Vitalii VYZDRYK ◽  
Oleksandra MELNYK

The article covers the preconditions and features of the agrarian reform in Western Ukraine. The land question is characterized since it demanded quick actions of the government in the legislative field because of the war with Poland. In the article, the regulatory framework is investigated, which regulated the powers of the authority and administration in the agricultural sphere. Legislative resolution of the land issue for farmers would help to rebuild the destroyed farms, which would be extremely important for the future state. The purpose of the study is to justify the preconditions for land reform, its significance for the Galician peasantry, and the adoption of a legislative framework. The agrarian reform was in charge of the State Secretariat of Land Affairs, and its responsibilities included the preparation and control of land tenure reform. He was subordinated to the district referendums at the state county commissariats, who gradually grew into the land division. The methodological basis for scientific research is the principles of scientific cognition, historicism, and objectivity; both general scientific and special methods of cognition were used to study the main methodological principles and aspects of this theme. It is shown the content of the agrarian reform and its ethnopolitical direction, highlighted the role of the land management system in the economic development of the village, considered the policy of the leading Ukrainian parties concerning the agrarian question. Keywords West Ukrainian People’s Republic, agrarian reform, Ukrainian National Council, agricultural legislation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 48-51
I. Shcherbakova

An attempt to solve the agrarian question at the beginning of the 20th century has been analyzed. The interaction and confrontation of two ministries – the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior and local authorities: local committees of the Special Meeting on the needs of the agricultural industry and provincial committees of the Editorial Commission of the Ministry of the Interior, their attempts to discuss and resolve the peasant issue at the beginning of the 20th century, – have been examined. It has been substantiated, that at the beginning of the 20th century the state authorities did not develop a unified course in resolving the peasant issue and only the events of the 1905 revolution forced the government to take emergency measures in the development of agricultural legislation.

1964 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-156 ◽  
Rafael Picó

My interest in land reform started very early. In fact, my first executive appointment in the Government of Puerto Rico was in 1941, even before I left academic life, when I became a member of the first Board of Directors of the Land Authority of Puerto Rico, thus participating from the start in the land reform program of Puerto Rico. Back in 1940 when the present Government of Puerto Rico headed by Luis Muñoz Marín, our present Governor but at that time President of the Senate, took over the reins of government one of the first bills approved by our legislature was for a land tenure reform program in Puerto Rico.

Africa ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 402-426 ◽  
Jan Hultin

AbstractThis article deals with the interrelationship of ethnic and national processes in a rural district in Wollega at the time of the Ethiopian revolution of 1974. It describes how the state policy of ‘official nationalism’ and Amharisation on the one hand, and the policy of land confiscation and land grants on the other, affected two different categories of Oromo: the small, educated elite, and the peasants. The government promoted Amharic as the language of state, whilst the Oromo language was banned from public contexts and not allowed in print. The government feared popular involvement in politics, and all political parties and organisations were banned. University students voiced demands for modernisation and land reform whilst the war in Eritrea raised the ‘question of nationalities’, but there was not yet any Oromo nationalist claim for statehood. Among the farmers, opposition to the state centred on land tenure and taxes and on the abuse of authority by the government. Most Oromo-speaking regions had been conquered and incorporated into the empire in the last decades of the nineteenth century. Land was confiscated and granted to warlords, or to local leaders who collaborated with the emperor. The original inhabitants became tribute-paying tenants under the new lords. As most landlords were immigrants to the area, ethnicity was an obvious aspect of property relations. In Wollega, however, local Oromo who had collaborated with the emperor were in control of much of the land and both landlords and share-croppers were Macha Oromo. They shared basic value-orientations by which performance is judged. Memories of the moral economy of an earlier time provided an alternative to the existing situation. Reference to history implied an active selection of elements in the formulation of a critical discourse on power and property that addressed the basic opposition between society and state. The last part of the article describes how educated and farmers met in a political meeting that was organised by the local authorities in 1976 to celebrate the revolution and its land reform. The occasion turned into an intense celebration of local values and, at least to some of the participants, this was a moment of new ethnic awareness and a call to revive gada, the Oromo ritual system. Threatened by ethnic identification, the state responded with brutal repression, and several people were murdered. Shortly after, some activists joined the Oromo Liberation Front to wage guerrilla war against the state.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-214
Denico Doly

