2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Astrida Budiarti

Abstract : Immunization coverage in Indonesia has not met the target, including in Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between education, work, mother's attitudes, and family support toward basic immunization in Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya. This study uses an analytic observational design with cross sectional design. Population of all mothers with children aged 0-1 years who visited in Posyandu Cempaka RW 03 Kedung Cowek Surabaya. Sampling technique was simple random sampling with 42 respondents. The instruments used questionnaires and health cards. Data analysis uses Chi-Square. The results show there is a correlation of education toward basic immunizations, with a value of p = 0,001. There is a correlation between mother work toward basic immunizations, with a value of p = 0,001. There is a correlation between mother's attitude toward basic immunizations, with a value p = 0,030. There is a correlation of family support toward basic immunizations, with a value p = 0.001. Based on this study, education is necessary to increase maternal awareness about the importance of complete basic immunization for their children. In addition, increasing the active role of officer to  motivating mothers to bring their children for immunizations.Keywords : education, work, mother's attitudes, family support, basic immunization Abstrak : Cakupan imunisasi di Indonesia belum memenuhi target termasuk di Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan antara pendidikan, pekerjaan, sikap ibu, dukungan keluarga terhadap imunisasi dasar pada anak di Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya. Studi ini menggunakan desain observasional analitik dengan cross sectional. Populasi semua ibu dengan anak berusia 0-1 tahun yang berkunjung di posyandu cempaka RW 03 Kelurahan Kedung Cowek Surabaya. Teknik sampling adalah simple random sampling dengan 42 responden. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner dan kartu sehat. Analisis data menggunakan Chi-Square. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat korelasi pendidikan terhadap kepatuhan ibu melaksanakan imunisasi dasar, p=0,001. Terdapat korelasi pekerjaan terhadap kepatuhan ibu melaksanakan imunisasi dasar, p=0,001. Terdapat korelasi sikap ibu terhadap kepatuhan ibu melaksanakan imunisasi dasar, p=0,030. Terdapat korelasi dukungan keluarga terhadap kepatuhan ibu melaksanakan imunisasi dasar, dengan nilai p=0,00. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan adanya pemberian edukasi berupa penyuluhan dan sosialisasi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran ibu tentang pentingnya pemberian imunisasi dasar lengkap bagi anaknya. Selain itu, meningkatkan peran aktif kader dalam memotivasi para ibu agar mau membawa anaknya untuk imunisasi di Puskesmas.Kata kunci : imunisasi dasar, pendidikan, pekerjaan, sikap, dukungan keluarga 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Taswin Taswin ◽  
Waode Azfari Azis ◽  
Wahyuddin Wahyuddin ◽  
Dahmar Dahmar ◽  
Erni Erni ◽  

Measles, or known in Indonesian as measles, and Rubella, are two infectious diseases that are contagious. Data for 2018 MR immunization coverage until the end of november only reaches (73.7%) and Measles Immunization trends tend to fluctuate in Bukit Wolio Indah Kelurahan. This happens because of various factors namely mother's knowledge, attitudes, and family support which have been formulated as the reason of the many factors. This study aims to determine how the relationship of knowledge, attitudes, and family support to the interest of MR immunization in the Bukit Wolio Indah Village, Baubau City. This type of research is analytical survey with cross sectional approach, and uses simple random sampling technique. The number of samples in the study were 70 respondents. The analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis at 95% confidence level (α = 0.05). Chi square test results obtained from the study that knowledge of MR immunization interests (ρ = 0.005), attitudes with MR immunization interests (ρ = 0.004), and family support with MR immunization interests (ρ = 0.273). The conclusion from this study there is no relationship on the family support variable, and there is a relationship on the attitude and knowledge variables with the interest of MR immunization in Bukit Wolio Indah Village, Baubau City. Suggestions that health practitioners can better socialize to the public about the benefits of MR immunization.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Dian Palupi Kusuma ◽  
Sheizi Prista Sari ◽  
Ikeu Nurhidayah

