scholarly journals Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Pernikahan Beda Kasta (Studi Kasus Desa Ngafan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 148-159
Ronny Mahmuddin ◽  
Saifullah bin Anshor ◽  
Hamdan Ngaja

This study aims to determine the prohibition of inter-caste marriage in Ngafan Village, Southeast Maluku, and Islamic legal views on caste marriage in the customs of the Kei tribe, especially in Ngafan Village, Southeast Maluku Regency. This research is descriptive qualitative research with the type of field research (Field Research). The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews and documentation. The results showed that: 1) The prohibition of inter-caste marriage (not equal) carried out by some people in Ngafan Village is the prohibition of marriage between women from the Mel-Mel caste (highest caste) and men from Riy-Riy (lowest caste). If there is a marriage between these castes, it depends on their family, if they agree then the marriage is still safe, but if they refuse the marriage can be canceled. 2) In Islamic law the scholars differ on the issue of caste (equality) in marriage. Jumhur ulama said that the caste referred to in marriage is religion, independence, social strata and, descent. Imam Malik said that the caste in question was the religion and was free from diseases that were deemed incurable. Meanwhile, the al-Ẓahiriyyah mazhab said that only Muslims were the conditions for marriage. The scholars do not require that caste be part of the legal requirements of marriage, but caste is included in the category of luzu> m requirements, a condition that allows a female guardian to request an annulment of marriage if the male partner is not in the same caste. So the prohibition of marriage is not equal in Ngafan Village can be justified based on the opinion of some scholars. The implementation of this research is expected to contribute theoretically and practically to religious leaders, parties with special interests, and society in general.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-150
Moh. Mukhsinin Syu'aibi ◽  
Ifdlolul Maghfur

Buying and selling istishna', namely buying and selling by order, in fiqh is often referred to as buying and selling goods whose goods do not yet exist or are still in process. Buying and selling clothes at the Duta Collection’s Foundation, Darut Taqwa Sengonagung Foundation is done by order (istishna’). Buying and selling transactions certainly involve two or more people to carry out the transaction, it is possible that one of the parties has committed a violation or not. The problem in this research is how to resolve it when there is a mismatch of goods that have become ready in the practice of istishna contract 'at the Ambassador Collection of Darut Taqwa Sengonagung Foundation. This type of research method used is qualitative research field (field research) that is descriptive analytic. Data collection techniques were carried out with documentation and interviews with several people, resource persons, 4 speakers from the makers or employees of convection and 2 speakers from the customer. The results in this study indicate that: First, the practice of buying and selling clothing at Duta Collection's already has ways to resolve when material errors occur the convection lowers the selling price to the customer. Secondly, in the analysis of Islamic law, Duta Collection's convection is in accordance with sharia law meaning that when there is an error from the convection party and the consumer feels that it is not according to the order it has been agreed that there is a price reduction or the goods will be replaced with the order.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-204
Mualim ◽  
Hendra Karunia Agustine ◽  
Annisa Hariyani

This study aims to examine the implementation of Murabahah bil Wakalah on multipurpose financing products in a review of Islamic Law. The research method used in this research is field research (field research). The types and sources of data in this study used primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data obtained in this study are conclusions from various processes in qualitative research. Starting from data collection, selecting appropriate data, presenting data and then concluding.The results of this study are murabahah bil wakalah contracts in multipurpose financing at BPRS HIK Parahyangan, murabahah contracts are carried out simultaneously with wakalah contracts. Where the murabahah contract is carried out at the beginning to determine the selling price, the agreed profit, and the installment period.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 304
Muslimah Muslimah

This study aims to describe the form of the religious day celebrations of Malay society across religions and the meaning of commemorating them in educational institutions. This field research uses a qualitative research approach with data collection through in-depth interviews, participant level observation and documentation. The results of the study describe that the form of religious day commemoration activities in SMPN 2 Arut Selatan are grouped into two, namely: commemoration of religious days which are commemorated based on certain moments, for instance are maulid of the Prophet Muhammad, Isra Mi'raj, and celebrations to welcome the Islamic New Year (Islam), Christmas and Easter (Christian Protestant and Catholic); and routine religious activities, for example is prayer with each of the followers of interfaith religions. Furthermore, the meanings of the religious days celebration are grouped into three views, trere are; as the obligation/ necessity of the learning process, empirical religion and individual's religion; as a culture / habit that becomes a system at school; as a requirement for the implementation of religious practices; and as a culture related to the commemoration of religious days.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1313
Khairuddin Khairuddin

