scholarly journals Kapasitasi Spermatozoa Sapi Peranakan Ongole dalam Berbagai Formulasi Pengencer Air Kelapa Selama Simpan Dingin

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Dedi Muhammad ◽  
Nurul Isnaini ◽  
Kuswati Kuswati ◽  
Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti ◽  
Muchamad Luthfi ◽  

ABSTRAKPengencer dasar air kelapa merupakan solusi dari sulit dan mahalnya harga pengadaan bahan baku pembuatan pengencer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kapasitasi spermatozoa sapi Peranakan Ongole dalam berbagai formulasi pengencer air kelapa selama simpan dingin pada suhu 4-5oC. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah eksperimantal laboratorium menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK). Terdapat tiga perlakuan yaitu, P1 = Pengencer air kelapa + 20% kuning telur, P2 = Pengencer air kelapa + 20% kuning telur + 0,4% putih telur + fruktosa 1000 mg/l. P3 = Pengencer air kelapa + 20% kuning telur + 0,4% putih telur + fruktosa 2000 mg/l, dengan 10 ulangan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada persentase spermatozoa belum kapasitasi, terkapasitasi dan telah rekasi akrosom antara perlakuan formulasi pengencer air kelapa yang berbeda (P1, P2, P3) selama peyimpana suhu 2-5oC. Pengencer berbasis air kelapa mampu mempertahankan kualitas akrosom diatas 50% penyimpanan hari ke lima.Kata kunci : air kelapa, kapasitasi, reaksi akrosom, semen cairABSTRACTCoconut water extender is the solution to the difficulty and high cots of semen diluents. The objective of this study were to examine the capacitation of Ongole Crossbreed sperm in various formulations of coconut water extender during storage in 4-5 oC. The study method used laboratory experimental. The experimental design was Randomized Completely Block Design and the data were analyzed by Analyze of Variance. There are three treatments in this study (P1 = Coconut Water + 20% of yolk, P2 = Coconut Water + 20% of yolk + 0,4% white egg + fructose 1 mg/ml, dan P3 = Coconut Water + 20% of yolk + 0,4% white egg + fructose 2 mg/ml) and ten replications of each treatment. There were not significant differences in percentage of sperm uncapacitation, sperm capacitaion and sperm acrosom reaction between various formulations of coconut water diluents during chilled storage at 4-5 oC. Coconut water diluents are able to maintain quality of sperm acrosom up to day 5th with values above 50%.Keywords: acrosom reaction, capacitation, coconut water, liquid semen

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Muhammad Ade Salim ◽  
Muhammad Nur Ihsan ◽  
Nur Isnaini ◽  
Trinil Susilawati

ABSTRAKAir kelapa muda varietas viridisdapat dijadikan pengencer aletrnatif semen cair bagi program IB di daerah minim sarana semen beku. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh penggunaan air kelapa muda viridissebagai bahan pengencer terhadap kualitas semen cair kambing Boer setelah didinginkan. Dilaksanakanselama 3 bulan di Laboratorium Fakultas Peternakan UBUnit SumberSekar,Malang. Metodenya yaitu eksperimen. Semen dari  3 pejantan Boer umur 3-5 tahun, dikoleksi seminggu sekali dengan VB. Air kelapa mudaviridis umur 5-7 bulan serta tris aminomethane sebagai kontrol. Didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 perlakuan yaitu P0 (tris aminomethane + 10% KT) dan  P1 (air kelapa muda viridis + 10% KT) masing-masing diulang 10 kali. Data dianalisis dengan analisis Ragam (Anova) dengan software Genstat 18. Variabelnya yaitu motilitas individu, viabilitas dan abnormalitas. Hasil penelitian yaitu motilitas individu pada P1bertahan sampai 4 hari (40,5± 24,3%), viabilitas terbaik sampai hari ke-5 (42±24,6%), abnormalitas terendah di hari ke-7(1,31± 0,6). Kesimpulannya, Pengencer air kelapa muda viridis dapat mempertahankan kualitas semen cair kambing Boer selama 4 hari untuk motilitas dan 5 hari untuk viabilitas.Kata Kunci:pengencer, air kelapa, varietas viridisABSTRACTYoung viridis coconut water could be used as an alternative to liquid semen diluent for artificial insemination program in the area with limited facility for frozen semen production. This study evaluated the use of young coconut water as a diluent on liquid semen quality of Boer goat after cold storage. This study was carried out for 3 months at Sumber Sekar Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Brawijaya, Malang. The semen was collected from 3 Boer bucks aged at 3 to 5 years old. The semen collection was done once a week with the aid of artificial vagina. The diluents used were young Viridis coconut (5 to 7 months old) and tris aminomethane. The method used was an experiment in a randomized block design with 2 treatments and 10 replicates. The treatments used were T0: tris aminomethane + 10% egg yolk (control) and T1:  young Viridis coconut water + 10% egg yolk. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance using Genstat 18 software. The variables measured were sperm individual motility, viability, and abnormality. The results showed that the sperm individual motility in T1 survived up to 4 days (40.5± 24.3%), the best viability at 5 days (42.0±24.6%),  while the lowest abnormality at 7 days (1.31±0.6). It could be concluded that: 1. Tris aminomethane diluent has higher quality with the storage length up to 9 days, 2. Young Viridis coconut water diluent could preserve liquid semen quality of Boer goat up to 4 days for sperm motility and 5 days for sperm viability.Keywords: diluents, coconut water, viridis variety

