Development of the creative potential of students studying in the field of training "Musical Variety Art"

Dariya Aleksandrovna Streltsova

This article is devoted to musical pedagogy in the broadest sense of this concept. The teaching of the performing arts is very specific. In our country, there is a system of training musicians, which, as a rule, consists of the initial, secondary professional and higher stages of ascent to mastery. Such a professional school has evolved over several centuries. It received its consolidation in practice in the 19th and 20th centuries. The performing art of Russian musicians and singers is recognized all over the world. The arts education system continues to improve. The author of this article offers her analysis of the professional training of students at the Department of Art at the higher educational institution. The materials of the article will be of interest to our colleagues, especially in the part related to the comprehension of the educational standard in the musical variety art.

Janet L. Miller

Maxine Greene, internationally renowned educator, never regarded her work as situated within the field of curriculum studies per se. Rather, she consistently spoke of herself as an existential phenomenological philosopher of education working across multidisciplinary perspectives. Simultaneously, however, Greene persistently and passionately argued for all conceptions and enactments of curriculum as necessarily engaging with literature and the arts. She regarded these as vital in addressing the complexities of “curriculum” conceptualized as lived experience. Specifically, Greene regarded the arts and imaginative literature as able to enliven curriculum as lived experience, as aspects of persons’ expansive and inclusive learnings. Such learnings, for Greene, included the taking of necessary actions toward the creating of just and humane living and learning contexts for all. In particular, Greene supported her contentions via her theorizing of “social imagination” and its accompanying requisite, “wide-awakeness.” Specifically, Greene refused curriculum conceived as totally “external” to persons who daily attempt to make sense of their life worlds. In rejecting any notion of curriculum as predetermined, decontextualized subject-matter content that could be simply and easily delivered by teachers and ingested by students, she consistently threaded examples from imaginative literature as well as from all manner of the visual and performing arts throughout her voluminous scholarship. She did so in support of her pleas for versions of curriculum that involve conscious acts of choosing to work in order not only to grasp “what is,” but also to envision persons, situations, and contexts as if they could be otherwise. Greene thus unfailingly contended that literature and the arts offer multiplicities of perspectives and contexts that could invite and even move individuals to engage in these active interpretations and constructions of meanings. Greene firmly believed that these interpretations and constructions not only involve persons’ lived experiences, but also can serve to prompt questions and the taking of actions to rectify contexts, circumstances, and conditions of those whose lived lives are constrained, muted, debased, or refused. In support of such contentions, Greene pointed out that persons’ necessarily dynamic engagements with interpreting works of art involved constant questionings. Such interrogations, she argued, could enable breaking with habitual assumptions and biases that dull willingness to imagine differently, to look at the world and its deleterious circumstances as able to be enacted otherwise. Greene’s ultimate rationale for such commitments hinged on her conviction that literature and the arts can serve to not only represent what “is” but also what “might be.” As such, then, literature and the arts as lived experiences of curriculum, writ large, too can impel desires to take action to repair myriad insufficiencies and injustices that saturate too many persons’ daily lives. To augment those chosen positionings, Greene drew extensively from both her personal and academic background and interests in philosophy, history, the arts, literature, and literary criticism. Indeed, Greene’s overarching challenge to educators, throughout her prolonged and eminent career, was to think of curriculum as requiring that persons “do philosophy,” to think philosophically about what they are doing. Greene’s challenges to “do philosophy” in ways that acknowledge contingencies, complexities, and differences—especially as these multiplicities are proliferated via sustained participation with myriad versions of literature and the arts—have influenced generations of educators, students, teaching artists, curriculum theorists, teacher educators, and artists around the world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-127
G. Akbayeva ◽  
N. Ramashov ◽  
A. Ramashova ◽  

In this article the authors investigated the transformation and integration of the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a new approach to solving the problems of education in the world practice caused the need for a radical revision of organizational, structural, ideological aspects, updating the content of education, increasing the quality requirements for training specialists in accordance with the current stage of development of Kazakhstan society and global integration processes in the world educational space. In this regard, the article also analyzes the actualization and the problem of professional training of foreign students in the main areas of higher education: the solutions to such problems as the internationalization of education and the coordination of the activities of the legislative and executive bodies of states in the field of education, and the possibility of organizing a unified system of continuing education and improving the quality of education at all its levels were considered. The authors determined the genesis of the development of professional training of foreign students in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, motivated by the dependence of education on the needs of society, its economy and national and cultural characteristics; as well as the dependence of the choice of the country of study on the “intellectuality” of the environment, and also made a forecast of the prospects for the development of professional training of foreign students and the internationalization of higher education in general.

