2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-39
Nadya Putri Saylendra

Penyuluhan ini dilakukan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat terkait protokol kesehatan di tengah pandemi covid 19 dan mengupayakan hidup sehat sehari-hari. Banyaknya warga yang lalai dengan menjaga diri dari penularan virus menambah jumlah pasien ODP (Orang Dalam Pantauan), khususnya wilayah Kecamatan Banyusari menjadi alasan rasional Desa Cicinde Utara dijadikan sebagai tempat pengabdian dan juga karena jarak yang cukup jauh dari pusat kota dan minimnya informasi terkait pandemi covid 19. Upaya yang telah dilakukan ialah sinegritas dosen dan mahasiswa dengan instansi petugas kesehatan Desa Cicinde Utara mengedukasi wajib pakai masker serta akibat yang ditimbulkan karena tidak memakai masker. Sanksi yang diberikan untuk memupuk kesadaran menggunakan masker adalah sanksi sosial, yaitu menyapu jalanan dan membersihkan lingkungan. Hasil yang terlihat adalah kedisiplinan warga untuk memakai masker mulai meningkat. Memakai masker yang baik (bukan scuba) adalah upaya dini dari kita untuk melindungi orang yang kita sayangi, mari mekakai masker dan mulai melakukan pola hidup sehat. Kata kunci—pengabdian, masker, kesehatan, kedisiplinan, covid19 This community service is carried out to provide education to the public regarding health protocols in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic and strive for a healthy daily life. The number of residents who are negligent in protecting themselves from spreading the virus increases the number of ODP (People Under Monitoring) patients, especially the Banyusari District area, which is a rational reason for North Cicinde Village to be used as a place of service and also because it is quite far from the city center and the lack of information related to the Covid pandemic. 19. Efforts that have been made are the synergy of lecturers and students with the health officers of Cicinde Utara Village to educate on the compulsory use of masks and the consequences of not wearing masks. The sanctions given to cultivate awareness of wearing masks are social sanctions, namely sweeping the streets and cleaning the environment. The visible result is that citizens' discipline to wear masks has begun to increase. Wearing a good mask (not a scuba material) is an early effort from us to protect our loved ones, let's wear a mask and start living a healthy lifestyle. Keywords—community service, mask, health, discipline, covid 19

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 854
Ellyvina Setya Dhini ◽  
Wibowo Wibowo ◽  
Mamiek Wilastri

ABSTRAKAngka prevalensi Diabetes Mellitus (DM) di Jawa Timur lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daerah lain di Indonesia. Hal ini tergambar  di kota Malang  Jawa Timur tepatnya di Kelurahan Kauman yang berdomisili ditengah kota diketahui jumlah penderita DM cukup tinggi sedangkan pengetahuan warganya dalam pemahaman gaya hidup sehat penderita DM (diabetisi) masih kurang. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan tentang gaya hidup sehat diabetisi, dengan metode melakukan pelatihan melalui media zoom kepada kelompok PKK Kelurahan Kauman Malang. Dalam pelatihan tersebut juga dilakukan pre dan post test serta pengisian kuisioner menggunakan google form oleh peserta pelatihan. Hasil dari pre dan  post test serta kuisioner dianalisa sehingga diperoleh persentase untuk mengetahui gambaran pemahaman dan kemampuan peserta dalam memberikan informasi dan melaksanakan gaya hidup sehat diabetisi kepada keluarga/ tetangga disekitarnya. Dari hasil pre dan post test diperoleh gambaran terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang gaya hidup sehat diabetisi dari rata rata 46% menjadi 98,8%. Peserta yang memahami dan menyatakan bahwa gaya hidup sehat diabetisi memungkinkan untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari hari sebanyak 94%. Seluruh peserta (100%) bersedia menerangkan, menerapkan, melaksanakan dan telah terjadi perubahan gaya hidup sehat diabetisi kepada keluarga dan orang – orang dilingkungan sekitarnya. Hasil dari pelatihan ini memberikan harapan tejadinya perbaikan kualitas hidup diabetisi di Kelurahan Kauman kota Malang. Kata kunci : gaya hidup; diabetes mellitus; kelompok PKK ABSTRACTPrevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in East Java is higher than other regions in Indonesia. That illustrated in the city of Malang, East Java, precisely in the Kauman Village, which is domiciled in the middle of the city, it is known that number of DM sufferers is quite high, while the knowledge of  citizens in understanding of healthy lifestyle of DM patients) is still lacking.The purpose of this community service (PKM) is to provide knowledge about healthy lifestyles with diabetes, with the method of conducting training through zoom media to the PKK group in Kauman Malang Village. In the training, pre and post tests were also carried out as well as filling out questionnaires using google forms by the trainees to get a picture of the participants' understanding and ability in providing information and implementing a healthy lifestyle with diabetes to their families/neighbors around them. The results of pre and post tests, it was obtained  there was an increase in knowledge about a healthy lifestyle with diabetes from an average of 46% to 98.8%. Participants who understand and state that a healthy lifestyle with diabetes allows it to be applied in daily life as many as 94%. All participants (100%) are willing to explain, implementation and there have been changes to a healthy lifestyle with diabetes to their families and people in the surrounding environment. The results of this training provide hope for an improvement in the quality of life for people with diabetes in Kauman Village, Malang City. Keywords : lifestyle; diabetes mellitus; PKK group