State control over land is mandated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. The state is mandated to carry out the management and utilization of land based on the spirit of community welfare. Agrarian reform in land sector is a way to reorganize or restructure land management and utilization. State control over land can be found in term of regulation, management, policy, administration, and supervision. The state control over land needs to be specifically regulated in a law governing the land. One form of state control over land is redistribution. The redistribution of land for the people is controlled with its first step of identification on Land Objects for Agrarian Reform (TORA) followed by land management as part of Agrarian Reform. Further, in order to support land redistribution program, the government can impose moratorium on land use for business-oriented development, restrict land tenure and control, control land prices, and revoke any rights to unutilized land. AbstrakPenguasaan negara terhadap tanah merupakan amanat yang tercantum dalam Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD Tahun 1945). Negara diamanatkan untuk melakukan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan tanah yang didasari oleh semangat mensejahterakan masyarakat. Pembaruan agraria di bidang pertanahan merupakan salah satu bentuk perombakan atau penataan ulang terhadap pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan tanah. Penguasaan negara terhadap tanah dapat berupa pengaturan, pengelolaan, kebijakan, pengurusan, dan pengawasan. Bentuk penguasaan negara terhadap tanah ini perlu diatur secara khusus dalam sebuah undang-undang yang mengatur tentang pertanahan. Salah satu bentuk penguasaan negara yaitu dengan melakukan redistribusi tanah. Redistribusi tanah untuk rakyat dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi Tanah Obyek Reforma Agraria (TORA) untuk kemudian dikelola sebagai bagian dari Reforma Agraria. Selain itu, dalam rangka mendukung program redistribusi tanah, pemerintah dapat melakukan moratorium penggunaan tanah untuk pembangunan yang berorientasi pada bisnis, membatasi kepemilikan dan penguasaan tanah, pengendalian harga tanah, dan mencabut hak atas tanah yang tidak dimanfaatkan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-122
Rizka Refliarny ◽  
Herawan Sauni ◽  
Hamdani Ma'akir

This study raises the issue of agrarian reform draft under the reign of President Joko Widodo. Agrarian reform became a priority program in the RPJMN of 2015-2019. Based on this matter, the writer analyzes the concept of agrarian reform during the reign of Joko Widodo terms of BAL. The nature of the study was a normative research with statute approach, which was done in four ways, namely descriptive, comparative, evaluative and argumentative. The results showed that the agrarian reform draft during the reign of Joko Widodo is a concept of land stewardship and land reform. The economic system leads to a form of capitalism. It is necessary to conduct refinement of content and material of BAL implementation in order to achieve the justice and the welfare of the nation and the State. The agrarian reform program should be carried out in stages in order to obtain the desired results. It requires the will, ability and active involvement of all elements of the state.

