Pendidikan Karakter pada Anak Usia Dini

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 180
Rida Sinaga

ABSTRACT: This article entitled “Character Education at Early Childhood” focuses on character education which is done in Bina Kasih Kindergarten at Rumah Sumbul Village, Sibolangit. This research used qualitative method and the data was gathered by direct observation, interview, and survey. Data analysis used triangular model with various data sources and various data gathering method. The characters which were going to be observed at the children out from this education in Bina Kasih Kindergarten were responsibility, discipline, sociability, autonomy, trustworthy, cooperative, God-loving, sense of respect, sympathy and empathy, confidence, cleanliness and healthiness, as well as competence. This research found that character education at early childhood produces character transformation at children and therefore character education at school needs to be done since early childhood.  KEYWORDS: education, character transformation, early childhood.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Lailatul Magfiroh ◽  
Ellyn Sugeng Desyanty ◽  
Rezka Arina Rahma

Abstract: The Character is not born based on descent, but throughout the process of the character education which starts from early childhood. The phenomenon which occurs in ABA Kindergarten 33 is when the researcher come to the institute, the researcher see that the children can take a line behind their friends and  accompanied by the teachers, thus the researcher  interested to do the research about the formation of  thedisciplin  character in ABA 33 kindergarten through the habituation method. The purpose of the research is for: (1) to describe the process of the formation of the discipline character through the habituation methods in ABA 33 kindergarten; (2) to describe the behavior which showed by the children after they get the habituation; and (3) to find out the supporting  and inhibitors factors in ABA 33 kindergarten. The research method which used by the researcher that is qualitative method. The research uses data collection technique, through observation, interview, documentation studies. The subject which are use in this research are teacher, cleanness employee, learners. There are three data analysis techniques which used that is: (1) data reduction; (2) data display; and (3) drawing conclusionAbstrak: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul athfal 33 melakukan pembentukan karakter disiplin melalui metode pembiasaan, hasil dari temuan penelitian tentang proses pembentukan karakter disiplin anak usia dini melalui metode pembiasaan adalah: (1) guru membiasakan anak untuk datang tepat waktu; (2) guru membiasakan anak untuk mengembalikan barang ke tempat semula; (3) guru membiasakan anak untuk membereskan mainan setelah bermain di dalam kelas; (4) guru membiasakan anak untuk bersabar dan tertib dalam menunggu giliran cuci tangan; dan (5) petugas kebersihan membiasakan anak untuk mengantri ketika ke kamar mandi.  Pembiasaan yang dilakukan di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33 tidak hanya pembiasaan melalui ucapan atau kata motivasi saja, namun pembiasaan melalui perilaku juga dilakukan di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33, perilaku yang ditunjukkan oleh anak setelah mendapatkan pembiasaan dari guru yaitu: (1) anak datang tepat waktu, akan tetapi ada beberapa anak yang belum bisa datang tepat waktu, hal ini mengacu pada jumlah anak yang terlambat setiap hari mengalami naik turun; (2) anak mengembalikan barang yang telah digunakan pada tempatnya, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan kesadaran anak mengembalikan barang yang telah digunakan pada tempatnya tanpa diminta oleh guru, baik itu mainan ataupun alat tulis; (3) tertib dalam menunggu giliran, hal ini di tunjukkan dengan kesadaran anak berbaris di belakang temanya ketika cuci tangan tanpa didampingi oleh guru. Faktor pendukung pembentukan karakter disiplin di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33 yaitu adanya contoh dari pendidik, dan konsistensi yang dilakukan pendidik. Faktor yang menghambat pembentukan karakter disiplin di TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 33 yaitu ada beberapa orang tua yang tidak peduli dengan perkembangan anaknya,dan tidak adanya kerja sama antara orang tua dan sekolah, dan kematangan usia anak juga mempengaruhi pembentukan karakter disiplin anak usia dini di TK ABA 33

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-145
Faizal Chan ◽  
Agung Rimba Kurniawan ◽  
Lia Gusti Melinda ◽  
Rattu Priantini ◽  
Zubaiedah Zubaedah ◽  

This study aims to determine and describe the implementation of discipline character education for students in elementary schools. Discipline character is one of the character values that are in the core competencies of social attitudes that must be developed in both students. This study uses a qualitative research approach. This type of research is descriptive research. This research was carried out in Teratai Muara Bulian Elementary School 187/1. This research was conducted in a period of two months (August - September). Data and data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Data sources taken in this study are 1) observation data, 2) school principal data, 3) teacher data, 4) student data. The technique of sample collection in this study was purposive sampling. Data collection techniques, namely 1) observation, observation used is non-participant observation. 2) interview, the interview used is a structured interview. Interviews were conducted with the school principal and class teacher. Data analysis using military and Huberman analysis techniques. Activities in data analysis, namely data reduction, data display (data presentation), and data conslusion (drawing conclusions). This research instrument is based on two sources, according to the Ministry of National Education (2010: 26) indicators of the value of discipline are: "1) getting used to being present on time; 2) getting used to obey the rules; and 3) using clothes in accordance with the provisions "and according to Syafrudin (Muhammad Khafid and Suroso, 2007: 91) are:" 1) observance of study time; 2) observance of lesson assignments; 3) obedience using the time of coming and going home ". The results showed that the implementation of discipline character education in SD N 187/1 Lotus lotus estuary was carried out adequately. The results obtained are related to the discipline value indicator.

