scholarly journals PESAN KOMUNIKASI NON VERBAL DALAM SEBUAH PEMENTASAN TEATER (Study Analisis Semiotika pada Pertunjukan Teater SMA LB N Senenan Jepara)

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Murniati Murniati ◽  
Zaenal Arifin

Abstract Semiotic Analysis of Non Verbal Messages through Theater in the Pantomime Show entitled entitled carving, is one of the wordless theater performances that relies on the strength of motion and gestures (body language) and facial expressions that are characteristic of the Pantomime Theater of the LB N Senenan Jepara High School, all of them dialogue and symbolizing the movements and gestures of the characters. Pantomime performances are examined using qualitative methods, then the subject of the research is non-verbal messages and the object of research is the performance of the Pantomime, and uses the constructivist paradigm. Based on this background, to find the nonverbal meanings contained in the performance of the Pantomime, a theoretical approach is needed. The theoretic approach used in this study is Roland Barthes Semiotics. Which is closely related to signs, markers, and markers to explore the structure of meaning that is hidden in per scene pementan theater (pantomime). Based on the results of the study, it was found that the non-verbal messages contained in the performance of the Pantomime were very closely related to the symbols used on the stage. So that the audience is able to engage in the process of thinking of finding meaning. One non-verbal message found is a moral message and a social message for which humans can apply in their daily lives according to good behavior and to socialize in a good way too so as not to harm themselves and other people. Keywords: message, theater, nonverbal, staging, symbols, Pantomime Analisis Semiotik Pesan Non Verbal melalui Teater dalam Pertunjukkan Pantomim naskah yang berjudul lombah ukir, adalah salah satu pertunjukan teater tanpa kata yang mengandalkan kekuatan gerak dan gestur (bahasa tubuh) dan ekspresi muka yang menjadi ciri khas teater Pantomim Kelopok SMA LB N Senenan Jepara, seluruhnya dialog dan berupa simbolisasi dari gerak dan gestur para tokohnya. Pertunjukkan Pantomim diteliti dengan menggunakan metode Kualitatif, kemudian subjek penelitiannya adalah pesan non verbal dan objek penelitiannya adalah pertunjukkan Pantomim, serta menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, untuk menemukan makna-makna nonverbal yang terdapat dalam pertunjukan Pantomim tersebut dibutuhkan sebuah teori pendekatan,Teoripendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah Semiotika Roland Barthes. Yang erat kaitannya dengan tanda, penanda, dan petanda untuk mengupas struktur makna yang tersembunyi dalam per adegan pementsan teater (pantomim). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa pesan non verbal yang terdapat dalam pertunjukkan Pantomim sangat erat kaitannya dengan simbol-simbol yang digunakan di atas pentas. Sehingga penonton mampu terlibat dalam proses berfikir menemukan makna.salasatu pesan non verbal yang ditemukan adalah pesan moral dan pesan sosial untuk yang dapat di terapkan manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sesuai prilaku yang baik serta bersosial dengan cara yang baik pula agar tidak merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain. Kata kunci : pesan, teater, nonverbal, pementasan, simbol, Pantomim

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Dian Rinjani

ABSTRAK Film merupakan salah satu bidang yang relevan bagi analisis semiotika. Analisis semiotik pada film berlangsung pada teks yang merupakan struktur dari produksi tanda. Bagian struktur penandaan dalam film biasanya terdapat dalam unsur tanda paling kecil, dalam film disebut scen. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pendekatan ini dianggap sesuai, dengan prosedur yang dilakukan peneliti,, menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata kata yang dihasilkan dari mengamati tanda tanda berupa visual, gambar bergerak, bahasa tubuh dan audio/suara yang terdapat dalam film The Curious Of Benjamin Button. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah beberapa potongan adegan yang mewakili film The Curious Of Benjamin Button. Bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa di dalam sebuah film seperti  The Curious Of Benjamin Button penonton bisa membaca tanda yang diberikan oleh pemeran pemeran film The Curious Of Benjamin Button. Melalui tanda-tanda seperti suara, gerakan tubuh, raut muka,, tampilan tokoh-tokoh dan lainnya yang ada di dalam film, penonton dapat menyimpulan isi sebuah film dari tanda tanda yang diberikan oleh sutradara selama film berlangsung. Oleh karena itu dalam membuat film seperti pengambilan gambar dan semua unsur-unsur yang ada didalam sebuah film tidak bisa dibuat dengan sembarangan. Apabila pembuatan film dibuat sembarangan cerita atau maksud dari sutradara tidak akan tersampaikan dengan baik.  Kata kunci:  Film, Semiotika, Proxemics, Visual, Tanda. ABSTRACT Film is one of the relevant fields for semiotic analysis. The semiotic analysis of the film takes place in the text which is the structure of the sign production. Part of the marking structure in a film is usually contained in the smallest sign element, in a film called a scen. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. This approach is considered appropriate, with the procedure carried out by the researcher, producing descriptive data in the form of words produced from observing signs in the form of visual, moving images, body language and audio / sound contained in the film The Curious Of Benjamin Button. The scope of this research are several scenes that represent the film The Curious Of Benjamin Button. It can be concluded that in a film like The Curious Of Benjamin Button, the audience can read the sign given by the cast of the film The Curious Of Benjamin Button. Through signs such as sound, body movements, facial expressions, the appearance of characters and others in the film, the audience can conclude the contents of a film from the signs given by the director during the film. Therefore, in making films such as taking pictures and all the elements in a film cannot be made carelessly. If the filmmaking is made carelessly the story or the director's intentions will not be conveyed properly.  Keywords: Films, Semiotics, Proxemics, Visuals, Signs

