T.A. Vlasova ◽  
P.M. Chikurova

The article reveals the role of mass media in the process of forming the religious identity of modern student youth. The phenomenon of religious self-determination becomes particularly relevant as a process of religious change, which is influenced by factors whose number cannot but change in the modern world. Theoretically significant for this article are the works of Peter Berger, who develops social constructionism in sociology and considers the role and place of religion in modern secularized society. The work also used the theory of mediatization developed by S. Hjarvard and M. Levheim. The empirical basis is the results of qualitative and quantitative research. Using the results of interviews with UdSU students, it was possible to determine the features of practical student religiousness, as well as students' attitude towards the media. Using the results of an online survey of UdSU students, the relationship to religion and religious figures was analyzed depending on what news the student meets. In addition, the main indicators of religiosity were identified, as well as the sources of news about religion. Religious identity is formed primarily in the family. Students mostly go through the process of converting to religion in early childhood. The process of religious conversion is manifested in different ways - baptism, attendance of religious Sunday schools, discussions about religion, and imitation of family members. During student years, students question their religiosity. As active users of electronic technology, students encounter news about religion in the media (mainly on television and on the Internet). However, if they need information related to religion, students tend to turn primarily to religious officials with whom they know, religious relatives, friends who seem to be authority on the subject, and the Internet. The final decision, however, is made by the student.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-299 ◽  
Aaron Doyle

Thomas Mathiesen’s ‘The Viewer Society’ has been widely influential. Mathiesen posited, alongside the panopticon, a reciprocal system of control, the synopticon, in which ‘the many’ watch ‘the few’. I point to the value of Mathiesen’s arguments but also suggest a reconsideration. I consider where recent challenges to theorizing surveillance as panoptic leave the synopticon. The synopticon is tied to a top—down, instrumental way of theorizing the media. It neglects resistance, alternative currents in media production and reception, the role of culture and the increasing centrality of the internet. Mathiesen’s piece is most useful in a narrower way, in highlighting how surveillance and the mass media interact, rather than in thinking about the role of the media in control more generally.

2020 ◽  
pp. 37-41
Y. V. Agafonova

The current stage in the development of international relations is characterized by an increase of the role of non-state actors, which, among other things, include the media. In diplomatic work, it must be borne in mind that the mass media, despite the lack of an independent status in world political processes, nevertheless make a serious contribution to the implementation of the foreign policy tasks of any countries and even form a political reality. Mass media create a global information space as a cross-border, interactive and rapidly updated environment. As a result, borders, barriers, bureaucratic restrictions, differences in languages, and other factors that had a certain impact on international relations are seriously losing their weight in modern world political processes.

T. N. Samsonova ◽  
E. S. Naumova

The article analyzes the role of mass media in the process of political socialization of the Russian youth in the context of deep socioeconomic and political transformations.Especially significant for the development of political views is the period from 15 to 25 years. Young Russian citizens are just at the stage in the process of developing political habits and are easily influenced by different factors. Much of political information comes from the media, both traditional: newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and innovative — through the Internet. Television helps to shape public opinion by providing political news and their assessment, touching upon important problems, existing in the political sphere. The growth of the Internet is especially significant. News aggregators and online bloggers present a broad range of opinions on political events. The importance of an adequate assessment of the role of the traditional and innovative media in the political socialization of young people, in shaping the political subjectivity of young Russian citizens is obvious.

2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-269 ◽  
Faridah Ibrahim ◽  
Normah Mustaffa ◽  
Fauziah Ahmad ◽  
Chang Peng Kee ◽  
Wan Amizah Wan Mahmud

The dilemma between war and peace has often created continuous debates among many people even though their countries are not involved in the act of war. What they see on television or read on the Internet and in the newspapers are enough to incite emotions and feelings. Some took to the streets and joined street demonstrators who demonstrate against the act of aggression and war in certain countries. While others, would be glued to the television or the Internet, following minute details on the act of war and silently condemning the perpetrators of war. There are also groups of individuals who are indifferent to what is happening around them. In other words, people react to war news in many ways. Moreover with the potential of the mass media to provide neutral and objective reporting of war and peace, one may ask, how do the media perform in times of conflicts and war. Based on a survey of the Malaysian audience, this paper tries to dwell into how the people of a non-warring country like Malaysia, perceives the act of war. To what extent do they see the role of the media in propagating peace and how do they conceptualise the notion of Peace Journalism.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-109
Chernysh O.O.