2020 ◽  
pp. 139-172
Bretton White

Chapter 4 investigates the relationship between fear and perceptibility in the play Chamaco (2006) by Abel González Melo. Using works by queer theorist José Esteban Muñoz, it explores how gay and transvestite characters travel through and manipulate the central city spaces of Havana, most notably the Parque Central, transforming official, celebratory spaces of the nation into concealed meeting places that reveal the true, queer nature of the city. This chapter argues that this play is concerned with the ethereal, and that the transformative possibilities of queer sex—which in this play occur at the periphery of the city center—can encourage a multiplicity of citizenships that extend from the queer throughout the city, and not just at its edges. In Carlos Celdrán’s direction of Chamaco the physical spaces of stage and city are reconstructed by playing with what is visible to the audience and other characters via lighting. Celdrán makes previously “invisible” queer bodies visible by utilizing light as an inclusionary tactic. Further, he challenges ideas about utopia and dystopia, center and margin, hetero- and homonormative by collapsing the public and private spaces of street and home in his staging of the work.

Katarzyna Nosal ◽  
Łukasz Franek ◽  
Sylwia Rogala

The quality of urban space in terms of walkability can be assessed taking many parameters into account, such as the presence of sidewalks, their density and continuity, appropriate technical parameters as well as the presence of greenery, squares, parks, which create the environment for pedestrian traffic. The lack of travel barriers, the possibility to shorten the route, travel safety and security, the presence of street furniture, shops and services are also significant. This article concerns some of the above described factors and presents selected research results on the use of space in city centers of several Polish cities – Kraków, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Warsaw, Gdynia, Wrocław and Poznań as well as the results of an analysis on the friendliness of this space for pedestrian traffic. The first phase of this study was to determine the share of public space within the analyzed city center areas, and then define areas used as roads, infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, squares, green areas, parks and public courtyards. The balance of the used space was created for each researched area, and the space dedicated to pedestrian traffic was additionally analyzed in terms of the presence of obstacles as well as sidewalk location. The analysis results prove that that greatest amount of the public space is located in the city center of Poznań, and the smallest in Kraków. Warsaw is characterized by the greatest and Szczecin by the smallest percentage of the pedestrian infrastructure. Szczecin dominates in terms of the share of roads in the downtown area, Wrocław in terms of squares and Gdańsk – public courtyards.

D.O. Timoshkin

The article analyzes the images of the Irkutsk city center in the memories of the representatives of two marginal groups — street children and venders, who lived and worked there from 1999 to 2006, as well as its mo dern images in the public statements of the urban elites. The aim of the study is to identify the functions that the city center performed during the years of deep social transformations and to reveal why today one wants to forget about it as soon as possible. The author argues that the places mentioned by the respondents and the actions performed in those places largely shaped the current ideas about the period of social chaos in the “post-Soviet” city — a period of uncertainty, violence and fear. Today, these places and functions are mostly memories, which are gradually being replaced by the simplified and emotionally rich myths about the past that are being broadcast by the urban political regimes. The latter displace marginal groups from the center and change the places they previously occupied, simultaneously altering the collective memory associated with these places. The article puts forward and justifies a hypothesis that starting from the mid-1990s and almost until the end of the 2000s these territories were used by the majority of citizens as an extra-institutional interface necessary for connecting to the city resource node. This function has become the primary cause of fierce conflicts, during which numerous enforcers tried to establish a monopoly on the collection of rents from the human and resource flows concentrated there. The image of the center as a deviant place was constructed simultaneously by the urban regimes and marginal groups: the former used it as a weapon in the struggle for the “right to the city,” the latter associated it with the collective trauma they had experienced.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Lidya Mahardhika Allan ◽  
Mila Karmilah

Tuban town square are included in one of the utilization of active open space in the Tuban area. The town square is located in the city center and near of the many tourism objects in Tuban. One of them such us Sunan Bonang Funeral. The goals of this study are to verivy the effect of pilgrimages acivity to the public open space of Tuban town square. The Targets to be achieved, such us :1) Identification the effect based on characteristics Type of Activities in the Sunan Bonang Funeral Pilgrimage Area, 2) Identification the effect based on characteristics Type of activity Around the Public Open Space, 3) Analysing the factors that affect the pilgrimage activity to the public open space. 4) Verivy the affectthe pilgrimage activity to the public open space. Hypothesisin this studyare have or have no effect of pilgrimage activitytothe public open space of Tuban town square.So it can be seen the factors that effect of the pilgrimage activity to the public open space, and also presence the effect caused by pilgrimage activity to the public open space of Tuban town square.Keywords: Activity, Pilgrimage area, Public Open Space

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-113
Yoer Javier Castaño Pareja

The supply of towns and cities was one of the essential functions of municipal councils. It was conceived that its efficient administration ensured the common good and the public tranquility. This article studies the official and surreptitious provision of meat and other indispensable livestock products in the daily life of the inhabitants of Santafé specially during the little explored seventeenth century. Based on various sources, in this research is calculated the magnitude of the demand in this capital of cattle that came from different geographic spaces. Through the analysis of the prices of these commodities are determined the periods of meat shortage experienced in this capital during this century and are explained the factors that caused these crises.

