Цзі Іпін

The article defines the essence of the concept of «digital competence» and the components of its formation: motivational-personal, cognitive, activity and reflection-evaluation. These components of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines should be formed taking into account the specifics of professional activities and appropriate teaching aids.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-160
Liudmyla Nezhyva ◽  
Svitlana Palamar

The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of preparation of future teachers to use AR technology in the language and literature field of primary education. Scientific sources on the problem of AR application in education are analyzed. Possibilities of using AR in work with younger students are considered. The specifics of interactive alphabets, coloring books, art books of Ukrainian and foreign writers, toys with AR-applications, which are appropriate to use in working with younger students, are characterized. A method of diagnostic research of the level of readiness of future teachers to use AR in the language and literature field of primary education has been developed. Criteria, indicators are defined, the levels of development of the main components of the studied readiness (motivational, cognitive, activity) are characterized. One has confirmed the insufficiency of its formation in future teachers in the field of primary education, inconsistency between the peculiarities of training future teachers to use AR in professional activities and modern requirements for the quality of the educational process, the need to develop and implement a holistic system of formation of the studied readiness of future teachers in terms of higher pedagogical education. A model of forming the readiness of future teachers to use AR in the language and literature field of primary education has been developed. The main tasks are defined as follows: to form teachers' motivation, understanding of the importance of using augmented reality technology in professional activities, to expand and deepen students' knowledge about the specifics of AR, the variety of educational tools with AR applications, to promote the mastery of techniques for working with teaching aids with AR, ways to organize junior high school students when working with AR applications. The model contains the following stages: cognitive (research of scientific sources, analysis of curricula and work programs of academic disciplines of pedagogical institutes, study of the current state of readiness of future teachers to use AR in professional activities), activity (development of the semantic module "Fundamentals of AR application in the linguistic and literary field of primary education"), creative (development of master classes, trainings, webinars, quests on the problem of application of augmented reality technology in the linguistic and literary field of primary education).

2021 ◽  
pp. 92-97
Iyevlyev O.M. ◽  
Chorna I.I.

