life values
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 958-975
A. V. Miklyaeva ◽  
Yu. L. Proekt ◽  
V. V. Khoroshikh

Social informatization and virtualization are changing the living environment and life values. The article introduces a meta-analysis of the axiological identity of Russian students at various stages of the social digitalization. The authors selected sources, defined their relevance based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and performed their qualitative and quantitative analysis. The sample included 90 publications, 53 of which featured Russian students. The resulting trends in the axiological identity of Russian students were compared with foreign studies. The research revealed the following developmental trends in the life values of Russian students: individualistic values are giving way to collective ones, and conservative values are becoming more and more significant.

Koshel N.A.

The purpose of the study is to study processes and psychological features of formation of human meaning in adulthood, due to the current uncertainty of social, economic and political situation and forces a person to constantly determine his position and view of the world. Addressing this important issue is primarily about activity consciousness of the individual, which aims to identify the meanings of events that occurring, constant search for new meanings, on the basis of which it would be possible to determine their place and vital role in changing reality.Methods. Adulthood is the longest period of human life (from adolescence to old age), so it is better to study this age by dividing it into separate stages. For our study, we chose the periodization of O.O. Bodalyov. The influence of the age factor on the significance of human values and spheres of life for a person is considered according to the method “Morphological test of life values” (by V.F. Sopiv, L.V. Karpushina), which is the result of using and further improving the method of I.G. Senin. This made it possible to explore the peculiarities of meaning-making in adulthood.Results. Differences in the significance of life spheres between age groups are more pronounced than random differences within the group. Thus, the importance of the spheres of life largely determines age. The minimum level of significance of the spheres of life is in the period of early adulthood, and they are most significant in the period of middle adulthood. Reaching the maximum value at this age, the level of importance of the spheres of life decreases over the years.Conclusions. It was found that the meaning of personality, its clear awareness, its reliability, are determined by viability, professional, family and age self-determination in life, which depends on the individual, his life position, his socio-psychological and social maturity and activity. Based on the empirical study, it is concluded that age largely determines the importance of life values and areas of life for man.As a result of the research it was found that during the transition from one age group of adulthood to another the meaning formation changes, in particular: in the early period of adulthood in the first place are the prospects of learning, professional self-determination; in the middle period of adulthood – career prospects, family life; in late adulthood – the prospects of social status.Key words: personality development, adulthood, transition stage, viability, meaningfulness of life, life values. Метоюдослідження є вивчення процесів і психологічних особливостей смислоутворення людей у період дорослості, що зумовлюється сучасною невизначеністю соціальної, економічної й політичної ситуації та змушує людину постійно визначатися у своїй позиції і погляді на світ.Вирішення цього важливого питання пов’язане насамперед з активністю свідомості особистості, яка спрямована на виявлення смислів подій, що відбуваються, постійний пошук нових смислів, на основі яких можна було би визначити своє місце й життєву роль у змінюваній реальності.Методи. Дорослість є найтривалішим періодом життя людини (від закінчення юності до початку старості), тому вивчати цей вік краще шляхом поділу його на окремі етапи. Для нашого дослідження обрано періодизацію О.О. Бодальова. Вплив фактору віку на значимість для людини життєвих цінностей і життєвих сфер розглянуто за методикою «Морфологічний тест життєвих цінностей» (В.Ф. Сопов, Л.В. Карпушина), яка є результатом використання й подальшого вдосконалення методики І.Г. Сеніна. Це дало змогу дослідити особливості смислоутворення в дорослому віці.Результати. Відмінності у значущості життєвих сфер між віковими групами є більш вираженими, ніж випадкові відмінності всередині групи. Таким чином, значимість життєвих сфер багато в чому визначає вік. Мінімальний рівень значущості життєвих сфер припадає на період ранньої дорослості, а найбільш значущі вони в період середньої дорослості. Після досягнення максимального значення в цьому віці рівень важливості життєвих сфер із роками знижується.Висновки. З’ясовано, що смислоутворення особистості, її чітке усвідомлення та надійність визначаються життєздатністю, професійним, сімейним і віковим самовизначенням у житті, яке залежить від особистості, її життєвої позиції, соціально-психологічної та соціальної зрілості й активності. На підставі проведеного емпіричного дослідження зроблено висновок про те, що вік багато в чому визна-чає значимість життєвих цінностей і життєвих сфер для людини. У результаті дослідження з’ясовано, що під час переходу з однієї вікової групи дорослості в іншу смислоутворення змінюється, зокрема: у ранньому періоді дорослості на першому місці перебувають перспективи навчання, професійного самовизначення; у середньому періоді дорослості – перспективи кар’єри, сімейного життя; у пізньому періоді дорослості – перспективи соціального статусу.Ключові слова: розвиток особистості, період дорослості, перехідний етап, життєздатність, осмисленість життя, життєві цінності.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (22) ◽  
pp. 2938
Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana ◽  
Afit Istiandaru

