2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-320
Desak Nyoman Suartini ◽  
Andi Syamsul Bachri Jamal ◽  
Anas Budi

Background: Hospital Minimum Service Standards (SPM) are provisions for hospitals issued by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in the context of government efforts to ensure the quality of hospital services. This Minimum Service Standard can be used as a guideline for the quality of service for every hospital in Indonesia. The Minimum Service Standard (SPM) is a quality guideline issued by the Minister of Health regarding the minimum service that must be provided by the hospital, where each hospital is required to assess and provide services in accordance with the Minimum Service Standards (SPM). Objectives: A study to analyze the implementation of minimum service standards in the Emergency Department (IGD) Regional General Hospital (RSUD) I Lagaligo, East Luwu. Methods: The research used in this research is descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional approach, in which all observed variables are measured simultaneously when the research is taking place. This research was conducted in the Emergency Room Installation Room (IGD) Regional General Hospital (RSUD) I Lagaligo East Luwu. Sample selection with total sampling technique. The research subjects were 33 respondents in the IGD Lagaligo Wotu East Luwu Regional Hospital. Results: Infrastructure and human resources with minimum service standards. The results showed that the results of the bivariate analysis used the Chi-Square Test. It shows that there is a relationship between infrastructure and minimum service standards with a value of p = 0.008, there is a relationship between human resources and minimum service standards with a value of p = 0.000. Conclusion: There are infrastructure facilities that can be used directly by health workers for the benefit of patients in the form of tools, materials, comfortable rooms and others. The human resources in the emergency department of Lagaligo Wotu Hospital are of good quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 321-329
Andi Syamsul Bachri Jamal ◽  
Desak Nyoman Suartini ◽  
Anas Budi

Background: In emergency care, the most important thing to note is the speed of nurses in responding or acting on the first patient who enters the emergency room. This speed is often referred to as response time. Nurse response time is always a measure of the service quality of a hospital or health center. Response times depend on the speed available as well as the quality of assistance to save lives/prevent disability. Objectives: The study aimed to determine the factors related to the response time of nurses in the handling of emergency patients at Lagaligo I Hospital, East Luwu. Methods: Carrying out the research is from June to August 2020. Analytical survey design with a cross-sectional approach. The research subjects were 24 nurses. measuring tools, namely questionnaires. analysis used bivariate analysis used the Chi-Square Test. Results: This shows that there is a relationship between education and response time with a value of p-value = .013, knowledge and response time with a value of p-value = .001, the length of work and response time with a value of p-value = .000, and training and response time with p-value = .006. Conclusion: The education level of health workers is getting higher. Of course, knowledge and experience also increase, on average they are in their work longer so they are more productive and nurses have attended several pieces of training to improve their competencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 355
Tuhu Perwitasari ◽  
Melda Amalia

The quality of human resources is related to the quality of children, where the quality of children today has an impact on the quality of human resources in the future. The number of sufferers of malnutrition and malnutrition is around 28% of the total children under five in Indonesia. About 10% of children under five who suffer from malnutrition and lack of nutrition end up dying. The under-five mortality rate is 37 per 1,000, half of which is due to malnutrition. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between nutritional status and motoric development in children aged 6-24 months. This study used an analytic observational design with a cross sectional approach. The subjects of this research were all mothers and toddlers who came to the low stinger Integrated health-service post (POSYANDU) in the work area of the Aur Duri’s public health center (PUSKESMAS), namely 30. The measuring instruments used were the dacin weight balance, microtoise and KPSP scales. Bivariate analysis using chi-square. The results of the study which is mostly under five year old children in aged 13-24 months and male gender is 36.7%. The most nutritional status (BW / U) in children aged 6-24 months is Good Nutrition with the male gender, namely 53.4%. The development of children aged 6-24 months at most was normal, with 8 male respondents (26.7%). The conclusion yields there is no significant relationship between the levels of nutritional status of children under five years old with the development of children. It is expected that parents will increase stimulations. Health workers and cadres should be included in training so that they can measure progress with the KPSP

