2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Cok Dewi Widhya

ABSTRACTBackground: Menopause women will get a decrease in estrogen hormones that cause decreases of blood calcium level. If the calcium level in the blood is low then the body will take calcium from the bone to perform body functions, this causes calcium levels in the bones decreased so it caused osteoporosis.Methode: This study is a descriptive study which describes blood calcium levels in menopause women in Sinabun Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency. The study was conducted from February until June 2017 with a population of 186 people and sample of 30 people selected by systematic random sampling technique. Measurement of blood calcium level using NM-BAPTA method.Result: The results showed that 17% of respondents had low blood calcium levels and 83% of respondents had normal blood calcium levels with an average blood calcium level is 9.20 mg/dL.Conclusion: The decrease of blood calcium levels occurred in respondents of age ≥60 years old, the respondents with the old menopause period 10 years, the respondents who work as housewife and traders, the respondents who never consumed high calcium milk, and the respondents who didn’t have history of hypoparathyroidism and kidney disorders.Keyword: blood calcium, menopause.

1965 ◽  
Vol 209 (5) ◽  
pp. 887-890 ◽  
Felix Bronner ◽  
J. -P. Aubert

Combined kinetic (Ca45) and balance (Ca40) studies of young male Sprague-Dawley rats placed on three different levels of calcium intakes (0.05, 0.5, 1.0% Ca) showed that the blood plasma calcium level, as determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, remained constant and invariant over a range of absorption from 4.5 to 83.4 mg Ca/day and that the pool, i.e., all the exchangeable calcium in the body, did not increase with increased absorption. Hence no direct regulatory role can be attributed to the size of the pool. Measurement of the calcium deposition and resorption rates in bone showed that the former changed only little with increasing absorption, whereas the latter decreased nearly linearly under the same conditions. Calcium resorption from bone therefore appears to play the major role in regulating the blood calcium level.

1930 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 418-428 ◽  
Francis Charles Kelly ◽  
John McAskill Henderson

1. The addition to the Nairobi prison diet of either a mineral supplement (closely reproducing in composition the ash of cows' milk) or of a small dose of cod-liver oil, or a combination of these two, produced in adult African prisoners a distinct improvement in body weight.2. Similarly an addition of olive oil and iodine produced a like effect but less in degree. The significance of this will require further investigation.3. Evidence is adduced which suggests that one of the most important constituents of this soluble mineral mixture is calcium. Thus:(a) The prison diet would appear on the basis of previous work to be deficient in the absolute amount of calcium present, nor does it seem rich in vitamins A and D. (In this connection it seems apposite to mention that cases of “night blindness” have frequently been reported.)(b) The blood calcium of the 42 experimental subjects was initially at a low normal level.(c) In the groups receiving the mineral mixture and/or cod-liver oil (which is a recognised calcium absorption promoting agent) the level of the blood calcium was invariably raised.(d) As indicated above, the body weights in these groups increased. There appears to be, further, a certain amount of correlation between the increase in body weight and that of the blood calcium level.(e) Balance experiments show that given favourable conditions (i.e. the addition of the mineral mixture alone or along with cod-liver oil) calcium will be absorbed in amount considerably in excess of that absorbed from the basal diet alone.4. In the course of the work some evidence has emerged that certain other factors, e.g. intestinal parasites and minimum temperature, may respectively influence the blood calcium level and the body weight increase. Should these prove in future work to be real influences they would not vitiate our present conclusions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-35
Maria Estela Karolina ◽  
Oktovia Rezka Nurmaajid ◽  
Armaidi Darmawan ◽  
Solha Elfrida

