scholarly journals Makna Kata τέλειος Dalam Injil Matius 5:48 Dan Implikasinya Bagi Orang Percaya

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Fajar Gumelar ◽  
Christopher James Luthy ◽  
Robi Panggarra ◽  
Hanny Frederik

Abstract: Matthew 5:17-48 is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, where it is the deepest reflection of God's law which contrasts sharply with the patterns and teachings of the scribes and Pharisees. This passage concludes with Jesus' mandate to His followers to be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect (5:48). The word perfect in this text is translated from the Greek word τέλειος which can actually be translated as perfect, complete or mature. The difference in interpretation of the meaning of the word τέλειος has led to several different thoughts and doctrines. In Matthew 5:48's research, the author uses general hermeneutic principles to find the meaning or meaning conveyed by the author to the first reader. This research used the critical historical interpretation method. In addition, the author also uses library research methods, by reading books, journals and investigating books related to the discussion of this scientific work. Based on the description of this scientific work, the authors draw the following conclusions: first, the meaning of the word τέλειος in Matthew 5:48 does not refer to a sinless perfect state, but rather to the meaning of completeness. Second, the example of life for believers is God himself, not others. Third, the command to be perfect like God is not an impossible thing for God's people to do. Fourth, completeness like God can only be experienced if humans have an intimate relationship with God. Fifth, Jesus calls His people to be complete in fellowship. Abstrak: Matius 5:17-48 merupakan bagian dari khotbah Yesus di bukit, dimana isinya merupakan refleksi terdalam terhadap hukum Allah yang sangat kontras dengan pola dan ajaran ahli-ahli Taurat dan orang-orang Farisi. Perikop ini diakhiri dengan amanat Yesus kepada para pengikut-Nya untuk menjadi sempurna sebagaimana Bapa di surga adalah sempurna (5:48). Kata sempurna dalam teks ini diterjemahkan dari kata Yunani τέλειος yang sebenarnya bisa diterjemahkan sebagai sempurna, lengkap atau dewasa. Perbedaan tafsir akan makna kata τέλειος ini kemudian memunculkan beberapa pemikiran dan doktrin yang berbeda-beda. Dalam penelitian Matius 5:48 ini penulis menggunakan prinsip-prinsip umum hermeneutik guna mencari makna atau maksud yang disampaikan penulis kepada pembaca pertama. Metode tafsir yang digunakan adalah metode tafsir historis kritis. Selain itu penulis juga menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan atau library research, dengan membaca buku-buku, jurnal-jurnal dan menyelidiki kitab yang berkaitan dengan bahasan karya ilmiah ini. Berdasarkan hasil uraian dari karya ilmiah ini, penulis menarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: pertama, makna kata τέλειος dalam Matius 5:48 tidak menunjuk pada keadaan sempurna yang tanpa dosa, melainkan pada arti kelengkapan. Kedua, keteladanan hidup bagi orang percaya adalah Allah sendiri, bukan orang lain. Ketiga, perintah untuk menjadi sempurna seperti Allah bukanlah suatu hal yang mustahil untuk dilakukan umat Allah. Keempat, kelengkapan seperti Allah hanya dapat dialami jika manusia memiliki hubungan yang intim dengan Allah. Kelima, Yesus memanggil umat-Nya untuk menjadi lengkap di dalam persekutuan.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-50
Makrum Makrum

This paper is discusion the polygamy is still a controversial problem, although much discussed and examined. The difference of opinion among scholars make this problem continues to potentially raises the agree and disagree. Even though it has been regulated in Act Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage and the compilation of Islamic law (KHI), this does not necessarily make the problem of polygamy is complete. Not a few perpetrators of polygamy choose married under the hand or by sirri. This research uses qualitative approach by implementing thematic interpretation method (maudhu'i) to obtain a comprehensive understanding about polygamy in the Qur'an. The Data obtained through the study of a library research by sharing the data that comes from the various verse of the Qur'an, hadith, book fiqh, research results, books and the news in various media outlets in order to complete the interpretation of the verses of polygamy. Based on the results of this research it is known that the verses of the Qur'an gives a very tight restrictions for those who want to in polygamy. Justice that the conditions of polygamy is not only were quantitative but also qualitative research. In the context of historical-socio, the command of polygamy is intended as a form of the solution to avoid injustice to orphans women. Even if polygamy still want to do, should the husband marrying the widows who have lighten the orphan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-32
Khairul Muttaqin

