scholarly journals The Department of Education and Culture's Strategy to Address Educator Shortage in Pontianak

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2575-2584
Rahmawati Sururama ◽  
Valentino Christ Vowel

The purpose of this research was to examine the Department of Education and Culture's strategy for addressing the city of Pontianak's teacher shortage. This study employs an inductive descriptive qualitative method. Data reduction methods, data display/data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification were used to analyze the collected data. In order to gather the data, we used a combination of observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews as data collection techniques. Structured interviews and purposive sampling were used to select participants for the study. Research shows that the Department of Education and Culture's strategy for dealing with the shortage of teachers is adequate. There is no doubt that the Department of Education and Culture is doing everything it can to alleviate the shortage of teachers in Pontianak City, whether it's through policies like hiring PPPK employees or stipulating that ASN be formed exclusively for educators. 

2018 ◽  

The market has functioned as a safety net and employment provider for some communities. Traditional market as a symbol of people's prosperity in every region. This research is conducted to know the culture in Triwindu Market as one of antique market in Surakarta City. Cultural value is expected in accordance with the local wisdom of the city of Surakarta as a city that preserves the culture and cultural values as a crutch to improve the welfare of merchants this research using descriptive qualitative method with purposive sampling and unit analysis of traders antiques merchants motor parts, Heirloom traders, scales traders. Data collection using in-depth interviews. The result of the Culture which is the philosophy that developed in the merchant community and still used as one of the trading principles is "kintir ora keli" which means although following the current trade flows or developing trend but not to lose its trade identity. There is also "jeneng first new jenang" which means to be successful in trading must find a good name first in the eyes of buyers by providing the best service and quality assurance commodities, new customers will get a lot of fortune.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. e24491211002
Cindy Cindy ◽  
Efendy Pakpahan

The background of this research is the desire of researchers to find out how the development of organizational culture in improving the performance of employees of PT. Welling Tapioka Jaya. The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the development of organizational culture in improving employee performance at PT. Welling Tapioka Jaya. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The author uses semi-structured interviews as a data collection technique. The author interviewed 9 people. The research data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. Test the credibility of the data that I use is triangulation of sources. The results showed that the organizational culture adopted at PT. Welling Tapioka Jaya is quite good, this can be seen from employees who work by harmonizing the cultural values ​​of the organization that is in it regardless of whether they like it or not and the employees at PT. Welling Tapioka Jaya respects and values ​​the culture of the organization by following and adapting to the culture within it.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Ali ◽  
M Awaluddin ◽  
Abdul Salam

The effectiveness of the digital SAMSAT mobile service program is a success in improving the welfare of its members and the community in general with the aim of research to determine the effectiveness of digital services on the SAMSAT mobile program in the city of Mataram and what are the supporting factors and obstacles the city of Mataram. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques, namely interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation. Data analysis in qualitative research, carried out at the time of data collection takes place, namely reduction data, display data, and draw conclusions. The results of this study are the effectiveness of the mobile SAMSAT digital service program in the city of Mataram. So far the services carried out by mobile SAMSAT have been effective. the number that has paid PKB as many as 7.507 vehicles and the amount of money as much as Rp. 3,542,442,111. while SAMSAT mobile 2 operates in the cakra and gebang sub-district offices, the number of which has paid PKB is 2,382 vehicles and the amount of money is Rp. 1,236,041,341. the last being SAMSAT mobile 3 which operates in the sindu market and the udayana roundabout, the number of those who have paid PKB is 2,538 vehicles and the amount of money is Rp. 913,443,402. and those who paid PKB in 2018, traveling around SAMSAT 1 in Sangkareang Park and Mayure Village Office, the number of those who had paid PKB was 10,522 vehicles and the amount of money was Rp. 6,627,326,321. while SAMSAT around 2 operates in the cakra and gebang sub-district offices, the number of which has paid PKB as much as 6,603 vehicles and Rp. 3,708,124,026. the last being SAMSAT mobile 3 which operates in the sindu market and the udayana roundabout, the number of which has paid PKB as many as 3,617 vehicles and the amount of money as much as Rp. 2,740,330,200. judging from the increase in the number of people who have paid PKB from 2017-2018, according to the scale of the assessment made, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of digital services on the SAMSAT mobile program in the city of Mataram has been effective.

