
V prispevku je predstavljen pojav epidemije covida-19 v Republiki Sloveniji, s poudarkom na delovanju Slovenske vojske. Opisujemo odziv Slovenske vojske na epidemijo in postopke ter procese, ki jih je izvajala na svojih nalogah tako doma kot v mednarodnih operacijah in na misijah v tujini, ter omogočila dodatno podporo državi in državljanom pri spoprijemanju z novim virusom. Poudarek je na postopkih in procesih, vodenih v Vojaški zdravstveni enoti, za spremljanje epidemioloških razmer. Delovanje Slovenske vojske, ki se navezuje na delovanje njihovih zdravstvenih enot med epidemijo covid-19, primerjamo z nekaterimi drugimi oboroženimi silami. Ključne besede covid-19, epidemija, virus, Slovenska vojska, Vojaška zdravstvena enota. Abstract The article presents the phenomenon of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Republic of Slovenia with focus on the activities of the Slovenian Armed Forces. It describes the response of the Slovenian Armed Forces to the epidemic, and the procedures and processes applied as part of its missions at home and in international operations and missions abroad. These activities provided additional support to the state and its citizens in dealing with the new virus. The emphasis is put on the procedures and processes of the Military Medical Unit aimed at monitoring the epidemiological situation. Additionally, the epidemic-related activities of the Slovenian Armed Forces and its medical units are compared to the activities of several other armed forces. Key words COVID-19, epidemic, virus, Slovenian Armed Forces, Military Medical Unit


Povzetek Grožnje nacionalni varnosti se preoblikujejo zelo hitro. Prebivalci države pričakujejo, da se bo nacionalnovarnostni sistem učinkovito in uspešno odzval na te grožnje. Izvedbeno se lahko nacionalnovarnostni sistem države odzove samo tako, da v sistem zagotavljanja nacionalne varnosti vključi vse svoje vire v upanju sinergičnih učinkov. Uporaba oboroženih sil za zagotavljanje notranje varnosti je bila izredna naloga oboroženih sil. Obramba oziroma obrambna sposobnost vojske, ki se izvaja v notranjosti države za notranjo stabilnost in varnost države ob zakonskih in primarno konceptualno določenih nalogah vojske in policije, predstavlja zakonodajni in operacionalizacijski izziv države. Ključne besede Slovenska vojska, Policija, izredna pooblastila vojske, operacionalizacija. Abstract Nowadays, threats to national security are transforming extremely rapidly. The people of a country expect the national security system to respond effectively and successfully to these threats. Implementation-wise, a country's national security system can only respond by including all its resources in the national security system hoping to achieve synergistic effects. The use of the armed forces to ensure internal security was an extraordinary task of the armed forces. The defence and the defence capacity of the military, which are in addition to the legal and primarily conceptually determined tasks of the military and the police aimed at ensuring internal stability and national security in the interior of the country, represent a legislative and operational challenge of the state. Key words Slovenian Armed Forces, Police, extraordinary powers of the army, operationalization.


Povzetek: V članku je predstavljen proces oblikovanja predloga Vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije znotraj Slovenske vojske z namenom oblikovanja zgodovinskega spomina in krepiti prepričanja, da sta obramba in varnost stalen proces, ki ne more biti podvržen vsakodnevnemu političnemu razpoloženju ampak mora biti dobro načrtovan, nivojsko in resorno usklajen proces, ki je na koncu zapisan v strategijah. Nato in EU intenzivno sprejemata nove strategije na obrambnem in vojaškem področju. Sledi jima tudi Republika Slovenija z oblikovanjem prvega predloga Vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije. Ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju predloga strategije do sedaj je imel proces, ki je zagotovil krepitev in sistematizacijo vojaške misli, poenotenje razumevanj znotraj Slovenske vojske in usklajenost z obrambno-vojaškimi dokumenti. Ključne besede: vojaška strategija, proces izdelave vojaške strategije, Vojaška strategija Republike Slovenije Abstract The article presents the process of developing the Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia within the Slovenian Armed Forces, with the aim of building historical memory, and in strengthening belief that defence and security are a continual process that cannot be subjected to everyday political mood, but must be a well-planned process, departmentally coordinated at all levels, which is finally written into a strategy. NATO and the EU are intensively adopting new defence and military strategies, followed by the Republic of Slovenia with its first proposal of a Military Strategy. A key role in writing the proposed strategy was played by the process within the Slovenian Armed Forces, which ensured the strengthening and systematization of military thought, the synchronization of its understanding, and harmonization with defence-military documents. Key words: military strategy, process of drafting military strategy, Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia

Vojno delo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 103-120
Milena Knežević ◽  
Srboljub Nikolić ◽  
Aleksandar Neševski