At the Islamic Boarding School of Nurul Jadid in Paiton Probolinggo there is a work of interpretation composed by the founder and the first caretaker of Islamic Boarding School of Nurul Jadid in Paiton Probolinggo. The work of interpretation of the archipelago was composed by Zainî Mun'îm. The commentary is entitled Tafsîr al-Qur’ân bi al-Imlâ’. Named with Tafsîr al-Qur’ân bi al-Imlâ’ because initially this interpretation is an interpretation taught by Zainî Mun'im to the Students of the Islamic Boarding School of Nurul Jadid by way of dictation (Imlâ’) and then the Student of Islamic Boarding School Nurul Jadid recorded and codified the interpretation. In addition, this commentary is also called Tafsîr Sûrah  al-Fâtihah . This commentary is named Tafsîr Sûrah  al-Fâtihah  because in it only discusses the interpretation of the al-Fâtihah  only. The purpose of the writing of this scientific paper is to provide additional insight and inform the readers about the work of Tafsîr archipelago composed by the founder and the first caretaker of Islamic Boarding School of Nurul Jadid in Paiton Probolinggo is Zainî Mun'îm. The method used in writing this scientific paper is library research. in this scientific paper the author collects information from books explaining about Tafsîr al-Qur’ân bi al-Imlâ’ or Tafsîr Sûrah  al-Fâtihah  and analyzes the contents of the book of interpretation. In this scientific work the author tries to describe the form of interpretation, interpretation method, interpretation style and content of Tafsîr al-Qur’ân bi al-Imlâ’ or Tafsîr Sûrah  al-Fâtihah . By knowing the form interpretation, interpretation method, interpretation style and the content of Tafsîr al-Qur’ân bi al-Imlâ’ or Tafsîr Sûrah  al-Fâtihah  then the reader can understand more detail about characteristics of Tafsîr al-Qur’ân bi al-Imlâ’ or Tafsîr Sûrah  al-Fâtihah. Zainî Mun'îm explained in Tafsîr al-Qur'ân bi al-Imlâ’ that guidance is divided into 5 parts namely hidayah ilham (guidance in inspiration), hidayah al-hawas (guidance in the form of senses), hidayah al-`uqul (guidance in the form of reason), hidayah al-adyan wa al-syara'i` (instructions in the form of religion and shari'ah) and hidayah al-fi'iyyah (instructions towards the good). The concept of hidayah as in the Tafsîr al-Qur'ân bi al-Imlâ’ is also found in Tafsîr al-Marâghî, Tafsîr al-Manâr and Tafsîr al-Munîr. From the year of compilation it was not possible if Zaini Mun'im quoted Tafsîr al-Manâr and Tafsîr al-Munîr because they had already been prepared. The thought of Zaini Mun'im was quoted in many cases from Tafsîr al-Marâghî which was composed by Musthafâ al-Marâghî.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Makrum Makrum

This paper is discusion the polygamy is still a controversial problem, although much discussed and examined. The difference of opinion among scholars make this problem continues to potentially raises the agree and disagree. Even though it has been regulated in Act Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage and the compilation of Islamic law (KHI), this does not necessarily make the problem of polygamy is complete. Not a few perpetrators of polygamy choose married under the hand or by sirri. This research uses qualitative approach by implementing thematic interpretation method (maudhu'i) to obtain a comprehensive understanding about polygamy in the Qur'an. The Data obtained through the study of a library research by sharing the data that comes from the various verse of the Qur'an, hadith, book fiqh, research results, books and the news in various media outlets in order to complete the interpretation of the verses of polygamy. Based on the results of this research it is known that the verses of the Qur'an gives a very tight restrictions for those who want to in polygamy. Justice that the conditions of polygamy is not only were quantitative but also qualitative research. In the context of historical-socio, the command of polygamy is intended as a form of the solution to avoid injustice to orphans women. Even if polygamy still want to do, should the husband marrying the widows who have lighten the orphan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Chamim Tohari