Some countries have puppet culture in various forms, terms, and ways, including Indonesia. As a country with a diverse culture, it has detailed and comprehensive characteristics and stories related to puppets, especially the Javanese shadow puppet. Some experts have explored its characteristics and found out that it contains many mathematical elements which could be used as a starting point to learn mathematics. The elements, however, still focus on the exploration of geometry material. We hardly find any other material that has been explored as deep as the geometry material in the context of the Javanese shadow puppet. Therefore, this study aims to explore the other elements of mathematics potentially found in this context which—for this example—is the sets material. Besides, this study also discusses the righteous life values that the students could internalize during mathematics learning through shadow puppet culture. We used ethnography to explore it through literature study, documentation, and field notes. We found some interesting elements, characteristics, and patterns in the Javanese shadow puppet, which can be used as a starting point to learn the sets concept. Furthermore, the values and philosophy of the shadow puppet culture harbor the potential to foster the students’ good character and behavior.

Petro Saukh ◽  
Iryna Saukh

The analysis of one of the global problems of today — the crisis of spirituality — is provided. It is shown that the spirituality of a modern personality among other life values (family, career, money, health, friendship, love, leisure time) in the context of the Wheel of Life by Paul J. Mayer occupies an insignificant place. It is proved that the mentioned fact is a litmus test of the disharmony of modern human life. The destruction of value imperatives of the spiritual basis leads inevitably to a crisis, which applies to both the individual and society as a whole. Accordingly, the spiritual devastation's possible effects and the ways to prevent it based on the implementation of the New Humanism ideas are revealed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 332-336
Dila Apriyanti ◽  
Esa Hilma ◽  
Dian Hartati ◽  

Short story is a literary work that serves either to assist for entertaining or to give life values of the story itself. Besides, it is known as a prose work due to having a short-term story. The two short stories entitled “Jendela Rara'' and “Rumah Tanpa Jendela”, written by Asma Nadia, attracted the author's attention to conduct recent study towards those works. They have been adapted from short story to movie, hence, readers can obtain a structural comparison, especially intrinsic values and life values that are contained in the stories. The recent study was designed by using descriptive qualitative with structural approach to describe intrinsic elements that form the literary work. The research data was in quotation form (word, phrase, and sentence) which is related to the problems of “Jendela Rara'' short story and “Rumah Tanpa Jendela” movie. The researcher used the document analysis technique for collecting the research data. Moreover, the data analysis technique used by the researcher was a flow analysis technique, which consisted of three elements such as, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion verification. The data result formed as a structural analysis while experiencing a transformation from a short story and film.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Ni Wayan Mira Apsari

<em>Tutur is a type of traditional literary work in the form of prose, which contains religious, philosophical and life values. The speech that will be used as study material in this journal article is entitled Tutur Jatiswara. Jatiswara speech text is a spoken text that describes the advice of parents to their children. The problem statement in this journal article is (1). The structure of the Jatiswara speech text. (2). The educational value contained in the text said Jatiswara. The objectives contained in this journal article are divided into 2, namely general goals and specific goals. The general objective in this journal article is to develop and preserve traditional Balinese literature, especially literary works in the form of speech. The specific objectives in this journal article are (1) to find out the structure contained in Jatiswara's spoken text. (2) This is to determine the value of Hindu religious education in the Jatiswara speech text. The method used in writing this journal article is by using a review method from several sources or what is called the literature method.</em>