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

The purpose of this research was to study the effect of substitution of fish meal with chicken viscera in the ration on cholesterol, LDL and HDL content in blood and meat of pig. Fifteen pigs crossbred of Spotted Poland Chinese and Chaster White at10-week-old with live weight of between 15 and 23 kg, put in individual cages. The treatments were R0 = fish meal 10% + 0% chicken viscera (control); R1 = 5% fish meal + chicken viscera 5%; and R2 = fish meal 0% + 10% chicken viscera. The experimental design used was Randomized Block Design. The variables measured were total cholesterol, LDL, HDL content in blood and cholesterol in pig meat. The results showed that replacement fish meals at 10 % of viscera give good results on all variables measured. Based on this results it can be concluded that at 10% chicken viscera in pig ration could be improved the quality of meat of pork in terms of cholesterol content to ensure human food safety.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 184
Bernadete Barek Koten ◽  
Yukendi A Sufmera ◽  
Agustinus Semang ◽  
Redempta Wea ◽  
Melkianus Dedimus Same Randu ◽  

ABSTRAKArbila merupakan legume pakan yang jeraminya merupakan pakan hijauan yang berkualitas bagi ruminansia, dan produksi jeraminya ditentukan oleh kualitas tanah. Level bokashi yang ditambahkan mempengaruhi kualitas tanah, yang tentu berdampak pada produksi jerami arbila. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi jerami arbila pasca panen akibat pemberian level bokashi yang berbeda. Penelitian tersebut telah dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan di Desa Noelbaki. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, terdiri atas P0 = tanpa bokashi (kontrol), P10 = penambahan bokashi 10 ton/ha, P20 = bokashi 20 ton/ha, P30 = bokashi 30 ton/ha, P40 = bokashi 40 ton/ha. Variabel yang diamati adalah  produksi bahan segar jerami (PBSJ) (ton/ha), produksi bahan kering jerami (PBKJ), produksi bahan organik jerami  (PBOJ) arbila. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis varians dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bahwa level pemberian pupuk bokashi berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap PBSJ arbila serta berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap PBKJ dan PBOJ arbila. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui rataan PBSJ arbila berkisar 0,46-2,52 ton/ha, PBKJ arbila berkisar 0,07-0,18 ton/ha, dan PBOJ arbila berkisar 0,04-0,16 ton/ha. Hasil uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa nilai PBSJ, PBKJ dan PBOJ arbila tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P40. Disimpulkan bahwa semakin meningkatnya level bokashi Chromolaena dan feses sapi, produksi jerami arbila semakin tinggi. Level bokashi feses sapi dan Chromolaena terbaik adalah 40 ton/ha.Kata kunci: arbila, bokashi, jerami, hijauan ABSTRACTArbila’s straw is a quality feed for ruminants. Production of these straw is determined by soil quality. The level of bokashi added influences the quality of the soil and therefore influences the straw production. This research aimed to evaluate arbila’s straw production post-harvest in different levels of bokashi. This research was carried out for 5 months at Noelbaki. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications consisting of P0 = without bokashi (control), P10 = addition of 10 tons of bokashi / ha, P20 = 20 tons of bokashi / ha, P30 = 30 tons of bokashi / ha, P40 = bokashi 40 tons / ha. The observed variables were the straw fresh weight production (SFW) (tons/ha), straw dry matter production (SDM) (tons/ha), straw organik matter production (SOM) (tons/ha). Data were analyzed for variance and continued with Duncan test. Analysis of variance showed that the level of bokashi fertilizer had a very significant effect (P <0.01) on SFW and significantly affected (P <0.05) SDM and SOM. The average SFW in this study ranged from 0.46 to 2.52 tons/ha, HDM ranges from 0.07 to 0.18 tons/ha, and SOM ranges from 0.04 to 0.16 tons/ha. Duncan's test shows that the highest SFW, SDM and SOM are found in P40. It was concluded that arbila’s straw production increases with the level of Chromolaena and cattle manure bokashi added. Highest production was shown in group with 40 ton/ha bokashi.Keywords: bokashi, forage, Phaseolus lunatus L, straw

