scholarly journals Statutory, legal, scientific and productive aspects of conditions and prospects of development of antidote therapy in the Russian Federation

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-21

The modern period in the development of the world community and the Russian Federation in particular is characterized by the globalization of chemical danger. The increase of chemical hazards is determined by the growing potential of the chemical industry in developed countries, widespread use of highly toxic substances in industry, presence of not destroyed stockpiles of chemical weapons abroad, bolstering terrorist manifestations etc. In these circumstances one of the components of the concept of medical support for chemical safety is the existence of a scientifically based system for the development and application of medical technologies for the treatment and prophylaxis of chemical poisoning. The system of emergency specialized toxicological assistance that exists in the Russian Federation suggests the use of means of antidote therapy. However, the analysis of the reports of centers / departments of acute poisoning indicates the lack of significant means of specific pharmacotherapy there. Also there are no important antidotes to cyanides, irritants or alcohol substitutes on Russia's pharmaceutical market. After the analysis of the state of the scientific, technological and industrial base, as well as the analysis of the potential hazards of a chemical nature, it is necessary to underline, that the main directions for the optimization of the antidote therapy system in the Russian Federation should include experimental and clinical studies aimed at the development and creation of innovative antidotes (or adaptation and licensing of various pharmacopeial drugs). The short-term tasks of research, production and regulatory development of the antidote therapy system in the Russian Federation are connected with the completion of the development, registration and acceptance of domestic means of antidote therapy (antidotes to cyanides, combustion products, irritants, psychodisleptics), improvement of technical means of applying existing antidotes, legal regulations in the sphere of providing access to antidotes for medical units and organizations

2020 ◽  
Vol 93 (4) ◽  
pp. 101-108
I. S. Khvan ◽  

Development institutions are an important modern instrument of government regulation of the economy in all developed countries. The system of development institutions of the Russian Federation includes the federal and regional development institutions. Key federal development institutions include such well-known state corporations as the investment fund of the Russian Federation; the State Corporation "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Activity (Vnesheconombank)"; the state corporation "Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies," etc. According to experts of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, about 200 regional development institutions operate on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The objectives of this extensive system of development institutions so far have been to overcome the so-called "market failures," which cannot be optimally realized by the market mechanisms, and to promote the sustained economic growth of a country or an individual region. In November 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation announced the reform of the system of development institutions in the country. The article analyzes the goals and main directions of the announced reform. On the example of the system of development institutions of the Far East, an attempt was made to assess its possible consequences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (6) ◽  
pp. 610-616
Sergey V. Andronov ◽  
Andrey A. Lobanov ◽  
Irina V. Kobel’kova ◽  
Andrey I. Popov ◽  
Luo Luo ◽  

Introduction. The nutrition of the Nenets in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia is mainly based on traditional products (raw (thermally unprocessed) local fish and venison), which is the most important factor of survival in the Arctic. Storing up food products for an extended period is not relevant for the Nenets. Climate change and industrial development in the Arctic primarily affect the seasonality of consumption. Changing the calendar of fish and venison harvesting leads to greater use of imported and canned local food, increasing the length of the periods when local food completely disappears from the diet of the Nenets. Material and methods. During the expeditions to the national villages of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, cross-sectional screening studies were performed, in which 985 Nenets people took part. Nutritional analysis was conducted using the questionnaire method based on an album of portions and dishes. Retrospective information was collected on the seasonality of consumption of reindeer products and local fisheries (the length of the period when unserved fish and venison are available). Results. The consumption of reindeer and river fishery products is seasonal. The duration of the season of venison consumption was from 150±14.0 to 180±21.0, and raw fish - from 120±14.0 to 200±21.0 days. Despite the high level of consuming reindeer products per season, the average annual consumption of venison by Nenets in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia was 240 g/day/person that is less than in the central regions of the Russian Federation and industrially developed countries. In the studied area, the average annual consumption of fish (171.5 g/day/person) is three times higher than the average consumption in the Russian Federation. However, increased consumption of traditional food is typically only during the season of fishing or slaughtering reindeer. The average annual consumption reduced; during the off-season, the share of easily digestible carbohydrates in the diet increased. Conclusion. The creation of fish and venison stocks in villages and their year-round sale to the population is a necessary step in ensuring the food security of the Nenets people.