The article defines and characterizes the criteria (motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal creative, communicative-foreign) indicators and levels of professional mobility of future teachers studying in economic specialties. It is determined that such criteria as motivational-value, cognitive-activity, personal-creative and communicative-foreign language play a significant role in the formation of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. An attempt is made to draw attention to the components of the structure of professional mobility of the future teacher of higher education. The following criteria are considered: motivational and value (awareness of the importance of mastering a large amount of knowledge for effective professional activity of the future teacher; the presence of values for constant updating of knowledge acquired in the learning process to achieve success in professional activities; skills in future professional activities for career growth); cognitive-activity (possession of professionally significant knowledge in the field of their specialty at the international level; possession of professional terminology; familiarity with the methods of performing professional tasks using professionally important knowledge and skills); personal and creative (focus on self-development and self-improvement through awareness of the need to solve professional problems of greater complexity; free mastery of the profession in the form of creative use of acquired general and professional; willingness to produce new ideas, ability to make quick creative decisions); communicative-foreign language (availability of priority ideas about communicative processes in teaching; possession of means of verbal and nonverbal communication in a foreign language within professional activities; the ability to find and process foreign authentic professional sources to obtain information at the international level). It is determined that the possession of professionally important knowledge and the acquisition of new knowledge in the professional field in accordance with these components will help future teachers of higher education to achieve a high level of professional mobility, which in turn will affect the outcome and quality of training. A professionally mobile future teacher must be ready for professional communication, speak a foreign language to advance in his career; able to adapt to the needs of society, solve problem situations; establish professional contacts with colleagues; take into account cooperation with research and teaching staff at the international level; have knowledge of information technology; navigate in computer technology, work on the Internet, use e-mail, Web platforms; to have knowledge of culture, to be able to behave correctly in the professional sphere.Key words: professional mobility, criteria, indicators, teacher, teaching (pedagogical) activity, profession-al-pedagogical mobility. У статті визначено та охарактеризовано критерії (мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний, комунікативно-іншомовний), показники та рівні сформованості професійної мобільності майбутніх викладачів, що навчаються на економічних спеціальностях. Визначено, що такі критерії, як мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-креативний та комунікативно-іншомовний, відіграють значну роль у формуванні професійної мобільності майбутнього викла-дача закладу вищої освіти. Зроблено спробу привернути увагу до складових компонентів структури професійної мобільності майбутнього викладача закладу вищої освіти. Розглянуто критерії, до яких віднесено мотиваційно-ціннісний (усвідомлення важливості опанування великої кількості знань для ефективної професійної діяльності майбутнього викладача; наявність ціннісних орієнтирів на постійне оновлення набутих у процесі навчання знань для досягнення успіху у професійній діяльності; бажання ефективно використовувати професійно значущі знання, вміння та навички у майбутній професійній діяльності для кар’єрного росту); когнітивно-діяльнісний (володіння професійно-значущими знаннями у галузі своєї спеціальності на міжнародному рівні; володіння професійною термінологією; обізнаність із методами виконання професійних завдань із застосуванням професійно важливих знань та вмінь); особистісно-креативний (орієнтація на саморозвиток та самовдосконалення через усвідомлення необхідності вирішувати професійні завдання більшої складності; вільне оволодіння професією у формі творчого використання набутих загальних та професійних навичок; готовність до продукування нових ідей, здатність приймати блискавичні творчі рішення); комунікативно-іншомовний (наявність пріори-тетних уявлень про комунікативні процеси у викладацькій діяльності; володіння засобами вербальної та невербальної комунікації іноземною мовою у межах професійної діяльності; здатність знаходити та опрацьовувати іншомовні автентичні професійні джерела для отримання інформації міжнародного рівня). Визначено, що володіння професійно важливими знаннями та засвоєння нових знань у професійній галузі відповідно до цих компонентів допоможе майбутньому викладачу закладу вищої освіти досягти високого рівня професійної мобільності, що вплине на результат та якість підготовки майбут-ніх фахівців. Професійно мобільний майбутній викладач має бути готовим до професійного спілкування, володіти іноземною мовою для просування у своїй кар’єрі; спроможним пристосовуватись до потреб соціуму, вирішувати проблемні ситуації; встановлювати професійні контакти з колегами; вра-ховувати співпрацю з науково-педагогічними працівниками на міжнародному рівні; володіти знаннями з інформаційних технологій; орієнтуватись у комп’ютерних технологіях, працювати у мережі Інтернет, користуватись електронною поштою, вебплатформами; володіти знаннями культури, вміти правильно поводитись у професійній сфері.Ключові слова: професійна мобільність, критерії, показники, викладач, викладацька (педагогічна) діяльність, професійно-педагогічна мобільність.


Modern educational information technologies are a powerful stimulus that allows to develop students’ cognitive activity, improves the quality of knowledge, promotes the development of skills of independent acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, the information and communication competence of future teachers is an integral and important component of their professional competence. One of the modern interactive pedagogical technologies, which demonstrates an example of integration of information technologies with common pedagogical technologies (project learning, role play, business game) is web-quest technology. The article considers the basic concepts of web-quest technology, the analysis of problems of preparation of students of pedagogical universities for development and use of a web-quest in the course of teaching schoolchildren Mathematics has been carried out with the emphasis on the need of purposeful preparation of future teachers for creation and use of web-quests in their professional activity. Information and technological support of the educational process is important for a clear organization of students’ accomplishing the stages of the web-quest and achievement of its educational, cognitive and developmental goals. The authors describe the advantages of using the e-learning environment Moodle as an integration tool for organizing work with web quests. Moodle allows not only to post the necessary materials and links to the resources online, but also to communicate between the teacher and quest participants through personal messages, chats, forums, seminars and to evaluate students’ achievements. The results of the web quest can also be displayed on the e-course page. The article offers training courses in Mathematics and methods of teaching Mathematics in the study of which it is advisable to use the technology of web-quest as one of the means of forming information and digital competence of students and also provides two examples of educational web quests. The first of them is designed for students of pedagogical universities and is aimed at mastering by them the course program «General methods of teaching Mathematics». Another web-quest gives students the opportunity to master the topic of «Text problems» in the course of Mathematics in a more profound way, to develop critical and logical thinking of students, as well as their research skills. Web-quest technology is an effective tool for integrating project method and information-communication technologies in education, and the use of web-quests in the educational process of a pedagogical university lays a solid foundation for the application of this tool in the further professional activity of a Mathematics teacher.