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-119
Moh Nailun Ni'am ◽  
Slamet Susanto

Abiu is one of plant origin from Latin America, but it has been adapted and developed in Indonesia. Fruit defects are one of the main problem that decrease the performance quality of abiu. Fruit bagging combine with pesticides are expected to overcome tthe problem. This research aims to study the effect of many kinds of pesticide active compounds to abiu performance quality. This research was conducted at Desa Babakan Lebak, Kecamatan Kota Bogor Barat, and Post-harvest Laboratory of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University. The experimental design used was Random Complete Block Design one factor, with 10 replications. This research was consisted of five treatments as a single factor, those were bagging + profenofos 500EC (P1); bagging + Mankozeb 80WP and Streptomicyn sulfat 20WP (P2); bagging + propinep 70WP (P3), bagging without pesticides (P4), and control (P5). Result of this research indicated that treatment of bagging in combination with pesticide active compounds has significant effect on fruit appereance, especially in the fruit smoothnes. The best treatment is the combination of bagging with the addition of mankozeb and streptomycin sulfate pesticide active compounds, which can improve fruit smoothness 26% better than control. The treatment of pesticide active compounds didn’t have significan effectt on the diameter, softness, weight, volume, TSS, TTA, and vitamine C variables.

Jurnal Agro ◽  
10.15575/1307 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-49 ◽  
Fitri Kurniati ◽  
Tini Sudartini ◽  
Dikdik Hidayat

Candlenut cv. Sunan is alternative biofuels plant also as raw of many industrial products. Its hard pulp seed becomes barrier of germination. This condition can be overcome by  giving natural plant growth regulators (PGRs), i,e shallot as auxin source, bamboo shoot as gibberellin source, banana bulb and coconut water as sources of cytokinin. The research aim was knowing effect of various PGRs and their combinations to promote germination and growth of seedling candlenut cv Sunan. The research was done from June to October 2016, in experimental design of Randomized Block Design (RBD), consisted of : a0 : control (without PGRs); a1 : shallot (BM); a2 : bamboo shoot (RB); a3: banana bulb (BP);  a4 : coconut water (AK); a5 : BM+ RB; a6 : BM + BP; a7 : BM + AK; a8 : RB+ BP;  a9 : RB + AK;  a10  : BP + AK;  a11 : BM + RB + BP + AK, all repeated three times. The result showed that application of natural PGRs had significant effect on germination percentage, plant height on 30 days after planting (dap), 37 dap, 44 dap, and 51 dap,  number of leaves 51 dap. Application of BP + AK gave the best effect on germination (97.78%), but no significant different with RB + BP; BM + RB + BP + AK. Application of BP + AK generated highest plant (13.57 cm). The best of the number of leaves was RB + AK (1.45 leaves). Overall application of natural PGRs from banana bulb + coconut water gave the best effect, besides bamboo shoot and shallot have opportunity to be developed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Asmila Asmila ◽  
Zainuddin Basri ◽  
Ramal Yusuf ◽  
Hawalina Hawalina