The urgency of the researched problem is connected with the growing role of mass media in modern conditions leads to change of values and transformation of identity of the person. The active growth of the role of the media, their influence on the formation and development of personality leads to the concept of “media socialization” and immutation in the media. The aim of the study is to outline the possibilities of the process of media socialization in the context of immutation in the media. The methods of our research are: analysis of pedagogical, psychological, literature, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The article analyzes the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of immutation in the media and the transformation of the information space. In the context of the mass nature of the immutation of society, the concept of “media socialization” becomes relevant, which is the basis for reducing the negative impact of the media on the individual.The author identifies the lack of a thorough study of the concept of “media socialization” in modern scientific thought. Thus, media socialization is associated with the transformation of traditional means of socialization, and is to assimilate and reproduce the social experience of mankind with the help of new media.The article analyzes the essence of the concepts “media space”, “mass media” and “immutation”. The influence of mass media on the formation and development of the modern personality is described in detail.The study concluded that it is necessary to form a media culture of the individual, to establish safe and effective interaction of young people with the modern media system, the formation of media awareness, media literacy and media competence in accordance with age and individual characteristics for successful media socialization. The role of state bodies in solving the problem of media socialization of the individual was also determined. It is determined that the process of formation of media culture in youth should take place at the level of traditional institutions of socialization of the individual.The author sees the prospect of further research in a detailed analysis and study of the potential of educational institutions as an institution and a means of counteracting the mass nature of the immutation of society.Key words: immutation, media socialization, mass media, media space, information.

2021 ◽  
pp. 089124162110569
Hakan Kalkan

“Street culture” is often considered a response to structural factors. However, the relationship between culture and structure has rarely been empirically analyzed. This article analyzes the role of three media representations of American street culture and gangsters—two films and the music of a rap artist—in the street culture of a disadvantaged part of Copenhagen. Based on years of ethnographic fieldwork, this article demonstrates that these media representations are highly valuable to and influential among young men because of their perceived similarity between their intersectional structural positions and those represented in the media. Thus, the article illuminates the interaction between structural and cultural factors in street culture. It further offers a local explanation of the scarcely studied phenomenon of the influence of mass media on street culture, and a novel, media-based, local explanation of global similarities in different street cultures.

2010 ◽  
pp. 67-82 ◽  
Stuart Basten

Much research has been conducted in the field of utilising the media - television and radio in particular - to promote particular public health messages. However, a burgeoning canon has examined how mass media can play a role in affecting change in fertility preferences and outcomes. In this paper we review these researches which have primarily focussed upon higher fertility settings. The impact of mass media presentation of families and children in low fertility settings has not yet been subject to rigorous sociological investigation so its impact can not be accurately inferred. However, given the pervasive nature of mass media and celebrity culture, we suggest that this is an important avenue for future research. We conclude that television plays a multi-faceted role in shaping individuals decision-making procedures concerning both demographic events and public health interactions. To illustrate this, we present a model which demonstrates a sliding scale of intent - but not impact - of various genres in order to understand the actual role of the media in shaping attitudes towards family size - either explicitly in terms of edutainment or implicitly as a forms of normalization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 330-339
Abdul-Karim Ziani ◽  
Mokhtar Elareshi ◽  
Khalid Al-Jaber

Abstract Many critical questions concerning the relationship between the news media and political knowledge involve the extent to which the media facilitate learning about news, war and politics. Political awareness - via the news media - affects virtually every aspect of citizens’ political attitudes and behaviours. This paper examines how Libyan elites adopt the news media to access news and information regarding the current Libyan war and politics and how they use political communication and new media to build/spread political awareness. With the expansion of private and state-owned television in Libya, concern has grown that these new TV services will survive in providing information about citizens’ interests, including the new, developing political scene. A total of 134 highly educated Libyan professionals completed an online survey, reporting their perceptions of issues covered by national TV services. This account centres on how those elites consume the media and what level of trust they have in the media and in information and what the role of the media in their country should be. The results show that most respondents, especially those who live outside the country, prefer using different Libyan news platforms. However, 50 per cent of these do not trust these channels as a source of information regarding the civil war, associated conflicts and politics in general. They have grown weary of coverage that represents the interests of those who run or own the services and consequently place little trust in the media. Spreading ‘lies as facts’ has affected the credibility of these services. Politically, these respondents wish the media to discuss solutions and act as a force for good, not for division. They also differed in the number and variety of national news sources that they reportedly used. This paper also highlights the role of social media, mobile telephony and the Internet, as well as the rapidly proliferating private and national media. These findings are also discussed in relation to the growing impact of online sources in Libyan society, social and political change and the emergence of new media platforms as new sources of information.

