scholarly journals Investigating the Village-based Tourism Economic Impact

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Desi Ilona ◽  
Z Zaitul ◽  
Neva Novianti

Many studies have been documented that tourism economic impact is a determinant of community support toward tourism development. However, there is a lack of study investigating tourism economic impact on village-based tourism. This study investigates the relative important index of the item offered by previous literature. Besides, this study also examines different means from different respondents: gender, education, and age. Forty-seven respondents have participated in this study. The validity and reliability test is run before the items are ranked using the relative important index (RII). Mann-Whitney U test has applied any difference of means value between woman and man. Moreover, the Kruskal-Wallis test is employed to determine any difference of means value among different levels of respondent education. The result shows that all items are valid and reliable. This study concludes that the first rank is variable 1 (village-based tourism increased job opportunities for village communities) with a relative important index of 0.898. Besides, six items have no mean value difference between man and woman, except for variable 5 (village-based tourism given economic benefit to village people). Its asym significance of Mann-Whitney U asym significance is lesser than 0.05. Further, respondent education and age category also have no difference in mean value using the Kruskal Wallis test. This study implies that the tourism economics impact for village-based tourism can be used for further studies.       

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Susi Widjajani ◽  
Fitri Rahmawati ◽  
Eka Yulianti

The use of village funds in 2020 is prioritized to finance the implementation of programs and activities in the field of development and empowerment of village communities. In order  for  the  use  of  village  funds  to  be  managed  optimally,  organizational  citizenship behavior  (OCB)  from  the  Village  Apparatus  is  needed  as  the  implementer.  OCB behavior willemerge if Village Apparatus feel the existence of organizational justice and are  satisfied  with  their  work.  This  study  aims  to  examine  the  mediating  role  of  job satisfaction on the effect of organizational justice on OCB. The study population was 94 village apparatus in the Village Government of Padureso District, Kebumen Regency. The sampling technique used census techniques and data analysis using Path Analysis. The  questionnaire  used  was  adopted  from  previous  research  and  its  validity  and reliability were tested. The results showed that there was an indirect influence between organizational  justice  on  OCB,  with  job  satisfaction  as  the  mediating  variable.  The implication  of  this  research  is  that  there  is  a  positive  relationship  between  employees (village apparatus) and the organization if employees feel justice in the organization and job satisfaction

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-206
Yusuf Hariyoko

Based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning The Village, village development has to utilize the local economic resources. Mojomolang Village, as one of the developing villages based on the Building Village Index (BVI), does not yet have a local economy to develop. This study aims to analyze local economic development in Mojomolang Village. This research is qualitative with a case study approach. The data were collected through interviews and observations. Aspects of local economic development used as research parameters are locality, economic base, job opportunities, community resources, knowledge, and communication. The results of the study indicate that local economic development has not been well implemented in Mojomalang Village. The local potential has not been used optimally; local economy-based jobs are not yet available for village communities; the knowledge of human resources is still low, seen from the lack of utilization of innovation and technology. Based on this, the village government needs to develop local potential based on the economic sector of the majority of the community and take advantage of BUMDes to move the village community's economy. Abstrak Pembangunan desa menjadi ujung tombak setelah adanya Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Indeks Desa Membangun (IDM) yang mengadopsi pendekatan pembangunan berkelanjutan mengharuskan adanya pemanfaatan sumber daya ekonomi lokal dalam rangka pembangunan desa yang inklusif. Desa Mojomolang, sebagai salah satu desa berstatus membangun berdasarkan IDM, belum memiliki pengembangan ekonomi lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengembangan ekonomi lokal di Desa Mojomolang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Aspek pengembangan ekonomi lokal yang digunakan sebagai fokus penelitian adalah lokalitas, basis ekonomi, kesempatan kerja, sumberdaya komunitas, pengetahuan, dan komunikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan ekonomi lokal di Desa Mojomalang masih belum terlaksana. Lokalitas dan basis ekonomi sesuai potensi lokal masih belum tergarap dengan baik;  kesempatan dan lapangan kerja dari ekonomi lokal belum tersedia untuk masyarakat desa; aspek pengetahuan yang dimiliki SDM masih minim dilihat dari kurangnya pemanfaatan inovasi dan teknologi. Berdasarkan hal ini, maka pemerintah desa perlu mengembangkan potensi lokal yang berbasis pada sektor ekonomi mayoritas masyarakat atau sektor ekonomi buatan serta menggunakan BUMDes sebagai entitas baru dalam menggerakkan perekonomian masyarakat desa.