Cacao is one of important plantation crops grouped in the Sterculiaceae family.  Sulawesi is the main area of cacao production and has a number of superior clones, such as Sulawesi 1 and Sulawesi 2.  Based on data in 2012/2014 cacao production to consumption reached 174,000 tons, while in 2013/2014 was projected a deficit of 115,000 tonnes. Nonetheless, cacao agribusiness in Indonesia is still facing complex problems, among others gardener productivity is still low due to borer attacks cacao, the quality of products and the number is still low and still not optimal development of cacao products and providing superior amount of cacao seedlings. The primary problem of cacao production recently is low productivity.  The main cause of low cacao productivity in Central Sulawesi is the use of inferior clones.  To enhance cacao productivity, it is crucial to use cacao clones having high genetic potential via tissue culture or micropropagation techniques.  The aim of this experiment was to assess the effect of different concentrations of 2,4-D and coconut water on the growth of cacao callus via in vitro culture.  This experiment used Completely Randomozed Block Design in factorial patteren with treatments tested namely 2,4-D and coconut water concentrations.  The concentrations of 2,4-D tested including 1 ppm, 2 ppm and 3 ppm, whilst coconut water concentrations tested consisting of 10%, 15% and 20%, and therefore there were 3 x 3 = 9 treatment combinations.  Each treatment utilized 4 replications; and each unit combination used 5 explants (staminodia).  Results of this experiment indicated that the addition of 3 ppm 2,4-D and 10% coconut water had a highly significant effect on the callus color 4 weeks after culture.  The addition of 3 ppm 2,4-D in culture media showed a significant effect on callus color 4 weeks after culture, but had an insignificant effect on the callus formation, callus color 8 weeks after culture an callus texture.  Supplementation of 20% coconut water had a significant effect on callus texture 8 weeks after culture, whilst the addition of 10% coconut water showed a significant effect on callus color 4 weeks after culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Nisa'us Sholikah ◽  
Sri Susilowati

ABSTRAKAir kelapa dapat digunakan sebagai bahan alternatif pengencer semen cair karena mengandung unsur karbon yang dibutuhkan untuk menjaga kualitas spermatozoa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan komposisi kuning telur pengencer air kelapa hijau terhadap kualitas semen cair kambing boer. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Reproduksi Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, pada bulan November 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA). Terdapat 4 perlakukan, P0 = CEP-3 + 10% kuning telur, P1 = Pengencer air kelapa + 5% kuning telur, P2 = Pengencer air kelapa + 10% kuning telur, dan P3 = Pengencer air kelapa + 15% kuning telur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (P<0,01) pada motilitas individu dan viabilitas spermatozoa, akan tetapi tidak berpengaruh signifikan (P>0,05) pada abnormalitas spermatozoa antara perlakuan selama peyimpanan dingin. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah perlakuan terbaik didapatkan pada P3 yang dapat mempertahankan kualitas semen cair kambing boer sampai penyimpanan hari ke-3.Kata kunci: air kelapa hijau, kuning telur, kambing boer, semenABSTRACTCoconut water extender can be used as an alternative semen extender because it contains the carbon element needed to maintain the quality of spermatozoa. The aims of this research were to examine the effect of different compositions of yolk in green coconut water extender on the quality of boer goat semen during cold storage. This research was carried out at the Laboratory of Animal Reproduction of Animal Husbandry Faculty of Brawijaya University in November 2019. The research used a laboratory experimental method. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design. The data were analyzed by Analyze of Variance. In this research there were four treatments (P0 = CEP-3 + 10% yolk; P1 = Coconut Water + 5% yolk; P2 = Coconut Water + 10% yolk; dan P3 = Coconut Water + 15% yolk). The result of this research show were significant differences (P<0.01) in sperm motility and viability, but no significant differences (P>0.05) in sperm abnormality between coconut water extenders with different compositions of yolk. In conclusion, the best treatment was P3 in maintaining boer goat sperm quality after three days of chilled preservation.Keywords: boer goat, green coconut water, semen, yolk

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Linlin Parlinah ◽  
Odang Hidayat

