scholarly journals Discovery of New Theory Analysis of Equilibrium Point Population Versus Food on Theory of Thomas Robert Malthus and Its Development (Case Study of Indonesia)

Matius Irsan Kasau ◽  
ST. Aminah Dinayati Ghani

The future of humans on this tiny planet earth has entered a grim beginning in the midst of rapidly growing technological progress. How not, human life whose population is growing fast is not comparable to food as a source of life that grows slowly. This study aims to calculate the cross point or equilibrium point between population and food using the population series and food series of Thomas Robert Malthus original and the results of its development by Matius Irsan Kasau. The data and methods used are types of secondary data sourced from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS), which is processed by a mathematical method that compares the population with food in each series. The results of research with Indonesian data in 2010 showed that for the original Malthus theory with the number of children on average per couple of 4 people, the distance between generations 25 years, 75 years of life expectancy, population 237 million, food 66.5 million tons obtained equilibrium point occurred in 2085, namely in the third generation. As for Malthus's theory of development results with an average number of children of 2.6 people, a distance between 23 years generation, and 69 years of life expectancy, the equilibrium point was obtained in 2171, namely the seventh generation of the current generation.

Afandi Afandi

It is not easy to speack arabic  for a student who are not native speaker, but it will be solved through much rehearsal. The student are not native speaker will be easy  to speak and write arabic. the rehearsal of this additional activity will be effective if it supports by right management. There are some purposes of this reasearch : 1. To know the planning of extracurricular for speaking and writing skill. 2. To know the organization of extracurricular for speaking and writing skill 3. To know the evaluation of extracurricular for speaking and writing skill. In This  research, the researcher uses qualitative research approach and case study methode. there are two data sources of this reasearch namely primer and secondary data sources, collecting the data through interview, observation, and documentation. Whereas analysing the data uses mils and hubberman analysing models. Based on the result of this research, can take conclusion that management of addtional activity for speaking and writing skill, the first is planning,  in this planning consist of establishing purpose, establishing programe, establishing advisor, establishing the fasility of the implamentation of speaking and writing skills. The second is organization, in this organization consist of distributing assigment and obligation to the teacher. The third is evalution, the evalution of extracurricular of speaking skill did orally whereas the evalution for writing skill through correcting the result of student’s wriring for one month. Keywords : management, extracurricular, speaking skill and writing skill

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Dinaselina Chintya Kosasih ◽  
Ambar Budhisulistyawati

<p>Abstract<br />This articles aims to  find out about the mechanism of transactions and profit sharing at PT Sukses  Integritas Perkasa  and legal protection towards Multi-Level Marketing business members in case  settlement during the Multi-Level Marketing business activities in the case study of PT Sukses  Integritas Perkasa. This research is categorized as a descriptive empirical study. It is using a qualitative approach and primary data support and secondary data. According to the research finding, the legal protection of PT Sukses Integritas Perkasa members in case if a dispute occurs has been stated in the company code of ethics based on applicable regulations in Indonesia. The company code of ethics has elaborated the dispute resolution if a dispute occurs, whereby deliberation and consensus are prioritized prior to other resolution alternatives. In case of the deliberation and consensus failure, dispute resolution alternatives would refer to attend the third party that is arbitration based on Indonesia National Arbitrage Organization (BANI).<br />Keywords : Multi-Level Marketing; Legal Protection; Dispute Resolution.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme transaksi beserta pembagian reward dalam  PT Sukses Integritas Perkasa dan perlindungan hukum bagi para anggota Multi Level Marketing tersebut beserta cara penyelesaiannya khususnya pada perusahaan MLM PT Sukses Integritas Perkasa. Penulisan hukum ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum empiris yang bersifat deksriptif. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan data kualitatif dan jenis data berupa data primer serta data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui, bahwa perlindungan Hukum terhadap anggota PT Sukses Integritas Perkasa apabila terjadi perselisihan sudah tertuang dalam kode etik perusahaan yang berpedoman pada peraturan-peraturan yang sudah ada terlebih dahulu dan berlaku di Indonesia. Kode etik perusahaan juga telah menguraikan mengenai penyelesaian sengketa apabila terjadi perselisihan dimana diselesaikan secara damai terleboh dahulu yaitu dengan musyawarah dan mufakat. Pelaksanaan musyawarah dan mufakat apabila tidak menemui titik temu maka akan penyelesaian akan menggunakan alternatif penyelesaian sengketa dengan cara menghadirkan pihak ke tiga yaitu arbitrase yang berpedoman pada peraturan yang ada di  Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia (BANI).<br />Kata Kunci: Multi Level Marketing; Perlindungan Hukum; Penyelesaian Sengketa.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 44
Avi Bitzur