2021 ◽  
pp. 186-193
Rieka Mustika ◽  
Lidya Agustina

“Tilik” is the title of a short film that tells the social reality of everyday life in Javanese society. This film received a lot of attention and appreciation, and was watched by millions of viewers on YouTube. Throughout the film, the contents of the story are dominated by gossip activities. This research aimed to describe the representation of gossip displayed in the movie “Tilik” and to reveal the function of gossip. Foster’s study suggests four primary gossip functions: information, entertainment, friendship and influence. Descriptive qualitative method were used and the results were analysed using semiotic analysis by Roland Barthes. The results indicate that gossip activities in the film “Tilik” display, among other things, the function of information. This can be seen when the group that wants to meet up in the truck shared a story discussing gossip about Dian’s character. Second, the entertainment function is also seen when talking about gossip: they are listening, enjoying and laughing. Furthermore, the friendship function can be seen in the sharing norms of in-group members. Finally, the role of influence can be seen from the main character, namely Mrs. Tejo, with her body language trying to convince and lead the opinions of group members. Yu Ning’s character became an outsider because she disagreed with the sentiment. The message conveyed in this film is that people must start using technology and keep up with the changes. This film also describes the hoax phenomenon in society, where information that is conveyed is sometimes not true. So public education is needed to confirm the truth of the information circulating on social media. Keywords: film, gossip, representation

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Laily Nur Affini

Kinesics, or body language, is one of the most powerful ways that humans can communicate nonverbally. It is used to portray moods and emotions and to emphasize or contradict what is being said. From the kinesics point of view, there are several facial expressions and gestures done to express respond, and do activities toward people around. From the research finding, there are kinesics expressions done from the child. There are several classifications in kinesics; Emblems a substitute for words and phrases. Illustrators go with or reinforce verbal messages. Affect Displays Show emotion. Regulators Control the flow and pace of communication. Adaptors Release physical or emotional tension. This study investigates on how a kid expresses their non-verbal behavior using the kinesics classification and based on them, the kid’s verbal expressions belong to illustrators, affect displays and adaptor.

Shifaa Mohammed Al-Azzawi ◽  
Ambigapathy Pandian ◽  
Sawsan Kareem Al-Saaidi

This paper investigates body language expressions used in the Glorious Quran as a non-verbal means of communication and it is verbally expressed. It refers to emotions, feelings and intentions expressed by the positioning of the body in different ways, gestures, eye movement and facial expressions. The main goal of this paper is to examine the body language expressions namely facial expressions used in selected Quranic verses semiotically. Therefore, this paper employs Peirce’s theory of semiotics to interpret and analyze the facial expressions with reference to two kinds of people mentioned in the Glorious Quran: the people in the earthly world and the Hereafter. The findings reveal that the facial expressions in the selected Quranic verses provide a precise understanding to the inner feelings which may not be attained verbally. In addition, the emotion expressions range from full-face (darkened and whitened faces) to expressions that are partial-face movements. However, the most influential facial expressions are the emotions of the people of Hereafter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Asriadi Asriadi

This study aims to describe social criticism of the short film by dr. Tompi entitled "Between Joko Widodo, Prabowo, and Setya Novanto" which was broadcast on the YouTube channel Najwa Shihab. The research approach used Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis by reading the symbols that appear in the short film. The results show that the symbols of simplicity shown by the figures in the film convey a message that luxury symbolized by the place where a person eats is not always attached to the characters who are displayed and liked by the community. The mingling of the character with the community shows that there is no class difference between the character and the community. The forms of symbols that appear include voice and facial expressions depicting messages that have a meaning behind them and have a clear meaning of the message.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Jaka Priyo Nuswantara

<p><em>This study aims to determine the meaning of denotation and connotation, and social message in the book 'Aesthetics Jakarta Banal', Chapter I, III, V, and VII. The author uses the theory Semiotics of Roland Barthes. Where Semiotics of Roland Barthes uses two stages of analysis denotation and connotation. The research method used is a Roland Barthes semiotic analysis method on the basis that this study analyzes the messages conveyed in the book 'Aesthetics Jakarta Banal', which gives an explanation and overview of issues related to the formulation. </em><em>Inferred outline text analysis results indicate that the social life of silence in the city with the concept of light to be seen. Of all the images examined, the object edges and political society into something dominant to be something that should be understood by the reader.</em></p>