Relation between the different of religion comunity in the multicultural nation as in Indonesia be a natural phenomenon that it cannot be avoided. As to one of the problem that had appeared in this case is about wedding problem betweena moslem with the difference religion womans. Majority of the Indonesia religious scholars as scholar in Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah had been prohibiting wedding like that with various reason. while a part little of the contemporary moslem scholars have been permiting the wedding. The points which will discussed in this research is how is opinion of Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah about the law of wedding with the woman from Ahl Al-Kitab and its ijtihad methodology. This research should analyze the argumentation of the Majelis Tarjih that make forbidding a muslem married with the difference religion womans. This research using library research approach dan content analysis. The results of this research are: (1) Majelis Tarjih of Muhammadiyah forbidding the wedding with sad al-dzari’ah as its argumentation; (2) Majelis Tarjih’s opinion has been irrelevant because two reason, the mistake of methodology and the change of the Indonesian contemporary society (based on an empiric data). Keywords: Ahlu Kitab; Majelis Tarjih; Different Religion Marriage


This study aims to analyze whether the difference that occurs in the cost of raw materials, direct labor, and factory overhead costs between the standard costs and the actual costs in PLTU LATI is a difference that is favorable or unfavorable. Data collection techniques with field research and library research. The analytical tool used is the analysis of the difference in raw material costs, the difference in direct labor costs and the difference in factory overhead costs. The hypothesis in this study is that the difference allegedly occurs in the cost of raw materials, direct labor costs, and factory overhead costs at PT Indo Pusaka Berau Tanjung Redeb is a favorable difference. The results showed that the difference in the cost of producing MWh electricity at PT Indo Pusaka Berau Tanjung Redeb in 2018, namely the difference in the price of raw material costs Rp. 548,029.80, - is favorable, the difference in quantity of raw materials is Rp. 957,216,602, - is (favorable) , the difference in direct labor costs Rp 2,602,642,084, - is (unfavorable), and the difference in factory overhead costs Rp 8,807,051,422, - is (favorable) This shows that the difference in the overall production cost budget is favorable or profitable. This beneficial difference shows that the company is really able to reduce production costs optimally in 2018.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 147470492098780
Menelaos Apostolou ◽  
Yan Wang

Keeping an intimate relationship is challenging, and there are many factors causing strain. In the current research, we employed a sample of 1,403 participants from China and Greece who were in an intimate relationship, and we classified 78 difficulties in keeping an intimate relationship in 13 factors. Among the most common ones were clinginess, long work hours, and lack of personal time and space. Clinginess was reported as a more common source of relationship strain by women, while bad sex was reported as a more common source of relationship strain by men. Fading away enthusiasm, bad sex, infidelity and children were reported as more important by older participants, while lack of personal time and space, and character issues were reported as more important by younger participants. The factor structure was similar in the Greek and in the Chinese cultural contexts, but there were also differences. In addition, there were significant interactions between the sample and the sex. For instance, for the non-monogamous factor, men gave higher scores than women in both samples, but the difference was much more pronounced in the Greek sample.

Sya Rifah Isnaeni

The background of this research is the exixtance of the difference opinion between ulama and moslem scholars about the law of interest in Islam, which is until now still not discovered the solusion opinion and it make interesting for the researcher to make a research about the object more deep and more wide. But the researcher will not use Islamic law perspective as analysis basic, the researcher will use the objectives of sharia as analysis basic.This research is limited by several problems as following: (1) Why bank interest is needed by conventional banks? And (2) How is the law of interest if observed from the objectives of syariah (maqashid sharia)?This research is a library research. In this research the researcher choose to use a conceptual approach because the purposes which need to be achieved trouhg this research is to result an Islamic law thought about the law of interest which is not being bounded by the opinions or theories launched by majority of the moslem scholar. So this research can originally refer to the objectives of the sharia as what has been agreed by majority of ulama.The results of this research there are: (1) the interest is a money amount addition which have to paid by bank to the costumer based on the loan percentage that given by bank to their customer. Bank interest is used for the Bank's operational costs, if there is no interest instrument, it is likely that the Bank will not be able to survive. And (2) there are three opinions of ulama’s law judgments about the law of interest, it is forbidden (haram), permitted (halal) and dubious (shubhat). If this law opinions observed based on the objevtives of sharia, the researcher can make a conclusion that the opinion which is permit the interest is the most according to the objectives of sharia, and it is related to the concept of hifz al-nafs (take care of soul) and hifz al-mâl(take care of property) than the opinion whih has been forbid the interest. The permitted law of interest in the concept of hifz al-nafs (take care of soul) can be located in the dharuriyah, hajiyah and tahsiniyah degrees. While The permitted law of interest in the concept ofhifz al-mâl(take care of property)can be located in the dharuriyah and hajiyah degrees. Keywords: Interest, Usury, Maqashid Sharia, hifz al-nafs (Take care of soul), hifz al-mâl (Take care of Property).