2020 ◽  
pp. 243-250
Владимир Владимирович Володин

Определяются и теоретически обосновываются факторы подготовки студентов педагогического вуза к проявлению заботы в процессе их будущей профессиональной деятельности. Процесс подготовки будущих учителей к проявлению заботы включает в себя внутренние и внешие факторы. Внутренние факторы связаны с личностными особенностями и субъектным опытом студентов-педагогов, внешние – с содержанием и организацией образовательного процесса в вузе. Обусловлена необходимость определения теоретико-методологических основ подготовки будущих учителей к проявлению заботы, интерпретация которой затрагивает этические, онтологические и экзистенциальные аспекты. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что определенные факторы, с одной стороны, могут выступать в качестве методологической основы для построения современных педагогических исследований, а с другой – быть включены в практику современного образования в высшей школе. В статье использованы аналитический и синтетический методы исследования. The article defines and theoretically substantiates the factors of preparation of students of a pedagogical University to show care in the process of their future professional activity. As a result, it is determined that the process of preparing future teachers for caring includes internal and external factors, namely: the personal meaning of the knowledge acquired by students and the practical experience of humane interaction; the subjective experience of the individual; social and cognitive activity of students; the content of education, which includes knowledge of existential philosophy, humanistic pedagogy and psychology; organization of the educational process that models the social and subject content of future professional activities; creation of dialogical interaction between teachers and students. The relevance of the research is primarily due to the need to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of training future teachers to show care, the interpretation of which affects ethical, ontological and existential aspects. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that certain factors, on the one hand, can act as a methodological basis for building modern pedagogical research, and on the other hand, can be included in the practice of modern education in higher education. The article uses analytical and synthetic research methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 184 ◽  
Oleksandr H. Romanovskyi ◽  
Valentyna M. Grineva ◽  
Oksana A. Zhernovnykova ◽  
Liudmyla A. Shtefan ◽  
Vasyl V. Fazan

The article is devoted to determination of the levels of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers at the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment. A scientific analysis of the essence of the notion «digital competence» is carried out, its components are defined. In the process of research the components of the formation of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers were defined, namely: value-motivational (motives, goals, needs for professional training by means of digital technologies, improvement, self-education, self-development, stimulate a future teacher of mathematics to use digital technologies in learning); content (free use of the skills of processing information and working with digital objects, which respectively influence the formation of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers); activity (active use of digital technologies and computers in educational activities as a means of knowledge and formation of digital competence, self-improvement and creativity of future teachers of mathematics, as well as cultivation of similar qualities in students in the process of pedagogical practice); reflexive (attitude of future teachers of mathematics to digital society, their digital training, responsibility for the results of their activities in the digital educational space, self-knowledge and self-realization in future professional activities through digital technologies). The article specifies the criteria, indicators and levels of digital competence of future mathematics teachers. To test certain criteria for the formation of digital competence of future mathematics teachers, research methods are characterized. The results of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment gave grounds to state primarily medium and low levels of the digital competence of future mathematics teachers. As the next direction of scientific research on the presented problem, the authors consider theoretical justification of the technology for the formation of digital competence and its implementation in the process of training future mathematics teachers at the following stages: basic, technological, and professional.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (12) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Kostikova N.A.

