamatan juga ada tradisi pewayangan yang digelar untuk menceritakan berbagai macam cerita sesuai permintaan penanggap dan untuk tujuan ruwatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengenai sinkretisme budaya dan agama dalam tradisi selamatan dan pagelaran wayang. Dimana sinkretisme terlihat pada makanan yang disajikan, skrip dan mantra yang dibacakan, serta cerita pada pewayangan yang dibawakan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dan metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pengolahan data menggunakan analisis Miles dan Huberman.

Ari Fahimatussyam Putra Nusantara ◽  
Gugus Irianto ◽  
Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias

This study aims to understand the practice of fraud prevention and detection by government internal auditors in Jember Regency. This study uses interpretive qualitative research methods with an ethnomethodology approach. Data collection was carried out through interviews with six supervisors/auditors as key informants. The results of this study show that fraud prevention by the Jember Regency internal auditor is carried out in the consulting activities and reviewing the work plan and budget (Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran, RKA) of Regional Government Organization (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah, OPD). The detection of fraud by the Jember Regency internal auditor is carried out through regular audits and community complaint services, where the community complaint service will be explored by the Jember Regency internal auditor by conducting a special inspection. Thus, the results of this study show that the government's internal auditors have an important role in fraud prevention.

2008 ◽  
M. Puvenesvary ◽  
Radziah Abdul Rahim ◽  
R. Sivabala Naidu ◽  
Mastura Badzis ◽  
Noor Fadhilah Mat Nayan ◽  

Qualitative Research: Data Collection & Data Analysis Techniques is especially written for anyone who is interested in doing or learning more about qualitative research methods. The reader-friendly organisation and writing style of the book makes it accessible to everyone-academics,professionals, undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers, and even for those who are just beginning to explore the field of qualitative research. Each chapter provides a clear, contextualized and comprehensive coverage of the main qualitative research methods (interviews, focus groups, observations, diary studies, archival document, and content analysis) and will thus equip readers with a thorough understanding of the steps and skills to undertake qualitative research effectively. Bringing together qualitative research scholars from three different tertiary institutions in the country Associate Prof Dr. Puvensvary Muthiah, Dr. Radziah Abdul Rahim, Puan Noor Hashima Abd Aziz, and Noor Fadhilah Mat Nayan, from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mastura Badzis from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and R. Sivabala Naidu from Darulaman Teacher Training Institute, this book addresses some of the most important questions facing students and researchers in qualitative research

Endang Noerhartati ◽  
Che Zalina Zulkifli ◽  
Pratiwi Dwi Karyati ◽  
Nugrahini Susantinah Wisnujati ◽  
Iva Evry Robiyansah ◽  

The purpose of this research was to find a solution during the pandemic recovery covid-19 with the strengthening of alternative food entrepreneurship sorghum. The research method uses qualitative research methods in entrepreneurship, descriptive qualitative action research  with data collection techniques in the form of observation and documentation, after the data collected is then analyzed statistically descriptive. The results showed that sorghum can be used as a national food stock facing a crisis and pandemic covid-19, sorghum food stock in the form of grains, rice, flour, soft brand sorghum, and various processed sorghum. National sorghum food stock strategy includes strengthening clusters and production centers, silo utilization cooperation, socialization of various sorghum products, and strengthening Center of Sorghum Entrepreneur (CSE) and Sorghum Entrepreneurship Unit (SEU).

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Putu Angga Wirawan ◽  
Lulup Endah Tripalupi

The purpose of this study was to determine the management of the “Sampat Sehe Kedas” Waste Bank in Selat Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques using interview and documentation methods. The determination of informants was done purposively. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed by producing, presenting, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research on the Management of the Sampat Sehe Kedas Waste Bank in Selat Village show that planning is going well in terms of goal setting, namely wanting to help the community in managing waste by forming an organization, providing a financial budget, fulfilling equipment and equipment, identifying problems, and developing plans by deliberation. Organizing goes well in terms of the formation of the organizational structure. The briefing went well, seen from the coordination between the chairman and officers before carrying out activities and giving each other motivation. Supervision runs well, seen from the standard of implementation, the management and officers have worked according to the agreed day and the waste that customers save is non-organic waste at a price of Rp. 500.00/ kg

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Mirda Aryadi ◽  
Asril S ◽  
Febri Yulika

