scholarly journals PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT SENGON (Paraserianthes falcataria) PADA BERBAGAI MEDIA TUMBUH

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
Sukarman Sukarman ◽  
R. Kainde ◽  
J. Rombang ◽  
A. Thomas

ABSTRACT   This research was carried out in Silviculture Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, Sam Ratulangi University, from April to June 2012. The aim of this was to examine the influence of growth media combination on height, diameter and number of leaf sengon seedling, using a Randomized Complete Design with one factor. The factor is  top soil, top soil and sekam bakar, and top soil and coco peat. Based on the research, the results of Anaslysis of Variance showed that top soil and combination of top soil and sekam bakar give most number of seedling leaf.  However, growth of height and diameter at all of combination was no significant, but there was trend that top soil give best growth of height and best growth of diameter given by the top soil and combination of top soil and sekam bakar. Keywords : growth media, sengon ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Silvikultur, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, pada bulan April - Juni 2012. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi media tumbuh terhadap pertumbahan tinggi, diameter dan jumlah daun bibit sengon, dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor. Faktor tersebut adalah tanah lapisan atas, campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan pasir, campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan sekam bakar  dan campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan coco peat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa hasil sidik ragam menunjukkan media tumbuh tanah lapisan atas dan media tumbuh campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan sekam bakar menunjukkan pertumbuhan jumlah daun bibit sengon ang terbanyak. Sedangkan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter pada berbagai media yang diuji tidak berbeda nyata, tapi kecendrungan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman terbaik ditunjukan pada media tumbuh tanah lapisan atas dan pertumbuhan diameter terbaik di tunjukkan pada media tumbuh tanah lapisan atas  dan campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan sekam bakar. Kata kunci : media tumbuh, sengon

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
Sukarman Sukarman ◽  
R. Kainde ◽  
J. Rombang ◽  
A. Thomas

ABSTRACT   This research was carried out in Silviculture Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, Sam Ratulangi University, from April to June 2012. The aim of this was to examine the influence of growth media combination on height, diameter and number of leaf sengon seedling, using a Randomized Complete Design with one factor. The factor is  top soil, top soil and sekam bakar, and top soil and coco peat. Based on the research, the results of Anaslysis of Variance showed that top soil and combination of top soil and sekam bakar give most number of seedling leaf.  However, growth of height and diameter at all of combination was no significant, but there was trend that top soil give best growth of height and best growth of diameter given by the top soil and combination of top soil and sekam bakar. Keywords : growth media, sengon ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Silvikultur, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, pada bulan April - Juni 2012. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi media tumbuh terhadap pertumbahan tinggi, diameter dan jumlah daun bibit sengon, dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor. Faktor tersebut adalah tanah lapisan atas, campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan pasir, campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan sekam bakar  dan campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan coco peat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa hasil sidik ragam menunjukkan media tumbuh tanah lapisan atas dan media tumbuh campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan sekam bakar menunjukkan pertumbuhan jumlah daun bibit sengon ang terbanyak. Sedangkan pertumbuhan tinggi dan diameter pada berbagai media yang diuji tidak berbeda nyata, tapi kecendrungan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman terbaik ditunjukan pada media tumbuh tanah lapisan atas dan pertumbuhan diameter terbaik di tunjukkan pada media tumbuh tanah lapisan atas  dan campuran tanah lapisan atas dengan sekam bakar. Kata kunci : media tumbuh, sengon

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 2659-2669
Adeboyin Funmi Aderounmu ◽  
Francoline Jong Nkemnkeng ◽  
Grace Mendi Anjah

This work investigated the effects of seed provenance and growth media on the growth performance of Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn. Seeds were extracted from fresh fruits collected from Eruwa, Saki and New-Bussa and sown into six media in black polythene pots: top soil + sawdust (1:1); river sand + top soil (1:1); river sand + sawdust (1:1); top soil only; sawdust only and river sand. The experiment was 3 x 6 factorial laid in a Completely Randomized Design. Germination, seedling height, collar diameter, number of leaves and leaf area were evaluated. Data collected were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at p<0.05). Seeds from New-Bussa sown on river sand + top soil (1:1) had the highest germination percentage (92%) while the seeds from Saki sown on top soil only had the least of 74.7%. River sand + top soil medium had the longest seedling growth with 5.41 cm; also rated second in collar diameter (4.07 mm) and leaf area index (47.95 cm2). Thus, top soil based medium, especially river sand + top soil is recommended for good growth performance of this species collected from any of the three provenances.Keywords: Pseudo–radicle, germination, seed source, seedling vigour, traits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-63
Sukariyan Sukariyan ◽  
Marjenah Marjenah ◽  
Wawan Kustaiwan ◽  
Wahjuni Hartati ◽  
Garini Widosari