Yesim Arsoy Baltacioglu

Theatrical makeup is the process of transforming an actor into a character using specially crafted materials and specific techniques in a play staged. Theatrical makeup work is carried out by applying light, shadow, lines and colours on the actor’s face with specific techniques as well as affixing, where necessary, attachments to the actor’s face or body, such as prosthetic parts or false beard and moustache. Considering that actors predominantly use their facial expressions in addition to their speaking and body language to convey to the audience their emotions and how their situation affects them, the theatrical makeup achieves its objective of strengthening the expression is among the determinative details of the visuality of design. In the present study, an interview form was developed to obtain the views of actors in the State Theatres on theatrical makeup and the views and comments of actors in Ankara State Theatre on the subject are assessed.   Keywords: State Theatre, actor, theatrical makeup.

Avtandil kyzy Ya

Abstract: This paper highlights similarities and different features of the category of kinesics “hand gestures”, its frequency usage and acceptance by different individuals in two different cultures. This study shows its similarities, differences and importance of the gestures, for people in both cultures. Consequently, kinesics study was mentioned as a main part of body language. As indicated in the article, the study kinesics was not presented in the Kyrgyz culture well enough, though Kyrgyz people use hand gestures a lot in their everyday life. The research paper begins with the common definition of hand gestures as a part of body language, several handshake categories like: the finger squeeze, the limp fish, the two-handed handshake were explained by several statements in the English and Kyrgyz languages. Furthermore, this article includes definitions and some idioms containing hand, shake, squeeze according to the Oxford and Academic Dictionary to show readers the figurative meanings of these common words. The current study was based on the books of writers Allan and Barbara Pease “The definite book of body language” 2004, Romana Lefevre “Rude hand gestures of the world”2011 etc. Key words: kinesics, body language, gestures, acoustics, applause, paralanguage, non-verbal communication, finger squeeze, perceptions, facial expressions. Аннотация. Бул макалада вербалдык эмес сүйлѳшүүнүн бѳлүгү болуп эсептелген “колдордун жандоо кыймылы”, алардын эки башка маданиятта колдонулушу, айырмачылыгы жана окшош жактары каралган. Макаланын максаты болуп “колдордун жандоо кыймылынын” мааниси, айырмасы жана эки маданиятта колдонулушу эсептелет. Ошону менен бирге, вербалдык эмес сүйлѳшүүнүн бѳлүгү болуп эсептелген “кинесика” илими каралган. Берилген макалада кѳрсѳтүлгѳндѳй, “кинесика” илими кыргыз маданиятында толугу менен изилденген эмес, ошого карабастан “кинесика” илиминин бѳлүгү болуп эсептелген “колдордун жандоо кыймылы” кыргыз элинин маданиятында кѳп колдонулат. Андан тышкары, “колдордун жандоо кыймылынын” бир нече түрү, англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде ма- селен аркылуу берилген.Тѳмѳнкү изилдѳѳ ишин жазууда чет элдик жазуучулардын эмгектери колдонулду. Түйүндүү сѳздѳр: кинесика, жандоо кыймылы, акустика,кол чабуулар, паралингвистика, вербалдык эмес баарлашуу,кол кысуу,кабыл алуу сезими. Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются сходства и различия “жестикуляции” и частота ее использования, в американской и кыргызской культурах. Следовательно, здесь было упомянуто понятие “кинесика” как основная часть языка тела. Как указано в статье, “кинесика” не была представлена в кыргызской культуре достаточно хорошо, хотя кыргызский народ часто использует жестикуляцию в повседневной жизни. Исследовательская работа начинается с общего определения “жестикуляции” как части языка тела и несколько категорий жестикуляции, таких как: сжатие пальца, слабое рукопожатие, рукопожатие двумя руками, были объяснены несколькими примерами на английском и кыргызском языках. Кроме того, эта статья включает определения слов “рука”, “рукопожатие”, “сжатие” и некоторые идиомы, содержащие данных слов согласно Оксфордскому и Академическому словарю, чтобы показать читателям их образное значение. Данное исследование было основано на книгах писателей Аллана и Барбары Пиз «Определенная книга языка тела» 2004 года, Романа Лефевра «Грубые жестикуляции мира» 2011 года и т.д. Ключевые слова: кинесика, язык жестов, жесты, акустика, аплодисменты, паралингвистика, невербальная коммуникация, сжатие пальца, чувство восприятия, выражение лиц.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-75
Arthur Asa Berger

Abstract This analysis discusses the various culture codes that are found in societies and the work of Clotaire Rapaille and Marcel Danesi on this topic. It then offers a semiotic analysis of Trump’s candidacy and presidency and deals with topics such as his hair style, rhetorical style, use of metaphors and metonymy, facial expression and body language, jokes about Trump, and his use of humor.

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