scholarly journals Experimental Research on the Properties of Rock-Filled Concrete

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
pp. 3767
Hai Wei ◽  
Guohui Zhang ◽  
Fanfan Sun ◽  
Mingming Wang ◽  
Wenhai Li ◽  

In order to comprehensively evaluate the properties of rock-filled concrete (RFC) with the strength of C15, lab experimental test and in-situ test are applied to explore the mechanical, hydraulic, ultrasonic characteristics of RFC in Hantang reservoir dam. Four types of defects within RFC are shown from the appearance of borehole cores specimens: (1) large sized voids existing in interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between self-compacting concrete (SCC) and rock block (RB); (2) bad cohesion in ITZ; (3) joints within rock block; (4) voids within SCC. For hydraulic aspects, the average porosity of RFC is 14.10%; the permeability rate of RFC ranges from 2.41 Lu to 10.41 Lu, with the average of 11.32 Lu, occasionally more than 25.52 Lu due to interconnected defects. For ultrasonic aspects, the ultrasonic velocity of RFC conforms to lognormal distribution, with the average of 2993.3 m/s and standard deviation of 650.5 m/s. For mechanical aspects, the average cubic compressive strength of RFC is 22.55 Mpa, with the standard deviation of 4.09 Mp. Thus the data shows a relatively great dispersion due to uneven distribution of some defects in RFC, which deteriorate the quality of RFC. Through the experimental investigation, it is shown that the quality of massive RFC in the Hantang dam is obviously non-homogeneous, mainly influenced by construction technology.

2011 ◽  
Vol 261-263 ◽  
pp. 1690-1693
Feng Yi Tan ◽  
Rong Hua Zou ◽  
Han Bing Hu ◽  
Zu Kai Lin

The swelling rock slope reinforced by geogrid with wrapped face was one of reinforced methods in the swelling rock test region of main canal in South-to-North Water Division Project, the key step was the geogrid with wrapped face in layer by layer, which was not only the core step to make sure the reinforced swelling rock slope with geogrid as a integrality, but also the most complex, time consuming and cost in the whole process. From the in situ test, the construction technology and related construction parameters of geogrid of simplified face to reinforce the swelling rock slope was obtained, in which the construction of geogrid with wrapped face was optimized, the construction progress was improved and its cost was reduced, which contributed to the generalization and application of geogrid with simplified wrapped face to reinforce swelling rock slope in the middle-route of South-to-North Water Division Project, meanwhile, it was provided as a references for similar engineering.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1157
Steven Lius ◽  
Inda Sumarli ◽  
Ali Iskandar

The subgrade soils must be able to withstand the load that is transferred. The quality of the subgrade soil is important because if it is sturdy, the construction above it can also be sturdy as well. Therefore, in designing a construction, soil investigation, such as plate bearing test and dynamic cone penetrometer test, must be conducted. However, one method may be superior compared to others, that the author will analyze the correlation between them. Plate bearing test is an in-situ test used for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of soil by only applying pressure to it. Whereas, dynamic cone penetrometer test is a testing method to measure the thickness and strength of soil. In this research, the collected data will be analyzed and correlated. The result of correlation between ks and CBR from DCP test is the determinant coefficient value. The value for clayey soils is 0.6198 which means that the correlation value is strong. Meanwhile, for sandy soils, the values are 0.9841 and 0.9878 which means both of the correlation values are very strong. Furthermore, the correlation of Su values from both tests cannot be determined because the soil samples have not reached the fracture condition. Lapisan subgrade merupakan lapisan yang menahan seluruh beban di atasnya. Kualitas dari lapisan ini sangat penting, karena jika lapisan subgrade tersebut kokoh, maka konstruksi di atasnya juga akan kokoh. Oleh karena itu, dalam merencanakan sebuah konstruksi, penyelidikan tanah, seperti uji plate bearing dan uji dynamic cone penetrometer, di lokasi suatu bangunan yang akan dibangun itu sangat penting. Namun, setiap metode penyelidikan tanah tentunya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, sehingga penulis akan menganalisa korelasi antara kedua pengujian. Uji plate bearing merupakan metode pengujian untuk menentukan nilai daya dukung tanah dengan hanya memberikan tekanan pada tanah. Sedangkan, uji dynamic cone penetrometer merupakan metode pengujian untuk mengetahui nilai ketebalan dan kekuatan suatu lapisan tanah. Pada penelitian ini, data yang sudah dikumpulkan akan dianalisa dan dikorelasikan. Hasil korelasi antara nilai modulus reaksi tanah dasar dan CBR dari uji DCP untuk jenis tanah lempung menghasilkan koefisien determinan sebesar 0.6198 yang artinya nilai korelasi tersebut kuat. Sedangkan, untuk jenis tanah pasir, didapatkan koefisien determinan sebesar 0.9841 dan 0.9878 yang artinya nilai korelasi tersebut sangat kuat. Kemudian, untuk korelasi nilai kuat geser tanah dari masing-masing pengujian belum bisa dijelaskan karena sampel tanah yang digunakan belum mencapai kondisi fracture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Zhongju Feng ◽  
Jianwei Huo ◽  
Haibo Hu ◽  
Ruixin Zhao ◽  
Fuchun Wang ◽  