Muhammad Febri Ramdani

ABSTRAKMUHAMAD FEBRI RAMDANI. Implementasi Kebijakan Agraria dan Ketimpangan Penguasaan Lahan (Kasus Lahan Eks HGU di Desa Cipeuteuy, Kecamatan Kabandungan, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Provinsi Jawa Barat). Dibimbing oleh MARTUA SIHALOHO.Redistribusi lahan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sebuah upaya implementasi kebijakan agraria. Kebijakan agraria tersebut berupa asset reform (penataan aset) eks lahan perkebunan dengan skema legalisasi aset berwujud sertifikasi bidang lahan. Namun dalam pelaksanannya pemerintah mengklaim bahwa kebijakan tersebut merupakan agenda reforma agraria. Atas dasar klaim tersebut, penting untuk meninjau access reform (penataan akses) bekerja, karena pada hakikatnya reforma agraria merupakan asset reform (penataan aset) dan access reform (penataan akses) yang berjalan beriringan, dengan bertujuan untuk menata ketimpangan penguasaan lahan agar terwujudnya keadilan agraria (agrarian justice). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif yang didukung kualitatif dengan pendekatan sensus. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan responden ialah purposive sampling dengan teknik non probability sampling. Pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistik rank spearman untuk melihat hubungan variabel. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa tingkat asset reform berada pada kategori rendah. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa asset reform berhubungan dengan access reform dan asset reform berhubungan dengan ketimpangan penguasaan lahan.Kata kunci: access reform, asset reform, keadilan agraria, reforma agrariaABSTRACTMUHAMAD FEBRI RAMDANI. Implementation of Agrarian Policy and Land Tenure Inequality (Case of Ex-HGU Land in Cipeuteuy Village, Kabandungan District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province). Supervised by MARTUA SIHALOHO.Land redistribution has been done by government as an effort of agrarian policy implementation. The policy came in form of asset reform of ex-plantation land with asset legalization scheme (land-part certification). But the government claimed that this policy is one of the agrarian reform agenda. It is important to observe how this access reform works, because agrarian and access reform can’t be separated one another, with purpose to reduce the inequality of land tenure so that the agrarian justice can be reach. This research used quantitative method supported by qualitative data, using the census approachment. Purposive sampling with non probabilty sampling used to specify the respondent. The data processed by rank spearman statistic test to analyze the relation between variable. This research shows a low level of asset reform. The statistic test shows that the low asset reform have a strong relation to low access reform, and high inequality of land tenure.Key words: access reform, agrarian justice, agrarian reform, asset reform

2004 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-682 ◽  
JA Groenewald

Land reform has traditionally had two objectives: equity and productivity. Food insecurity and the need for agriculture to contribute to development emphasise the need to maintain and improve productivity while improving equitability. Land must foster production and agriculture must attract good human material. The following areas need to be considered in policy formulation and delivery: an effective institutional framework involving all the relevant public and private bodies; efficient fiscal planning is essential; potentially successful farmers must be selected and given special support, including extension and adult education; complementary services and infrastructure are needed; prioritisation of functions and land tenure reform is often necessary. In addition, international agricultural markets are very important for Africa.  Wealthy nations should cease trade-distorting protection of their own farmers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 87-110
Chizuko Sato

AbstractThis study explores the challenges of land tenure reform for three former settler colonies in southern Africa–Zimbabwe, Namibia, and South Africa. While land redistribution programmes have been the primary focus of land reform for these countries since independence, land tenure reform for the inhabitants of communal areas is an equally important and complex policy challenge. Before independence, the administration of these areas was more or less in the hands of traditional leaders, whose roles were sanctioned by the colonial and apartheid authorities. Therefore, one of the primary concerns with respect to reforming land tenure systems in communal areas is related to the power and authority of traditional leaders in the post-independence period. This study highlights striking similarities in the nations’ land tenure reform policies. All of them gave statutory recognition to traditional leaders and strengthened their roles in rural land administration. In understanding this ‘resurgence’ or tenacity of traditional leadership, the symbiotic relationship between the ruling parties and traditional leaders cannot be ignored and should be problematised. Nonetheless, this chapter also argues that this obsession with traditional leadership may result in the neglect of other important issues related to land tenure reform in communal areas, such as the role of customary land tenureas social security.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-127
Widhiana Hestining Puri