Анна Владимировна Мусалева ◽  
Никита Алексеевич Кубасов

В статье рассмотрен такой инструмент исправления осужденных, как общественно полезный труд, который в Российской Федерации на законодательном уровне признан одним из эффективных инструментов исправления наряду с другими основными средствами исправительного воздействия. В работе в том числе рассматриваются проблемы принудительного труда осужденных. Авторы раскрыли порядок и условия организации привлечения к трудовой деятельности лиц, содержащихся в пенитенциарных учреждениях зарубежных стран. В статье проводится сравнительный анализ особенностей содержания, условий привлечения к труду осужденных в зависимости от вида пенитенциарного учреждения различных государств, организации работы осужденных, а именно оплаты труда, продолжительности трудовой деятельности, норм охраны труда, реализации права на отдых и социального обеспечения. Авторы помимо этого обобщают опыт трудовой дисциплины осужденных в пенитенциарных системах ряда развитых в экономическом и социальном плане государств. Изучая опыт зарубежных стран по привлечению заключенных к труду, представляется возможным перенять некоторые важные особенности, которые могут быть частично внедрены в отечественную уголовно-исполнительную систему. The article considers such a tool for the correction of convicts as socially useful work, which in the Russian Federation at the legislative level is recognized as one of the effective tools of correction along with other basic means of correctional influence. The article also deals with the problems of forced labor of convicts. The authors revealed the procedure and conditions for organizing the employment of persons held in places of forced isolation from the society of penitentiary institutions of foreign countries. The paper provides a comparative analysis of the features of the content, conditions for the employment of prisoners, depending on the type of penitentiary institution in different states, the working methods of prisoners, namely, remuneration, duration of work, labor protection standards, the exercise of the right to rest and social security. The authors also summarize the experience of labor discipline of prisoners in the penitentiary systems of a number of economically and socially developed countries. Studying the experience of foreign countries in attracting prisoners to work, it is possible to adopt some important features that can be partially implemented in the domestic penal system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-152
A.V. Gubin ◽  
N.V. Khan ◽  
S.O. Ryabykh ◽  
E.N. Ovchinnikov ◽  

Introduction In the year of anniversaries of two leading national centers for traumatology and orthopedics, the authors analyzed the main problems and current challenges in specialized trauma and orthopedic care (TOC). Historical parallels in the development of TOC in our country and its problems and trends abroad motivated the authors to conduct an analysis while the need for their comparative assessment determined the purpose of the work which is a brief analysis of the organizational model of TOC and substantiation of a "3DT" concept as a contemporary organizational model of trauma and orthopedic service in the Russian Federation. Results and discussion The analysis of current trends in the trauma and orthopedic (TO) service showed its variability over the past three decades. However, the original organizational structure of specialized TO care remained almost the same. A comparative assessment of organizational models has shown that the models for providing specialized care in developed countries are extremely diverse. The availability of assistance does not depend on the population density and tariffs even in the regions of developed countries. In addition, the monetary assessment of treatment of spinal pathology, as an example, has not been standardized and harmonized across countries and regions. It is also important to evaluate the steady increase in high technology care with the use of more developed systems of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and, accordingly, its growing costs. The challenges that our specialty faces may be conditionally divided into technical, socio-economic and organizational ones with the need to create a clear vertical structure of organization, control and referral of patients with organizational decisions for selection of patients with a TO profile according to flows within various areas of subspecialties, the need for justification and feed-back control of financing systems for various types of TO assistance. The challenges described above motivated us to propose a new “3DT” organizational concept as a basis for a more stable and understandable model for the functioning of the national trauma and orthopedic service. The proposed basic model includes 4 direction sectors: D1 (pediatric diseases of the musculoskeletal system and their outcomes); D2 (degenerative and involuntary pathology of the musculoskeletal system); D3 (destructive diseases of the musculoskeletal system of tumor or infectious origin); T (trauma of the musculoskeletal system and its consequences), that all have fundamentally different approaches to organization and planning. The main requirement for the model is its simple application by all participants directly or indirectly involved in the provision of care: orthopedic and trauma specialists, doctors of other specialties, authorities and financial institutions, patients, their relatives and patient communities. Conclusion The advantages of the 3DT model lie in the possibility of extrapolating this concept to any region of the Russian Federation, taking into account the difference in their resources. The integral criterion of its effectiveness may be the assessment of the development of these areas as a whole, rather than separate types of assistance. In each sector, it is necessary to indicate the basic, additional and optional amount of assistance. All regions must have the basic level, while the state funding of additional and, moreover, optional assistance should not be carried out without providing the basic one.