The use of local microorganisms in the composting process will influence the final outcome compost or different according to the dominant species of microorganisms contained in the local microorganisms. This indirectly will respond differently to the growth and quality of radish tubers produced. Formulation of the problem of the research is as follows: How is the interaction between the use types of microorganisms locally in the process of composting organic material and harvesting time in the cultivation of rapeseed for the quality of radish, what type of microorganisms local and harvest time how many days after planting gives the crop rapeseed best. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Winaya Mukti University. Experimental approach using experimental design factorial randomized block design consists of the first factor of compost a wide treatment with different local microorganisms, consists of five levels, and the second factor of different harvesting time which consists of four levels that are repeated twice. The results showed local Microorganisms snails on composting give significantly different results on the length and weight of tuber tubers radish Var. Greenbow, while the quality of radish tubers obtained from harvesting time at the age of 53 HST.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 135
Sajimin Sajimin ◽  
Nurhayati D. Purwantari ◽  
Sarjiman . ◽  
Sihono .

The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of several Sorghum bicolor cultivars as forage on a dry land with pH of 5.4, N of 0.08%;  C/N of 9%, P of 0.06% and K of 0.01%. Nine cultivars of S. bicolor (Super 1, Super 2, Numbu, Kawali, G2, G5, PAC 537, PAC 593 and PAC 501) were evaluated. Plot size was 16 m2 with space planting of 15 x 75 cm. The experimental design used was randomized block design with three replications.  Parameters observed were plant height, time of flowering, forage production and quality. The result showed that the primary plant growth was not different in all cultivars. In the 65 days old primary plant,  the Super 2, PAC 537 and Kawali had no flower yet. Biomass production varied in primary plant between cultivars of 11.35 - 26.17 kg/16 m2. The highest biomass production was obtained in PAC 537 of 26.17 kg/16 m2 (16.34 t/ha) which were significantly higher than G2 of 11.35 kg/16 m2 (7.09 ton/ha) and was not significantly different with other cultivars. In the 45 days ratoon I, Super 2, G5 and Super 1 showed faster growth. Biomass production increased in the ratoon I around 19.88 kg/16 m2 (12.42 ton/ha). PAC 537 produced the highest biomass of 30.14 kg/16 m2 (18.84 ton/ha) and was not significantly different with other cultivars, except with the G2. Biomass production of ratoon II decreased around 1.83 kg/16 m2 (1.14 t/ha)–4.77 kg/16 m2 (2.98 t/ha) and increased in the ratoon III of 15.72 kg/16 m2 (9.82 t/ha)–26.05 kg/16 m2 (16.28 t/ha). The quality of forage ratoon I was better compared to the primary plant with the lowest one was in ratoon II. It could be concluded that Super 1, Super 2 and PAC 537 cultivars might be recommended as potential forage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Yustina Maria Silvia Wonga Puu

Cocoa pod borer Conomorpha cramerella snellen (lepidoptera: gracillaridae) is one type of the key pest which is highly responsible for drilling cocoa, which then causes the production and quality of cacao to decrease. The use of entomopathogenic fungus is one of the alternatives to cope with it. By invecting and developing within the insect, such a fungus can cause the insect to suffer from diseases which will then be responsible for their death. Beauveria bassiana are types of the entomopathogenic fungus which are used for controlling cocoa pod corer, as they are able to infect the pest trough the enzyme or toxin produced, which then leads to its death. This study aims at an effectiveness test of entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana against cocoa pod borer. This research was conducted at the Laboratory Udaya University in Bali from May to November 2010. The experimental design employed was randomized complete block design (RCBD) wich was made up of four treatments such as B0 (Control), B1 (B. bassiana in which the spore density was 105 spora/ml/); B2 (B, bassiana in which the spore density 106 spora/ml); B3 (B. bassiana in which the spore density was 107 spora/ml).  The result shows that the Larvae CPB which was infected by B. bassiana shows different treatments and responses than control. The fastest death of the larvae CPB took place on the treatments and responses than control. The fastest death of the larvae CPB took place on the treatment of B. bassiana in which spore density 107. The fastest appearance of spore took place on the treatment five days after inoculation. The fungus of B. bassiana at the spore speed of 105 and 107 caused all the larvae CPB 100% to die at five days inoculation.

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