One of the important indicators of democratization of each society is the constitutional and legal definition of the role of the military and the possibility of its control. The civil and democratic control of the Serbian Armed Forces primarily includes control of the use and development of the Serbian Armed Forces, internal and external control of the expenditures for the military needs, monitoring and informing the public about the state of preparations of the Armed Forces, providing free access to information of public importance and defining responsibilities for performing the military duties in accordance with the law. The instrument for financing the military expenditures in the Republic of Serbia is the state budget. During the drafting of the Law on Budget, the costs for the military needs are planned for the budget year and the following two years. Having in mind that the Law on Budget is passed by the highest legislative body - the National Assembly, the main principle of the democratic control of the military expenditure planning is provided. However, the budget execution implies the control over the use of the budget funds, whereby the Law on Budget System provides for several levels of control, organized as internal and external control. The internal control of the military expenditures, expressed in the budget of the Republic of Serbia, is carried out by the financial service bodies of the units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Accounting Centre of the Budget and Finance Sector of the Ministry of Defence, the Defence Inspectorate, the Military Security Agency, the Criminal Investigation Group and the Internal Audit of the Ministry of Defence. The external control of the budget intended for the military needs is performed by the State Audit Institution and the Budget Inspection. The objective of the control is to determine whether the actions of the Serbian Armed Forces are in accordance with the position stipulated by the Constitution, as well as with the policy that the mentioned representative and executive authorities define in their acts.

V. Nazarkin ◽  
O. Semenenko ◽  
A. Efimenko ◽  
V. Ivanov

The task of choosing the rational number of power structures is always one of the main priorities of any political leadership of the state. An insufficient number of armed forces is a threat to the national security of the state; an excess number creates pressures on the development of the country's national economy. Today, when the development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being formed in the context of the practical application of their units and subunits to carry out combat missions, questions of choosing a priority approach to the formation (justification) of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an urgent issue. The article proposes a structure for conducting research on the development and implementation of the methodology of military-economic substantiation of the rational strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of defense planning of Ukraine in the formation of programs for their development for the medium and long term. The main objectives of this methodology are: scientific substantiation of the range of the necessary strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the period of the program of their development; the choice of the indicator of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the years of the program from a certain range of its changes; military-economic substantiation of this number under the influence of various limiting factors. The development and implementation of such a methodology will increase the efficiency of the formation and implementation of development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the efficiency of using public funds for the development of power structures.

2021 ◽  
pp. 56-65
Iulian Rusanovschi ◽  

On 17.03.2020, the Parliament declared a state of emergency on the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova for the period March 17 - May 15, 2020. By the same Decision, the Parliament delegated the Commission for Exceptional Situations with the right to implement a series of measures to overcome the epidemiological situation in the country. However, in the conditions of a functioning Parliament and despite the clear and exhaustive texts of the Constitution, the Commission for Exceptional Situations amended during the state of emergency the Contravention Code, which is an organic law. The amendments specifically concerned the procedure and terms for examining infringement cases brought in connection with non-compliance with the measures adopted by the Commission for Exceptional Situations and the Extraordinary Commission for Public Health. In the conditions in which an organic law can be modified only by the Parliament, it is obvious the unconstitutionality, at least partial, of the Disposition no. 4 of 24.03.2020 of the Commission for Exceptional Situations, but unfortunately, the Constitutional Court is not mandated with the right to submit to constitutional review the normative acts adopted by the Commission for Exceptional Situations. Under these conditions, the state is obliged to identify solutions in order not to allow an authority to adopt unconstitutional normative acts that cannot be subject to constitutional review.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (22) ◽  
pp. 66-73
Mahfutt Mahfutt ◽  
Khairil Anwar ◽  
Billi Belladona Matindas

The position of the Military Court is a body that executes the judicial power in the circle of the Indonesian National Armed Forces to enforce the law and justice with due observance of the interest in the state defense and safety. The Military Court is authorized to try the crimes committed by someone who when committing such crime is a soldier of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, a member of a group or office or body or equal to a soldier pursuant to the Law and someone is not included in the said group as set forth in the Law Number 31 of 1997 on Military Court. Following the reform of 1988, the existence of the Military Court is developed by some activists and the public that observe the Military Court, insisting the Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia to revise Law Number 31 of 1997 on Military Court, with the focus point for a soldier of the Indonesian National Armed Forces who commits a general crime to be tried in the General Court with the reason that the Military Court practice is closed in nature, and another reason is the equalization of rights before the law. The method used in this research is the normative law research that is carried out to obtain the necessary data relating to the problem. The data used is secondary data consisting of primary law materials, secondary law materials, and tertiary law materials. In addition, primary data is also used as the support of the secondary data law materials. The data is analyzed by the qualitative juridical analysis method. The results of the research show that the Military Court is one of the mechanisms that are always tried to be maintained. The outcome from the research discovers that the role of the Martial Court in Indonesia remains effective, fair, and democratic to this date realistically marked by fair punishment within the jurisdiction offended, which corresponds to the need of TNI institution in the aspects of Culture, Benefit, Assurance, and Fairness. It is recommended that the RI Government continuously develop and improve the same by maintaining the role of the Martial Court in punishing criminal offenses committed by military members on the Martial Court system currently in force.