Posyandu merupakan pusat pemantauan tumbuh kembang balita berbasis masyarakat, namun masih banyak ibu yang tidak membawa anak berkunjung teratur ke posyandu. Di Kabupaten Bandung, Posyandu Desa Cimekar memiliki angka kunjungan balita yang terendah yaitu 70,3% pada Bulan Oktober– Desember 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi ibu dengan perilaku membawa balita ke posyandu dengan pendekatan teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 94 ibu balita yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling di 10 Posyandu Desa Cimekar. Analisis menggunakan chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 52,12% memiliki persepsi positif tentang posyandu dan 59,57% responden memiliki perilaku rutin membawa balita ke posyandu. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara persepsi dengan perilaku ibu membawa balita ke posyandu (nilai p=0,000; α=0,05). Simpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi ibu tentang posyandu belum merata dengan baik. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar puskesmas memberikan pembinaan terhadap para ibu balita bukan hanya penyuluhan, namun diberikan pengarahan dan bimbingan tentang pentingnya membawa balita ke posyandu. Kata kunci: Balita, Health Belief Model, perilaku, persepsi, posyandu The Relationship between Mother’s Perception and Behavior on Attending Posyandu Abstract Community health post as well known as posyandu provide as center to monitor growth in children under five years old. Data showed that the number of mother’s attendance behavior to Posyandu in Cimekar’s Village was very low, only 70.5% from October to December 2013. The aimed of this study was to identify the relationship between mother’s perception and parents behavior on taking their children to posyandu based on Health Belief Model Theory. The method of this study was descriptive with cross sectional study. Simple random sampling was used as sampling technique with 97 mothers who has child under five years old among 10 Posyandu in Cimekar was taken in this study. Data was analyzed by chi-square. The result of this study showed that there was significant relationship between mother’s perception and mother’s behavior to attend Posyandu (p=0.000; α=0.05). Data showed that 52.25% respondents had a positive perception about posyandu and 59.5% respondents had positive behavior to take their child to posyandu. The recommendation for Puskesmas is to give further information and motivation to mother to attend posyandu frequently.Key words: Behavior, child under five years old, Health Belief Model, perception, posyandu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Deny Kurniawan ◽  
Ratna Yuliawati ◽  
Ari Hamdani

The rehabilitation centers BNN Tanah Merah incerease in rehabilitated drug users since 2013 from 5 people to 68 people in 2016. This study is intend to research is to determine correlation between a family situation with drugs relapse behavior to resident in Rehabilitation centers BNN Tanah Merah Samarinda. This research using Cross Sectional research design and the sampling technique used probability sampling with simple random sampling type.This research using a Chi Square statistic test. Based on the result, a good family situation respondents but still experience the relapse are 18.9% and a bad family situation respondents and still experience the relapse are 19,0%. Statistically obtained p-value 1.00 (p<0.05). it can be concluded that there is no correlation between a Family Situation with drugs relapse behavior to resident at Rehabilitation centers BNN Tanah Merah Samarinda.Keywords : Family situation, Relapse, Drugs, Resident.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hesty Dwi Septiawahyuni ◽  
Dewi Retno Suminar

