Suriani Ginting

The family can be involved in the patient's stoma care, so the family is expected to be able to monitor and help the patient to achieve self-care. Stoma is a bowel hole that appears on the surface of the abdomen in the reddish mucosa form. One way to increase family knowledge is by providing education. Education is an intervention that can help patients and families to maintain stoma health with appropriate care. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of education on the ability of families on the treatment of stomas in patients undergoing colostomy at the General Hospital H. Adam Malik Medan. This research is a quantitative analytic study with a quasi-experimental research design by the pre and post test treatment groups. The population in this study were 71 people. A sample of 42 respondents representing the families of patients who had a colostomy at the General Hospital H. Adam Malik Medan. In this study, the analysis used is the Willcoxon Signed Rank Test, with p value <0.05. The average value of ability of the family before being educated was 2.00 and a range of 2 to 3. This shows that the ability of familieswas less in caring for stoma while the ability after being educated was of 3.00 and a range of 3 to 3. Its means that the family was able to perform stoma care for his family who had a colostomy. From the differences in the median value and probability was p <0.05.  It can be concluded that education has an effect on increasing the ability of families in stoma care in patients undergoing colostomy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Siti Sarah Bintang Sarah Bintang ◽  
Novi Wulandari Tinambunan ◽  
Sabirin Berampu ◽  
Miftahul Zannah ◽  
Isidorus Jehaman

The fitness condition of the elderly is an indicator that can be used to determine the health level of the elderly. The level of physical activity is one of the factors that determine body composition from childhood to old age, proper flexibility helps people to have a functional balance throughout their life and to participate fully in countless recreational and communitarian activities. Lack of reasonable flexibility a greater chance of developing lesions and functional problems. Gymnastics for the elderly is a sport that can be done regularly so that the fitness of the elderly can increase. The study was to determine the effect of elderly exercise on improving fitness and flexibility and speed in the elderly in Sionom Hudon Selatan Village in 2020. Method of research is Quasi Experiment or quasi-experimental research with the design or research design used is one group pre and post test conducted in the Village of Sionom Hudon Selatan.The sample consisted of 12 people in each action taken. The results of the hypothesis test with the Wilcoxon signed rank test test p value α = (0.002 <0.05) which means "There is an effect of Giving Elderly Gymnastics Against Improvement of Fitness and Flexibility and Speed in the Elderly in the Village of Zion South Hudon in 2020".

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-84
Priyanto Priyanto ◽  
Sakbani Sakbani

Kemampuan manajerial kepala ruang merupakan kemampuan untuk memimpin, mengelola, menggerakkan dan mengarahkan bawahan agar mencapai tujuan bersama dalam organisasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan manajerial kepala ruang di RSUD Kabupaten Temanggung dengan intervensi pelatihan manajemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain pre eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pre post test. Populasi penelitian adalah kepala ruang dan staf perawat di RSUD Kabupaten Temanggung, dengan jumlah sampel 15 responden kepala ruang.Hasil penelitian menggunakan uji wilcoxon signed rank test (α =5%) menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kemampuan manajerial kepala ruang sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan manajemen bangsal (p value = 0,001). Pelatihan manajemen bangsal dapat meningkatkan kemampuan manajerial kepala ruang. Perlu dilakukan tindak lanjut pelatihan tentang kemampuan manajerial kepala ruang berupa implementasi hasil pelatihan.   Kata kunci : Kemampuan manajerial kepala ruang, pelatihan manajemen bangsal.   DIFFERENCE OF MANAGERIAL CAPABILITIES IN THE ROOM BEFORE AND AFTER AFTER BANGSAL MANAGEMENT TRAINING . ABSTRACT Managerial capability of head nurses is the ability to lead in mobilizing and directing subordinates to achieve common goals in an organization. The study aimed to determine the managerial capability of head nurses at Temanggung General Hospital with  the managerial intervention. This study used pre experimental design with one group pre post test. The study population were the head nurses at Temanggung general hospital, the number  of samples of head nurses were 15 samples. The results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test (α = 5%) show significant differences between managerial capability of head nurses before and after the training of ward management (p value = 0.001). The training of ward management  can improve the head nurses’ managerial capability. It is necessary to follow up the training of the head nurses managerial capability in the form of the implementation of training result.   Keywords: Managerial capability of head nurses, the training of ward management

Jurnal NERS ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 296
Widodo Widodo ◽  
Sumardino Sumardino ◽  
Akhmad Rifai

