scholarly journals The effectiveness Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Sehati in Nekmese Village Amarasi Sub-District, South Kupang Regency

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-230
Yopy E. Haekase ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Hendrik Toda ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze the effectiveness of Sehati Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Nekmese Village, South Amarasi District, Kupang Regency. Research Methodology: This study used descriptive research with a qualitative approach that used the effectiveness measurement criteria of Chambell J.P (1989). Results: The findings in this study are that BUMDes has been effective with several successes, namely program success, target success, satisfaction with the program and the achievement of. Limitations: This research only reviewed the effectiveness of BUMDes Sehati in Nekmese village, Kupang Regency. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration science. Keywords: Effectiveness, BUMDes

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-140
Dominikus Fernandez ◽  
Rikhardus Seran Klau ◽  
Adriana Rodina Fallo ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Policy of Community Economic Building Movement in East Flores Regency. Research methodology: The research method used in this research is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Results: The findings in this study are that there are many deficiencies in terms of both content of policy and policy implementation. Limitations: this research only discusses and evaluates the policies of community economic development movements in the East Flores district. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration science. Keywords: Evaluation, Empowerment

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Leonio Maria Da Silva ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Hendrik Toda ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze Policy Implementation of Local Government In Waste Management (Distrito) Dili City, Timor Leste. Research Methodology: The research method used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Results: The findings in this study are that there are many deficiencies in terms of both content of policy and policy implementation. Limitations: this research only analyzes the implementation of Local Government In Waste Management (Distrito) Dili City, Timor Leste. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration science. Keywords: Waste management, Content of policy, Policy implementation

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-96
Melkianus Y Bere ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Hendrik Toda ◽  

Abstract Purpose: This study describes and analyzes Social participation in Management of Village Fund in Sanleo village, East Malaka sub-district, Malaka regency. Research methodology: This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Social participation is analyzed using the views of Cohen and Uphoff (1977. Results: The results in this study are that the village society has been quite actively involved from the decision-making stage to enjoying the results. However, it is not even implemented at the evaluation stage, so the village government cannot confidently measure the success of a program being implemented. Limitations: This research only describes and analyzes social participation in the Management of Village Fund in Sanleo village, East Malaka sub-district, Malaka regency. Findings may differ in other areas. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-67
Jimy Handry Nahak ◽  
Petrus Kase ◽  
Pius Bumi Kelen ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of this research was to describe and analyse society participation in the Village Fund for Development Program in Kletek Village, Central Malaka District, Malaka Regency. Research Methodology: This research is qualitative in nature. The informants who were selected purposively were 21 people. Results: The findings in this study are that society does not participate because the village apparatus is less open in capturing society’s aspirations, and there is no publication to the society so that it appears that government officials tend to be closed off about the use of funds. Limitations: The limitation of this research is that the research only focuses on the Kletek Village society’s participation in the Village Fund Program. Contribution: This research becomes scientific information for public administration program. Keywords: Participation, Decision making, Implementation, Use, Evaluation

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 352-370
Listiyono Listiyono ◽  
Humaizi Humaizi ◽  
Heri Kusmanto

In terms of fulfilling the rights and obligations of the residents of Langkat Regency in the field of civil registration of birth certificates, a comprehensive arrangement is needed to serve as guidelines and guidelines for all government officials in Langkat Regency. As the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 470/837 / SJ 07 concerning the Administration of a Conscious Indonesia Movement (GISA) which aims to increase public awareness in the field of population administration, effective and efficient government and a competitive state. The local government is expected to fully support the program by creating an ideal ecosystem. This study aims to see the implementation of the Administrative Awareness Movement program in accelerating ownership of birth certificates aged 0-18 years in Langkat Regency. In this study, the research methodology used by the writers was a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach with the intention of focusing on the problems or phenomena that existed at the time the research was carried out. Key research informants were the Head of the Population and Civil Registry Office and the Head of the Civil Registration Division. Based on the results of the presentation and analysis of the data, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Administration Awareness Indonesia Movement program in accelerating the ownership of birth certificates aged 0-18 years in Langkat Regency is still not optimal, such as the communication process has not been maximal, limited resources, no budget for the program and there is a transition of structural officials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-183
Markus Tae ◽  
Paulus Nd.LT Ratoebandjoe ◽  
Ernawati Daeng ◽  

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to find out Implementation Family Hope Program (PKH) in Oelpuah Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency. Research methodology: The type of research used by researchers in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Results: The results of this study indicate that the Family Hope Program (PKH) is very beneficial for beneficiary households, particularly in the fields of education and health. However, there are still several obstacles that must be resolved so that this program can be better. Limitations: This study only focuses on the implementation of the Family Hope program (PKH) in Oelpuah Village, Central Kupang District, Kupang Regency. Contribution: The results of this research can be used as reference and evaluation in the development of the Family Hope Program (PKH). Keywords: Family Hope Program (PKH), Implementation, Public policy