Irina V. Privalova

The article examines the axiological component of verbal units that comprise the paremiological funds in languages with different structure. The content of proverbs and sayings reflects cultural specificity along with the values adopted in a particular ethnic community. The analysis of 865 examples presented in the Russian, English, French and Latin languages has confirmed the hypothesis that the values of people are vividly reflected in paroemias. The author’s conception of “axiological component” has been clarified. Axiological component is understood as the value associated with the assessment included into the semantics of a paremiological unit. The semantic component of paroemias manifests itself in determining the value of an object or phenomenon in relation to other objects or phenomena. Also, it may reflect the work of categorization and classification mechanisms. The idea of axiological component correlation with the hierarchy of the value system (described by one of the founders of axiology H. Rickert) predetermines the novelty of this research. It is concluded that paroemias can be classified based on the content of the axiological component. The following groups have been singled out: behavioral instruction, basic life values, object assessment, subject assessment and assessment of the subject’s behavior. The didactics of paroemias can be expressed in explicit and implicit forms, but one way or another, it is present in every verbal unit. The value component is a serious obstacle in successful interaction; therefore, a projective analysis of the functioning of paroemias under the conditions of intercultural communication has been carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-41
Dang Giang Chau Nguyen ◽  
Thi Lan Anh Tran ◽  
Thi Thanh Lam Tran ◽  
Thi My Duyen Ngo ◽  

Pesticide dissipation on foods like vegetables, fruits, and cereals is one of the most concerning aspects in pesticide toxicology as it involves risks to human health and food safety. In light if this, a laboratory-scale study was conducted for two separate systems, green onions (Allium fistulosum) and mustard greens (Brassica juncea),in order to identify the dissipation of fipronil and cypermethrin, two commonly used insecticides, under a tropical climate. After the pesticide application, vegetable samples from these microcosms were collected each day for 7 days to measure fipronil and cypermethrin (n=3) residues. The analytical method was validated and showed repeatability and trueness. The decay equations fit well to first-order kinetics with a correlation coefficient of R2>0.93 and p<0.0005. The calculated half-life values of fipronil were 2.9 d for green onions and 3.2 d for mustard greens while those of cypermethrin were, respectively, 4.5 d and 3.2 d. To meet the maximum residue levels (MRL) of fipronil (0.02 mg/kg) and cypermethrin (0.7 mg/kg) on vegetables, the estimated pre-harvest intervals should be updated to 23 d and 7.5 d, respectively.

Ahmed Massoud ◽  
Aly Derbalah ◽  
Ibrahim El-Mehasseb ◽  
Moustafa Saad Allah ◽  
Mohamed S. Ahmed ◽  

The present study was performed to fabricate a titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanocatalyst with proper characteristics for the removal of some insecticides (dimethoate and methomyl) from aqueous media. A TiO2 catalyst of regular (TiO2—commercial—/H2O2/UV) or nano (TiO2—synthesized—/H2O2/UV) size was employed as an advanced oxidation process by combining it with H2O2 under light. Moreover, the total detoxification of insecticides after treatment with the most effective system (TiO2(s)/H2O2/UV) was also investigated through exploring the biochemical alterations and histopathological changes in the liver and kidneys of the treated rats. Interestingly, the present study reported that degradation rates of the examined insecticides were faster using the TiO2 catalyst of nano size. Complete degradation of the tested insecticides (100%) was achieved under the TiO2(s)/H2O2/UV system after 320 min of irradiation. The half-life values of the tested insecticides under H2O2/TiO2(c)/UV were 43.86 and 36.28 for dimethoate and methomyl, respectively, whereas under the H2O2/TiO2(c)/UV system, the half-life values were 27.72 and 19.52 min for dimethoate and methomyl, respectively. On the other hand, no significant changes were observed in the biochemical and histopathological parameters of rats administrated with water treated with TiO2(s)/H2O2/UV compared to the control, indicating low toxicity of the TiO2 nanocatalyst-. Altogether, the advanced oxidation processes using TiO2 nanocatalyst can be considered as a promising and effective remediation technology for the complete detoxification of methomyl and dimethoate in water. However, further future research is needed to identify the possible breakdown products and to verify the safety of the used nanomaterials.

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