2020 ◽  
Askar Nur

This research explains the mysticism of mappadendang tradition in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency, which is believed by the local community as a form of shielding from danger and can resist reinforcemen such as Covid-19 outbreak. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative method and an ethnographic approach. This research was carried out with the aim of identifying the mystical space in mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village. After conducting the tracing process, the researcher found that mappadendang tradition which was held in Allamungeng Patue Village, Bone Regency in July 2020 was not a tradition of harvest celebration as generally in several villages in Bone Regency, especially Bugis tribe, but mappadendang was held as a form of shielding from all distress including Covid-19 outbreak. This trust was obtained after one of the immigrants who now resides in the village dreamed of meeting an invisible figure (tau panrita) who ordered a party to be held that would bring all the village people because remembering that in the village during Covid-19 happened to almost all the existing areas in Indonesia, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village were spared from the outbreak. Spontaneously, the people of Allamungeng Patue Village worked together to immediately carry out the mappadendang tradition as a form of interpretation of the message carried by the figure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-65
Carlo Bonura

This article considers two films by the Malaysian filmmaker Amir Muhammad, The Last Communist of 2006 and the Village People Radio Show of 2007. Both films are focused on the Malayan Emergency and the lives of a small group of Malayan communists. Through an engagement with Walter Benjamin’s essay “The Storyteller,” the analysis in this article examines the aesthetic forms that structure Amir’s films, namely nonlinear narratives, intertextuality, and the use of images and stories as comparative frames. This article argues that Amir’s films enable audiences to recognize how the truth of a communist past in Malaysia, both of its politics and suppression, inflects the present. The films provide an opening to recognize how the absence of communism today is the effect of the ideological clearing of all leftism that became the hallmark of the end of the British Empire in Malaysia. Communism is made meaningful in Amir’s films both as a lived experience and as a displacement that is absent from the postcolonial everyday.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 39-70
Cristian Micu

"Shepherding on Argeș Valley – spatial coordinates This paper presents the essential elements that define the spatial coordinate characteristic of shepherding which is practised in the sub-Carpathian villages on the Argeș Valley, following the documentary attestations of the villages, the genesis and evolution of the village boundaries, the evolution of land ownership and the right to use lands (in condominium or individually). Also within the spatial coordinate, there are researched the traditional ways in which the potential of the rural land fund is highlighted, as a result of its geomorphological, pedological, climatic qualities, etc., the study taking into consideration all the areal types with pastoral potential, not only those on the administrative territory of the villages, but also those in the mountain area destined for summer grazing. If for the presentation of origins, attestations, borderline fixation of the villages from the studied areal, documents, monographic studies and other categories of specialized works have been used, for the understanding of the manner of pastoral, individual and especially collective exploitation of the land fund by the village communities, of valorizing the fodder qualities of the different types of surfaces, it was necessary to carry out field research in the three targeted villages: Albeștii de Argeș, Corbeni and Arefu, all in the Argeș County. The visit of sheepfolds from Lespezi, Lipitoarea, Ciocanu, Podeanu, Oticu, in the alpine hollow of the Făgăraș Mountains, were necessary both for studying some elements related to the spatial coordinate (sheepfold location, daily travel routes, travel routes from the village hearth to the mountains, etc.) as well as for conducting interviews, based on an elaborate questionnaire, interviews generating unique and extremely useful information also for researching the other coordinates of the pastoral system practiced in the area. Keywords: shepherding, Argeș Valley, spatial coordinate, pastoral system, field research "

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 109-120
Novi Ekri Nurwahyuni ◽  
Muhammad Farid Ma'ruf

Desa Wisata Jambu berdiri sejak tahun 2018  berlokasi di Kecamatan Kayen Kidul Kabupaten Kediri yang meraih penghargaan  nominasi kategori desa wisata terbaik 2018 dan 2019 pada Penghargaan Anugerah Desa. Pada fase awal pembangunan desa wisata menggunakan modal anggaran yang berasal dari Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, serta metode pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung turun ke lapangan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Focus penelitian ini adalah meneliti mengenai permasalahan yang diangkat yaitu sumber daya manusia yang kurang responsive terhadap pengelolaan desa wisata. Desa wisata jambu memiliki 17 spot wisata diantaranya yaitu  Kebun Bibit Kediri, Wisata Edukasi Wiwit Padi, Permainan Outbond, Wisata Tubing Niagara, Wisata Edukasi Menangkap Lele, Agrowisata Petik Kelengkeng, Agrowisata Petik Alpukat, Agrowisata Buah Lokal, Wisata Edukasi Menanam Padi, Agrowisata Okulasi dan Tabulampat, Wisata Edukasi Angon Kerbau, Edukasi Pengolakah Yogurt, Edukasi Perah Kambing Ettawa, Edukasi Pengolahan Limbah Kayu “Ask Craft”, Wisata Sungai Sejuta Ikan, Edukasi Karawitan, Pasar Papringan. Pemerintah Desa Jambu gencar mengupayakan tumbuhnya pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengelola desa wisata. Tujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengelolaan desa wisata Jambu yaitu untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat desa serta mewujudkan masyarakat desa yang mampu berdaya saing dan mandiri. Dalam proses pengelolaan desa wisata terdapat kendala atau hambatan yang terjadi yaitu tanggapan masyarakat yang tidak responsive terhadap konsep spot wisata yang sudah disepakati. Selain itu kurangnya akses sarana dan prasarana spot wisata juga menjadikan kondisi desa wisata yang tidak kondusif sehingga akan menurunkan daya tarik wisatawan. Kata kunci : Desa Wisata, Alokasi Dana Desa,  Pemberdayaan Masyarakat   Jambu Tourism Village was founded in 2018, located in Kayen Kidul District, Kediri Regency, which won the nomination award for the best tourism village category 2018 and 2019 at the Village Award. In the early phase of tourism village development using budget capital from the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) with the aim of increasing the empowerment of village communities. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach, and data collection methods are carried out directly in the field with interviews, observation, and documentation. The focus of this research is to examine the problems raised, namely human resources who are not responsive to the management of tourist villages. Guava tourism village has 18 tourist spots including Kediri Seed Garden, Wiwit Paddy Educational Tour, Outbound Games, Niagara Tubing Tour, Catfish Catching Educational Tour, Longan Picking Agro, Avocado Picking Agro, Local Fruit Agro Tourism, Paddy Planting Educational Tour, Grafting Agro tourism and Tabulampat, Education Tour for Buffalo Angon, Education for Yogurt Processing, Education for Ettawa Goat Milk, Education for Making Rengginang, Education for Wood Waste Processing “Ask Craft”, One Million Fish River Tour, Education for Karawitan, Papringan Market. The Jambu Village Government is aggressively seeking the growth of community empowerment by managing a tourist village. The purpose of community empowerment through the management of the Jambu tourism village is to improve the economy of the village community and create a village community that is able to be competitive and independent. In the process of managing a tourism village, there are obstacles or obstacles that occur, namely the response of the community that is not responsive to the agreed tourist spot concept. In addition, the lack of access to tourist spot facilities and infrastructure also makes the condition of the tourist village not conducive so that it will reduce the attractiveness of tourists. Keywords: Tourism Village, Village Fund Allocation, Community Empowerment