Humanity has won one of the most challenging battles ever presented to it – the struggle to extend human life and increasing life expectancy. Current data and the figures predicted for future generations forecast significant longevity, and humanity has ostensibly marked a monumental achievement: containing death.This achievement, however, is not without its challenges. This essay argues that humanity is not ready to deal with the challenges posed by aging and the dramatic increase in longevity. As the number of older people increases, so will social, political, human, economic, and health issues that are naturally associated with older age. Society will face a so-called "human tsunami," or, alternatively, a "demographic revolution" in which man will find himself preoccupied with his elders in a world that has not prepared for such a revolution.This essay will review José Saramago's masterpiece "Death with Interruptions," which sarcastically describes a world free of death that, in turn, must contend with a myriad of problems. Faced with the issues plaguing Saramago's "deathless" world, authorities attempt to exercise a series of macabre and preposterous solutions vis-à-vis an issue that has all but upturned the "human pyramid" in the book.The novel will serve as the backdrop for presenting the case study at the heart of this essay, aging in Israel. I will present the existing situation in terms of aging-oriented services in Israel and the issues, obstacles and shortcomings of the system currently in place.This essay strives to illustrate the fact that global and Israeli society alike, fall short of rising to the challenges presented by this revolution, as the communities, families and the formal and informal state systems are not ready for the dramatic rise in longevity and its implications.Only nations that prepare themselves from social, religious, healthcare, economic, and organizational standpoints ahead of time will be able to properly deal with this phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Wiwik Prihatin ◽  
Evi Gravitiani

This study will discuss the inequality of infrastructure development in terms of various aspects such as road conditions, clean water, solid waste, education, worship, and health. The purpose of this research is to determine the condition of infrastructure development that is not evenly distributed in the Banjarnegara district so that a strategy can be formulated to overcome this problem. The method used is descriptive qualitative using primary data obtained directly through a survey to show how the state of the existing infrastructure and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that inequality in infrastructure development occurs in almost all aspects. Three important and main aspects that must be addressed immediately are related to the construction or repair of road infrastructure because it is the mobility for all community movements to carry out their activities to make it smooth and easy, so that the development of an area is also easy to do. The second is increasing the number of clean water connection service coverage, and the third is handling solid waste management. If this is not done immediately, it will lead to even wider inequality in infrastructure development in the Banjarnegara district considering that infrastructure is also the key to driving economic growth and improving the quality of people's welfare.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-150
Ramadhan Hamdun Ali Ramualkiki ◽  
Rawaa' Mohamad Mahadi

It is undeniable that water is of utmost importance in all areas of life. It is one of the four essential elements in human life as a whole. From one perspective, the Muslim occupies a large area of exposure to the use of water. In another perspective, the water is exposed to scarcity and factors threatening to extinction in some cases. This study aims to avoid the problem of water scarcity as a serious attempt to prevent excessive hypocrisy of large amounts of it. Case study approach is used to determine the research scope. In addition, the study also used "explanatory approach" to reach some significant results. The findings shows that the water count is not suitable for drinking after the initial treatment but can be used to watering some plants after secondary treatment. It is also found that the water can be used without any restriction after the third treatment. Keywords: Wastewater, Treatment stages (primary, secondary, tertiary), Impure water, the Impossibility, Increasing, Pure water. ال يخفى ما للماء من ضرورة قصوى في شتى مجاالت الحياة، كيف ال، وهو أحد العناصر األربعة األساسية في حياة البشر كك ّل، ويحتلالمسلم من بين الناس مساحة كبيرة من التعرض الستعمال الماء، هذا من جهة ومن أخرى ما يتعرض له الماء من شحة وعوامل تهددهباالنقراض حينا، وأخرى بالندرة أحيانا. فجاء البحث ليحاول تالفي مشكلة ندرة الماء من باب أنه محاولة جادة للحيلولة دون اإلفراط فينفاق كميات كبيرة منه، وكان البداية على "منهج دراسة الحالة" حتى نحدد نقطة البحث، ثم عمدنا "المنهج االستداللي" لنصل إلى نتيجةمهمة وهي عد الماء غير صالح للشرب فيما بعد المعالجة األولية وبجواز سقي بعض المزروعات بعد المعالجة الثانوية، وجواز االستعمالالمطلق بعد المعالجة الثالثية.الكلمات المفتاحية: مياه الصرف الصحي، مراحل المعالجة )األولية، الثانوية، الثالثية(، المياه النجسة، االستحالة، المكاثرة، المياهالطاهرة.    