Titik Dwi Ramthi Hakim ◽  
Nifa Kurnia Fahmi ◽  
Wakhidatul Ilmia

The purpose of this study, first, is to analyze the echocritical element reflected by the author through the short story Pegasus Jatuh. Second, integrate ecological values in literature teaching. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The approach used is Garrard's eco-criticism. Sources of data obtained from the behavior of characters in the short story. Data analysis begins by marking words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that have a focus on environmental exploitation. The results show in the short story “Pegasus Jatuh”, the author reflects environmental phenomena that include illegal logging, buying and selling protected animals, and exploitation of gold. The analysis applied in literature learning which has an important role in character education. Literature in education has a role to develop the language, cognitive, affective, psychomotoric, personality, and social aspects of students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
N. Atiyah

This research aims (1). To find out how to analyze the integrated iqra method in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang, (2). To find out students' interest in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang, (3). To find out the Implement of the Integrated Iqra Method can increase interest in learning to read and write the Qur'an in students of SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Attack, (4). To find out the Integrated Iqra Method can increase interest in learning the Qur'an at SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Attack. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Sources of data obtained from direct observation and in-depth interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. Subjects determined in this study were principals, PAI teachers, BTQ teachers and 40 students. The data analysis used were: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that the integrated iqra method in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat in this good category is obtained from the results of the analysis reaching the percentage: 75%. The development of the Integrated Iqra Method can increase interest in learning to read and write the Qur'an in students of SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang is in the very good category, reaching a lift of 81% seen from the results of respondents' answers always and the results of interviews with writers and teachers that it is true that in learning to read and write the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat, my students are very enthusiastic in learning to read and write the Qur'an. an because I use the integrated iqra method. implementation of the Integrated Iqra Method of learning to read and write the Qur'an at SD Negeri Rancailat, Bakung Village, Kec. Cikande Kab. Serang as a whole based on the results of student answers, teachers in teaching reading and writing the Qur'an at SDN Rancailat can be categorized as good. This is evidenced by the results of their ability to read and write the Qur'an using the Iqra method, they are very enthusiastic in following each stage, both Iqra volumes 1 to 6 plus writing Arabic letters or the Qur'an and memorizing Juz 'Amma/Juz 30.

2012 ◽  
Vol 26 (XVII) ◽  
pp. 125-130
Sri Indah Pujiastuti

This research aimed at discovering the staff’s lecturing styles at The Early Childhood Education Program, The School of Education, The State University of Jakarta based on four types: formal authority, personal model or demonstrator, fasilitator, dan delegator. The research conducted in September2011 through January 2012, employed descriptive qualitative method with the researcher acting as the instrument. Data were collected by observation, interview, and document study techniques to be validated in triangulation and member check. Data analysis used the procedures of data reduction, data display, and verification/conclusion. The findings indicate that the staff tend to practise facilitator lecturing style oriented on the students and the staff initate various activities involving the students to improve and develop their competence. Based on the research findings, the staff are recommended to improve their professional competence properly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Lestiawaty Paputungan ◽  
Adi Bandono ◽  
Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni

This study aims to describe the principal's strategy in building the image of the school through religious character education in SDN Negeri Wonocationan 1. This research is a descriptive qualitative study, with data sources obtained through direct observation or observation, interviews with informants and documentation. The results showed that in improving the school's image the principal's strategy was to carry out activities in instilling the values ​​of religious character, it could be classified into three activities namely (1) integration in subjects. As seen in the BTQ program that can be carried out in Islamic education teaching, (2) habituation activities can be seen from the habits that are carried out every day at school, namely the implementation of Dhuha and Dzuhur prayer in congregation, reading Asmaul Husna every morning, wearing headscarves for female students from grade 1 to grade 6, refracting smiles, greetings and greetings. (3) The last activity is a school extracurricular which includes the implementation of Istigosah, BTQ and Hadrah Al-Banjari training.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Eddy Saputra

This research is conducted on a social stratification among the community, namely between santri (Islamic student) and non-santri. Even though such stratification has long been abolished since Islam existed among the Arabs in the past time, it in fact still exists in Indonesian society whose people practically understand religious knowledge. The research is expected to provide us information reminding us of the equivalence of human beings before God. The research uses a qualitative method, by which the data are collected from direct observation, interviews with santri, non-santri, and informants including village leaders and from other data sources. The data are analyzed in three simultaneous lines of activities consisting of  data reduction, data presentation, data verification and are then matched to the occurrences in the field

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-116
Sri Muryati ◽  
Titik Sudiatmi