2019 ◽  
Vol 95 (8) ◽  
pp. 717-721 ◽  
E. A. Boyko ◽  
N. N. Goncharuk ◽  
A. D. Dashitsyrenova ◽  
N. A. Kostenko ◽  
Oksana O. Sinitsina ◽  

The realization of the package of measures directed at the consecutive decrease of the negative effect of hazardous chemical and biological factors on the population and environment to the acceptable risk level stipulates the development of standard legal regulation in the field of ensuring the chemical and biological safety. For this purpose article presents substantiation and conceptual approaches to the creation of legislation in the field of the chemical and biological security of the Russian Federation within the pursued state policy. In determination of conceptual approaches, in the article there are reported: the main idea, the purpose, a subject of legal regulation, the circle of people who will be subjected to the laws, the place offuture laws in the system of current legislation, the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal backbone laws of the Russian Federation to realization of which laws are directed, there is given the general characteristic and an assessment of a condition of legal regulation in this field, results of the analysis of the information on the need for correspondence of Russian laws to provision of international treaties, concerning prohibitions of the biological and chemical weapon, safe handling with biological agents and chemicals, and also the development of uniform procedures of ensuring chemical and biological safety. The major aspect in the shaping of the legislation is the global character ofproblems of chemical and biological safety in this connection in article there is indicated the need of rapprochement of rules of law for this area with partners in economic cooperation and integration. Taking into account an orientation of future laws on the decrease in the level of the negative impact of dangerous chemical and biological factors on the population and environment, there are designated medical, social, economic and political consequences of their implementation. There are presented the proposed structure for bills: “About biological safety”, “On Chemical Safety” and “On the National collection of pathogens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 361-367
Vakhtang Merabishvili ◽  
Iuliia Iurkova ◽  
Aleksandr Shcherbakov ◽  
Evgenii Levchenko ◽  
Anton Barchuk ◽  

Lung cancer (LC) is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in the population of Russia and many economically developed countries of the world. At the same time, referring to localizations with a high mortality rate, the official data on the number of recorded primary cases (which form the incidence rate) are significantly underestimated, which is confirmed by the registration reliability index, which in many territories is higher than critical values. The aim of our study is to present the real state of the prevalence of PC in Russia, based on the newly created database (DB) of the population cancer register (PRR) of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation (NWFD RF) — the only one in Russia. We analyzed the loss of the number of primary patients who were not included in the state reporting, showed the real value of the achieved death rate of patients in the first year of dispensary observation, calculated the patterns of annual mortality of patients, the median of survival and 1 and 5-year survival of patients with lung cancer based on the database of the population cancer registry. Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation, on the materials of which for the first time in Russia the dynamics of changes in the detailed localization and histological structure of lung cancer was traced.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-137 ◽  
Екатерина Стрижакова ◽  
Ekaterina Strizhakova ◽  
Дмитрий Стрижаков ◽  
Dmitriy Strizhakov

The experience of the state industrial policy range of economically developed countries was analyzed, the main directions of the development and implementation of industrial policy in the Russian Federation was formed.