Currently, in the context of the widespread use of e-learning technologies and distance educational technologies, it is necessary to train future teachers, taking into account the peculiarities of solving professional problems in an electronic information and educational environment, to develop students' relevant competencies, including network communicative competence. Despite the large number of studies devoted to the communicative aspect of the teacher's activities, the problem of the formation of network communicative competence in the electronic information and educational environment has not been sufficiently studied. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the results of the questionnaire survey of students, some methods of forming network communicative competence in future teachers in the study of various disciplines, in the course of teaching practice, and scientific research are proposed. The analysis of the conditions and factors that determine the choice of methods for the formation of the specified competence has been carried out. These factors are associated with the teachers' perception of the peculiarities of communication in the electronic information and educational environment, the didactic and communicative potential of resources and tools of the electronic information and educational environment, the choice of methods and technologies for organizing interaction, the selection of educational material that allows the development of components of network communicative competence, the design of tasks and exercises for the development of network communicative competence, the choice of modes, schemes and forms of organization of interaction, the organization of feedback, control of the level of formation of the network communicative competence, the implementation of reflection. The formed network communicative competence will contribute to a more effective solution by the teacher of communicative tasks in the electronic information and educational environment, which will improve the quality of training of future teachers in the electronic information and educational environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 227-239
Светлана Александровна Корягина

Основные проблемы современного образования нельзя решать без его развития. Ученые и практики обращают внимание на устаревшие формы и технологии управления работой со студентами. В современных условиях решать проблемы образования традиционными системами управления и методами становится все сложнее, поэтому возникает необходимость в адекватном построении методической оснащенности образовательного процесса в учебном заведении, что актуализирует необходимость обеспечения системы образования методическими  разработками, дидактическими материалами, которые отвечают современным требованиям педагогической практики. Организационными формами методической работы вуза являются: научно-методическая и педагогический совет; аттестация преподавателей; предметные кафедры, творческие лаборатории преподавателей; школа молодого преподавателя; психолого-педагогические и методические семинары; методические школы преподавателей-новаторов; подготовка методических пособий, публикаций в периодических и профессиональных изданиях. Большинство вышеупомянутых видов методического обеспечения являются традиционными, но все они дают возможность внедрять инновации. Однако обращается внимание только на формы и методы организации образовательного процесса, а не на психолого-педагогическое сопровождение познавательной деятельности преподавателей и методическое обеспечение управленческой деятельности как источника качества и результативности их профессиональной деятельности. Реалии выдвигают новые требования к методическому обеспечению образовательного процесса в вузt, требуя менять цели, функции и содержание, превращая уровень его качества в научно-методический. Суть и назначение научно методического обеспечения заключается в создании условий для формирования и личностно-профессионального становления преподавателей, развития их педагогических способностей, творческого потенциала. The main problems of modern education cannot be solved without its development. Scientists and practitioners pay attention to outdated forms and technologies of managing work with students. In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult to solve the problems of education with traditional management systems and methods, therefore, there is a need for an adequate construction of methodological equipment of the educational process in an educational institution, which actualizes the need to provide the education system with methodological developments, didactic materials that meet modern requirements of pedagogical practice. Organizational forms of methodological work of the university are: scientific and methodological and pedagogical council; certification of teachers; subject departments, creative laboratories of teachers; school of a young teacher; psychological, pedagogical and methodological seminars; methodological schools of innovative teachers; preparation of methodological manuals, publications in periodicals and professional publications. Most of the above-mentioned types of methodological support are traditional, but all of them make it possible to introduce innovations. However, attention is drawn only to the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and not to the psychological and pedagogical support of the cognitive activity of teachers and methodological support of managerial activities as a source of quality and effectiveness of their professional activities. The realities put forward new requirements for the methodological support of the educational process at the university, requiring changing the goals, functions and content, turning its quality level into a scientific and methodological one. The essence and purpose of scientific and methodological support is to create conditions for the formation and personal and professional development of teachers, the development of their pedagogical abilities, creative potential.