AbstrakMasjid Asasi Sigando menerapkan ornamen sebagai salah satu bagian dari bangunannya. Fungsi secara umum dari penempatan ornamen pada masjid Asasi sebagai penghias, hal ini juga berlaku pada bangunan yang khas Minangkabau lainnya. Penempatan ornamen pada masjid ini, hampir terdapat pada seluruh dinding luar. Ornamen yang diterapkan pada bagian dinding masjid seperti singok, pereang, papan banyak, papan sakapieng, dan salangko. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang berifat deskriptif. Ornamen Masjid Asasi memiliki keindahan dari segi motif yang belum dikaji secara keilmuan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara obervasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Hasil tentang ornamen Masjid Asasi bahwa ide penciptaan motif ornamen berlandaskan pada bentuk alam seperti, tumbuhan, hewan, alam benda dan manusia. Selain itu penempatan masing-masing motif juga disusun pada bagian masjid yang memiliki nama tertentu.Kata Kunci: masjid asasi, ornamen, motif.AbstractAsasi Sigando Mosque uses ornaments as one part of the building. The general function of the placement of ornaments on the Asasi mosque as decoration, this also applies to other typical Minangkabau buildings. Placement of ornaments on this mosque, almost found on the entire outer wall. Ornaments applied to the walls of the mosque such as singok, pereang, papan banyak, papan sakapieng, and salangko. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Asasi Mosque ornaments have beauty in terms of motifs that have not been studied scientifically. Data collection is carried out by means of observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The result of Asasi Mosque ornaments is that the idea of creating ornamental motifs is based on natural forms such as plants, animals, natural objects and humans. In addition, the placement of each motif is also arranged on the part of the mosque that has a certain name. Keywords: asasi mosque, ornaments, motifs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Jumiani Jumiani ◽  
Syahruddin Hattab ◽  
Muhammad Faisal

This study aims to find out how the Performance of Employees in the Office of Population and Civil Registry of North Morowali Regency. This type of research used is descriptive and the basic research used is qualitative research methods. The informants in this study were determined positively by the number of informants as many as 7 people, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. In this study using Suyadi Prwirasentono's theory, where there are 4 (four) indicators that there are employee performance at the Office of Population and Civil Registration of North Morowali Regency in terms of effectiveness, authority and responsibility, discipline, initiative. Based on the results of existing research that the performance of employees at the Office of Population and Civil Registry of North Morowali Regency is considered quite good.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-51
Agung Suharyanto ◽  
Wiflihani ◽  
Onggal Sihite ◽  
Yesti Pratiwi ◽  
Ijon Gabe Martuah Sinaga ◽  

This research is a research conducted to determine the procedures, components of the ceremony, and to know the function and meaning of the Nava Rathiri and Vijaya Dhasami celebrations for Hindus in Medan City. This study used qualitative research methods and data collection was carried out by following the ceremony held directly by the Maha Puja Navarathiri & Vijaya Dhasamiumat Hindu ceremony at the Sri Mariaman Temple, Medan City. This research was conducted at the Srimariaman temple, where the navaratri is carried out for nine days every night in a row by Hindus living in the city of Medan. The result of this research is that this celebration is a worship for goddesses who have fought long ago against evil, namely giants. This celebration performed at Worship was done to please the goddesses for nine days as many days as it took for the goddess to defeat the evil monster. This is in accordance with its implementation, which is for nine days in the Tamil month of purification. There are many components used in this statement, from a series of flowers, coconut, trinkets, and many more. Worship is done to restore the good qualities of humans and defeat the bad qualities in humans because basically every human being is created for good. There are many components used in this statement, from a series of flowers, coconut, trinkets, and many more. Worship is done to restore the good qualities of humans and defeat the bad qualities in humans because basically every human being is created for good. There are many components used in this statement, from a series of flowers, coconut, trinkets, and many more. Worship is done to restore the good qualities of humans and defeat the bad qualities in humans because basically every human being is created for good.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Noor Halida Yanti

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola asuh orang tua dalam membentuk karakter mandiri anak dimasa belajar dari rumah (BDR) pada Anak Usia Dini, adapun yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalah orang tua yang anaknya bersekolah di PAUD Terpadu At-Tibyan Banjarmasin. Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis naturalistic inquiry (ingkuri alamiah). Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh Authoritarian atau demokratis yang paling baik digunakan dalam membentuk karakter mandiri anak dimasa BDR walaupun pada aplikasinya dilapangan orang tua masih ada yang menggunakan pola asuh Authoritative dan permisif sehingga dapat menghambat pembentukan karakter anak usia dini dimasa BDR.Kata Kunci: Pola Asuh, karakter mandiri, BDR AbstractThis study aims to determine parenting styles in forming the independent character of children in the learning period from home (BDR) in early childhood, while the research subjects are parents whose children attend PAUD Terpadu At-Tibyan Banjarmasin. Using qualitative research methods with the type of naturalistic inquiry (natural ingkuri). Research data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that authoritarian or democratic parenting is best used in shaping children's independent character during BDR, although in its application in the field of parents, there are still those who use authoritative and permissive parenting styles so that it can inhibit the formation of early childhood character during BDR.Keywords: Parenting, independent character, BDR

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