THE CONCEPT OF THE LAND REFORM IN CUSTOMARY LAW OF THE JAVANESE COMMUNITY   Widhiana H. Puri Phd Student at Law Fakulty of Gadjah Mada University and Lecture in National Land Academy, Indonesia. Email [email protected] Research Highlights   Land reform is a state effort to overcome the imbalance of land tenure in the community (Wiradi, 2000 # 1). Customary law in the Javanese community recognizes the existence of a mechanism of welfare distribution through the ownership and joint use of land in community togetherness bonds based on territorial factors as well as the concept of land reform. The existence of customary land as pekulen land is land owned by the village whose use rights can be requested by the villagers with a rotating utilization mechanism among the villagers in need (Luthfi, 2010 # 2). The study found that indigenous peoples in Java had a welfare distribution mechanism that was the essence of land reform or agrarian reform through a mechanism of land communalization and distribution of its use carried out on a shared land / communal land of the village in rotation.     Research Objectives This research was conducted in order to understand the phenomena of the implementation of law that developed in the community. The existence of community law or so-called non state law, informal law, or customary law in Indonesia is very numerous. The reality of this law is that the majority is still far from the attention and order of a positive and formal state legal arrangement. The community regulation model is an effort to meet the needs of its legal ideals in the midst of limited state positive law arrangements that tend to be more static and less responsive (Puri, 2017 # 16). The community regulation mechanism is a manifestation of unity in the village community where the distribution of land use is carried out among community members who have a concept in line with the national agrarian policy of the country called land reform. The regulatory model initiated from the local level becomes the learning material for how the land regulation mechanism is not always top down, but can be bottom up based on customary law that is proven effective and in accordance with the characteristics of the local community.     Methodology This research was carried out through an empirical legal research model with research locations in villages in Pituruh Subdistrict, Purworejo Regency, Central Java Province. This research is a kind of analytical descriptive research that is directed to get an idea of ​​how the implementation of Javanese traditions in land management has a concept similar to land reform or agrarian reform. In order to analyze existing traditions, a socio-legal approach is carried out, namely a study of the law using the approach of law and social sciences in order to analyze it (Irianto, 2012 # 17). The legal approach referred to is not only to see aspects of norms that are built on the provisions of customary law alone but by looking at their relevance to the regulation of the positive law of the country as the territory of the enactment of the community regulation. This is to see the common thread and the interrelationship between the two and avoid the release of the phenomenon of legal pluralism that is within the scope of national law. So that the legal norms of the community can be assessed as the model of regulation that can be applied in other regions.     Results Javanese people in Indonesia have a land regulation mechanism that has a concept similar to that of land reform or agrarian reform by the state. The customary law of the Javanese community has a common bond based on territorial factors or similarity in the area of ​​residence (Taneko, 2002 # 11). Customary law communities with their customary rights can own and control land both in the concept of individual property rights and communal / communal property rights. The concept of shared property / communal rights illustrates the existence of ownership rights by all members of the community embodied in village control (Susanto, 1983 # 18). One form of joint ownership is the right of possession which can be controlled by community members with the permission of the village government to be used for the benefit of themselves and their families with a rotating mechanism. At present, land is experiencing strengthening and individualization, but the character of togetherness and social function of land is maintained through the distribution of utilization rights of speculative land which has the status of individual property rights, in village settings.     Findings Land reform or agrarian reform is a land policy that aims to overcome the imbalance of land tenure through the distribution of land to people in need. Land reform or agrarian reform can be extended not only to the concept of distribution of land ownership but also to the control and use of land. The limitations of the number of land parcels and the need for land can be overcome through a model of tenure and shared use of land based on the concept of joint property / communal rights over land.    

Land ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 172 ◽  
Hull ◽  
Babalola ◽  

Our purpose is to present and test a typology of land reform theories as a means of understanding and interrogating the motives behind land reform and to better equip land administrators and policymakers to enact land reform programs that are appropriate for their contexts. Here, land reform is understood to include the related concepts of land redistribution, land restitution, land tenure reform and land administration reform. The theory typology thus has application for land restitution programs specifically operating in the global South. The continuum of theories is derived from literature and tested through a multiple case study of land reform in Nigeria, Mozambique, and South Africa, drawing from a combination of primary and secondary data. The findings suggest an over-reliance on replacement theories in all three contexts, although the Mozambican experience draws on theories towards the middle of the continuum (the adaptation theories). This is recommended as the most viable approach for the context.

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