Jadranka Lasić-Lazić ◽  
Krešimir Pavlina ◽  
Ana Pongrac Pavlina

2020 ◽  
pp. 93-105
Natalia Petrovna Tabachuk

The study focuses on the fact that during the period of digital transformation, modern models of digital competencies have emerged, which serve as the basis for the formation of new standards in the field of education, for the expansion of the teaching professions of the future, for the transition to new learning technologies (mapping, scribing) and the development of professional competencies of students, one of which is information competence. The following issues («prospects of digital transformation in education», «types of models of digital competencies», «information competence as an existential skill and long-term metaability», «mapping as a process of translation of meaning-making», «specific characteristics of cards», «technology of scribing in education») which rise in modern research and affect the improvement of the educational process in the digital educational environment of the university are subject to discussion. Attention is drawn to the description of the pedagogical experience of using mapping and scribing for the development of information competence of university students. The examples of maps created by students and undergraduates of the direction of training «Pedagogical education» and contributing to the formation of their deep and error-free digital educational footprint are given. The influence of mapping and scribing on increasing motivation to learn and the emergence of new student startups in the field of education is investigated. The leading research methods are: analysis of digital competence models for the relevance of the process of developing information competence of university students; analysis and selection of modern technologies in the period of digital transformation in education; generalization of conceptual provisions on information competence and its role for human development; generalization of the pedagogical experience of using mapping and scribing for the development of information competence of university students. Promising areas of research are: the formation of a collection of maps for use in professional activities, for their cognitive analysis; development of the direction of video scribing for distance and additional education of students; identification of the advantages and disadvantages of mapping and scribing and their effectiveness in the development of students' information competence. The research materials are of practical value for students, undergraduates, university teachers and teachers of other educational institutions who are looking for new technologies in organizing the learning process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 467-473
Lyubka Aleksieva

Bulgaria is now in а process of major changes and reforms in the field of education that involve the implementation of various strategies and regulations. Updating the curricula for school and preschool education has led to the development of new textbooks and teaching aids. Primary and middle school textbooks sets for all subjects were replaced with new ones complemented by their compulsory electronic versions. These e-versions are not only covering the topics and content of the printed versions of the textbooks, but include additional e-resources. Some research of the new textbooks contents has already been done by authors such as Kirova (Kirova, 2018; Kирова, 2018). She compares different components of the curriculum content and the way they are developed in the mathematics textbooks, but the components of the adjunct electronic textbooks (e-textbooks) are not yet analysed. Their examination is necessary for teachers’ practice as well as for the preparation of prospective primary teachers for using e-textbooks in the classroom. No special training for working with e-textbooks is provided in prospective teachers’ current university preparation. However, digital competence is one of the key competences which are developed in primary education programs in Faculty of Educational Studies and the Arts (FESA), Sofia University, Bulgaria. Although it is generally acknowledged that students use digital devices very often and their skills are sufficient for blended learning (Цанев, 2018), yet it is not clear if students’ digital competencies are sufficient for using e-textbooks. Furthermore, there is a gap in the literature about students’ views and attitudes towards working with e-textbooks. Along with their competencies, students’ attitudes are important for successful implementation of e-textbooks in their teaching. Therefore, Sofia University Scientific Research Fund funded project №80-10-170/2019 "Practical aspects of students-prospective primary teachers’ preparation for working with electronic resources" whose main objectives include exploration of the views, preparation and readiness of students-prospective primary teachers about the usage of e-textbooks in primary education. As a part of the project, this study analyses students’ views in terms of necessity of using e-textbooks, their benefits and the requirements that e-textbooks have to meet in order to be used effectively in primary education.Data include an online survey which was conducted during the summer term of academic year 2018-2019 and was completed by 166 students-prospective primary teachers from bachelor and master degree programs at FESA (SU), Bulgaria. The results revealed that the surveyed students generally have positive views about the usage of e-textbooks in education and are well aware of their advantages. They recognized their potential to better visualise learning content and save teachers time. The content that e-textbooks should include and the requirements that e-textbooks have to meet in order to be effectively used in the classroom are also discussed in the paper.

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