Abstract Backgrounds : Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) is a imunologic methode to diagnose malaria. Mostly, Orang Rimba hunt nomadically. Orang Rimba have traditional medicine to cure malaria. The purposes of this research are to know the incident of malaria based on RDT and malaria treatment behaviour of Orang Rimba. Methode :  This research was descriptive study. The populations of this research were Orang Rimba in Desa Bukit Suban and Sekamis, Kabupaten Sarolangun. The number of samples in this research is 49 respondents. The sample was taken by systematic random sampling. Data were analyzed with univariat analysis. Result : The result showed that 16,7 % had malaria positive, P. vivax was the dominat species of plasmodium (62,5%). Mostly the aged of respondent was 5-11 years old (41,7%), the gender was male (58,3%), occupation was doesn’t work (56,3%), marriage status was marriage (56,3%). Most of Orang Rimba had worse knowladge level (53,6%), the mostly used term in Orang Rimba was demam kuro (50%), only (42,9%) respondents knew the trias of malaria, only 9 respondents knew that cause of malaria was mosquito’s bites, Orang Rimba mostly knew the danger of malaria (85,7%) and the complication of malaria (89,3%), and knew that malaria could be cured (82,1%). The users of modern combined with traditional medicine were as much as 57,1%, Orang Rimba mostly used ≥ 3 kinds of traditional medicine 53,6%, traditional medicine was mostly processed by boiling (24 respondents) and mostly knew one way of processing the traditional medicine  (57,1%), traditional medicine was mostly for being eaten or drunk and external medicine  (50%), the duration of using  traditional medicine was mostly  2-3 days (46,4%), Orang Rimba mostly said that traditional medicine was efficacious (92,9%). Conclusions : The incident number of malaria was 16,7% and the mostly users of modern combined with traditional medicine were as much as 57,1%. Keywords : Malaria, RDT, orang rimba, malaria treatment behaviour   Abstrak Latar Belakang : Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) merupakan metoda imunologik untuk mendiagnosis malaria. Lokasi berburu Orang Rimba cenderung berpindah-pindah. Orang Rimba memiliki kearifan lokal dalam mengobati malaria. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui skrining malaria berdasarkan RDT dan perilaku pengobatan malaria pada Orang Rimba. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian seluruh Orang Rimba yang berada di Desa Bukit Suban dan Sekamis. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 48 responden. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Systematic Random Sampling. Data dianalisis dengan analisis univariat. Hasil : Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan 16,7% positif malaria, jenis plasmodium yang dominan adalah P. vivax (62,5%). Sebagian besar responden berusia 5-11 tahun (41,7%), sebagian besar berjenis kelamin laki-laki (58,3%), sebagian besar pekerjaan responden tidak bekerja (56,3%), sebagian besar berstatus kawin (56,3%). Sebagian besar Orang Rimba memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang baik (53,6%), sebagian besar menggunakan istilah demam kuro untuk menyebutkan malaria (50%), hanya 42,9% yang mengetahui trias malaria, hanya 9 responden yang menjawab penyebab malaria adalah gigitan nyamuk, sebagian besar mengetahui bahaya malaria 85,7%, jenis bahaya malaria 89,3%, dan mengetahui bahwa malaria dapat disembuhkan 82,1%. Pengguna pengobatan modern dikombinasi dengan pengobatan tradisional sebanyak 57,1%, sebagian besar menggunakan ≥ 3 jenis obat tradisional (53,6%), cara pengolahan yang paling banyak dengan cara direbus (24 responden) dan mengetahui 1 cara pengolahan (57,1%), cara pemakaian yang paling banyak dengan dimakan atau diminum dan obat luar (50%), lama penggunaan yang paling banyak selama 2-3 hari (46,4%), sebagian besar mengatakan obat tradisional berkhasiat (92,9%). Kesimpulan : Angka kejadian malaria sebesar 16,7% dan upaya pengobatan malaria terbanyak adalah dengan pengobatan modern dikombinasi dengan pengobatan tradisional (57,1%).   Kata Kunci :  Malaria, RDT, orang rimba, perilaku pengobatan malaria

Manthankumar N. Kapadiya

A quantitative approach was used to assess the knowledge regarding prevention and management of water borne diseases among mothers of under five children. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the mothers of under five children for study.100 samples collected from selected areas of mehsana. The duration of data collection was 1 day. The results of the study revealed that majority of the study sample (58.63%) have average knowledge regarding water borne diseases, 71.5% of the study sample having knowledge about causes and risk factors of Water borne diseases, 68.22% of the study sample having knowledge about prevention of Water borne diseases and 70.36% of the study sample having knowledge about management of Water borne diseases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Metha Fahriani ◽  
Sefti Fusvita Sari ◽  
Yuni Ramadhaniati

In 2017 the number of maternal deaths was 28, consisting of 6 maternal deaths, 10 maternal deaths and 12 puerperal maternal deaths. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship of age and parity with the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women at dr. M. Yunus Hospital in Bengkulu year 2018. The type of research used is case control. The population in this study were all pregnant women in dr. M. Yunus Hospital in Bengkulu year 2018. The sampling technique was a case sample using total sampling, namely all pregnant women with preeclampsia and control samples using systematic random sampling technique that is sampling using multiples recorded in the hospital register of dr. M. Yunus Hospital in Bengkulu year 2018. The results of this study there is no relationship between age and the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women at RSUD dr. M. Yunus in 2018. With the value of p = 0.424> α = 0.05 and the value of Odds Ratio or Risk Estimate = 1.496 and there is a significant relationship between parity and the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant women at RSUD dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu in 2018. With the value of p = 0.011 <α = 0.05 with the medium category.It is expected that the results of this study can be a program development and service improvement in reducing the prevalence of preeclampsia.