Introduction: In the year 2014 there were 456 disasters in Indonesia, comprising 227 natural disasters, 197 non-natural disasters and 32 social disasters. The community is expected to be well prepared in accordance with their respective capacities, and this includes the Civil Service Police Unit (CSPU), which must be competent in providing emergency first aid. The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of emergency first aid training on the competence of CSPU in providing emergency first aid assistance in the Surakarta region. Methods: This study used a pre-experimental technique using a pre-post test group design. The sample consisted of 107 respondents who were recruited by total sampling. Variables in this study were competencies in handling emergency first aid assistance including knowledge, attitude and practice. Data were collected by questionnaire and analysed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test with a p-value of 0.05. Results: There were significant differences in scores on knowledge, attitudes, and practice in providing emergency first aid assistance, with a p-value of 0.012 for knowledge, 0.000 for attitude and 0.001 for practice, respectively. Conclusions: Emergency first aid training is urgently needed for CSPU members that are ever directly in charge in the community in any situation. The CSPU must have the first aid competence to support its performance.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-49
I Made Sudarma Adiputra ◽  
Kadek Mahendra Novita Rahayu

Nowadays, population of asthma symptoms increased according to the life style of modern people. Giving warm water was self action therapy non-pharmacologically its benefit is to open the airway for asthma’s patient. The purpose of this study was gain more knowledge about the effect by giving warm water before nebulizer action toward to the smoothness asthma’s patient airway. This study took place at RSUD Bangli on June-July 2017. Method: Quasi Experimental Design With Two Groups Research Using Pretest-Posttest Design. About twenty samples taken using Non-Probability With Consecutive Sampling. In this research using two hypothesis such as Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann-Whitney U-Test. Result And Analysis: The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test hypothesis results got about 0,002 p value. Than Mann-Whitney U-Test got about 0,029 p value. Mean that there were difference effects by giving warm water before nebulizer action toward to the airway smoothness of asthma patient. Discussion: By giving warm water resulting two effects, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic therefore the airway become permanent. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 062-065
Maria Ulfa

Abstract :Toilet learning in children is an attempt to train children to be able to control in defecating and urinating. The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of stimulation to the toilet learning ability of toddler. The research usedPre-Experimental One-Group Pre-test-post test design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The statistical test used wilcoxon signed rank test. The population was 14 toddler of PosyanduBendowulungKabupatenBlitar. The result showed that there was an effect of stimulation to the ability of toilet learning of 1 to 3 years old toddler. The Statistical test result using Wilcoxon sign rank test obtained p value = 0,000 (<0,05). It is expected to increase knowledge about the implementation of toilet learning stimulation, especially for parents to make their children more indepen- dent. Keywords: Stimulation, Toilet learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Meda Yuliani

Latar Belakang : Bagi pasangan yang menikah dibawah usia reproduksi dianjurkan untuk menunda kehamilan sampai fisik dan mentalnya siap menerima kehamilannya. Tujuan : mengetahui efektifitas pemberian komunikasi, jnformasi dan edukasi (KIE) tentang kesehatan reproduksi pada calon pengantin. Metode : dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Menggunakan rancangan penelitian cross sectional dan uji wilxocon signed rank test. Dengan tahap pengambilan data primer melaului pre test dan post test menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pasangan calon pengantin yang berada di wilayah KUA Cileunyi Kabupaten Bandung. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 43 pasang calon pengantin.Hasil : menunjukan bahwa ada kenaikan tingkat penhetahuan tentang kesehatan repoduksi pada pasangan calon pengantin setelah dilakukan pemberian komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi (KIE), Hasil dari perhitungan menggunakan rumus Wilcoxon signet rank tes , sebelum dan sesudah menunjukan perbedaan yang signifikan dengan rata � rata sebelum 1,1512 dan sesudah menunjukan nilai rata-rata 1,0000, Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p-value 0,000 < dari nilai alpha (0.05). Kesimpulan : Seluruh responden memiliki pengetahuan baik setelah dilakukan pemberian Komunikasi, Informasi dan edukasi (KIE) pada pasangan calon pengantin. Kemudian bahwa pemberian KIE tersebut efektif dalam peningkatan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dalam upaya persiapan pernikahan dan kehamilan pada pasangan calon pengantin. Kata Kunci : Calon Pengantin, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi (KIE)