Edhi Prasetya ◽  
Agus S Sadana ◽  
Ashri Prawesti, ST, M.SiP ◽  
Diptya Anggita, ST, MT ◽  
Swambodo M. Adi, ST, M.Ars. ◽  

Community service, is the mandate from the Ministry of Education and Culture, to close the distance between the world of education and the daily life of the community, this activity is a manifestation of the implementation of Community Service activities based on the scientific expertise of Architecture. The implementation of this community service activity is in the form of an introduction aimed at various groups in urban communities, conveyed online through Instagram social media. The purpose of this outreach implementation activity is to provide knowledge to the public about the importance of the values ​​of the imaginary axis of the heritage area as the city identity. The implementation of this counseling is related to the material and learning process in the KOKA (Kuliah dan Observasi Kajian Arsitektur) course which has been routinely programmed in each lecture process. On this occasion, which was still in a pandemic condition, the exposure of counseling materials related to the KOKA learning process was transferred in the form of online material exposure through Instagram online social media. As an embodiment, on this occasion the material preparation was carried out based on the direction of the Lecturer Team by involving the student team to produce the online poster. With the implementation of online, the exposure material will continue to be conveyed to the target community automatically since the material is broadcast.

Narila Mutia Nasir ◽  
Wirda Farah ◽  
Ragma Desilfa ◽  
Didi Khaerudin ◽  
Yunita Safira ◽  

Perilaku mencuci tangan belum menjadi budaya dalam masyarakat, Salah satu penyebab kondisi ini adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang hal tersebut, terutama pada anak sekolah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Tim Kesehatan Masyarakat UIN Syarif Hidayatullah bertujuan untuk meningatkan pengetahuan tentang CTPS sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mencegah kejadian diare. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan kepada siswa di SDN 02 Rempoa, Tangerang Selatan dalam bentuk edukasi dan praktik cuci tangan. Hasil pre dan post-test menunjukkan adanya kenaikan rata-rata pengetahuan dari 59 menjadi 78.25 poin. Peningkatan pengetahuan ini dapat berdampak pada peningkatan praktik CTPS yang lebih baik. Selain itu para siswa diharapkan dapat menjadi agen perubahan pada lingkungannya serta menjadikan CTPS sebagai budaya yang merupakan bagian dari kehidupan seharihari. Dengan denikian secara tidak langsung juga akan menurunkan risiko penyakit menular terutama diare.---Hand washing behavior has not yet a culture in the society. This condition is caused by the lack of knowledge about the issue, especially among school children. Community service activity undertaken by the Public Health team of UIN SyarifHidayatullah aimed to increase the knowledge about WHWS as an effort to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea. This activity was carried out for elementary students at SDN 02 Rempoa, South Tangerang by performing educational session and practice of hand washing. The result of pre and post-test showed an improvement of average knowledge, from 59 to 78.25 points. The increasing of knowledge might have an impact to better WHWS practices. In addition, the students are expected to be the agents of change in their environment and make WHWS a culture in the daily life. Thus, it also will indirectly reduce the risk of infectious diseases, especially diarrhea.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 27
Gustavo Arteaga ◽  
Edier Segura ◽  
Diego Escobar

In the last decades, the occupation of the pedestrian routes and in general of the public space in the city center of Cali Colombia, have been evidencing diverse phenomena, which to a great extent respond to the accelerated growth of the urban population, where the migrations that have occurred in the interior of the country (fruit of the social conflicts of the last decades), have particularly marked the realities. In Cali, on 10th and 15th streets, near the Government Building, the Palace of Justice and the Municipal Administrative Center - CAM, the public space in general terms has been stressed in a particular way, which has generated conflicts in the surfaces designed for the pedestrians, since they are occupied by vendors in the midst of the informality routines, forcing the pedestrian to use the automobile tracks being a notorious and interesting phenomenon, when observing the factors that produce it and using them as parameters in the design of architectural spaces that contribute to improvement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-39
Faridh Al Wajidi ◽  
Karina K ◽  
Wisnu Widayat

At the time of the implementation of LATJAPURA conducted by the Immigration Polytechnic cadets throughout Indonesia, it became commonplace for every cadet to participate in the implementation of socialization activities held at the immigration office where the cadets actively participated in LATJAPURA. The implementation of this LATJAPURA activity provides an opportunity for the Immigration Polytechnic Cadets to perform community service as a tangible form of contributing to the Indonesian people. One form of community service carried out by the Immigration Polytechnic Taruna in the city of Pematang Siantar is the socialization of Eazy Passport. The purpose of this socialization is to introduce the latest services of the Immigration Office Class II TPI Pematang Siantar in the form of Eazy passports and service innovations to provide convenience to applicants for immigration services. In addition, this activity is also to introduce the Immigration Polytechnic service bond school to the public to increase the existence of the Immigration Polytechnic in Pematang Siantar City.

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