Background: One Indicator of successful health development are toddlers free from stunting. The cause of stunting is a lack of macro and micro nutrients and chronic infectious diseases. Micronutrients such as zinc have  a role in growth which affects the  hormones that play a role in bone growth. The role of zinc in motoric development indirectly is in arranging  and releasing neurotransmitters that can affect nerve stimulation in the brain. This neurotransmitters will deliver nerve stimulation so that motor motion occurs. Motor development is a motion that involves muscles, brain and nerve that are controlled by the central part of the motor that is brain. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between adequacy of zinc intake and motoric development in stunted and non-stunted toddlers.Methods: This type of research is an observational study with cross sectional design. The sample size was 50 toddlers, consisted of 25 stunting toodlers and 25 non-stunting toddlers and lived  in Puskesmas Wilangan, Nganjuk District, chosen by simple random sampling technique. Adequacy of zinc intake data was assessed using the Food Recall Form 3x 24 hours. Measurement of motoric development using the Pre-Screening Development Questionnaire (KPSP). Descriptive and inferential data analysis using Chi Square Test. Results: The result showed that there was a correlation between the level of zinc adequacy and motor development in the stunting toddler group (p=0.04) and non-stunting toddlers group (p=0.031).Conclusions: The level of adequacy of zinc has enough motor development better than the level of zinc sufficiency is less in the group of non-stunting toddlers.ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Salah satu indikator keberhasilan pembangunan kesehatan adalah balita  terbebas dari stunting. Penyebab stunting yaitu kekurangan zat gizi makro maupun mikro dan penyakit infeksi kronis. Zat gizi mikro seperti zinc mempunyai peran pada pertumbuhan yaitu mempengaruhi hormon-hormon yang berperan dalam pertumbuhan tulang. Selain itu, peran zinc pada perkembangan motorik secara tidak langsung yaitu dalam menyusun dan melepas neurotransmitter yang dapat mempengaruhi rangsangan syaraf di dalam otak. Neurotransmitter ini akan menghantarkan rangsangan syaraf sehingga gerak motorik terjadi. Perkembangan motorik merupakan gerak yang melibatkan otot, otak dan syaraf yang dikontrol pada bagian pusat motorik yaitu otak.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan kecukupan asupan zinc dengan perkembangan motorik pada balita stunting dan non-stunting.  Metode: Jenis penelitian tergolong penelitian observasional dengan desain cross-sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 50 balita, terdiri dari 25 balita stunting dan 25 balita non-stunting yang bertempat tinggal  di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wilangan Kabupaten Nganjuk, dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Data kecukupan asupan zinc dinilai menggunakan formulir Food Recall yang dilakukan 3x24 jam. Pengukuran perkembangan motorik menggunakan Kuesioner Pra Skrining Perkembangan (KPSP). Analisis data secara deskriptif dan Inferensial menggunakan uji Chi Square.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara tingkat kecukupan zinc dengan perkembangan motorik pada kelompok balita stunting (p=0,04) dan kelompok balita non-stunting (p=0,031).  Kesimpulan: Tingkat kecukupan zinc cukup mempunyai perkembangan motorik yang lebih baik daripada tingkat kecukupan zinc kurang pada kelompok balita non-stunting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Fajarini Putri Hidayat ◽  
Ma'mun Sutisna ◽  
Roni Rowawi ◽  
Hidayat Wijayanegara ◽  
Herry Garna ◽  

