scholarly journals The Influence of Decision Making on Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities: A Case Study of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Shakeel Ahmad ◽  
Mazhar Islam ◽  
Muhammad Zada ◽  
Afraseyab Khattak ◽  
Rezwan Ullah ◽  

Decision making is an essentially social process adopted by individuals or groups to identify and choose the best choice among several alternatives. Decision-making choices are influenced by the preferences, values, and beliefs of the individuals or groups involved in the decision-making process. This study was conducted to analyze the social inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the context of their participation in decision making. The study area consisted of 8028 PWDs registered with the government of Pakistan, from which a sample of 488 PWDs was selected through a multistage stratified random sampling technique. These PWDs included physically disabled, blind, crippled, and deaf persons; however, the data were collected from those who were able to be interviewed. Chi-square and Kendall’s Tau-b tests were used to determine the strength, level, and direction of association among variables. At the multivariate level, the study found a spurious relation between social inclusion and participation in decision making when controlling for gender, monthly family income, and level of disability of the PWDs. The results highlighted that participation in decision making improved the social inclusion of male and moderately disabled PWDs more positively. However, participation in decision making was a universal feature explaining the social inclusion of PWDs irrespective of their monthly family income. The logistic regression model explained that the social inclusion of PWDs was more likely to occur when PWDs were married, had high monthly family income (PKR 16,500 and above), belonged to a joint family, and actively participated in decision making. The study recommends that ensuring the participation of PWDs in decision making in family, community, school, and other relevant institutions ultimately enhances their social inclusion.

1981 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 309-335 ◽  
Micheline Plasse

This article first presents a brief survey of the role and functions filled by the personal aide (chef de cabinet) of a minister in Quebec. The analysis continues, in a comparative perspective, by tracing a sociological and professional portrait of the Liberal“chefs de cabinet” in April 1976 and their successors in the pequiste government in July 1977.We then test the hypothesis that the cleavage between the government and the dominant economic forces has increased since November 15, 1976 as a result of the ideology articulated by the“chefs de cabinet” regarding the social and economic aims of the state. This hypothesis was confirmed.The hypothesis that the pequiste“chefs de cabinet” exercise a more pronounced influence on the decision-making process is also confirmed. Nevertheless, one cannot argue that the pequiste“chefs de cabinet” usurped the power of the legislators; their influence is more political than technocratic. The growing influence of the pequiste“chefs de cabinet” neverthelsss helps to accentuate the tensions and conflicts between the higher civil service and the ministerial aides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Mbina Pinem ◽  
Rayhan Utami

This study aims to determine: (1) The productive role of fishermen housewives in increasing family income in Sei Merbau Village, Teluk Nibung District, Tanjungbalai City, (2) The reproductive role of fishermen housewives in increasing family income in Sei Merbau Village, Teluk Nibung Kota District Tanjungbalai, and (3) The social role of fisherman housewives in increasing family income in Sei Merbau Village, Teluk Nibung District, Tanjungbalai City. This research was conducted in Sei Merbau Village, Teluk Nibung District, Tanjungbalai City in 2020. The population of this study were all fishermen housewives in Sei Merbau Village, amounting to 592 people, while the sample in this study was 10% of the total population (59 people. ) and taken using the Simple Random Sampling technique. The data collection technique is done by direct communication (interview). While the data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The results showed that: (1) The highest productive role (48.78%) was performed by housewives who worked as factory workers, while the lowest role (21%) was performed by housewives who worked as coconut peeler. Overall, the role played by housewives of fishermen is 33.35% and is in the low category. (2) The reproductive role played by the housewives of fishermen in Kelurahan Sei Merbau, namely having dependents of 1 to 6 children. Most (57.63%) fishermen housewives had 1-2 children and a small proportion (8.47%) had 5-6 children with an average of 2-3 children. (3) In general (81.36%) fishermen housewives participated in the social activities of the unfortunate union and a small proportion (25.42%) participated in arisan activities. In addition, the recitation activity is useful for moral contributions to housewives so that they can motivate husbands to work to increase income and also motivate children to improve education. The highest role of arisan activities was 76.92% while the lowest role was 22.73%. With an average of 43.47%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (03) ◽  
pp. 299-303
Hassan Mohammed ABUOKATYYIF