Pondasi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Tiafahmi Angestiwi

AbstractTerminal is one of the most important facility in transportation. As a start and finish site, terminal have to ensure to provide optimal services. Optimal services have to supported by adequate facilities, so that it can realize integrated transportation. The puropose of this study is to identify the facility needed for supporting passengers activity when start and finish their journey in terminal. The research methodology used is descriptive research with qualitative approach. Technique of collecting data used are observation and literature review. The result of the research, identify based on passenger movement from and to Leuwipanjang Terminal, needed any facility namely:1) pedestrian bridge and adequate pedestrian ways which is free from barrier 2) parking facility and drop zone area to avoid congestion in the area around the terminal.  Key word: Passenger Terminal, Passenger Terminal Facilities, Terminal Leuwipanjang  Abstrak Terminal merupakan salah satu sarana terpenting dalam transportasi. Sebagai tempat memulai dan mengakhiri perjalanan, terminal harus dipastikan dapat memberikan pelayanan secara optimal. Pelayanan yang optimal harus didukung oleh fasilitas yang memadai, sehingga dapat mewujudkan transportasi yang terintegrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi fasilitas yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung aktivitas penumpang saat memulai dan mengakhir perjalanan di terminal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi dan literatur review. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, teridentifikasi bahwa berdasarkan pergerakan penumpang dari dan menuju terminal Leuwipanjang, dibutuhkan beberapa fasilitas yakni: 1) jembatan penyeberangan dan jalur pejalan kaki yang memadai serta bebas dari hambatan. Disamping itu dibutuhkan 2) fasilitas parkir dan area menurunkan penumpang untuk menghindari kemacetan di area sekitar terminal. Kata kunci: Terminal Penumpang, Kebutuhan Fasilitas Terminal Penumpang, Terminal Leuwipanjang

Iva Faridha Azahro ◽  
Nanih Machendrawaty ◽  
Hajir Tajiri

Tujuan dari peneliti ini yaitu untuk mengetahui (1) karakteristik kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (3) hasil pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif, pemilihan subjek dan informan dengan cara acak dan teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara terhadap enam orang anak asuh dan tiga orang tua asuh. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa anak sebelum memperoleh pengasuhan dari orang tua asuh di RPSAA memiliki karakteristik kecerdasan emosional rendah. Pola pengasuhan yang diterapkan di RPSAA kepada anak asuh adalah pola asuh demokratis. Sedangkan hasil pengasuhan dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung menyimpulkan bahwa anak asuh usia remaja telah memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang cukup baik, yaitu terlihat dari bagaimana cara mereka mampu mengendalikan segala perasaan yang pada dirinya, meskipun ada remaja yang belum sepenuhnya memenuhi aspek kecerdasan emosional.   The goal of these researchers is to figure out (1) characteristics of the emotional intelligence of teenagers in RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in adolescents; (3) results foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in teens. This research used the qualitative approach with descriptive research method, the selection of subjects and informants by means of random and data gathering techniques through observation, interview and documentation against six people and three foster care parents foster care. The research results obtained by researchers concluded that child before obtaining care of foster parents in RPSAA has the characteristic of low emotional intelligence. Parenting patterns are applied in the RPSAA to foster care parenting is democratic. While parenting results in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung teenager in concluding that foster care teens have had a pretty good emotional intelligence, that is visible from how they are able to control all the feelings on him, even though there are teenagers who do not yet fully meet aspects of emotional intelligence.

Halida Novera ◽  
Yulianto Yulianto ◽  
Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung ◽  

Leadership style is important in an organization, if a leader can adapt his leadership style to the existing situations and conditions, it can affect the performance of his subordinates. In Tanggamus Regency currently led by a woman leader, namely Dewi Handajani, different from previous periods in this period the first time Tanggamus Regency was led by a woman. Therefore, this study aims to determine the leadership style of Tanggamus Regency regional leaders and whether this leadership style affects the performance of employees in Tanggamus Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, data collection is done using interview and documentation techniques. The results showed that the leadership style used by the local leaders of Tanggamus Regency, namely the feminine leadership style tends to be transformational and the style applied is able to influence the improvement of employee performance in Tanggamus Regency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Rani Kurniawati ◽  
Ninuk Triyanti ◽  
Dahyar Daraba

The sector developed in Indonesia at this time is the tourism sector. The purpose of this study is to find out how the development of attractions, supporting and inhibiting factors, and formulate strategies in the development of tourism objects in Rejang Lebong Regency. This research uses descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. Data in this study were collected through interviews, documentation, observation and data triangulation. The analysis technique used in writing uses the SWOT analysis and Litmust Test to be reduced, presented and concluded. The results of research strategies for developing tourism objects in Rejang Lebong Regency are still not maximal, because there are many weaknesses in each component in the tourism area which become a benchmark for the development of Bengkulu Province tourist destinations, Rejang Lebong. The influencing factors are internal factors, namely strengths and weaknesses and external factors, namely opportunities and threats. Based on these factors, researchers can reformulate the strategy in the development of attractions in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province

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