Stunted children will have normal cognitive ability if nutrition is improved. The rapid brain growth in the first 1,000 days of life means that children should not be malnourished. Stunting is generally caused by a lack of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) and micronutrients (calcium and zinc). The mobile application called stunting child nutrition (GiAS) has features that can detect stunting, monitor toddler growth, recommend daily menus for toddlers, nutritional adequacy rate (RDA) in 2019, and others. The purpose of this study was to make it easier to distinguish macronutrients, zinc, and calcium from stunting and non-stunting children aged 12–24 months using the GiAS android application. It is conducted at the Citeureup Community Health Center, Cimahi city, for June–July 2020. The sampling technique was a simple random sampling of 88 respondents. This type of research is an observational analytic with a statistical test is a cross-sectional design. The results of the study using the Mann-Whitney test showed differences in carbohydrates (84.99±26.31 vs 151.16±68.43, p=0.001), protein (30.81±11.03 vs 60.55±38.43, p=0.001), fat (32.80±15.39 vs 64.84±47.81, p=0.001), and calcium (0.55±0.40 vs 1.43±1.16, p=0.001) and there is similarity of zinc (0.005±0.004 vs 0.010±0.016, p=0.084) after 7 days of using the GiAS application between stunting and non-stunting children. The probability value <0.05 means that the application can compare macronutrients, zinc, and calcium between stunted and non-stunted children on the 7th day. Chi-square analysis showed an increase in children's weight and height under five at two weeks and one month (p=0.001). In conclusion, the comparison of macronutrients, zinc, calcium in stunting and non-stunting children aged 12–24 months can be differentiated using the GiAS application. APLIKASI GIZI ANAK STUNTING (GIAS) BERBASIS ANDROID UNTUK MENILAI ZAT GIZI MAKRO, ZINC, DAN KALSIUM PADA ANAK STUNTING DAN NON-STUNTINGAnak stunting akan memiliki kognitif yang normal jika dilakukan perbaikan gizi yang optimal. Pertumbuhan otak yang pesat di 1.000 hari pertama kehidupan menjadikan anak tidak boleh kekurangan nutrisi. Stunting umumnya kekurangan zat gizi makro (karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak) serta zat gizi mikro (kalsium dan zinc). Aplikasi mobile bernama gizi anak stunting (GiAS) memiliki fitur yang dapat mendeteksi stunting, memantau pertumbuhan balita, merekomendasikan menu harian untuk balita, angka kecukupan gizi (AKG) tahun 2019, dan lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah kemudahan membedakan zat gizi makro, zinc, dan kalsium anak stunting dengan non-stunting usia 12–24 bulan menggunakan aplikasi android GiAS di Puskesmas Citeureup Kota Cimahi periode Juni–Juli 2020. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah simpel random sampling sebanyak 88 responden. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan uji statistik adalah desain cross-sectional (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian  menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney terdapat perbedaan karbohidrat (84,99±26,31 vs 151,16±68,43; p=0,001), protein (30,81±11,03 vs 60,55±38,43; p=0,001), lemak (32,80±15,39 vs 64,84±47,81; p=0,001), dan kalsium (0,55±0,40 vs 1,43±1,16; p=0,001) serta ada persamaan zinc (0,005±0,004 vs 0,010±0,016; p=0,084) sesudah 7 hari penggunaan aplikasi GiAS antara anak stunting dan non-stunting. Nilai probabilitas <0,05 berarti aplikasi dapat membandingkan zat gizi makro, zinc, dan kalsium antara anak stunting dan non-stunting pada hari ke-7. Analisis chi-square terlihat peningkatan berat badan dan tinggi badan balita pada 2 minggu dan 1 bulan (p=0,001). Simpulan, komparasi zat gizi makro, zinc, kalsium anak stunting dan non-stunting usia 12–24 bulan dapat dibedakan menggunakan aplikasi GiAS.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Erlina Puspitaloka Mahadewi ◽  
Ade Heryana

UNICEF and WHO data showed that exclusive breastfeeding can reduce infant morbidity and mortality by 88%. The coverage of exclusively breastfeeding infants was 61.33%, the highest percentage was in West Nusa Tenggara (87.35%) and the lowest percentage was in Papua (15.32%). Exclusive breastfeeding is given when the baby is born until the age of 6 months. In Indonesia there are 31.36% of 37.94% of children sick because they do not receive exclusive breastfeeding. Aim of this study to determine the relationship of knowledge, work, and family support with the behavior of exclusive breastfeeding health center working area Bekasi City. This study was a cross sectional approach with a sample of 130 respondents. The sampling in this study using simple random sampling technique, analyzed by the chi square test conducted in July 2019 to April 2020. Results of this study there were 96 respondents (73.8%) mothers who did not provide exclusive breastfeeding and 34 resondents (26.2%) mothers who give exclusive breastfeeding to their babies. There was a significant relationship between knowledge (p = 0,000 and PR = 1,588), employment (p = 0,000 and PR = 1,995), family support (p = 0,001 and PR = 1,514) with exclusive breastfeeding health center working area Bekasi. It was concluded that knowledge, employment, and family support were related to exclusive breastfeeding. It was recommended for health workers to create innovations and new programs to increase exclusive breastfeeding, and in the family level should provide support for exclusive breastfeeding practices.Berdasarkan data UNICEF dan juga data WHO pemberian ASI eksklusif dapat menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi lebih dari 88%. Cakupan bayi yang mendapat ASI eksklusif sebesar 61,33%, persentase tertinggi terdapat pada Nusa Tenggara Barat (87,35%) dan persentase terendah terdapat di Papua (15,32%). ASI eksklusif diberikan saat bayi mulai dilahirkan sampai pada usia 6 bulan. Di Indonesia terdapat 31,36% dari 37,94% anak yang sakit dikarenakan tidak dapat menerima ASI eksklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, pekerjaan dan dukungan keluarga dengan perilaku pemberian ASI eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bekasi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan besar sampel sebanyak 130 responden. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, dan analisis data menggunakan uji chis-quare yang dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2019 sampai April 2020. Hasil penelitian terdapat 96 (73,8%) ibu yang tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif dan 34 responden (26,2%) yang telah memberikan ASI eksklusif kepada bayinya. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan (p = 0,000 dan PR = 1,588), pekerjaan (p = 0,000 dan PR = 1,995) dan dukungan keluarga (p = 0,001 dan PR = 1,514) dengan perilaku pemberian ASI eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kota Bekasi. Disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan, pekerjaan, dan dukungan keluarga berhubungan dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Disarankan untuk petugas kesehatan membuat inovasi dan program baru untuk meningkatkan pemberian ASI eksklusif, dan pada tingkat keluarga kiranya memberikan dukungan terhadap pemberian ASI eksklusif.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Djuminten Djuminten ◽  
Shalwi Dheani Rahmatika