Antonio Sandu ◽  
Polixenia Nistor ◽  

Mass media affects its consumers primarily in their cognitive dimension, by changing the image of the world - in this sense that the media becomes a vector of social influence, by changing the cognitions of individuals - but also by changing the shared social constructs within membership groups. The stated role of the media is to inform target audiences about events of interest in the field-specific to the activity of the media trust, but also to convey opinions, ideas, and views on those events in a way that is as complete and as complex as possible, allowing recipients to build their own opinions or adhere to one or another of the opinions expressed. This article deals with the ethics of mass communication when faced with a window of opportunity which allows an easier promotion of ideas or interests, taking into account the theory of life as a spectacle promoted by Erwin Goffman.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Наталія Акімова

У статті аналізуються особливості розуміння інтернет-новин. Для цього використані методи аналізу та синтезу; описового, лінгвокультурного та концептуальнного аналізу тексту, дескриптивної інтроспекції та моделювання, метод семантичних і прагматичних інтерпретацій, контекстне спостереження. Автор акцентує, що у процесі дослідження розуміння новин у інтернеті варто враховувати їх специфічні характеристики. Виокремлено, що на відміну від друкованих новин інтернет-новинам властиві такі риси: відсутність цензури, жорсткої залежності від формату видання, гіпертекстовість, інтерактивність, електронна форма, що дозволяє спростити процес друку, зекономити час, колективне авторство, можливість архівування та електронного пошуку, можливість постійного доступу з будьякої точки світу, мультимедійність, необмежений тираж та низька собівартість, уривчастість (не можна відкрити декілька сторінок в одному вікні). Ці нові переважно технічні можливості створюють потенціал реалізації низки комунікативних феноменів, зокрема персоналізації, нехтування мовними нормами, спрощення, широкого використання жаргону, термінів, що призводить до формування специфічного мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин. Для мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин типовим є використання дієслів у третій формі множини, часто не називаючи суб’єкта дії або називаючи лише формально: через метонімію (наприклад: «влада») або за допомогою онімів без референтів. Такий мовленнєвий етикет інтернетновин значно ускладнює розуміння їх змісту, крім того за допомогою незрозумілих формулювань читачам нав’язують певні цінності, установки та орієнтири. Психологічні особливості впливу мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин на процес розуміння репрезентовані у моделі розуміння такого тексту, що запропонована у цій статті (на прикладі новинного анонсу з сайту «РосБизнесКонсалтинг»). Література References  Akіmova, N. (2014). Internet-kommunikatsiya: psikholingvisticheskiy analiz: Monografiya [Internet-communication: Psycholinguistic Analysis]. Saarbryúkken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Akіmova, N. Movlennevі devіacіyi u movі ukraїns'kih іnternet-ZMІ: tendencіja movy epokhy chy zasіb manіpuliuvannia [Speech deviation in the language of Ukrainian online media: the tendency of epoch’s language or means of manipulation]. Retrieved from Akіmova, N. (2016). Frahmentarnist’ novynnoyi internet-komunikatsiyi yak faktor, shcho uskladnyuye yiyi rozuminnya [Fragmentation of the Internet news communication as a factor that complicates its understanding]. Psykholinhvistyka, 20(2), 12-20. Batmanova, S. (2004). Setevyye SMI: faktory efektivnosti [Network mass media: factors of effectiveness]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Voronezh. BTSRYA – Kuznetsov, S.A. (Eds.). (2009) Bol'shoj tolkovyi slovar' russkogo jazyka [Big Dictionary of Russian]. S.-Petersburg: Norint. Dvoynina Ye. (2010). Rechevaya manipulyatsiya v internet-diskurse (na materiale russko- i angloyazychnykh novostnykh saytov) [Speech manipulation in Internet discourse (on the basis of Russian and English-language news sites)]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Saratov. Il'ina I. Problemy izucheniya i vospriyatiya giperteksta v mul'timediynoy srede internet [Problems of studying and perception of hypertext in the multimedia environment of the Internet]. Retrieved from Karamysheva R. (2009). Rehistrovo-zhanrovi kharakterystyky povidomlen’ pro stykhiyni lykha na ukrayinomovnykh ta anhlomovnykh internet-saytakh [The register and genre characteristics of reports of natural disasters in Ukrainian and English web sites]. Linhvistychni Studiyi, 18, 167–173. Koval'chukova M. (2009). Novostnoy anons v seti internet kak rechevoy zhanr diskursa SMI [News announcement in the Internet as a speech genre of the discourse of the media]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Izhevsk. Kolomiyets’ S., Kulyezniova S. (2012). Zhanrovo-styliova dominanta v perekladi tekstiv internet-dyskursu [Genre-style dominant in the translation of texts of Internet discourse]. Funktsyonalnaya Lyngvistika, 3, 176-284. Kulakova V. (2007). Internet v sisteme sredstv massovoy informatsii Tadzhikistana [Internet in the system of mass media of Tajikistan]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Dushanbe. Filatova, O. G. (2004) Internet kak mass-media [Internet as a mass media]. Aktual'nye Problemy Teorii Kommunikatsii, 232-240. Sources RBK – RosBiznesKonsalting – novosti, akcii, kursy valjut, pogoda, dollar, evro [RosBusinessConsulting – News, Stocks, Exchange rate, weather, dollar, euro]. Retrieved from  

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