Дарья Алексеевна Дронова ◽  
Марина Львовна Бутовская

В статье дается описание похоронно-поминального комплекса представителей индийской диаспоры в Танзании. В основу легли полевые материалы авторов данной публикации, собранные среди индуистов, выходцев из индийского штата Гуджарат, в ходе экспедиционных выездов в Танзанию в 2019 г. Похоронный обряд индуистов Танзании включает в себя основные черты традиционной церемонии, несмотря на существование культурных различий в проведении этого обряда в Индии. Представителями диаспоры соблюдаются ритуалы, выполняемые до кремации: расположение покойного на полу, омовение, облачение в белые одежды, 12-дневная церемония (период ритуального загрязнения близких родственников и дома), последние капли священной воды из р. Ганга и листья тулси, вынос тела на носилках. Как и в Индии главенствующая роль во время обряда принадлежит старшему сыну. В похоронной процессии до места кремации принимают участие только мужчины, также и во всех ритуалах, выполняемых в крематории. До недавнего времени индийцы в Танзании продолжали сжигать умерших на открытом огне, но в 2014 г. в крупных городах индийские общины начали устанавливать кремационные печи после запрета местных властей устраивать погребальный костер. На о. Занзибар до сих пор используют крематорий на берегу океана, построенный еще до Занзибарской революции 1964 г., где на погребальном огне сжигают тело умершего. При этом крематории принадлежат индийской общине, что позволяет проводить все необходимые ритуалы согласно традиции, в отличие от ситуации, например, в Великобритании (Laungani 2001b). Важным сохраняющимся этапом похоронного обряда является развеивание праха над водной поверхностью. Проанализированные кейсы иллюстрируют высокую сохранность и адаптивность похоронно-поминального комплекса, максимально соответствующего традиции в Индии. Тем не менее, зафиксированы некоторые изменения в похоронном обряде: сокращение временного периода 12-дневной церемонии, участие сотрудников специализированных учреждений в подготовке покойного к кремации и др. Также индуисты продолжают исполнять предписанный традицией, являющийся последним в череде обязательных ритуалов – поминание умерших (шраддха). Похоронный обряд и поминовение предков встроены в повседневную религиозную систему представителей диаспоры. The article describes the funeral and memorial complex of representatives of the Indian Diaspora in Tanzania. It is based on field materials of the authors of this publication, collected among Hindus from the Indian state of Gujarat during expedition to Tanzania in 2019. The funeral rite of the Hindus of Tanzania includes the main features of the traditional ceremony, despite the existence of cultural differences in the conduct of this rite in India. Representatives of the Diaspora observe the rituals performed before cremation: placing the deceased on the floor, ablution, dressing in white clothes, a 12-day ceremony (the period of ritual pollution of close relatives and home), the last drops of sacred water from the Ganges River and tulsi leaves, carrying out the body on a stretcher. As in India, the leading role during the ceremony belongs to the eldest son. Only men take part in the funeral procession to the cremation site, as well as in all the rituals performed in the crematorium. Until recently, Hindus in Tanzania continued to burn the dead on an open fire, but in 2014 in large cities Indian communities began to install cremation ovens after a ban by the local authorities to arrange a funeral pyre. On the Zanzibar Island, an oceanfront crematorium, built before the 1964 Zanzibar Revolution, is still used, where the body of the deceased is burned on a funeral fire. The crematorium is owned by the Indian community, which allows all the necessary rituals according to tradition, unlike the situation, for example, in the UK. An important remaining stage of the funeral rite is the scattering of the ashes over the water surface. The analyzed cases illustrate the high preservation and adaptability of the funeral and memorial complex as much as possible corresponding to tradition in India. However, there are some changes in the funeral rite: the reduction of the time period of the 12-day ceremony, involvement of the staff of specialized institutions in the preparation of the deceased for cremation, etc. Also, the Hindus continue to perform the prescribed tradition, which is the last in a series of obligatory rituals – the commemoration of the dead (Śrāddha). In general, the funeral rite and the commemoration of the ancestors are built in the daily religious system of the Diaspora.