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-25
Fahruni Fahruni

Peatland conditions fficted by fire eoch year in Central Kal,imantan, resulting in the disruption of the ecologicol balance. Agroforestry is an option on a solution to restore the function of peatlands. Through case study methodologt, the first phase includes the preparation of the necessary secondary data collection. The second stage is afield survey of data collection bioplrysical, socio-economic and agroforestry systems. The third stage is a data anolysis and presentation ofresearch results. Based on this research, there are three patterns of agroforestry conducted by people on peat, which is shaped agrisilvikultur, silvopasturo and agrosilvopsstura, where existing agroforestry pattern is the pattern of modern agroforestry. Financial analysis shows that the value of B/C ratio agrisilvikultur = 2.03, silvopastura B / C ratio = 2.68 and agrosilvopastura B/C ratio = 2.5. B /C ratio value is > l means agroforestry pattern is said to be finorrcially beneficial.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 608
Nidya Oktaviani ◽  
Wuryaningsih Dwi Sayekti ◽  
Indah Listiana

This research aims to analyze the added value, the amount of production cost and selling cost of sausage rolls. The method used in this research is case study. The location is chosen purposively at CV Cucurutuku Ceria in Bandar Lampung with consideration that CV Cucurutuku Ceria trading business is one of the highest producers of sausage rolls in Bandar Lampung. The data of this research are primary data and secondary data, collected in March– April 2019. The first objective is analyzed by using the Hayami method, the second objective is analyzed using the Variable Costing method, and the third objective was analyzed by adding the total non-production cost and the cost of production per month. The results of the research showed that the highest added value was come from the cheesy sausage rolls while the lowest was from potato sausage rolls. All variants have positive added values and were feasible to be produced. The average cost of a noodle sausage roll production Rp962.85, a soya sausage roll Rp1,926.86, a cheesy sausage roll Rp1,768.44, a potato sausage roll Rp2,182.56 and a spicy sausage roll Rp1,982.22. The selling price of a noodle sausage roll Rp1,439.95, a soya sausage roll Rp5,180.52, a cheesy sausage roll Rp4,216.63, a potato sausage roll Rp6,907.81 and a spicy sausage roll Rp4,447.20.Key word: added value, cost of production and sausage rolls.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Ibrahim Sirkeci

Transnational Marketing Journal is dedicated to disseminate scholarship on cross-border phenomena in marketing by acknowledging the importance of local and global or in other words, underlining the transnational practices marked by national and local characteristics in a fluid fashion spreading over more than one national territory. The first article by Paulette Schuster looks into “falafel” and “shwarma” in Mexico and discusses the perception of Israeli food in Mexico. The second article is a case study illustrating a critical account of cultural dimensions formulated by Schwarz using the value surveys data. The third article in the issue is a qualitative study of the negative attitudes of millennials torwards mobile marketing. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-204
Charles Cathcart

Sejanus His Fall has always been a succès d'estime rather than a popular triumph. Neverthless, there was an odd and pervasive valency for the speech that opens the play's fifth act, a speech that starts, “Swell, swell, my joys,” and which includes the boast, “I feel my advancèd head/Knock out a star in heav'n.” The soliloquy has an afterlife in printed miscellanies; it was blended with lines from Volpone's first speech; the phrase “knock out a star in heav'n” was turned to by preachers warning of the sin of pride; John Trapp's use of the speech for his biblical commentary was plundered by John Price, Citizen, for the polemic of 1654, Tyrants and Protectors Set Forth in their Colours; and in the year between the Jonson Folio of 1616 and the playwright's journey to Scotland, William Drummond of Hawthornden borrowed directly from the speech for his verse tribute to King James. For all Jonson's punctilious itemising of his tragedy's classical sources, his lines were themselves shaped by a contemporary model: John Marston's Antonio and Mellida. What are we undertaking when we examine an intertextual journey such as this? Is it a case study in Jonson's influence? Is it a meditation upon the fortunes of a single textual item? Alternatively, is it a study of appropriation? The resting place for this essay is the speech's appearance in the third and final edition of Leonard Becket's publication, A Help to Memory and Discourse (1630), an appearance seemingly unique within the Becket canon and one that suggests that Jonson's verse gained an afterlife as a poem.

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