Latar Belakang: Posyandu merupakan upaya meningkatkan derajat kesehatan di Indonesia dengan tujuan menurunkan Angka Kematian Ibu dan Angka Kematian Bayi. Partisipasi penimbangan balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karangmojo I masih rendah yaitu 57,56%, sedangkan target pemerintah 85%. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pekerjaan ibu dan dukungan keluarga dengan partisipasi penimbangan balita ke Posyandu. Metode: Analitik korelasi pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini ibu yang mempunyai anak usia 12-59 bulan di Posyandu Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karangmojo I, pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, jumlah sampel 92 ibu. Pengumpulan data menggunakan buku register Posyandu dan kuesioner. Analisis bivariat menggunakan Chi square. Hasil: Responden bekerja (58,7%) tidak bekerja (41,3%), dukungan keluarga tinggi (27,2%) sedang (38%), responden yang tidak aktif penimbangan balita (54,3%). Uji Chi square menunjukkan X² hitung 20,504 > X² tabel 3,841, C=0,426 untuk hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan partisipasi penimbangan balita ke Posyandu dan X² hitung 29,865 > X² tabel 5,991, C=0,495 untuk hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan partisipasi penimbangan balita ke Posyandu. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan pekerjaan ibu dengan partisipasi penimbangan balita ke Posyandu dengan keeratan sedang, dan dukungan keluarga dengan partisipasi penimbangan balita dengan keeratan sedang. Saran: Bagi tenaga kesehatan untuk memberikan penyuluhan pentingnya penimbangan balita ke Posyandu kepada ibu balita.   Kata kunci: Pekerjaan Ibu – Dukungan Keluarga – Partisipasi Penimbangan Balita – Posyandu.   ABSTRACT   Background: Posyandu is an effort to increase health level in Indonesia with the purpose is to decrease Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate. Participation of children under five to weigh their weight to Posyandu of the working area area of Puskesmas Karangmojo I is still low at (57,56%), while the government target is 85%. Objective: To know the relationship between mother’s occupation and family support with participation of children under five to weigh their weight in Posyandu. Methods: It was an analytical correlation with cross sectional approach. Population in this research was mothers who have children aged 12-59 month. Sample of research was 92 mothers taken by simple random sampling technique. Data collecting applies by register book of Posyandu and questionnaires. Bivariate analysis used Chi square. Results: Respondents who work (58,7%) who do not work (41,3%), high family support (27,2%) moderate (38%), not active (54,3%). Chi square test shows X² count 20,504 > X² table 3,841, C=0,426 for relationship between mother’s occupation with participation of children under five to weigh their weight to Posyandu and X² count 29,865 > X² table 5,991, C=0,495 for relationship between family support with participation of children under five to weigh their weight to Posyandu. Conclusion: There is a relationship between mother’s occupation with participation of children under five to weigh their weight with moderate level of closeness, and family support with participation of children under five to weigh their weight with moderate level of closeness. Suggestion: Health professionals are suggested to provide counseling about the importance of children under five to weigh their weight to Posyandu to the mothers.   Keywords: Mother’s Occupation – Family Support – Participation of Children Under Five To Weigh their Weight – Posyandu.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Tiffani Tantina