Many are strategies to ensure disability in areas of education and health and access to place and information, but in this experience, we are in the role of civil society organizations in providing possible services in the community integration of an important chip, especially the time of crises and wars (The subject of this experience). We aimed to prepare a model for an inclusive and supportive summer club for children with disabilities with ordinary children from 7 to 14 years old, taking into account the awareness and understanding of ordinary students or children and accept them for their counterparts, unity, mobility and others. We have divided the club into many programs, paragraphs and science and put them through video, participation and entertainment as well as many supporting psychosocial and participation and entertainment as well as many supporting mental and social programs and contracted a specialized organization that took it upon itself to study the behaviors and submit reports with the club's specialists. the topics of the club have covered an interactive and entertainment study as well as the science of Quran and development and life skills such as drawing and coloring – young media, theater and crochet – computer principles as well as weekly and monthly encouraging competitions which made us believe that we have been in the theme of cleaving and integration, and this is evident in the clear harmony through competitions, dances, songs, and the fear and tightness and intensity we have noticed at the beginning of the club, which made us seek to mainstream and develop the idea and recommend to the government, private sector and civil society and urged them to conduct efforts for effective participation and ensure persons with disabilities, especially children to remove them from the situation of war and conflict and support their psychological and social balance..

2021 ◽  
pp. 32-57
Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo ◽  
Deepti Samant Raja

Digital technologies represent the fastest, broadest, and deepest technical change experienced in international development, affecting every sector. Inclusive and accessible technology increases access by persons with disabilities to markets, spaces, and services. This has raised opportunities as well as the stakes, to ensure that technology-driven development is inclusive of the diverse needs of persons with disabilities. Digital ecosystems can evolve to advance toward the social inclusion, economic self-sufficiency, and resilience of persons with disabilities. There are success stories, but also continuing inequities and gaps in access, affordability, and usage of technology by persons with disabilities. Ultimately, investments in infrastructure, skills, regulation, and institutions are necessary to ensure accessible and inclusive digital development.

2013 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-24
Guy Davidov ◽  
Maayan Davidov

Research on compliance has shown that people can be induced to comply with various requests by using techniques that capitalise on the human tendencies to act consistently and to reciprocate. Thus far this line of research has been applied to interactions between individuals, not to relations between institutions. We argue, however, that similar techniques are applied by courts vis-à-vis the government, the legislature and the public at large, when courts try to secure legitimacy and acceptance of their decisions. We discuss a number of known influence techniques – including ‘foot in the door’, ‘low-balling’, ‘giving a reputation to uphold’ and ‘door in the face’ – and provide examples from Israeli case law of the use of such techniques by courts. This analysis offers new insights that can further the understanding of judicial decision-making processes.

2003 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Valeria Pulignano

This paper argues that the Berlusconi government is seeking to replace the ‘social concertation’ arrangement between government and trade unions with ‘social dialogue’ in an effort to undermine trade union ‘power’. This endeavour by the government to impose a policy of ‘social dialogue’ would severely limit trade unions' influence in economic and social policy decision-making and leave Berlusconi free to introduce reforms favouring his friends in employer organisations. One likely outcome would be the deregulation of the Italian labour market strongly damaging workers' rights.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Kwon Huck Ju

Development strategies based on neoliberal theories and good governance have failed to achieved clear outcomes. This paper examines the Saemaul Undong movement in Korea with the contention that it can provide a missing link between market- and state-oriented development policy. Saemaul Undong contributed to social and economic development in Korea not only as a self-help community movement but also as a mechanism of social inclusion. Its success was based on a social structure that was made more open to upward mobility by the land reform of the 1950s. A negative aspect of Saemaul Undong is that it was promoted by the government to mobilize political support for authoritarian President Park Chung Hee. In order to draw policy implications from Saemaul Undong for international development, it is necessary to consider the social and political context of the developing countries under consideration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 63-76
Joanna Bugajewska

The aim of the present paper is an analysis of the impact of the government economic instrument, the „Family 500+” programme on spending decisions of Polish people. For this purpose, financial conditions of families living in two Polish cities: Radom and Chełm were being observed (in the light of the own diagnosis). As a part of a survey, people were asked questions regarding the amount of monthly family income, savings and credits, types of goods and services purchased owing to the  „500+” programme for the benefit of children and young people under 18. The paper ends with conclusions resulting from the conducted research.