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Rizky Vijani ◽  
Sri Susilawati ◽  
Asty Samiaty Setiawan

Introduction: Perception is the process of object observations about something using the five senses. Everyone has a different perception of the same object, although in this case are the symptoms of periodontal disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the self-perception of the seriousness of the symptoms of periodontal disease in adolescents aged 18 years SMAN 8 Bandung. Methods: This study was a descriptive study with a survey method. The methods used in sampling is a method of random sampling technique. Sample studied was 18-year-old teenager in Senior High School 8 Bandung students. as much as 148 student. Results: The results shows that respondents' perception of the seriousness of the symptoms of periodontal disease to get 555.8.average point. Conclusion: Based on the research result, it can be conclude that on 18-year-old student at SMAN 8 Bandung gained a serious perception of the symptoms of periodontal disease.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 407
Novarin Nurjanah ◽  
Bagja Waluya

Banten is one province in Indonesia which has a variety of objects and the potential tourism. One of the tourist area is Ujung Kulon National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park is a kind of ecological tourism (ecotourism) that located in Pandeglang. This national park is very well known to foreign tourists and domestic tourists, primarily as a place of preservation of the Javan rhino (one-horned rhino and buffalo). However, tourist arrivals Ujung Kulon National Park in 2010 has decreased, therefore necessary to conduct research on aspects related to increasing the number of visits. including through programs conducted by the marketing communication manager Ujung Kulon National Park. Based on this, the researcher interested to conduct research The Influence of Marketing Communication Programs towards Visiting Decision in Ujung Kulon National Park. The problem of this study are 1). How the idea of marketing communication programs, 2). How the idea of the decision to visit, 3). How does influence marketing communication programs to the visiting decision. This study aims to obtain marketing communication description, visiting decision description and the influence of marketing communications programs to the visiting decision. The technical analysis of the data in this study is used the analysis of the path (path analysis) with a sampling technique is systematic random sampling of 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that marketing communication programs have a significant influence on the decision to visit. Greatest effect is obtained through advertising and the smallest effect is obtained through the event and experience. This is because advertising is a means of promotion through various media such as print and electronic media that can provide more information to tourists. Suggestion for managers Ujung Kulon National Park, should further develop marketing programs through organized events and improve the quality of tourist attractions as well as provide information best time to visit the National Park Ujung Kulon.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 995
Oce Ridwanudin ◽  
Nugraha Adi Saputra

The attraction of tourists to use the tour affecting travel services until they feel the satisfaction or dissatisfaction as a result of the products and services provided to tourists by a company providing travel services. This research was conducted with the aim to describe the attraction of the tour at the TJP Seratour, tourist satisfaction and the influence of the attraction of the tour to tourist satisfaction. The population in this study is the tourists who use the services of a travel in Seratour TJP 100 respondents. The method used is descriptive and verification with research time of less than one year (cross-sectional method). The sampling technique used is systematic random sampling. The data analysis technique used is the technique of multiple regression analysis. Hasi This study shows that the highest impact on the attraction of the tour is the variable sub lowest access and influence is convenience. Simultaneously te attraction of the tour to have a significant impact on tourist satisfaction, the same thing happens to the partial test, which occurred a significant influence between the attraction of the tour to tourist satisfaction.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Esa Gunarti

Descriptively, the purpose of this research is to know the tendency of creativity, numerical ability, the students’attitude in mathematics and achievement of the students. Correlatively, the purpose is to determine the relationship between creativity, numerical ability, the students’attitude in mathematics with the achievement matematics of the students. The population of this study was all students of VIII of Junior High School in Pundong district on 2013/2014 academic year. The sampling technique used was cluster random sampling. The results of this descriptive study showed that the tendency category of creativity in medium, numerical ability in high, the students’attitude in mathematics in medium and achievement of the students in high. Correlatively, it show R=0,899 its means that there is positive and significant relationship between creativity, numerical ability and the students’attitude in mathematics  with the achievement matematics of the students.

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