Pembelajaran  tatap  muka  yang  digantikan  dengan  pembelajaran  daring  dengan  adanya  pandemi Covid-19 telah mengajarkan banyak hal. Aspek nonverbal dalam interaksi guru-siswa dan  suasana  kelas  yang  setiap  warganya  saling  mendukung  dan  memotivasi  dalam  membentuk  siswa  berkarakter  kuat  belum  mendapat  penggantinya.  Tujuan  penelitian  ini  untuk  mendeskripsikan  bentuk-bentuk  pendidikan  karakter  yang  terkondisikan  dengan  tuturan  direktif  guru  dalam  pembelajaran di Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK). Metode penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data  penelitian berujud tuturan direktif guru dalam pembelajaran yang  mengondisikan penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa TK. Untuk pengumpulan datanya digunakan teknik rekam, teknik simak, dan  teknik  catat.  Analisis  datanya  menggunakan  langkah-langkah:  mengidentifikasi  tuturan  guru  yang  merupakan tuturan direktif,  mengidentifikasikan tuturan direktif yang mendorong penguatan  pendidikan karakter, dan mengidentifikasikan penggunaan metode pendidikan karakter oleh guru. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu bahwa tuturan direktif guru dalam pembelajaran di TK dapat menjadi sarana penguatan pendidikan karakter (1) cinta terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa; (2) disiplin; (3) jujur;  (3) mandiri; (4) kreatif; (5) kerja keras; (6) percaya diri; (7) toleransi dan cinta damai; dan (9) tanggung  jawab. Metode pendidikan karakter yang diterapkan guru yaitu metode penanaman nilai, keteladanan nilai, dan keterampilan nilai. TEACHER'S DIRECTIVE SPEAKING IN LEARNING AS CHARACTER EDUCATION  MEANSFace-to-face  learning  which  has  been  replaced  by  online  learning  due  to  the  Covid-19  pandemic has taught many things. The nonverbal aspects of teacher-student interaction and the class  atmosphere where each people support each other with strong character have not been replaced. The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  describe  the  forms  of  character  education  conditioned  by  the  directive  speech  of  the  teacher  in  learning  in  kindergarten.  This  research  method  is  descriptive  qualitative  method. The data of this research were in the form of directive speech of the teacher in learning which  conditions the strengthening of the character education of kindergarten children. The data collection  used recording techniques, listening techniques, and note taking techniques. The data analysis used  the following steps: identifying the teacher's speech which is directive speech,  identifying directive  speech that can encourage the strengthening of character education and identifying the use of character education methods by teachers. The conclusion of the study that the directive speech of teachers in  kindergarten learning can be a means of strengthening character education (1) love for God Almighty,  (2) discipline, (3) honest, (4) independent, (5) creative, (6) hard work, (7) self-confidence, (7) tolerance  and  peace-loving,  and  (9)  responsibility.  Futhermore,  character  education  method  applied  by  the  teacher is the method of establishing values, exemplary values, and value skills. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Nurlela Nurlela ◽  
Mappamiring Mappamiring ◽  
Muhammad Tahir

This research aimed to explain how far the goverment’s strategy for the relocation of Pedagang Kaki Lima in Sulikan’s garden North Luwu Regency and made it to be the icon of Masamba City of North Luwu Regency. Sulikan’s garden had the strategic location for Pedagang Kaki Lima to sell their trades. The goverment relocated PKL because they were bothering and preventing, therefore PKL moved from Sulikan’s garden to the Market of Masamba which its location were far from Sulikan’sgarden. The source of this data were a primary data that was collected by an interview and direct observation of the informant, a secondary data were a documents or written and unwritten reports. Techniques data analysis applied in this research are an interview, observation, and documention. The data validity techniques used were triangulation of time, triangulation of data sources, and triangulation of theory. The result of the research showed that the goverment’s strategy for relocation and regualtion of PKL used five indicators 1) mission framing 2) objective and strategy 3) funtion systems and, 4) culture groups. 1) approval alocation 2) modals allocation and 3) facilities and infrastructures allocation. Keywords: strategy to relocate Pedagang Kaki Lima

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-213
Ali Imron A.M. ◽  
Farida Nugrahani

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the aspects of pluralism in literature as a portrait of socio-cultural society and to describe the aspects of pluralism as a literary material for character education, in particular, the affirmation of student nationalism. Methodology: This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. Data source are literary works containing pluralism dimensions in poetry, fiction, and drama genres. Data collection through library study techniques and in-depth interviewing and Focus Group Discussion. Data analysis is done by reading the method of the semiotic model including heuristic reading (language level) and hermeneutic reading (interpretation level of meaning). Results: Result of research and discussion are the aspect of pluralism in literature is a portrait of socio-cultural condition of diversity at society and the aspects of pluralism can be stressing as a literary material for character education, especially the affirmation of nationalism of school students. Implications: Thus, pluralism literature is a literature that expresses the notions of diversity that reflect the real portrait of the Indonesian nation.

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