2021 ◽  
Rachmad Risqy Kurniawan ◽  
Putri Khoir Iffah

Abstract: This study aims to provide a broad understanding of jihad and patriotism for millennials according to the perspective of the Al-Quran Surah Al-Hujurat verse 13. This research is a library research with the maudhu'i (thematic) interpretation method. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the meaning of jihad is very broad, including the patriotism of citizens, including the millennial generation to fight for their nation and country as explained in the interpretation of Surah Al-Hujurat verse 13. This struggle reminds us of the struggle of young people during the independence period. to liberate this nation, the millennial generation after independence must fill that independence by maintaining the sovereignty of the Indonesian homeland, taking part in the development of the soul and body of the nation and state and taking part in the prosperity and welfare of all Indonesian people, all of which are patriotic jihad that can be done by the millennial generation.Keywords: Jihad, Patriotism, Millennials, Al-QuranAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang luas terkait jihad dan patriotisme bagi milenial menurut perspektif Al-Quran Surat Al-Hujurat ayat 13. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan metode penafsiran maudhu’i (tematik). Berdasarkan penelitian ini maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa makna jihad sangatlah luas termasuk didalamnya adalah patriotisme warga negara termasuk didalamnya ada generasi milenial untuk berjuang demi bangsa dan negaranya sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam tafsir surat Al-Hujurat ayat 13. Perjuangan ini mengingatkan kita pada perjuangan kaum muda pada masa kemerdekaan untuk memerdekakan bangsa ini maka generasi milenial dimasa setelah kemerdekaan harus mengisi kemerdekaan itu dengan menjaga kedaulatan tanah air Indonesia, ikut berperan dalam pembangunan jiwa dan raga bangsa dan negara serta ikut berperan dalam memakmurkan dan mensejahterakan seluruh rakyat Indonesia, semuanya itu merupakan jihad patriotik yang bisa dilakukan oleh generasi milenial.Kata kunci : Jihad, Patriotisme, Milenial, Al-Quran

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.30) ◽  
pp. 104
Ahmad Azam Mohd Shariff ◽  
Ramalinggam Rajamanickam ◽  
Parveen Kaur Harnam Singh1 ◽  
Siti Khadijah Md Lazim ◽  
Anna Sofea Nurol Adzmi ◽  

Iqrar is a form of bayyinah or evidence which could be tendered during trial at the syariah court. The syariah evidential principles renders it relevant and admissible with varying effect. Iqrar sorih or confession, once admitted by court, would become binding against the accused. In such a scenario, the court may convict the accused based on such confession without any need for further proof. On the other hand, the court may also admit an admission or iqrar kinayah but it could never convict the accused based on such admission alone. In other words, based on admissibility of such admission, a court could only convict the accused should such admission is further corroborated and strengthened by other evidence. This article however observes that the strength of a confession very mush depends on voluntariness of the maker of the confession. There is also some confusion among syariah practitioners as regards to the difference between both forms of iqrar. The conducted research is pure legal and qualitative in nature. Data and materials on iqrar confession and admission are collected via library research method. These data and materials are then analysed using critical and content methodologies.. This article analyses the relevancy and admissibility of iqrar confession and admission in the eyes of syariah evidential principles. It then strives at identifying problems relating to its admissibility and interpretation. This article eventually offers some ideas on ways of avoiding future misinterpretation of iqrar while simultaneously looking into some ideas on how to improve its application. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-142
Bunyamin Bunyamin

This research focuses to explore the concept of moral education according to ibn Miskawih and Aristoteles. What are the similarities and differences in their opinions about morals education?. The main aspect of human self development is morality, namely the source of human behaviour that applied in everyday life. This research uses qualitative methods while the type of research is library research. Research is carried out based on the literature review. The results of the study is that the concept of ahlak education according to Ibn Miskawih an Aristoteles is related to character, soul and virtue, goodness and happiness, virtue and midpoint, early age education and akhlak purpose. The equality of the two concepts is that akhlak education is based on the soul of each individual. The difference is in describing the character, a tool to measure the middle attitude and middle position. Keywords; concept of Education, Morality, Ibn Miskawaih, Aristoteles

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