This study investigated the corrosion damage and bearing characteristics of bridge pile foundations under a dry-wet-freeze-thaw cycle of composite salt in an alpine salt marsh area using an in situ test, laboratory test, and numerical simulations. The in situ test showed that the dry-wet-freeze-thaw cycle has little effect on the quality of the concrete specimens and rebar. The area of the rebar at a depth of 0.25 m had the highest corrosion rate of 91%. The application of epoxy resin on the surface improved erosion resistance. After one year of outdoor dry-wet-freeze-thaw cycle test, due to the interaction of compound salts, the quality of specimens is reduced under the denudation of chloride ions, while the mass of specimens is increased by the corrosion products formed under the joint action of carbonate and sulfate, resulting in less obvious change of specimen quality, the antierosion coefficient of the specimens decreased, the maximum loss rate of compressive strength was 38.2%, and the pile foundation began to deteriorate. The laboratory test showed that expansive substances, such as Friedel salt, appeared in the concrete specimens of pile foundation during 225 cycles of dry-wet-freeze-thaw cycles, the relative dynamic elastic modulus was reduced by 60.9%, the antierosion coefficient was reduced to 0.51, and the compressive strength loss rate was 65.9%. As such, the pile foundation was seriously damaged. The numerical simulation shows that, with an increase of the peeling thickness and the corrosion depth, the bearing capacity of the pile foundation will gradually decrease after 8 years. Without maintenance, the bearing capacity of a pile foundation will decrease by 34.45% in the 20th year.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-126
Mahlinda Mahlinda ◽  
Fitriana Djafar

The main purpose of this research was to observer effect co-solvent type (n-Hexane, chloroform and without co-solvent)  toward yield and quality of biodiesel via in situ transesterification process using microwave irradiation. The process was studied at microwave power 450 watt, reaction time 4 minutes, methanol to seed ratio 25:1 and catalyst concentration 5%. The physicochemical parameters of the biodiesel produced such as viscosity, density and acid value were analysed and compared with the SNI 7182-2012 standard. The experimental result showed the maximum yield biodiesel 78,32% obtained by using co-solvent chloroform.Test result of physicochemical properties (viscosity, density and acid value) of biodiesel products using co solvent n-Hexane, chloroform and without co solvent showed that these products conform to the SNI 7182-2012 standars. The type of co-solvent only affectedon biodiesel yield dan not affected on biodiesel quality (viscosity, density and acid value).  ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh jenis co-solvent (n-Hexane, chloroform dan tanpa co-solvent) terhadap rendemen dan mutu biodiesel secara trasesterifikasi in situ menggunakan radiasi gelombang mikro. Proses dilakukan pada daya gelombang mikro 450 watt, waktu reaksi 4 menit, perbandingan berat metanol terhadap bahan baku 25:1 dan jumlah katalis 5%. Parameter fisiko kimia dari produk biodiesel seperti viskositas, densitas dan angka asam di analisa dan dibandingkan dengan standar SNI 7182-2012 tentang biodiesel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendemen maksimum biodiesel sebesar 78,32% diperoleh dengan menggunakan co-solvent chloroform. Hasil pengujian  karakteristik fisiko kimia (viskositas, densitas dan angka asam) dari produk biodiesel menggunakan co-solvent n-Hexane, chloroform dan tanpa co-solvent menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter ini masih memenuhi standar SNI 1782-2012 tentang biodiesel. Jenis co-solvent hanya berpengaruh pada rendemen biodiesel dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap mutu biodiesel (viskositas, densitas dan bilangan asam).Kata kunci: co-solvent, in situ transesterifikasi, microwave, rendemen, mutu   