<div class="translate-tooltip-mtz hidden"><div class="header"><div class="header-controls"><em>The people of Gunung Meriah still find many addictions to drinks that can be intoxicating, such as drinking tuak. Therefore, this study aims to find out how the supervision of the government and the community in minimizing wine drinkers and sellers in Gunung Meriah District and Islamic views on the law of drinking tuak, as well as how to sanction those who drink it. To complete this research, the writer uses qualitative research. The techniques used in data collection are observation and in-depth interviews with informants. The result of the research shows that some of the people of Gunung Meriah like to drink tuak, both from officials and ordinary people. 25% of Mount Meriah people are addicted to this tuak drink, it is drunk on certain occasions such as parties or other days. The government does not pay much attention to the problem of tuak drinks, which can be seen from the lack of cases of drinkers and sellers of wine being appointed and given appropriate punishments, only a few people have reached the stage of punishment. Likewise, the community does not interfere too much in dealing with the problem of tuak drinkers and sellers, even though this problem is very serious. Drinking tuak, in the perspective of Islamic law, is a drink that is prohibited because it is intoxicating.</em></div></div><div class="controls"> </div></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Suhartina Rustam ◽  
Muhammad Sabir ◽  
Abdul Rahman Qayyum

The purpose of this research is to 1) determine the factors that influence the employees of Bank Axa Mandiri Makassar City to carry out Bulimia Nervosa. 2) To formulate the prevention and treatment of bulimia nervosa. 3) To indetify the harm of bulimia nervosa behavior in terms of health and Islamic law aspects. Answering these problems, the author uses the health and syar'i approach. The health approach is used because it refers to the scope of Islamic law. This type of research is qualitative research (field research), then a sociological (community) approach technique by examining the field's facts. This study's results indicate the factors that cause the employees of the Makassar City Axa Mandiri Bank to commit Bulimia nervosa, namely because of the demands of their work and wanting to satisfy their appetite. In terms of health aspects, the harmful behavior of bulimia nervosa can cause various diseases. As for the behavior of bulimia nervosa in terms of Islamic law, it is an act that is prohibited and makes the perpetrator will get a sin. Bulimia nervosa prevention can be done with gratitude, increased self-confidence, being realistic, adjusting eating patterns, and socializing. Several steps can be taken to take action to treat bulimia nervosa with psychologist therapy. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 327
Andri Septilinda Susiyani

This research aims to know the implementation of the management of boarding school in "Modern MBS Yogyakarta and relevance to the goals of Islamic education. The research method used is the research field (field research) with the kind of qualitative research. The technique of data collection by observation, interview and documentation in-depth while testing the validity of data using triangular engineering resources. The results of this study indicate that by looking at the concept of management of Islamic education, boarding school management in MBS Yogyakarta has significant relevance to the purposes of Islamic education conceptually as well as Islamic education values on the fulfillment aspects of competence of learners from the national education goals. Keywords: Management Of Islamic Education, Boarding School, The Goals Of Islamic Education Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi manajemen boarding school di Ponpes Modern MBS Yogyakarta dan relevansinya dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan ialah penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam sedangkan pengujian keabsahan data menggunakan teknik trianggulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan melihat konsep manajemen pendidikan Islam, manajemen boarding school di MBS Yogyakarta memiliki relevansi yang signifikan dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam secara konseptual maupun nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam pada pemenuhan aspek kompetensi peserta didik yang dikembangkan dari tujuan pendidikan Nasional. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Boarding School, Tujuan Pendidikan Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Choirul Anam ◽  
Evi Fatimatur Rusydiyah