Plant growth is known as increasing volume of the diameter and height of the plant stem. Overburdenmaterial after coal mining has conditions where the soil structure is damaged, rock fragmentation ismixed and there is no layer of organic matter. The research objective is to determine the suitability ofplant growth in several growing media. The research method is done by planting test in a nursery withplant growth media consisting of top soil material as a control, a mixing of overburden material withfoliar fertilizer from sengon buto plants, and overburden growing media, the three media werecompared. Results of significance were less than 0.05. The growth medium affects the growth ofsengon buto (Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griseb) seedlings.

Chinwe I. Saani ◽  
Joshua Kayode ◽  
Benson O. Ademiluyi ◽  
M. Yoserizal Saragih

The study investigated the emergence and early seedling development of Monodora myristica in six different growth media viz: mixture of river sand/top soil, river sand/saw dust, top soil/saw dust, saw dust only, top soil only and river sand only. Results obtained recorded highest percentage germination (63%) in seeds sown in saw dust only. Early seedling growth was observed for four months. The results of this study showed that seedlings sown in mixture of top soil/saw dust recorded highest mean plant height (16.83cm), stem girth ( 2.50mm), and leaf area (46.18cm2) at the end of the experimental time. Seedlings on top soil only had the highest number of leaves (3.89). River sand had the least seedling performance in all the growth parameters examined; plant height (13.27cm), stem collar girth (1.99mm), leaf length (8.61cm), leaf width (4.77cm) and leaf area (30.83cm2). The study established that the % emergence of Monodora myristica seedlings was best in saw dust medium while mixture of top soil/saw dusts is recommended for enhancing early seedling growth of this plant in the nursery.   

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
Anita Dewi Agustin ◽  
Melya Riniarti ◽  
Duryat .

To support the cultivation of yellow cempaka (Michelia champaca) intensively, high quality seedlings was needed. One of the factors that affect the growth and quality of seedling was growth media. The objectives of the research were to (1) determine the effect of saw dust and rice husk as growth media than the top soil for yellow cempaka seedlings; (2) obtained the best composite media between top soil with saw dust and rice husk as media for growth media for yellow cempaka seedlings. The research was conducted in greenhouse, started from January to April 2013. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replicates, every experiment unit consisted of 6 yellow cempaka seedlings so the total number amounted to 108 seedlings. The treatment were number of medias (1) top soil; (2) saw dust; (3) rice husk; (4) top soil + saw dust 1:1; (5) top soil + rice husk 1:1; (6) top soil + saw dust + rice husk 1:1:1.  Observed variables include high growth, diameter, number of leaves, root length, top root ratio, total dry weight and seedling quality index. The results showed that growth media of rice husk gave a good growth of yellow cempaka same as media top soil.  Composite growth media that had a better growth of yellow cempaka seedling was composite growth media top soil + rice husk 1:1.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Muhammad Syahrul Eka Prakasa ◽  
Joko Triwanto ◽  
Tatag Muttaqin