Svitlana Havryliuk

The article reveals significant aspects of the development of the professional potential of future educators. The main features of the professional readiness of future educators of preschool education institutions to pedagogical activity are highlighted. The essence of such concepts as “professionalism”, “potential”, “creative potential”, and “professional potential” are described. The author pays attention to adverse factors, which block the professional potential of future teachers: low social status in the team; inner anxiety and lack of confidence; authoritarian style of pedagogical leadership; strict control, that prevent youth from taking the initiative; the indifference of a teacher towards professional success and achievements of students. This article draws attention to creating favourable pedagogical conditions in a higher educational institution for developing professional skills, stimulating initiative, searching and independence of future teachers. The significance of the acmeological approach to the formation of the professional potential of future teachers is introduced. It is claimed by the author that modernization of the process of professional training of future preschool teachers provides the search for new effective ways of organization educational activities addressed to actualize the professional potential of specialists. The essential condition of self-fulfilment of future teachers is a creative educational environment needed for the successful professional activity of students. It allows for creating a creative atmosphere for improving creative thinking, stimulating creative activities, initiative and formative research of students. Keywords: professionalism; potential; professional and creative potential; creative personality; creative thinking; creative educational environment; professional skill; professional self-fulfilment; acmeological approach.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-74
Pyslar O.O.

One of the priority areas of modernization of the educational system in Ukraine is decentralization. That indicates the development of the industry on a democratic basis. As a result, educational institutions today have a high level of autonomy in various aspects of activities - from the preparation, adoption and implementation of internal documents that regulate the educational process and guide the vector of institution`s development (charter, development strategy, regulations of the educational process, etc.) to self-assessment activities.Today educational institutions have managerial and financial autonomy, that allows to create a democratic space in the field of education, where decisions are made by those who directly influenced by its consequences. In such circumstances, the head of the educational institution has the key role in the process of implementation of educational reforms in school, he is a translator of modernization changes in daily work. Not only the autonomy and expansion of the powers of the head of the educational institution increased, but also requirements for professional training of managerial staff, their knowledge, skills and competencies are strengthened. The introduction of new strategies and concepts, the needs for educational, financial management, planning and monitoring of activities in market conditions, the introduction of information and communication technologies, the use of distance-learning technologies require the head to acquire new professional competencies. The challenges faced by the education manager when organizing work in a pandemic, the need to respond quickly to changing and unpredictable external conditions require flexibility and speed of management decisions. Modernization of education during the independence of Ukraine has necessitated special training of managers and directed the focus of academic educators and managers to study the training of managers in the field of education.In the context of globalization and European integration, it is important to study the approaches and experiences of foreign countries. Because of similarity of historical conditions and culture, experience of Poland as our closest European neighbor is interesting for pedagogical analysis. As the process of decentralization in Ukraine is still in its becoming and the education system in Poland is already successfully implementing that, the object of study of the article is the training of managers in the field of education in Poland. The article considers the scientific and normative principles of educational management in Poland, defines the legal requirements for applicants for managers positions in educational institutions and analyzes the basic course plan for education management. Key words: educational management, head of educational institution, management in the education system, training of educational managers, decentralization of education. Одним із пріоритетних напрямків модернізації освітньої системи в Україні за часів незалежності є децентралізація, що свідчить про розвиток галузі на демократичних засадах. Як наслідок, сьогодні заклади освіти мають високий рівень автономії стосовно різних аспектів діяльності – від підготовки, прийняття та виконання внутрішніх документів, які регулюють освітній процес та спрямовують вектор розвитку закладу (наприклад, статут, стратегію розвитку, положення по освітній процес тощо) до проведення самооцінювання діяльності. Наразі заклади освіти мають управлінську та фінансову автономію, що дозволяє створити демократичний простір в освітній галузі, де рішення приймають ті, кого безпосередньо стоються його наслідки. У таких умовах роль керівника закладу освіти є ключовою у впровадженні освітніх реформ на місцях, він є транслятором модернізаційних змін у щоденну роботу. Підвищується не тільки автономія та розширення повноважень керівника навчального закладу, а й посилюються вимоги до професійної підготовки управлінських кадрів, їхніх знань, умінь та компетентностей. Впровадження нових стратегій і концепцій, необхідність здійснення освітнього, фінансового менеджменту, планування і моніторингу діяльності у ринкових умовах, впровадження інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, застосування технологій віддаленого навчання вимагають від керівника набуття нових професійних компетенцій. Виклики, з якими стикається менеджер освіти під час організації роботи в умовах пандемії, необхідність швидкого реагування на мінливі та непередба-чувані зовнішні умови потребують гнучкості та швидкості управлінських рішень. Модернізація освіти за часів незалежності України зумовила потребу у спеціальній підготовці керівних кадрів та направила фокус вчених педагогів й управлінців на вивчення питання підготовки менеджерів освітньої галузі. У контексті глобалізації та євроінтеграції актуальне вивчення підходів і досвіду зарубіжних країн, зокрема найближчого європейського сусіда – Польщі, але не скільки через територіальну близькість, скільки через подібність історичних умов, які проходили системи освіти у двох країнах на зламі ХХ–ХХІ століть. Оскільки процес децентралізації в Україні фактично ще знаходиться на етапі становлення, а система освіти в Польщі вже успішно реалізовує таку політику, об’єктом дослідження статті є підго-товка управлінських кадрів у галузі освіти Польщі. У статті розглянуто наукові та нормативні засади освітнього менеджменту в Польщі, визначено законодавчі вимоги до претендентів на керівні посади закладів освіти та проаналізовано базовий план курсу з управління освітою. Ключові слова: освітній менеджмент, керівник закладу освіти, управління освітою, підготовка менеджерів освіти, децентралізація освіти.