Oksana Kolomiets ◽  
Vladislav Nuvano

В настоящей статье исследуются погребальные чукотские традиции, сохранившиеся до настоящего времени. Многие ученые полагали, что архаичные формы похорон уступят место современному унифицированному обряду. Однако, в некоторых национальных селах Чукотки попрежнему хоронят путем сожжения или оставления тела умершего на холме или на открытой местности; современный похоронный обряд также часто сопряжен с некоторыми элементами традиционной культуры. Авторы рассматривают мировоззренческие установки, связанные со смертью, отношение к смерти у чукчей и соседних этнических групп. Для сравнительного анализа обрядов, бытующих в разные годы, авторы приводят описания погребального обряда учеными и путешественниками XVIII–XX вв. Существующие обрядовые практики в современной чукотской культуре представлены следующими способами погребения умерших: сожжение, оставление тела под открытым небом, захоронение «по-русски». Среди традиционных погребальных практик наиболее распространен обряд сожжения. Причем, в с. Ваеги Анадырского района, похороны «по-чукотски» наиболее предпочтительны для коренных жителей. Исключения составляют случаи, когда супруги, близкие родственники – представители другой национальности, могут не исполнить волю умершего на обряд сожжения. Остальные традиционные способы погребения немногочисленны, однако еще встречаются в с. Илирней (Билибинский район), с. Рыткучи (Чаунский район), в некоторых селах Анадырского и Чукотского районов. Опросы жителей показали, что чаще всего «по-чукотски» хоронят стариков, которые озвучили свою волю еще при жизни, или «тундровиков», занимающихся традиционным хозяйством вдали от поселков. Следует отметить, что сейчас мало кто из информантов может описать обряд целиком, многие знают порядок ритуальных действий, но при этом не могут раскрыть их смысл. Да и сами погребальные обряды не редко проводятся в «усеченном» варианте (некогда обязательные манипуляции с умершим уже не производят, например, надрез сухожилий, «открывание» груди и т. д.). В сельской местности до сих пор остаются знатоки, владеющие традиционными погребальными практиками. Они участвуют в подготовке и проведении обряда, учат молодое поколение проведению ритуалов.This article examines the funeral Chukchi traditions that have survived to the present time. Many scientists believed that archaic forms of funerals would give way to a modern unified ritual. However, in some national villages of Chukotka people are still buried by burning or leaving the dead body on a hill or in an open area; modern funeral rites are also often associated with some elements of traditional culture. The authors consider the worldview associated with death, the attitude to death in the Chukchi and neighboring ethnic groups. For a comparative analysis of the rites occurring in different years, the authors give descriptions of the funeral rites by scientists and travelers of the XVIII–XX centuries. Existing ritual practices in modern Chukchi culture are represented by the following methods of burial of the dead: burning, leaving the body in the open air, laying the body with stones, burial "in Russian". Among the traditional burial practices, the most common is the ritual of burning. Moreover, in the village of Vaegi of Anadyr districts the funeral "in Chukchi" is the most preferable for residents. The exceptions are the cases when the spouses and close relatives of the representatives of other nationalities can not do the will of the dead in the ceremony of burning. Other traditional methods of burial are few but still occur in the village of Ilirney (Iultinsky district), Rytkuchi village (Chaunsky district), in some villages of Anadyr and Chukotka district. Surveys of residents showed that most often "in Chukchi" they bury the old people, who voiced their will during his lifetime, or "tundra-people" engaged in traditional farming away from the villages. It should be noted that nowadays few informants could describe the ritual as a whole, many people know the order of ritual acts, but cannot disclose their meaning. The funeral rites are frequently held in a "truncated" version (once the mandatory manipulations with the dead are no longer produced, for example, tendons cut, "open" chest, etc.). In rural areas, there are still experts who own traditional burial practices. They participate in the preparation and conduct of the rite, teach the younger generation to conduct rituals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 234-253 ◽  
Michael Gerges ◽  
Sholto Penn ◽  
David Moore ◽  
Chris Boothman ◽  
Champika Liyanage

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate human behaviour during fire evacuations in multi-storey residential buildings through a focus on the challenges and obstacles that occupants face. In addition, the paper aims to study all the various behaviours that are relevant to the evacuation strategies/plans in the UK of multi-storey buildings in large cities. Design/methodology/approach A literature review was conducted to identify the factors occupants face and also the decision making of occupants regarding the methods of egress. A mixed methods research was adopted using interviews and a questionnaire survey. The findings from the interviews and survey are benchmarked against the information gathered from the literature review. Findings The paper identifies various challenges that occupants face when evacuating a multi-storey residential building. In terms of the decision-making process, the research results evidence that occupants could be given more information on the evacuation procedures within their specific building. The paper also finds that occupants remain reluctant to use a lift during evacuation in fire event, irrespective of any signage clearly stating that is appropriate to do so in the context of modern lift technology. Originality/value This paper contributes to the body of knowledge available on the evacuation of multi-storey buildings located in large cities within the UK, outlining the potential areas for future research, focussed on providing an insight of the behavioural decisions made by the occupants make when evacuating a building in the event of a fire.