Juan Alfredo Lino-Gamiño ◽  
Carlos Méndez-González ◽  
Eduardo José Salazar-Araujo ◽  
Pablo Adrián Magaña-Sánchez

In the value chain it is important to keep in mind the core business of the company, since it depends largely on the competitiveness of the company and its overall performance, bearing in mind that all business indicators depend on it. In this work we will study the washing process within the company WASH CONTAINERS SA DE CV, to improve the washing processes and in this way reduce times and movements in the process leading the company to reduce costs considerably within the operations company daily, having a more competitive operation and with greater profit margin in its business process. Goals: It Improve the logistics of the movement of containers for washing and with it the core business of the company. Methodology: The action research will be applied applying Business Process Management for the improvement of processes in situ, it will be developed in a certain period of time and with that it will establish an improvement projection. Contribution: The improvement of the times for the disposal of the containers and their subsequent use, allows a better competitiveness and with it the income of the company, on the other hand, the transport companies improve in performance in quantity, quality of disposition and with it their income.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 1525
Christian Ferrarin ◽  
Pierluigi Penna ◽  
Antonella Penna ◽  
Vedrana Spada ◽  
Fabio Ricci ◽  

The aim of this study is to develop a relocatable modelling system able to describe the microbial contamination that affects the quality of coastal bathing waters. Pollution events are mainly triggered by urban sewer outflows during massive rainy events, with relevant negative consequences on the marine environment and tourism and related activities of coastal towns. A finite element hydrodynamic model was applied to five study areas in the Adriatic Sea, which differ for urban, oceanographic and morphological conditions. With the help of transport-diffusion and microbial decay modules, the distribution of Escherichia coli was investigated during significant events. The numerical investigation was supported by detailed in situ observational datasets. The model results were evaluated against water level, sea temperature, salinity and E. coli concentrations acquired in situ, demonstrating the capacity of the modelling suite in simulating the circulation in the coastal areas of the Adriatic Sea, as well as several main transport and diffusion dynamics, such as riverine and polluted waters dispersion. Moreover, the results of the simulations were used to perform a comparative analysis among the different study sites, demonstrating that dilution and mixing, mostly induced by the tidal action, had a stronger effect on bacteria reduction with respect to microbial decay. Stratification and estuarine dynamics also play an important role in governing microbial concentration. The modelling suite can be used as a beach management tool for improving protection of public health, as required by the EU Bathing Water Directive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Mohsen Moazzami Gudarzi ◽  
Maryana Asaad ◽  
Boyang Mao ◽  
Gergo Pinter ◽  
Jianqiang Guo ◽  

AbstractThe use of two-dimensional materials in bulk functional applications requires the ability to fabricate defect-free 2D sheets with large aspect ratios. Despite huge research efforts, current bulk exfoliation methods require a compromise between the quality of the final flakes and their lateral size, restricting the effectiveness of the product. In this work, we describe an intercalation-assisted exfoliation route, which allows the production of high-quality graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, and molybdenum disulfide 2D sheets with average aspect ratios 30 times larger than that obtained via conventional liquid-phase exfoliation. The combination of chlorosulfuric acid intercalation with in situ pyrene sulfonate functionalisation produces a suspension of thin large-area flakes, which are stable in various polar solvents. The described method is simple and requires no special laboratory conditions. We demonstrate that these suspensions can be used for fabrication of laminates and coatings with electrical properties suitable for a number of real-life applications.

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