Premenstrual syndrome is quite high, with almost (75%) of women of childbearing age around the world experiencing premenstrual syndrome. Country of Indonesia itself the number of events around (70-90%), which occurs in women of childbearing age and more often found in women aged 20-40 years. This figure indicates that Premenstrual Syndrome in Indonesia is quite a lot that needs to be done countermeasures to stay and overcome it. Low knowledge of the various forms of adolescents have risky behavior / action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the variables studied and knowledge with Premenstrual Actions Syndrome. This research method uses pure quantitative in cross sectional approach. The research subjects were female teenagers residing in the new village of Pancur Batu sub-district, which faced 90 people who were 12-16 years old. Random sampling technique by simple random sampling. Data analysis was done by Chi-Square test with multiple Linear regression test. The result of the study was no correlation between end result of age, education, first menstruation with action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome , the most dominant and significant variable is age, and knowledge also has a significant relationship with the action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome.

Sondang Sidabutar

Background: Higiene sanitation is a factor that is closely related to Helminthiases infection. Purpose: this study was to determine how the occurrence of sanitary hygiene with helminthiases infection in the District elementary school students 0913152014 in District Raya Simalungun. Method: The type of research was descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were students of class I to class VI (91 people). The sampling technique was simple random sampling (48). The instrument used in this study was a laboratory test and a questionnaire. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using Chi-square test. Result: Based on Chi-square analysis of the relationship between hygiene and sanitation with the incidence of intestinal worms found handwashing (X2 = 23), the habit of cutting the nails (X2 = 8.21), the habit of eating raw foods (X2 = 12.24), latrine ownership (X2 = 11:47), type of flooring (X2 = 6.13), and the availability of clean water (X2 = 0.0276). Conclusion: From the results of research and discussion, it could be concluded that there was a correlation with the incidence of worm infection habit of hand washing, nail cutting habit, the habit of eating raw foods, floor of the house and latrine ownership. Keywords: sanitation; hygiene; helminthiases; elementary students ABSTRAK Latarbelakang: Higiene sanitasi merupakan faktor yang sangat erat dengan infeksi kecacingan.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui bagaimana higiene sanitasi dengan kejadian infeksi kecacingan pada siswa Sekolah Dasar 091315 Kecamatan Raya Kabupaten Simalungun. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah dekriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah siswa kelas I sampai kelas VI (91 orang). Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah simple random sampling (48). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah uji laboratorium dan kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh, dianalisis menggunakan rumus statistik uji Chi-square dengan t hitung (α = 0,05). Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis Chi-square hubungan antara higiene sanitasi dengan kejadian penyakit cacingan didapatkan kebiasaan mencuci tangan ( X2=23), kebiasaan memotong kuku (X2=8,21), kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan mentah (X2=12,24), kepemilikan jamban (X2=11.47), jenis lantai (X2=6.13), dan ketersediaan air bersih (X2=0.0276). Kesimpulan: ada hubungan kejadian infeksi kecacingan dengan kebiasaan mencuci tangan, kebiasaan memotong kuku, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan mentah, lantai rumah dan kepemilikan jamban. Kata kunci: higiene; sanitasi; kecacingan; siswa SD

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Tiffani Tantina

Premenstrual syndrome is quite high, with almost (75%) of women of childbearing age around the world experiencing premenstrual syndrome. Country of Indonesia itself the number of events around (70-90%), which occurs in women of childbearing age and more often found in women aged 20-40 years. This figure indicates that Premenstrual Syndrome in Indonesia is quite a lot that needs to be done countermeasures to stay and overcome it. Low knowledge of the various forms of adolescents have risky behavior / action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the variables studied and knowledge with Premenstrual Actions Syndrome. This research method uses pure quantitative in cross sectional approach. The research subjects were female teenagers residing in the new village of Pancur Batu sub-district, which faced 90 people who were 12-16 years old. Random sampling technique by simple random sampling. Data analysis was done by Chi-Square test with multiple Linear regression test. The result of the study was no correlation between end result of age, education, first menstruation with action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome ,the most dominant and significant variable is age,and knowledge also has a significant relationship with the action of overcoming premenstrual syndrome.

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