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-325 ◽  
Aalok Ranjan Chaurasia

The present article uses data available through the 2011 population census to analyze the state of development in the villages of India on the basis of a village development index that has been constructed for the purpose following the capabilities expansion as development approach. The analysis reveals that the state of development in the villages of the country varies widely and there is only a small proportion of the villages where the state of development can be termed as satisfactory. The analysis also reveals that the state of development in the village is influenced by its selected defining characteristics. The article calls for a village-based planning and programming approach for meeting the development and welfare needs of the village people.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 411
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah ◽  
Uyunun Nafisa

Reform and regional autonomy is actually a new hope for the goverment and village communities to build their villages according to the needs and aspirations of the community. The implementation of development in the village is intended to improve the standard of living and welfare of the village community itself through the establishment of policies, program activities that are in accordance with the essence of the problem and priority needs of the village community. The Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian) is an institution of the realization pf democracy from the village community or an institution that represents the voice of the community and is a working partner of the village Government in administering The Goverment in the village head along with his device was overseen by the Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian). The method of the approach used in this study is the Juridical Sociological approach, it uses the Juridical Sociological. The selection results obtained include : 1) Inbiting factors influenced by human resource factors both from the village Government itself as the highest office holder in the village, as well as from PD members who are tasked with assisting in the implementation of the legislative functions of approval and discussion of illage regulations. 2) Solutions and efforts, the village Goernment is expected to conduct training in human resource development such as improving the quality of education and developing capabilities in shapping regulations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Siti Rodhiyah Dwi Istinah

Reform and regional autonomy is actually a new hope for the goverment and village communities to build their villages according to the needs and aspirations of the community.  The implementation of development in the village is intended to improve the standard of living and welfare of the village community itself through the establishment of policies, program activities that are in accordance with the essence of the problem and priority needs of the village community. The Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian) is an institution of the realization pf democracy from the village community or an institution that represents the voice of the community and is a working partner of the village Government in administering The Goverment in the village head along with his device was overseen by the Village Consultative Division (BPD in Indonesian). The method of the approach used in this study is the Juridical  Sociological approach, it uses the Juridical Sociological. The selection results obtained include : 1) Inbiting factors influenced by human resource factors both from the village Government itself as the highest office holder in the village, as well as from PD members who are tasked with assisting in the implementation of the legislative functions of approval and discussion of illage regulations. 2) Solutions and efforts, the village Goernment is expected to conduct training in human resource development such as improving the quality of education and developing capabilities in shapping regulations.

Meri YULIA ◽  

The business entity owned by the Village, as an economic institution at the village level, established to improve the economic welfare of the village community. One of the efforts made is to increase awareness behavior in saving. The behavior of villagers in saving  is often still short-term oriented, so most villagers have not been able to manage finances to anticipate their financial problems in the future. Therefore, research on the role of BUMDes as a village-scale economic institution in improving the financial management capabilities of the village community is very important to do. The purpose of this research is to find out how the role of business entities have    in improving the financial management capabilities of the community through  savings products with a savings pick-up system.  This research uses a qualitative approach with case study methods  in Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Pakandangan Emas. Data collection techniques are conducted through interviews and observations in the field. This research found that Unit sharia savings business in BUMDes Pakandangan Emas can shape people's behavior  in long-term financial management. This behavior is formed mainly through a savings system that is directly picked up to the community.

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