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Made Riastuti Sumandari ◽  
Rina Listyowati

ABSTRAK Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Klungkung sebagai rumah sakit yang sudah menerapkan Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum terus meningkatkan dan mengembangkan mutu pelayanan, terutama mutu pelayanan kegawatdaruratan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan petugas di Instalasi Gawat Darurat dan Penunjang Pelayanan Kegawatdaruratan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Klungkung tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh petugas yang bekerja di Instalasi Gawat Darurat dan penunjang pelayanan kegawatdaruratan. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 94 petugas dengan teknik pengumpulan sampel yaitu total sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis univariat.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah mayoritas petugas memiliki pengetahuan baik mengenai SPM yaitu sebesar 86,17% sedangkan 13,83% memiliki pengetahuan kurang baik. Dilihat dari tingkat pengetahuan berdasarkan karakteristik, pengetahuan baik sebagian besar pada umur umur ?30 (88,14%), jenis kelamin perempuan (96,23%), pendidikan DIII (87,93%) dan masa kerja >10 tahun (88,46%). Saran yang bisa diberikan kepada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Klungkung, sebaiknya rumah sakit memberikan sosialisasi kepada seluruh petugas mengenai SPM dengan rutin dan terjadwal sehingga petugas mendapatkan informasi mengenai SPM merata. Kata Kunci: Tingkat Pengetahuan, Standar Pelayanan Minimal ABSTRACT Klungkung Regency Regional General Hospital as a hospital that has implemented Financial Management Public Service Agency continues to improve and develop the quality of services, especially the quality of emergency services. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of officers in the Emergency Installation and Supporting Emergency Services of the Klungkung Regency General Hospital on Minimum Service Standards. This research is a quantitative descriptive study, with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all officers who worked in the Emergency Installation and supporting emergency services. The number of samples in this study were 94 officers with total sample collection techniques. Data collection techniques in this study are by distributing questionnaires and data analysis used is univariate analysis. The results of this study were that the majority of officers had good knowledge of MSS, amounting to 86.17% while 13.83% had poor knowledge. Judging from the level of knowledge based on characteristics, good knowledge is mostly at the age of ?30 (88.14%), female gender (96.23%), DIII education (87.93%) and years of service> 10 years (88, 46%). Suggestions that can be given to the Klungkung Regency Regional General Hospital, the hospital should provide information to all officers on MSS routinely and on a regular basis so that officials get information about SPM evenly. Keywords: Knowledge Level, Minimum Service Standards.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
Made Ayu Lely Suratri ◽  
Delima Delima ◽  
Hadi Siswoyo ◽  
Vebby Amelia Edwin