Hamdan Daulay

This study aims to explain the concept of policy that needs to be implemented by the government in counteracting of religious intolerance. Based on the factors of population equality and economic prosperity, the government must be regarding the socio-religious aspect of the migration program in the interior of Duri Bengkalis, Riau. In order to realize the ideals of national social development, the portrait of the process of migrating Christian Bataks’ to the interior of Duri must be an outlook for the social conflicts that occur. Highlighting the case of intolerance between Christian Bataks’ and Malay Muslim tribes Duri is important to be contextually examined through a research approach. As a literacy for developing unlimited tolerance in the frame of pluralism, it is very appropriate if this study is analyzed using the perspective of the sociology of development. The process of developing nation-building through a migration program, I take field data through qualitative research. The data source was taken directly to the informant with the snowball sampling technique. After the data were analyzed by the process of data reduction, data display, and conclusion, I found that government policy was not optimal in accommodating the migration program. There are still occur caused by the inferior of people for the meaning of pluralism. Although in general, the community has lived up to the philosophy of Pancasila, these implications are lowly in everyday life. Efforts to reduce conflicts that occur in Bengkalis, the government needs to develop a roadmap for policies on religious dialogue. Religious harmony is very important. It is impossible to realize tolerance without limits if the supporting instruments are not a priority agenda. Especially in areas prone to an inter-religious conflict which are actually caused by economic disparity and political oligarchy.Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang konsep kebijakan yang perlu diterapkan oleh pemerintah dalam menangkal intoleransi beragama. Selain faktor pemerataan penduduk dan kesejahteraan ekonomi, penting kiranya pemerintah memperhatikan aspek sosial-keagamaan atas kasus migrasi yang terjadi di pedalaman Duri Bengkalis, Riau. Agar cita-cita pembangunan sosial secara nasional dapat terwujud, potret proses migrasi suku Batak Kristen ke pedalaman Duri harus menjadi outlook atas konflik sosial yang terjadi. Menyoroti kasus intoleransi antara suku Batak Kristen dan Muslim Melayu Duri menjadi penting untuk ditelaah secara kontekstual melalui pendekatan riset. Sebagai acuan mengembangkan toleransi tanpa batas dalam bingkai pluralisme, sangat pantas jika kajian ini, dianalisis menggunakan perspektif sosiologi pembangunan. Proses mengembangkan pembangunan bangsa melalui program migrasi, penulis mengambil data lapangan melalui penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data diambil langsung kepada informan dengan teknik snowball sampling. Setelah data dianalisis dengan proses reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan, penulis menemukan optimalnya kebijakan pemerintah dalam mengakomodir program migrasi. Hal utama yang menjadi pemicunya adalah masih rendahnya masyarakat memahami makna pluralisme. Walaupun secara umum masyarakat sudah menghayati falsafah Pancasila, tetapi masih rendahnya implikasi tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Upaya meredam konflik yang terjadi di Bengkalis, pemerintah perlu menyusun roadmap kebijakan tentang dialog agama. Kerukunan agama sangat penting ditegakkan. Mustahil dapat mewujudkan sikap toleransi tanpa batas jika instrumen pendukungnya bukan menjadi agenda prioritas. Terutama di daerah-daerah yang rawan konflik antar umat beragama yang sejatinya disebabkan oleh faktor kesenjangan ekonomi dan oligarki politik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Emese Balázs-Földi ◽  
Miklós Villás

The equal opportunities approach of the second half of the 20th century emphasizes the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, including persons with disabilities. Education and employment play a key role in achieving integration. Nevertheless, other fields such as leisure time and sporting activities also contribute positively to the social involvement of persons with disabilities. At present nearly 7,000 persons with disabilities are registered in Hungary who pursue sports competitively, of whom approximately 5,000 persons with intellectual disabilities (Regényi, 2017). The study discloses the partial results of a research aimed at revealing the awareness of the Hungarian population regarding the sport of people with disabilities. As such research has never been carried out in Hungary before, it can fill in a niche. The results of our exploratory research may be the starting point for further investigations. The importance of the topic is given by the fact that thanks to the sport the focus is on the outstanding performance of the social group concerned rather than on their limitations and deficiencies, which therefore reinforces the positive and accepting attitude of citizens. Previous research findings have highlighted that the nature of disability-related knowledge influences the way the members of society think about persons with disabilities, i.e. when it is possible to provide information and gain experience focusing on the existing abilities and strengths of the above -mentioned group, attitudes become more positive as well.  The findings of the research reveal that respondents consider it important to pursue sport within an integrated framework, at the same time they feel it is justified to do segregated sports with a view to persons with disabilities. Based on the results we can state that the media coverage of achievements in sports competitions of persons with disabilities is perceived as low level, but apparently it is not considered to be a key area in the lives of persons with disabilities.

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