2020 ◽  
Vol 100 (6) ◽  
pp. 33-38
L.D. Syrkin ◽  
A.S. Lyapin ◽  
A.V. Shakula

Research purpose was to develop a framework for the systematic assessment of the personal qualities formation in graduates of educational institutions in regard of preventing behavioral deviations and risks reduction of personal student’s development vector changing. An indicator of the effectiveness of this activity is the normative students’ behavior, based on the value system enshrined inthe Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the form of a personal “portrait of a graduate of the school”. However, the evaluation criteria and the methodology for identifying these qualities are not presented in the Federal Educational Standard. Methods and techniques. The methodological basis of the study is a functional-role approach. During the empirical study, the method of expert assessments and the method “Repertory Lattices” by J. Kelly were used. Results and scientific novelty. To achieve the goal of the study, we have proposed a methodology for identifying and evaluating the formation of a educational institution graduate’s personal qualities. The methodological basis of the study is a functional-role approach that allows systematisation of personal qualities in accordance with FSES. An important feature of the approach implemented is the ability to assess personal characteristics that form the inner picture of the world and the subjective values system of the student,which ensures compliance with the requirements of the FSES general education to diversify the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process, socialization and education of students. Practical significance. The implemented of the framework as a diagnostic tool would facilitate to interface and simultaneously solve two diagnostic problems. The use of “Repertory grids” allows us to overcome the distortion of the results of the study in the interests of achieving social approval and reconstruct the values system and meanings of the subject. The use of psychosemantics methods in combination with a functional-role approach provides the ability to score subjective-personal characteristics that form the inner picture of the world and the subjective system of values of students.

Olga Yu. Muller

The relevance of the problem under study is associated with an important task of the higher education system the preparation of students future teachers for project activities in an educational institution. A modern teacher should have a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of project activities. The purpose of the paper is a theoretical substantiation of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of project competence of future teachers in the university environment. As designated pedagogical conditions are named and described: organization of training in cooperation; introduction of an additional course Learning to work on a project into the educational process; the use of the project method as a form of independent work of students in the study of various disciplines of the curriculum. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that pedagogical conditions have been developed and substantiated, contributing to the effective formation of the project competence of future teachers in the conditions of a university. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results enrich the theory and methodology of vocational education in the field of forming the project competence of future teachers; complement scientific ideas about the pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of project competence, as well as about the features of its functioning; scientific approaches are systematized. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the revealed pedagogical conditions lead to the effective formation of the project competence of future teachers in the conditions of a university. The developed additional course can be applied in the practice of teaching universities in order to improve the quality of professional training of future teachers. The experimental base of the study was the budgetary institution of higher education Surgut State University. The methods used in the research: generalization, analysis and synthesis of information, comparison, analysis of educational and project activities of students. The effectiveness of preparing students - future teachers - for project activities with students is an urgent task in the education system, which can be ensured through the implementation of certain pedagogical conditions. It is the pedagogical conditions that increase the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities and contribute to the most fruitful work of the teacher and students.