The purpose of this study was to determine the use of madrasah e-learning in optimizing the learning of al-quran hadith for Class VII students of MTsN 1 Bojonegoro. The research design used in this study includes field research. With a qualitative research approach. This research was conducted at MTsN 1 Bojonergoro. Data collection techniques in this study used structured and in-depth interviews regarding optimizing the use of e-learning madrasas in al-quran hadith subjects and data analysis in this study using interactive models, data reduction, drawing conclusions and verification. While the results of this study used madrasah e-learning at MTsN 1 Bojonegoro has been running optimally for implementing distance learning. The problem that occurs in learning using E-learning was on the internet network and the quota must be sufficient for students and teachers because sometimes students and teachers who live in remote areas and did not have internet quotas were very difficult to access. so that quota assistance was needed for students and teachers so that learning using e-learning continues to run optimally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-77
Ahmad Syaripudin ◽  
Akhmad Hanafi Dain Yunta ◽  

This study aims to determine and understand the akkkorontigi tradition in the Perspective of Islamic Law and Customary Law that occurred in Bontosunggu Village, Bajeng District, Gowa Regency. This type of writing is field research (field research) using historical approaches, social expectations, anthropological approaches and religious approaches, then data collection methods using interview and observation techniques the author tries to argue about the object being studied in accordance with the reality that occurs in society. The results showed that in carrying out marriage, the akkorontigi tradition is one of a series of wedding processions that cannot be missed and is a habit of their ancestors that has existed since time immemorial. The akkorontigi event is a series of sacred events that are attended by all relatives and invited guests which contain values ​​that are meaningful so that the bride's family can live in harmony. However, in practice, it is necessary to present good intentions and distance oneself from thoughts or beliefs that lead to the shirking of the symbols of tools and objects used in Akkorongtigi. Even so, Akkorongtigi can be preserved by applying several solutions in its implementation, such as wearing clothes that are not tight and covering the genitals, and not shaking hands for non-mahrams.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 166
Khoirul Abror ◽  
Suhairi Suhairi ◽  
A. Kumedi Ja'far

The poor and underprivileged are people who must be considered by the Government, but the reality at this time is that there are many poor and underprivileged people who become professions in the city of Bandar Lampung and Metro City, so it is necessary to review the existence and factors that influence it. This review is a field research (field research) conducted in Bandar Lampung City and Metro City; by describing data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews; the method used in analyzing is qualitative analysis presented descriptively; the aim is to find factors that drive the existence of beggars in urban areas, and the mode used by urban beggars. The existence of beggars in the city of Bandar Lampung and the city of Metro both at the intersection of red lights and in the mall yard, the courtyard of the mosque and the home visit is a mode to get easy income, the main factor that drives the existence of beggars in the city of Bandar Lampung and Metro City due to income that is not fulfilling the necessities of life, the attractiveness factor of work that is easy, practical, influenced by the sympathies of potential benefactors, and relatively large income; various modes undertaken by beggars to attract the sympathy of the community, including bringing children who are still toddlers, pretending to be blind and lame, employing elderly parents (elderly), dressing all worn out, and pretending to smear that does not heal ; The existence of beggars in the city of Bandar Lampung and the city of Metro both at the intersection of red lights and in the mall yard, the courtyard of the mosque and the home visit is a mode to get easy income, the main factor that drives the existence of beggars in the city of Bandar Lampung and Metro City due to income that is not fulfilling the necessities of life, the attractiveness factor of work that is easy, practical, influenced by the sympathies of potential benefactors, and relatively large income; various modes undertaken by beggars to attract the sympathy of the community, including bringing children who are still toddlers, pretending to be blind and lame, employing elderly parents (elderly), dressing all worn out, and pretending to smear that does not heal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Vivi Sartika ◽  
M Yusuf

This study aims to explain the production and reproduction of the meaning of the niqab among the female student who wear niqab at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This study used a qualitative research method (field research), with data collection using in-depth interviews with several female students that wearing the niqab at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This study uses Antony Giddens' structuring theoretical approach and focuses on how the female student who wearing the niqab produce and reproduce the meaning of the niqab in education. This study found that the actions of wearing the niqab take have created resources for female who wearing niqab in education. These resources can be seen from the reproduction of the meaning of the niqab as a form of applying religious doctrines (personal protection) and the niqab as a form of power (praying for individuals to wear the niqab). This study draws the conclusion that the resource is born on the basis of the practice of the women who wear niqab, but on the other hand, the practice is born in a structure that is restrictive and liberating.

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