Abstract Human Resources (HR) is the main and strategic factor for the achievement of the development of a nationStrong and highly competitive human resources in various aspects will support increased development, both in the economic, health and social and cultural fields. The performance of an organization will be determined by one of the main elements, namely the quality of human resources. Factors that can be used to improve employee performance, including job satisfaction and work motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between jobs satisfaction and workforce motivation in the health sector in hospitals in Indonesia.The research method is a non-intervention study with a cross-sectional design, conducted by the National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia  through National Health Workforce Research (Risnakes)2017.The study sample was health workers working in 2,325 hospitals, namely General Hospitals (RSU) in the Government, Private Hospital, Military/Police General Hospital, Government Specific Hospital, Private Specific Hospital and Military/Police Specific Hospital. Determination of selected hospitals in each province is done by simple random sampling.  Data collection on job satisfaction and work motivation was obtained through filling out the 2014 happiness measurement survey questionnaires from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)  by 30 health workers in selected hospitals . The variables studied were the characteristics of respondents (age, sex, education, employment status, length of work, health insurance), hospital characteristics (hospital status, hospital accreditation status, and type of hospital), job satisfaction and work motivation. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and logistic regression models.The results showed that respondents who worked for 10 years and below had a  t significant relationship with work motivation compared to those who worked more than 10 years, with a value of p <0.05 (p = 0.0001). There is a significant relationship between jobs satisfaction and work motivation on respondents, with a value of p <0.005 (p = 0.0001). The conclusion, that the job satisfaction of health workers is significantly related to work motivation.   Abstrak Sumber daya manusia (SDM) merupakan faktor utama dan strategis bagi tercapainya keberhasilan pembangunan suatu bangsa. SDM yang kuat dan berdaya saing tinggi dalam berbagai aspek akan mendukung peningkatan pembangunan, baik di bidang ekonomi, kesehatan maupun di bidang sosial dan budaya. Kinerja suatu organisasi akan ditentukan oleh salah satu unsur utama yaitu kualitas sumber daya manusia. Faktor-faktor yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pegawai, diantaranya kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui  adanya  hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja tenaga kerja di bidang kesehatan di rumah sakit di Indonesia. Metode penelitian merupakan penelitian non intervensi dengan desain cross sectional, yang dilaksanakan oleh Badan Litbang Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI melalui Riset Ketenagaan di Bidang Kesehatan (Risnakes) 2017. Sampel penelitian adalah tenaga kesehatan yang bekerja di  2.325 rumah sakit (RS) yaitu di Rumah Sakit Umum (RSU) Pemerintah, RSU Swasta, RSU TNI/Polri, RS Khusus Pemerintah, RS Khusus Swasta, dan RS Khusus TNI/Polri. Penetapan rumah sakit terpilih di setiap provinsi dilakukan secara acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui pengisian kuesioner survei pengukuran tingkat kebahagiaan 2014 dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) oleh 30 orang tenaga kesehatan di RS terpilih. Variabel yang diteliti adalah karakteristik responden (umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, status kepegawaian, lama bekerja, jaminan kesehatan), karakteristik rumah sakit (status RS, status akreditasi RS, dan jenis RS), kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja. Data dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat, dan model regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang bekerja selama 10 tahun ke bawah ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan motivasi kerja dibandingkan yang bekerja lebih dari 10 tahun, dengan nilai p<0,05 (p= 0,0001). Adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara kepuasan kerja dengan motivasi kerja pada responden, dengan nilai p< 0,005 (p=0,0001). Kesimpulan, bahwa kepuasan kerja dari tenaga kesehatan berhubungan secara signifikan dengan motivasi kerja.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-37
Indri Zaliavani ◽  
Mutiara Anissa ◽  
Fidiariani Sjaaf

In the elderly, environmental stress and decreased cognitive function often cause depression. Depression that is not treated properly can cause an increase in the use of health facilities, a negative influence on the quality of life elderly, and can even cause death. Purpose of this research to know the relationship of cognitive function disorders with depression in the elderly at Posyandu Lansia Ikur Koto working area of the Puskesmas Ikur Koto, Padang. This type of research is correlative analytic with cross-sectional approach. Research has been conducted at posyandu lansia Ikur Koto in February 2019. The samples in this research was elderly who were recorded at the posyandu lansia Ikur Koto there were 51 elderly. Data analysis univariate presented in the form of a frequency distribution table and bivariate analysis using the spearman test using the SPSS program. Result of the 51 respondents, the majority of age was 60-74 years old (70,6%), the highest sex were women (94,1%), the highest education was elementary school (56,9%) ), the most marital status was married (52,9%), the highest health status (58,8%) did not suffer chronic diseases and most medical history does not use drugs (98%),most (72,5%) did not experiencing depression, most (37,3%) had mild cognitive function disorders and there were relationship between cognitive function disorders and depression in the elderly with a value p=0,007<0,05 and r=-0,373. Conclusion is there were significant relationship between cognitive function disorders and depression in the elderly at Posyandu Lansia Ikur Koto working area of the Puskesmas Ikur Koto, Padang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Tuhu Perwitasari