2018 ◽  
Jurnal ARISTO ◽  
Fatwa Nurul Hakim

The market has functioned as a safety net and employment provider for some communities. Traditional market as a symbol of people's prosperity in every region. This research is conducted to know the culture in Triwindu Market as one of antique market in Surakarta City. Cultural value is expected in accordance with the local wisdom of the city of Surakarta as a city that preserves the culture and cultural values as a crutch to improve the welfare of merchants this research using descriptive qualitative method with purposive sampling and unit analysis of traders antiques merchants motor parts, Heirloom traders, scales traders. Data collection using in-depth interviews. The result of the Culture which is the philosophy that developed in the merchant community and still used as one of the trading principles is "kintir ora keli" which means although following the current trade flows or developing trend but not to lose its trade identity. There is also "jeneng first new jenang" which means to be successful in trading must find a good name first in the eyes of buyers by providing the best service and quality assurance commodities, new customers will get a lot of fortune.

Sri Seti Indriani ◽  
Deddy Mulyana

AbstractThis research underlines the communication patterns of Indonesian diaspora women in their mixed culture families and how they use these patterns in Australia. There are some differences in interpreting meanings because of the differences in language and culture. Thus, researchers are interested in examining communication patterns experienced by these diaspora women who live in Australia. The research was conducted through a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews with 13 Indonesian women who had been living in Australia for more than 5 years and observation and documentation studies. The study showed that the communication patterns of Indonesian diaspora women living within their mixed culture families consist mainly of verbal communication classified into five categories: (1) pure English, (2) mixed language, (3) unstructured grammar English, (4) compliments and appreciation, and (5) obscene words or swearing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-35
Eneng Fani Oktaviani ◽  
Jufri Halim ◽  
M Taufik Hidayatulloh

AbstractThe research objective is to depict the stages of forming of the street children’s autonomy in the Rumah Singgah Bina Anak Pertiwi, South Jakarta, and the characteristics of their autonomy. We use in-depth interviews and document searches in data collection. Miles and Huberman's techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing were used for data analysis. The results showed that: (1) The stages of forming the autonomy of street children began with treatment, then empowerment which is a factor of the autonomy; (2) The characteristics of their autonomy can be seen from their ability to carry out all their activities independently, to be able to manage their own lives, to control their emotions, to share ideas and to make decisions and choices according to their views.  AbstrakTujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tahapan pembinaan kemandirian anak jalanan di Rumah Singgah Bina Anak Pertiwi Jakarta Selatan, dan karakteristik kemandirian mereka. Kami menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan penelusuran dokumen untuk pengumpulan data. Teknik Miles dan Huberman, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tahapan pembentukan kemandirian anak jalanan diawali dengan pengobatan, lalu pemberdayaan yang menjadi faktor kemandirian; (2) Karakteristik kemandirian mereka dapat dilihat dari kemampuan melakukan segala kegiatannya secara mandiri, mampu mengatur kehidupannya sendiri, dapat mengontrol emosinya, dapat berbagi ide dan membuat keputusan dan pilihan sesuai dengan pandangan mereka. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 995-1002
Rido Kurnianto, Nurul Iman, Sigit Dwi Laksana

This study aims to describe Reyog Ponorogo from the historical aspect, the negative stigma that has accompanied its development, and local wisdom that spreads to all its components. This problem is studied using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews with data collection tools is the researcher himself as a key instrument. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive analytical with the process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings of this study are as follows; (1) Reyog Obyog is an important and inseparable part of Reyog Ponorogo. In fact, it is very possible that Reyog Obyog is the origin of the Reyog Ponorogo which has developed and is known to the public today; (2) Reyog Obyog performance model which tends to be free, not bound by standards, is performed in the audience and is predominantly filled with entertainment, in its development various negative stigmas have emerged in the community, namely eroticism, drunkenness, and mystical performance rituals; (3) The Reyog Obyog has a great value in the form of a noble life guidance which is strategic enough to be used as a medium for building civilization.