Matthew Suriano

Hebrew funerary inscriptions began to appear in Judah during late Iron IIB. These inscriptions are relatively unique in that they are written on, or inside, tombs. But they also include amulets that adorned the body during burial. The funerary inscriptions emerged at a stage when the bench tomb had fully developed, and their writings reveal multiple concerns regarding the dead. The Hebrew inscriptions stress the imperative of safeguarding the dead inside the tomb on multiple levels. The interred are identified by name, and their place inside the tomb is described. All of these concerns relate to the existence of the dead and the preservation of their memory. These concerns are also consistent with blessings and curses that are often inscribed on the tomb, which indicate that Yahweh’s power could extend over the dead as well as the living.

This volume addresses the relationship between archaeologists and the dead, through the many dimensions of their relationships: in the field (through practical and legal issues), in the lab (through their analysis and interpretation), and in their written, visual and exhibitionary practice--disseminated to a variety of academic and public audiences. Written from a variety of perspectives, its authors address the experience, effect, ethical considerations, and cultural politics of working with mortuary archaeology. Whilst some papers reflect institutional or organizational approaches, others are more personal in their view: creating exciting and frank insights into contemporary issues that have hitherto often remained "unspoken" among the discipline. Reframing funerary archaeologists as "death-workers" of a kind, the contributors reflect on their own experience to provide both guidance and inspiration to future practitioners, arguing strongly that we have a central role to play in engaging the public with themes of mortality and commemoration, through the lens of the past. Spurred by the recent debates in the UK, papers from Scandinavia, Austria, Italy, the US, and the mid-Atlantic, frame these issues within a much wider international context that highlights the importance of cultural and historical context in which this work takes place.

Paul Brooker ◽  
Margaret Hayward

The Armani high-fashion example illustrates the importance of adaptive rational methods in his founding and developing of an iconic high-fashion firm. Armani adapted stylistically to fashion’s new times in the 1970–80s by creating a new style catering for the career woman. His stylistic adaptation is compared with that of another famous Italian fashion designer, Versace, who instead modernized haute couture fashion and created a succession of glamourous styles. Both leaders exploited the same opportunity but in different ways. The third section compares these leaders’ legacies in the 1990s–2000s and assesses from a long-term perspective how capably they had used adaptive rational methods. The final section shifts the focus from fashion to the cosmetics industry and from Italy to the UK. Anita Roddick used adaptive rational methods to establish The Body Shop corporation in the 1970s–80s. However, she then abandoned rational methods with dire results for her corporation in the 1990s.

Branka Arsić
The Body ◽  

Everything that Poe wrote is touched by the question of life. Most notably, dead women come back to life, the living switch personhoods with the dead, and hearts dismembered from the body keep on beating. Such existential shifts were typically interpreted as Poe’s take on the Gothic, his engagement with the supernatural, or, as political allegories. Declining to follow any of those directions, this chapter will take Poe’s ideas about life literally and nontrivially. Closely discussing such texts as “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Mesmeric Revelation,” and Eureka, the essay will investigate Poe’s continuous insistence that nothing is inanimate and immaterial, as well as his claim that life can’t be understood according to an anthropomorphic model. Reading his literature against the backdrop of the scientific treatises on life and vitalism that influenced him, this chapter will seek to explain what is at stake in Poe’s statement that even “unorganized matter” is alive and sensuous, endowed with capacity for pain and joy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Alice Malpass ◽  
Kate Binnie ◽  
Lauren Robson

Medical school can be a stressful experience for students, resulting in stress-related mental health problems. Policy recommendations from the General Medical Council (GMC), the body responsible for improving medical education in the UK, recommend the use of mindfulness training to increase well-being and resilience to stress. Students participating in an eight-week mindfulness training between Autumn 2011 and Spring 2015 were invited to complete a free text survey at the end of their mindfulness course. In addition, six qualitative interviews were conducted lasting between 60 and 90 minutes. Interviews used a topic guide and were recorded and transcribed verbatim. We used the framework approach to analyse the data. Students reported a new relationship to their thoughts and feelings which gave a greater sense of control and resiliency, an ability to manage their workload better, and more acceptance of their limitations as learners. The small group context was important. Students described improved empathy and communication skills through building inner awareness of thoughts and feelings, noticing judgments, and developing attentive observation. The findings show how resiliency and coping reserve can be developed within medical education and the role of mindfulness in this process. We present a conceptual model of a learnt cycle of specific vulnerability and describe how MBCT intercepts at various junctures in this self-reinforcing cycle through the development of new coping strategies that embrace an “allowed vulnerability.”