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-121
Syarifah Faradina ◽  
Sarah Sisilya Az Badal ◽  
Meutia Natasya ◽  
Kamilah Kamilah ◽  
Elda Oviyani ◽  

ABSTRAKKecemasan merupakan fenomena psikologis yang umum dirasakan oleh setiap individu. Mahasiswa sebagai penuntut ilmu tidak pernah lepas dari tuntutan tugas dan lingkungan, membuat mahasiswa sering dihadapkan pada situasi yang memicu timbulnya berbagai hambatan. Terdapat berbagai upaya untuk mengurangi kecemasan tersebut, salah satunya adalah dengan mewarnai mandala. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh mewarnai mandala terhadap menurunnya kecemasan pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain pre-test post-test control group. Responden terdiri dari 20 mahasiswa yang mengalami kecemasan ringan sampai sangat berat, yang terbagi atas kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis penelitian menggunakan wilcoxon signed rank test ditemukan perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan mewarnai mandala dengan nilai Z = -2,831 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,005 (p0,05). Hasil analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa mewarnai mandala dapat menurunkan kecemasan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga melakukan analisis antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Hasil analisis menggunakan ujiMann-Whitney diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,404 (p0,05). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan hasil penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada kelompok eksperimen maupun kelompok kontrol.Kata Kunci: Kecemasan, Mewarnai Mandala, MahasiswaABSTRACTAnxiety is a psychological phenomenon that is commonly felt by everyone. Students with various activities can also experience anxiety. Students in the academic environment, who have never been separated from the demands of the task, make students often faced with the situations that trigger anxiety. There are various efforts to reduce this anxiety, one of which is to color the mandala. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of coloring mandalas on decreasing anxiety in students. This study uses a quasi-experimental method with a pre-test post-test control group design. Respondents consisted of 20 students who experienced mild to extremely severe anxiety, which was divided into experimental groups and control groups. The results of the study analysis using Wilcoxon signed rank test found differences before and after the mandala coloring treatment given with a value of Z = -2,831 with a significance value of 0,005 (p 0,05). The results of this analysis indicate that coloring mandalas can reduce anxiety. In addition, this study also conducted an analysis between the control group and the experimental group. The results of the analysis using the Mann-Whitney test obtained a significance value of 0,404 (p 0,05). The results of the analysis showed that there were no differences in the results of the decrease in anxiety levels in the experimental group and the control group.Keywords: Anxiety, Coloring Mandala, Student

Dyno Aryo Christanto ◽  
N. Adiputra ◽  
S. Indra Lesmana ◽  
Dw P. Sutjana ◽  
Made Muliarta ◽  

Introduction: Generally, core stability exercise as a training program is needed in almost kind of sport including paddle, analysis of movement in any kind of paddle sport such as kayak, canoe, or even rowing have been showed that the activity of core stability muscles are really needed. Purpose: purpose of this research is to know the effectivity of core stability exercise replenishment to increase sculling speed in paddle training program. Methods: This research is experimental with treatment by subject design project, involving 15 paddle athletes which divided into two groups and consists of II periods which are, Period I and Period II. In the 1st period, the athletes were given extra core stability exercise along with their normal paddling routine mean while in the 2nd period, the athletes only doing their normal paddling routine. Each period do the trial in 6 weeks, so this reseach took 12 weeks. In 1st period, the subjects were given extra core stability training 3 times a week along with their normal paddling routine where as subjects in period II only do their normal paddling routine. Results: The used of parametric paired t test is to know the difference of sculling speed before and after the trials were given. To period I pre test value is 3.80 ± 0.26 meters/second while the post test value is 4.06 ± 0.41 meters/second and the value 0.001 (p<0.05)mean while the 2nd period use Wilcoxon signed rank test to know the difference of sculling speed between before and after the trial were given resulting pre test value 3.80 ± 0.22 meters/second and post test value 3.91 ± 0.27 meters/second while the p value is 0.004 (p<0.05). After 12 weeks of sculling speed test between both period using Wilcoxon signed rank test and resulting obvions with period I value 0.26 ± 0.20 meters/second and period II value is 0.11 ± 0.12 meters/second along with p value 0.001 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Therefore, based on the result of my research test, we can concluded that the addition of core stability exercise in paddle training program is more effective to increase sculling speed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Monika Sawitri Prihatini ◽  
Ririn Probowati ◽  
Evita Dwi Ayu Mentari