Zuli Azwen ◽  
Elvina Safitri

This study aims to determine the role of community leaders in shaping the personality of adolescents, the efforts made by community leaders, as well as the obstacles faced in the formation of the personality of teenagers in Tanjung Village. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The research background is located in Tanjung Village, District Bathin VIII, Sarolangun District. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviewand documentation. The results of this study indicate that: The role of community leaders in the formation of adolescent personality is good, by olding programs specifically designed for adolescents so that teenagers can follow and can avoid the form of juvenile delinquency, as well as cooperating with parents as people in the first example by his child. Data collection techniques are through informants. The stages in analyzing the data are: reduction, data presentation and conclusion making. Based on the results of this study indicate the state of personality of adolescents is not good, the efforts made by community leaders in shaping the personality of adolescents in entrepreneurship is good, the obstacles faced come from adolescents, teenage parents, youth education, and communication and information technology that makes adolescents difficult to entrepreneurship. In conclusion, community leaders can shape the personality of adolescents in entrepreneurship, but it must be supported by teenagers and teenage parents themselves. His advice to community leaders must never stop making activities that can make teenagers' personality in entrepreneurship better.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 160-169
Ade Stevani ◽  
Dwi Anggraini ◽  
Resnani Resnani

This study aims to describe the fuction of extracurricular art of dance for students of SD Negeri 01 Kota Bengkulu. Type of qualitative research and descriptive naturalistic research method.the subject of this research is the extracurricular coach of dance art and the student of extracurricular activities of dance art. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by data reduction, data presentation (data display), data verification(coclusion drawing/verification) and withdrawal of conclusion (verification data). Testing the validity of the data using persistence of observation, membercheck and triangulation. The result of the research show the extracurricular function of dance which includes 1) development fuction, 2) sosialfuction, 3) rekreativefuction, the three fuctions have been done, but there are some indicators in the function of extracurricular art of dance that has not been done, that is development function in indicator the formation in indicator the formation of the character of discipline. In this indicator the formation of the character of students who follow extracurricular activities of dance art came too late because before the extracurricularschedule of dance art there are students who are still in the canteen and rest. Therefore, there should be a break between classroom hygiene activities and extracurricular activities of dance, so that the indicators of character building discipline are done.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Harmanto Harmanto ◽  
Suyoto Suyoto ◽  
Jody Diamond

This study aimed to reveal the concept of Tumbuk in Javanese gamelan tuning, namely gamêlan agêng with Sléndro and Pélog. This study used a qualitative method with an ethical emic perspective. The data collection was done by conducting literature review, observation, interviews, and studio work, then processed with data analysis. The data analysis then was followed up through data interaction by interpreting the relationship reactions of the three elements of analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The interpretation of the data was done inductively, so that the conclusion was drawn entirely from the development of the data according to the realities of the field. The results showed that tumbuk was not only limited to a note that has the same high and low, but it is a musical concept that integrates the Sléndro and Pélog scales in the tuning of a set of gamelans. There are basically only two types of tumbuk: nêm tumbuk and lima tumbuk. Other than those, it means that they are the strut. The thing is,tumbuk has a central tone that serves as a benchmark and a supporting tone whose position strengthens the integration of each type of tumbuk. As a concept, it was found that tumbuk plays several important roles including equalizing the highs and lows of certain notes, equalizing the range of certain notes, and conditioning the range of notes or the addition of the tune.

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