Ugur Baloglu

Objective - An individual improves his/her cognitive level by implementing terminal behaviour changes to his/her own life through educational institution located in his/her living space. In this context, the education system of a country is very important in terms of mental development and how people perceive the world. Developments in the world after the French Revolution had influenced Ottoman. Various institutional reforms had been required because of repeated military defeats in the late Ottoman period. In this regard, renovation of educational institutions modelled on Western-based was thought as a saver solution for the empire in period of regression but this modernization process also brought many problems with it. We can understand the approach to education of societies by way of literary works such as novels written in that period. Methodology/Technique - In this study, the late Ottoman education system is examined by the critical review of through novel. It is narrated the late Ottoman fall reflecting in the field of education. The irregularity system of that period is criticized. It has been adapted to Turkish cinema especially by adhering to the novel which is a remarkable reference about the history of Turkish education system. Findings - The quality difference in education between centrums and suburbans shows administration of suburban was omitted by Ottoman. Besides, the inequality between man and woman can be observed. It was emphasized that, in Ottoman, men is always right and strong and women are useless and not able to consider. Republic let the woman to arm their rights and gave us the belief that women can be powerful and right. Novelty - The study reviews the education system of Ottoman empire based on the novel. Type of Paper: Review Keywords: Late Ottoman; Modernization; Westernization; Education Problems. JEL Classification: I21, I24.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 94
Olha L. Kravchenko ◽  
Irina Y. Borisyuk ◽  
Zoriana M. Vakolia ◽  
Oksana M. Tretyak ◽  
Oksana M. Mishchenia

The dual system of vocational education is designed to balance education (in the educational institution) and training (at the enterprise level) equally in order to ensure the appropriate level of qualification, to teach and socialize the next generation.In addition to these effects (qualifications, education and socialization), the dual system enables the country to achieve economic goals (that is, economic growth) and social goals (that is increase youth employment);that is why many countries are trying to introduce elements of dual vocational education into their own national systems.The purpose of this study is to analyze the best international experience in implementing the dual vocational education system, identify strengths and weaknesses of this system and the issues that arise during the implementation of elements of the dual education system.Based on the analysis of cases from different countries, a matrix of implementation of dual education’s elements in Ukraine and the world has been formed.Weaknesses of the approved Concept of training specialists in the dual form of education on the basis of the SWOT-analysis of the implementation of the dual education system have been identified and recommendations for its improvement have been formed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-152
Arif Eko Suprihono

ABSTRAKMerujuk pada proses penelitian delapan tahun terakhir, dan melihat hasil kerja Penelitian Hibah Bersaing, Penelitian Produk Terapan, terungkap kompleksitas pengelolaan kegiatan seni pertunjukan tradisional di masyarakat. Berkait erat dengan budaya industri televisi, terbentang peluang sekaligus ancaman serius bagi eksistensi seni tradisi. Hasil  kerja penelitian dalam rencana makro, disarankan urgensi tindakan konstruktif dan sistematis kepada para pekerja seni untuk mengantisipasi benturan kepentingan industri pertelevisian Indonesia dengan pengelolaan seni pertunjukan tradisional. Persoalan cinematography seni  tradisional  membahas proses dialektika kreatif mengarah pada pemikiran, tindakan, dan produk budaya dengan menyadari kerangka perubahan dan penyesuaian kultural. Diyakini, bahwa kesenian tradisi memiliki nilai luhur, kearifan lokal, identitas karakter masyarakat, menunjuk pada kebhinnekaan dan keunggulan, kekhasan suku bangsa Indonesia, berbeda dibandingkan dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia. Referring to the research process of the last eight years, and looking at the work of the Competitive Grant Research, Applied Product Research, revealed the complexity of managing traditional performing arts activities in the community. Closely related to the culture of the television industry, opportunities and serious threats lie for the existence of traditional arts. The results of research work, suggest the urgency of constructive and systematic action to the arts workers to anticipate the conflicting interests of the Indonesian television with the management of traditional performing arts. The issue of traditional art cinematography refers to the process of creative dialectics leading to thoughts, actions, and cultural products by being aware of cultural change and adjustment frameworks. It is believed, that traditional arts have noble values, local wisdom, the identity of the character of the community, pointing to diversity and excellence, the uniqueness of Indonesian from other nations in the world.

Olga Valentinova

With the development of information technology, the influence of mass-media on the active processes in the language and society is steadily increasing. In this context, the problem of forming high professional culture of journalistic community, which involves working knowledge of information culture, linguistic culture and creative potential of the native language, is essential. Unlike an artist who does not invent images, but thinks in them, a journalist uses language imagery rationally, but not only a means of persuasion aimed mainly at manipulation. Intelligent journalism uses the image as an economical tool of expressing a complex idea, especially when logical thinking is ineffective. The monograph «Ontology of the Poetic Word Art and Ostrannenye» by M.L. Novikova explores imagery as a universal creative principle that enables one to see essential things, previously unnoticed, while conceptualizing the reality. This principle of creation, which features one mechanism, but different functions, works in the language, in the Arts - in oral lore, plastic and synthetic arts, and in intellectual journalism. The book will be of great interest for journalists. It allows readers to see the mechanism of forming the imagery and evaluate and master the creative word as both a tool for constructing new meanings that de-automatize perception, and a conductor of public attitudes, the latter being a special form of peoples interaction, a conceptual space that reflects the world view of a person and society in a particular period of time.

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