Sengon atau (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).  termasuk famili Leguminoceae. Tanaman ini sangat potensial untuk dipilih sebagai salah satu kayu cepat tumbuh (fast growing species), pengelolaan relatif mudah, sifat kayunya termasuk kelas kuat dan permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat, sedangkan secara ekologis Sengon dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan seperti meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dan memperbaiki tata air.  Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi media tanam yang baik dan benar supaya mendapatkan pertumbuhan tanaman yang maksimal dan mengetahui pengaruh dari perlakuan penutupan semai dengan paranet terhadap pertumbuhan sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kehutanan Fakultas Pertanian-Peternakan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pengamatan dilakukan dari bulan Januari - April 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan Racangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara faktorial. Faktor pertama komposisi media tanam (P) yang terdiri dari 4 level media top soil dan pasir dengan perbandingan 1:1 (kontrol), dan media top soil, pasir dan pupuk kandang (ayam, kambing dan sapi), dengan tiap perlakuan perbandingannya 2:1:1. Faktor kedua perlakuan penutupan paranet (M) yang terdiri dari 3 level tanaman tanpa mendapatkan perlakuan penutupan paranet, tanaman mendapatkan perlakuan penutupan paranet dengan kerapatan 25% dan 50%. Peubah yang di amati yaitu daya perkecambahan, laju perkecambahan, pertumbuhan semai (diameter, tinggi, jumlah daun, bobot basah, bobot kering, dan panjang akar). Apabila hasil analisisnya berpengaruh nyata akan diuji lanjut menggunakan uji Duncan 5%.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi interaksi yang nyata terhadap presentase perkecambahan antara komposisi media tanam dan perlakuan intensitas cahaya pada peubah laju perkecambahan semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen). Perlakuan terbaik dari penelitian ini yaitu terjadi interaksi yang nyata antara komposisi media tanam dan perlakuan intensitas cahaya pada peubah tinggi semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).  Media tanam topsoil, pasir, dan pupuk kandang kambing dengan perbandingan 2:1:1 merupakan media tanam yang paling sesuai dan baik untuk pertumbuhan semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen). Perlakuan tanaman tanpa mendapatkan penutupan paranet merupakan perlakuan yang baik dan berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan semai sengon (P. falcataria (L.) Nielsen).

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 29
Rekha Prananda ◽  
Indriyanto . ◽  
Melya Riniarti

Kadam is one type of fast growing trees species. One of the factors that affect plant growth are nutrients, the use of organic fertilizer such as cow manure compost soil mix additive during planting can increase nutrient substances in the soil that plants need for growth. The purpose of this experiment was to study the growth response of kadam seedling at different mixing ratio betwen soil with cow manure compost at seedling growth media and the best comparison of soil mixed with cow manure compost where gave the best effect on the growth of kadam seedling. The experiment was conducted from March until June 2012 in the nursery PT Subur Anugrah Sejahtera, District of Kaur, Sub District Air Palawan. The method used in this experiment was randomized block design (RBD) with 5 groups and 5 treatments.  Treatment of this experiment were growth media consisted of top soil, top soil + compost (1:1), top soil + compost (1:2), top soil + compost (1:3) and top soil + compost (1:4).  Each experimental unit consisted of 10 seedlings. Similarity variety tested with Bartlett test, then performed analysis of variance and comparison of average values between treatments with HSD test, all the tests done at 5% significance level. The results showed that composition of soil and cow manure compost significantly affect to height, seedling height, dry weight of root, and seedling quality index. Composition of soil and cow manure compost 1:2 resulted the best of high growth, seedling high, dry weight of root, and the best seedling quality index respectively 42.64 cm, 40.56 cm, 10.22 g, and 8.73 g. For further research recommended to conduct the same study by replacing the type by cow manure compost white chiken manure compost as a growth media seedling so, can obtain new knowledge about the type of compost with for growth media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Emma Savitri ◽  
Natalia Suseno ◽  
Tokok Adiarto

Many mass-transfer applications have used chitosan membrane in separation processes. This research applied crosslinked chitosan membrane to sterillize bacterial growth media. Chitosan membranes having 79 % DD were produced by casting and drying chitosan solution. The images of the membrane were characterized by SEM and other characterizations such as permeability, permselectivity and tensile strength were investigated. The flux increased with longer submersion period but the rejection decreased. Otherwise, the flux decreased and rejection increased in line with an increase in curing temperature. Tensile strength increased with the increase of submersion period and curing temperature. The optimum conditions of crosslinking process are 2 hours of submersion periods and curing temperature at 90 oC.  It gives flux 5.8930 L/jam.m2, rejection 97.47 % and tensile strength 49640 kN/m2

1986 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-25 ◽  
A.J. Laiche ◽  
V.E. Nash

Three woody landscape species, Rhododendron indica ‘President Clay’, Ligustrum sinense ‘variegata’, and Ilex crenata ‘compacta’, were grown in media prepared from fresh pine bark, pine bark with wood, and pine tree chips. Although media were variable in physical properties, all exhibited very high hydraulic conductivity and low water holding capacity. The capacity of these media materials to hold fertilizer elements was very low. Nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus were rapidly removed by leaching while calciuum and magnesium were retained longer because of the low solubility of dolomitic limestone. Pine bark was the best growth media tested for all plant species. Pine bark with wood was less satisfactory than pine bark and growth was poorest in pine tree chips. More research is needed on the use of the organic amendments with greater amounts of wood before being widely used as organic components of growth media.

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