One of factors that affect the growth of child is the nutritional status which determines the success in improving the quality of human resources. The health care and food in early life is crucial one to the growth and development of the child. This study aim to seek wheter the difference in child parenting between Jambi Malay and Javanese to the growth of children 6-24 months in Muaro Jambi District of Jambi Province is occured.The design of this study is observational analytic with cross sectional. The samples of the study were taken at two Working Areas of Health Care ; Muara Kumpeh for Jambi Malay and Markanding for Javanese Tribe. The population is children aged 6-24 months in both Working Areas of helath care and the number of samples taken in each area is 100 children. The data was collected through interviews and observations by researchers assisted by midwives in the helath care. Data processing was done using SPSS and data analysis using Mantel-Haenszel test.In this research, there is no disparity in parenting feeding methods (p = 0,227), while the analysis cannot be conducted on health parenting because there was a value of 0. Furthermore, there is no difference in parenting hygiene (p = 0.828), and there is a significant difference in parenting psychosocial stimulation (p = 0.000) in Jambi Malay and Javanese. In this study it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the growth of the child 6-24 month at the Jambi Malay and Javanese. In addition, there is no difference in Jambi Malays and Javanese parenting to the grow of the child aged 6-24 month. So that,It is suggested to provide counseling and health  counseling to the mother and also involves other family members such as father.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 888
Gerald N. P. Tulung ◽  
Gayatri Citraningtyas ◽  
Imam Jayanto

ABSTRACT The quality of health services is classified as good if the health services provided could cause satisfaction to each patient in accordance with the level of satisfaction of the average population who are the main target of the health service. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of satisfaction of outpatients with the quality of pharmacy services at the Pharmacy Installation at Budi Setia Langowan Hospital. This research is a cross-sectional study with the study sample determined using the accidental sampling method, which is a sampling technique by taking samples randomly. Data were taken by prospective way then analyzed using statistical methods with SPSS analysis program, using bivariate analysis to test the relationship between independent variables, namely the level of outpatient satisfaction with the dependent variable namely Outpatient Service Quality (Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy) given by the hospital to outpatients. The results showed that the value of outpatient patient satisfaction was at a positive index with a value of 0.07 with a CSI value of 87.74, which was in the very satisfied range, thus stating overall of the patients receiving pharmaceutical services at the Budi Setia Langowan Pharmacy Installation, had felt very satisfied. Keywords: Analysis of the level of satisfaction of outpatients, Budi Setia Langowan. ABSTRAK Kualitas pelayanan kesehatan digolongkan baik jika pelayanan kesehatan yang diberikan dapat menimbulkan rasa puas pada setiap pasien yang sesuai dengan tingkat kepuasan rata-rata penduduk yang menjadi target utama dari pelayanan kesehatan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat jalan terhadap kualitas pelayanan kefarmasian di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Budi Setia Langowan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional dengan sampel penelitian ditetapkan menggunakan metode accidental sampling, yaitu teknik pengambilan sampel dengan mengambil sampel secara bebas. Data yang diambil secara prospektif  kemudian  dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik dengan program analisis SPSS, dengan menggunakan Analisis bivariat untuk melakukan uji hubungan antara variabel bebas yaitu tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat jalan dengan variabel terikat yaitu Mutu Pelayanan Rawat Jalan (Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, dan Emphaty) yang diberikan Rumah Sakit kepada pasien tawat jalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai Ikj kepuasan pasien  rawat jalan berada pada indeks positif dengan nilai 0,07 dengan nilai CSI sebesar 87,74 yang berada pada rentang sangat puas, sehingga menyatakan secara keseluruhan pasien yang menerima pelayanan kefarmasian di Instalasi Farmasi Budi Setia Langowan sudah merasa sanggat puas. Kata kunci : Analisa tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat jalan, Budi Setia Langowan.