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (6) ◽  
pp. 948-957 ◽  
Diana Canetti ◽  
Nigel B. Rendell ◽  
Janet A. Gilbertson ◽  
Nicola Botcher ◽  
Paola Nocerino ◽  

AbstractSystemic amyloidosis is a serious disease which is caused when normal circulating proteins misfold and aggregate extracellularly as insoluble fibrillary deposits throughout the body. This commonly results in cardiac, renal and neurological damage. The tissue target, progression and outcome of the disease depends on the type of protein forming the fibril deposit, and its correct identification is central to determining therapy. Proteomics is now used routinely in our centre to type amyloid; over the past 7 years we have examined over 2000 clinical samples. Proteomics results are linked directly to our patient database using a simple algorithm to automatically highlight the most likely amyloidogenic protein. Whilst the approach has proved very successful, we have encountered a number of challenges, including poor sample recovery, limited enzymatic digestion, the presence of multiple amyloidogenic proteins and the identification of pathogenic variants. Our proteomics procedures and approaches to resolving difficult issues are outlined.

1951 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 399-418 ◽  
S. Pradhan ◽  
S. C. Bhatia

The relationship was studied between susceptibility of a number of different species of insects to HCN fumigation and the recovery of HCN from them immediately after fumigation.The test insects used were Tribolium castaneum, seventh stage caterpillars of Corcyra cephalonica, first-and second-instar nymphs of Drosicha sp., third-and fourthinstar nymphs of Drosicha sp. and adult females of Drosicha sp.The apparatus and methods used in the fumigation and in the recovery of HCN from the fumigated insects are fully described.Preliminary expsriments showed that the processes of distillation and redistillation did not affect the recovery of HCN but that the result obtained for recovery from distillation could be affected if some volatile reducing substance were produced and carried over to the distillate. It was found that this did actually take place in the case of one of the test insects—T. castaneum—but that redistillation got rid of the impurity.In the main experiments it was shown that, on the assumption that the concentration of HCN to which insects are exposed is the effective dosage, the susceptibility of the test insects varied in the following descending order : firstand second-stage nymphs of Drosicha sp. > third- and fourth-stage nymphs of Drosicha sp.>C. cephalonica> T. castaneum>the adult females of Drosicha sp.When the same insects were arranged in descending order of the quantities of HCN recovered per 100 gm. of body weight, the order was identical except for the nymphs of Drosicha sp. which occupied a different relative position. The two categories of nymphs of Drosicha sp. were found to occupy a different relative position again with regard to the other three test insects when exposed to a superlethal concentration and assessed for recovery of HCN per 100 gr. body weight.Parallel batches of T. castaneum and C. cephalonica were fumigated and the HCN was recovered from the dead and survivors. More HCN was recovered from the dead insects than from those that survived.Both recovery and sorption of HCN were estimated separately in parallel batches of insects (adult females of Drosicha sp. and C. cephalonica). Recovery was found to be less than sorption showing that a part of the HCN absorbed is converted into a non-recoverable state. Further, that the weight of HCN sorbed per gram body weight of adult females of Drosicha sp. is much less than in the case of C. cephalonica under similar conditions of fumigation and that the amount of HCN converted into non-recoverable products is less in Drosicha adults than in C. cephalonica.A comparison of the water content of T. castaneum, C. cephalonica and Drosicha sp. (adults) showed that there was a positive correlation between water content and higher susceptibility to HCN and greater recovery of HCN was also indicated. It is suggested that this may be a factor in the “ Surface Resistance ” of an insec to a fumigant.The observations of previous workers that larger amounts are sorbed by or recovered (after fumigation) from more susceptible species than for those less susceptible was corroborated by the results obtained with C. cephalonica, T. castaneum and adult females of Drosicha sp. but not with those from nymphs of Drosicha sp.When dosage-mortality graphs were prepared by taking the amount of HCN recovered per gram body weight as an index of internal dose, the order of resistance of different test insects based on this new criterion was found to be entirely different from that based on the usual criterion of the concentration of HCN in the fumatorium being the index of effective dosage.These apparently anomalous observations may be explained by assuming that the resistance shown by an insect in an actual fumigation operation, i.e., to the concentration of HCN to which it is exposed (external dose) is what may be called the total “ Effective Resistance ” and that this “ Effective Resistance ” is the resultant of (a) “ Surface Resistance ” to the entry of fumigant and (b) “ Internal Resistance ” to the amount of HCN which actually gains entry into the body in some way or other. Thus the “Effective Resistance ” of an insect may be due to a combination either of low “ Surface Resistance ” and high “ Internal Resistance ”, giving a very low “ Effective Resistance ” as in the case of C. cephalonica, or vice versa giving the maximum “ Effective Resistance ” as in adult females of Drosicha sp. The lower recovery of HCN from the nymphs of Drosicha sp., although they were more susceptible to fumigation than C. cephalonica, is explained by their higher “ Surface Resistance ” combined with a very much lower “ Internal Resistance ”, leading to a lower “ Effective Resistance ”.

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