Marina A. Shurgaya

Disability of the elderly age group of the population is the most important problem of public health and social services of all developed countries over the world without exception. In the Russian Federation, this age segment is characterized by the gain, reflecting the global process of population aging. The aim of the study was to analyze the nosological structure of the primary and secondary disability in elderly people in comparison with the main age categories of the adult population in the Russian Federation and the evaluation of rehabilitation / rehabilitation activities for disabled people. The volume of the study was 34,840,933 people aged of from 18 years and over, recognized as disabled, including the disabled elderly - 12,971,062. The subject of a special study was the nature of functional disorders, the degree of the disability, the nosological spectrum of causes of the disability of elderly people and the effectiveness of implemented measures of medical and social rehabilitation (rehabilitation and expert characterization). The study was selective, the sample size account of 370 people. The results of the research demonstrate the nosological structure of the pathology, the associated types of impairments and the nature of the disability to determine the severity of the disability in elderly people, the complexity of the formation and implementation of individual programs for the rehabilitation and rehabilitation of disabled people (IPRA). The improvement of the quality of life and integrating disabled people into the society has been and remains a difficult task for rehabilitation and habilitation activities. Rehabilitation and provision of technical means of rehabilitation, to a lesser extent - social and professional rehabilitation are the most feasible for the implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 81-85
Aleksandr Kodincev

The article reveals the process of formation and functioning of structural divisions of project management bodies in the federal authorities of the Russian Federation. In the 2010s, experiments were carried out to introduce project management technologies in individual ministries and regions. Project management standards have been developed. Since 2014, a series of regulations has been adopted that introduced project management into the system of government bodies. The new system, borrowed from developed countries, takes root with great difficulty. Since 2016, the development of project management has moved into the campaign stage. The leadership of the Russian state attaches great importance to the introduction of modern management technologies in the state system, including Project management. Therefore, despite the periodic slowdown of the campaign, the implementation of project management methods in the state administration continues.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 468-483
Yu. S. Goldfarb ◽  
S. A. Kabanova ◽  
V. I. Sleptsov ◽  
S. S. Petrikov ◽  
Yu. N. Ostapenko ◽  

The creation of the organizational foundations of clinical toxicology began after its separation in the first half of the 20th century from forensic medicine, pharmacology, and military and industrial toxicology. In this, the research started in the therapeutic clinic of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine is important, which led to the opening of the country’s first toxicological department at the Institute and made it possible to resolve acute poisoning (AP) issues at a new level. The obvious successes achieved in this direction by the employees of the department served as a prerequisite for the creation of Republican and All-Union AP treatment centers on the basis of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute, where employees began actively work on the preparation of relevant regulatory documents and the organization of toxicological centers (departments) in the regions. As a result, by the end of the twentieth century, the foundation of the toxicological service was created in the Russian Federation — a network of 44 centers (departments) for AP treatment in 41 regions, which today provide specialized assistance to the population of 50% of the territory of the Russian Federation and serves as the basis for the implementation of advanced achievements in this area.An outstanding role in the formation of clinical toxicology as a new direction in clinical medicine and the creation of a scientific school of clinical toxicologists belongs to E.A. Luzhnikov, member of RAS.Creation of the organizational foundations of urgent clinical toxicology and its formation as an independent scientific and practical direction in medicine, in which a significant contribution belongs to the staff of N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine, are closely related to scientific and practical achievements in this area, the prompt response of specialists to the toxicological situation in the country, as well as adoption of the experience gained in the course of organizational and information and advisory activities. At the same time, timely preparation and publication of legal and regulatory documents regulating practical work in this area are of particular importance.

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