Putri Suchi Tulhikma Sarewo ◽  
Tasnim Tasnim ◽  
La Ode Kamalia

Background: Data on the achievement of minimum service standards at Bahteramas Hospital shows that several programs have not reached the specified Minimum Service Standards, namely the availability of facilities and operating equipment (34.37), customer satisfaction (74.04%) from the standard ?80%, time provision of medical records (30 minutes) from standard 10 minutes, completeness of informed concent (67.75%) of ?80%. Observing the development of human resources at the Bahteramas Hospital has not been carried out optimally, for example, such as a standardized selection and recruitment process, support for facilities, infrastructure and technology, individual commitment to organization, leadership commitment and employee work relations themselves. The purpose of this research is to analyze factors related to the quality of human resources at the Bahteramas Regional General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Methods: Quantitative research using a cross sectional study design.The population in this study amounted to 981 people. The number of samples in this study were 277 people. The sample was determined by simple random sampling technique. The data were obtained using the testchi square. Result: The test results using the chi square statistical test, it is known that the value of the selection variable (22,378> 3,841), the value of the training variable (18,658> 3,841), the value of the individual commitment variable (38,863> 3,841), the value of the reward variable (51,784> 3,841), the value of the skill variable (94,713> 3,841). Conclusion: There is a relationship between selection and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between training and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between individual commitment and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between reward and the quality of human resources, there is a relationship between skills and the quality of human resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Nurul Jannatul Firdausi

Background: Delays of inpatient transfer from the Emergency Department (ED) will affect delayed care, overcrowd at ED, and patient’s disappointment. Such patient transfer delay from the Emergency Departement (ED) also occurs at Haji General Hospital, Surabaya.Aims: This study analyzed the relationship  between inpatient boarding time from Emergency Departement (ED) and patient satisfaction at Haji General Hospital, Surabaya.Methods: This was an observational research using a cross-sectional approach. The population was 980 ED patients who decided to be hospitalized. Out of 980 ED patients, the study only involved 83 respondents selected by simple random sampling. The instruments used were observational sheet and questionnaires to collect data which were then analyzed with a chi-square test.Results: Average boarding time was 142 minutes 25 seconds (minimum = 60 minutes; maximum = 290 minutes). Almost all respondents (81.3%) were satisfied about fast boarding time. Inpatient boarding time at the Emergency Departement (ED) was significantly related to patient satisfaction (p = 0.058 <α = 0.1). The faster inpatients move to ED, the more satisfied they are.Conclusion: The average patient boarding time from the Emergency Departement (ED) to Inpatient Unit was slow. Respondents were satisfied with the quality of services even though patient boarding time was slow. The hospital should pay more attention to evaluate the minimal standard of boarding time, ensure the availability of beds,  and improve the quality of facilities and services to enhance patient satisfaction. Keywords: Boarding time, Emergency Department, Inpatient, Satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Nurul Jannatul Firdausi

Background: Delays of inpatient transfer from the Emergency Department (ED) will affect delayed care, overcrowd at ED, and patient’s disappointment. Such patient transfer delay from the Emergency Departement (ED) also occurs at Haji General Hospital, Surabaya.Aims: This study analyzed the relationship  between inpatient boarding time from Emergency Departement (ED) and patient satisfaction at Haji General Hospital, Surabaya.Methods: This was an observational research using a cross-sectional approach. The population was 980 ED patients who decided to be hospitalized. Out of 980 ED patients, the study only involved 83 respondents selected by simple random sampling. The instruments used were observational sheet and questionnaires to collect data which were then analyzed with a chi-square test.Results: Average boarding time was 142 minutes 25 seconds (minimum = 60 minutes; maximum = 290 minutes). Almost all respondents (81.3%) were satisfied about fast boarding time. Inpatient boarding time at the Emergency Departement (ED) was significantly related to patient satisfaction (p = 0.058 <α = 0.1). The faster inpatients move to ED, the more satisfied they are.Conclusion: The average patient boarding time from the Emergency Departement (ED) to Inpatient Unit was slow. Respondents were satisfied with the quality of services even though patient boarding time was slow. The hospital should pay more attention to evaluate the minimal standard of boarding time, ensure the availability of beds,  and improve the quality of facilities and services to enhance patient satisfaction. Keywords: Boarding time, Emergency Department, Inpatient, Satisfaction.

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