Globalisasi telah membentukparadigma berpikirkaum perempuan untuk menuntut persamaan hak antara perempuan dan laki-laki. Banyak ibu yang bekerja sebagai wanita karier, sehingga banyak ibu yang menganti ASI dengan susu Formula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh promosi kesehatan terhadapself efficacy ibu bekerjadi PT Mufasufu Sejati Jaya Lestari MPS Ploso. Desain penelitian pra eksperiment one group pre test and post test. Populasi dan sampel ibu bekerja yang mempunyai bayi usia 0-6 bulan pada tanggal 6 Mei s/d 6 Juni 2018 sebanyak 30 respondenmenggunakanTotal Sampling.Pengumpulan data dilakukan 4 kali kunjungan.Variabel independen promosi kesehatan, variabel dependen self efficacy ibu bekerja dalam pemberian ASI, Uji analitik mengunakan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, α : 0.05. Hasil sebelum pemberian pendidikan kesehatan ibu memiliki self efficacy sedang(46,7%)dan setelah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan mengunakan modul,self efficacy tinggi (63,3%). Didapatkan bahwa p value : 0,000 < 0,05 artinya ada pengaruh Self Eficacy ibu bekerja dalam pemberian ASI  dengan model promosi kesehatan pada bayi usia 0 – 6 bulan di PT Mufasufu Sejati Jaya Lestari MPS Ploso. Model promosi kesehatan menggunakan modul dapat meningkatkan self efficacy ibu bekerja. Modul yang digunakan dilengkapi dengan gambar dan bahasa yang mudah dipahami. Diharapkan ibu dapat mempelajari dan membagikan pengetahuannya kepada orang lain dan bagi tenaga kesehatan dapat dijadikan acuan dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan bagi masyarakat.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Rachma Purwanti

Posyandu cadres are the main actor of UKBM. "Prevention of Stunting with Nutritional Improvement on the 1000 days of life (GASTIZI 1000)” program has purpose to increase the posyandu cadre capasity at Ngarap-arap Village. This research aims to analyze the effectivity of GASTIZI 1000 program  to improve the capacity of the posyandu cadres. This research uses a quasi experimental approach with one group pre test-post test design.  This research was conducted during July – August 2018. Topics presenting in the GASTIZI 1000 program are about Stunting and the nutritional improvement at the 1000 days of life. Subjects are chosen by the total sampling method (All of posyandu cadre at Ngarap-arap village that are willingness to join the GASTIZI 1000 program), 22 people from 6 Hamlet in Ngarap-arap village. Characteristic and cadre knowledge were collected by pre test-post test questionnaire. Skill of cadre to monitor the nutritional status of children was collected by observation and interview. Data were compiled by SPSS software. Then analyzed by univariate and bivariate test with related samples wilcoxon signed rank test. The results showed the averaged  score of cadres knowledge before the GASTIZI 1000 program is 51,8 and after program is 61,5. Bivariate test shows an increased in cadres knowledge after program (p = 0,001). Conclusions, there was an increased in knowledge and skills of cadres about stunting and nutrition during 1000 days of life after following the program. Kader Posyandu merupakan penggerak utama Upaya Kesehatan Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (UKBM). Program “Cegah Stunting dengan Perbaikan Gizi pada 1000 HPK (GASTIZI 1000)” bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dari kader Posyandu di Desa Ngarap-arap. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas Program GASTIZI 1000 dalam meningkatkan kapasitas kader posyandu. Penelitian berdesain quasi experimental, dengan rancangan one group pre test-post test design.  Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan Juli – Agustus 2018. Topik yang disampaikan dalam program GASTIZI 1000 yaitu mengenai Stunting dan pentingnya gizi pada periode 1000 HPK. Subjek dipilih dengan metode total sampling yaitu seluruh kader posyandu di Desa Ngarap-arap yang bersedia mengikuti program GASTIZI 1000 HPK sebanyak 22 orang. Pengumpulan data karakteristik dan pengetahuan kader dilakukan dengan instrumen kuesioner pre test-post test. Data keterampilan kader dalam pemantauan status gizi stunting pada balita dikumpulkan dengan observasi dan wawancara terhadap subjek. Data diolah dengan software SPSS. Selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan uji univariat dan bivariat dengan related samples wilcoxon signed rank test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapatnya peningkatan pengetahuan kader setelah diberikan program GASTIZI 1000 (p=0,001). Kesimpulan, terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader mengenai stunting dan gizi 1000 HPK setelah mengikuti program GASTIZI.

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