2021 ◽  
Vol 255 ◽  
pp. 01032
Denys Lisovenko ◽  
Nadiia Burdeina ◽  
Oleksandr Fedchenko ◽  
Stanislav Nikul ◽  
Viacheslav Holovan

The study is devoted to the problem of financial regulation of the defense industry and the provision of troops, as the escalation of the military conflict in eastern Ukraine has revealed shortcomings in this area. A comparative analysis of NATO and Ukraine’s defense spending was conducted and differences in the cost structure were identified. The tendency of Ukraine’s defense spending to gradually approach the structure of NATO defense spending is pointed out, but the insufficient level of this approach is also taken into account. The analysis allowed to identify problematic issues and inconsistencies in the financial regulation of the defense industry. The state of export of defense equipment and technologies as a possible source of financing of defense enterprises is analyzed. The existence of two opposite trends in the financial regulation of military logistics has been identified: both an increase in funding in absolute terms and a reduction in the share of the total amount for the implementation of the unified logistics system of the State Armed Forces Development Program. The developed mathematical model of supply of military units is suitable for use in information systems of logistical support of troops.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019, 21/4 (Volume 2019/issue 21/4) ◽  
pp. 75-94

The main theme of the paper is the Concept of Military Leadership in the Slovenian Armed Forces, which currently represents the highest substantive and guiding normative act in the field of military leadership in the Slovenian Armed Forces (hereinafter referred to as the SAF). Due to the enormous importance of this field in working with people and the aim of influencing the change of the concept, the paper analysed and compared the concepts of military leadership in other selected armed forces and looked for similarities and divergences, especially in two segments - substantive and normative. On the one hand, we have shown the substantive obsolescence and inadequate normative rank of the Concept of Military Leadership in the Slovenian Armed Forces and, on the other hand, the necessity of substantive updating with concrete proposals and arguments for the development of the Doctrine of Military Leadership in the SAF. Key words Leadership, armed forces, Concept of Military Leadership in the SAF

J. Chernykh ◽  
O. Chernykh

Analysis of the foreign experience of the organisation and reformation of the armed forces in other countries, with the respective systems of military education being an integral part, reveals the specific national aspect of such activities in each country. In the meantime, there are some general methodological approaches used in military pedagogic practice across different countries of the world to be practicably considered and applied. The article examines the experience of officers’ training for the armed forces of the Republic of Hungary. The article provides information on the existing network of military educational institutions for the officer training of tactical, operational and strategic level of military command. Requirements for admission to military educational institutions for the officer training of different levels of training has been given. The terms of military specialists’ training on tactical, operational and strategic level have been defined. The analysis of the content of officer training for different armed services of the armed forces and different levels of military administration has been conducted. We used the system of the general scientific methods of theoretical and empirical research, in particular, the theoretical-methodological analysis of the problem and the relevant scholarly resources, systematization and generalization of the scientific information pertaining to the essence and content of the set objectives, monitoring of the existing system of military specialists training in the Armed Forces of the republic of Hungary, scientific generalisation, the general scientific methods of logical and comparative analysis, systems approach, peer review, analysis and interpretation of the obtained theoretical and empirical data. The general structure of the National University of Public Administration, the Faculty of Military Sciences and the training of officers is shown, as well as the main tasks that are solved by the institutes and training centers that are part of it are identified. An analysis of the concept, structure, goals, content and technologies of officers’ training in the armed forces of the Republic of Hungary shows that the military education system reflects the current stage of development of the armed forces, as well as the national cultural specificity of the country. Education and training of officers is carried out on the basis of national cultural and military tradition. The main direction of officers’ training is their fundamental military and professional training in both the military and civilian fields. The content of the officers’ training is based on two military education levels. Each level of military education ends with a certain level of qualification. It is possible to distinguish the general tendencies of development of the higher Hungarian military school: improvement of the quality of applicants’ selection, individualization of training of cadets and trainees, stabilization of their number at the present level; further informatization of the educational process, introduction of multimedia learning tools. Certainly, the positive elements of the experience of the Hungarian army can be used in the training of officers in the Ukrainian Armed Forces under the conditions of gradual transition to the recruitment on a contract basis.

Yuliia Yu. Bobrova ◽  
Yuriy O. Bobrov

The analysis of numerous scientific publications demonstrates the great relevance of gender studies at the current stage of Ukrainian social development, in almost all spheres of social relations. As for ensuring equal participation of men and women in the functioning of the military organisation of the state, the implementation of such a gender balance contributes to improving civilian control over it through the possibility of developing the capacity of regulatory bodies in gender issues, promoting dialogue between the community and control bodies, and drawing public attention to the problems of accountability of institutions of this organisation. The main purpose of this study is to highlight the state of gender equality in the military organisation of the state through the lens of civilian democratic control. The study determined the state of legislative regulation of the concept of military organisation of the state and civil democratic control. The study analysed the introduction of a gender perspective in Ukraine in the subject matter and the dynamics of establishing a gender balance in the military organisation of the state; the impact on existing trends of legislative initiatives. It is stated that the modern Ukrainian army is mostly “male”. Despite the fact that women are allowed to serve in the military, they do not take part in making socially important decisions, they do not hold high military positions, and career growth is challenging for them. The study identified the main problems of implementing gender equality in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other structures of the Defence Forces of Ukraine, which are more based on social stereotypes of pre-defined roles for men and women. Civil control over the Armed Forces is described as a socio-political process in this area

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