first aid training
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ناهد محمد بسيوني سالم

This study aims to find out the role of the public libraries in the Sultanate of Oman in achieving knowledge awareness as one of Oman’s Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve the study’s main objective, several questions regarding the public libraries’ role were proposed. To answer these questions, the study adopted a descriptive analytical-qualitative method. Twelve public libraries were covered in this study. Moreover, two qualitative tools were used: interviews with representatives from the public libraries and analyzing the contents of these libraries’ programs. The study found that public libraries’ awareness about sustainable development is medium, as some have no idea about the topic. The study also revealed that the public library focuses on sustainable development as educational aspects by providing databases and facilitating access. Moreover, besides the technical aspects, most public libraries provide the services of public computers and the internet. In addition, some of these public libraries had played a role in disseminating health awareness for society through providing First Aid training courses. However, the public libraries’ role in enhancing society’s awareness of the available job opportunities was very week. In addition, public libraries in Oman have a critical role in preserving Oman’s Documentary Heritage and provide its accessibility as most of the public libraries have a huge number of these documents. The most important recommendation of the study is that the Omani libraries’ authority should focus on developing the awareness of the specialists of the public library about sustainable development and the role of public libraries in achieving it.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Jin Xiao Sheng ◽  
Chen Hai Tang ◽  
Zhang Hao

Objective: Bystander first aid can improve the survival rate after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest or trauma, College students are potential bystanders of first aid in society. In the research, we aim to determine the universality of first aid training and the mastery of first aid skills among college students in order to implement first aid. Methods:From January to October 2021, Carry out questionnaire surveys by WeChat push, A random cross-sectional study was conducted on students from five universities in Wenzhou. In order to understand the knowledge and skills of first aid, Respondents accepted the first aid scenario that answered two hypotheses. Results:Among the 1,171 college students interviewed. Among them, 37.23% are males and 62.77% are females; 78.31% have first aid training experience, and 21.69% have no first aid training experience; 71% of college students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills through first aid training conducted by the Red Cross, medical emergency centers or hospitals, etc. 22% of college students study through the information network; All college students interviewed expressed their willingness to participate in first aid training. But 21.69% of college students have not received first aid training, The reason for the inability to participate in the training is that they do not understand the ways to participate in first aid training, accounting for 37.01%; Lack of confidence accounted for 19.69%, and lack of time accounted for 35.04%; In the hypothetical emergency scene, In the male group, 48.96% were willing to treat the injured, and 36.19% in the female group. There is a statistical difference between the two (P<0.01); The junior college student group and the undergraduate student group are 28.09% and 44.09% separately. The medical professional group and the students with the first aid training group are 60.4% and 43.51% separately, The willingness to implement first aid has a clear advantage over the non-medical and non-trained two groups. The comparison between the two groups was statistically significant (P <0.01). The first aid skills are well mastered: chest compression 46.19%, judgment awareness 35.95%, hemostasis bandaging 32.88%, The worse ones were artificial respiration 24.67%, open airway 23.56%, and fracture fixation 8.96%. Conclusion: College students have a positive attitude towards learning first aid knowledge. However, it was found that the first aid skills were not well mastered, and the training was insufficient. Colleges and universities should provide first aid-related courses, extracurricular intensive training and other methods, Increase the knowledge of college students to deal with emergencies and improve basic first aid skills. Incorporating first aid skills training into university curricula and implementing it is a long-term strategy. Improve college students' awareness of first aid knowledge to obtain better social benefits. Key words: Attitude, First aid skills, college student training.

I. Lovchikova ◽  
A. Chursin ◽  
A. Zhuromsraya

This article develops the idea of the need to use new methods in training police officers in first aid measures to increase their motivational and professional readiness to provide first aid at the scene. The current statistics of road traffic accidents (road accidents) are analyzed in the context of the number of injured and dead, world according to the World Health Organization (WHO), local according to the federal bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). The relevance of making changes to the first aid training programs for organizations with a high level of exposure to production factors is considered by the example of police officers in the context of accident statistics and survey data of police officers in the context of first aid to victims at the scene.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 189
Happy Indah Kusumawati ◽  
Sutono Sutono ◽  
Sri Setyarini ◽  
Bayu Fandhi Achmad ◽  
Angela Dwi Hesti Ariningtyas ◽  

A community-based forum, Forum Pengurangan Resiko Bencana (FPRB), or Forum of Disaster Risk Reduction was established to accommodate and collaborate with stakeholders to optimize disaster management according to local capacity. However, evaluation of disaster preparedness among FPRB members is rarely done. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the disaster preparedness and level of Basic Life Support (BLS) knowledge among FPRB members in Bantul. A descriptive study was conducted with a cross-sectional design. Participants (n=77) were members of FPRB in Poncosari sub-district, Srandakan district, and Girirejo sub-district, Imogiri district, Bantul Regency. The survey was undertaken using the modified Disaster Preparedness Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI)-UNESCO 2006 questionnaire and modified BLS American Heart Association (AHA) 2015 questionnaire. Univariate analysis was utilized to analyze data. Overall, the majority (52%) of disaster preparedness levels among FPRB members was categorized as strong level (median = 29). Related to the disaster preparedness aspect, 89% had good disaster knowledge, followed by resource mobilization (75%), urgent plan (60%), and early warning (53%). The median score of BLS knowledge was 5.38 (min-max = 2-9). Most of the participants (56%) had a good level of BLS knowledge. This study highlights that the disaster knowledge aspect is indicated as a highly familiar aspect while the early warning aspect is identified as a low familiar one. This study assists policymakers to develop a strategic plan to promulgate further disaster and first aid training in the community setting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 494-494
Barbara Ganzel ◽  
Adam Simning ◽  
Thomas Caprio

Abstract The GWEP at the University of Rochester (New York) has an established network of nursing homes participating in Project ECHO. This ECHO hub includes geriatric medicine, psychiatry, pharmacy, aging services network and the Alzheimer’s Association focusing on best practices in geriatric mental health and dementia care. With the COVID-19 pandemic, this infrastructure quickly pivoted to expansion of 80 facilities and the addition of expertise in medical direction, trauma informed care, and infectious disease. A stress first aid training module was developed in partnership with Ithaca College and the National Center for PTSD to support front line nursing home workers. Dementia care experts contributed to practical problem-solving in addressing social isolation and mental health. Work now is focusing on vaccination and how to best support trauma-informed needs of residents with dementia.

Hiroki Asaoka ◽  
Yuichi Koido ◽  
Yuzuru Kawashima ◽  
Miki Ikeda ◽  
Yuki Miyamoto ◽  

This study aimed to compare longitudinal change of the psychological distress of a group with psychological first aid (PFA) experience and a group without PFA experience among physicians and other healthcare professionals from before the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic to during the pandemic. The baseline survey was conducted in January 2020 (T1). The respondents in T1 were invited to participate in March (T2) and November 2020 (T3). Psychological distress was assessed by the Kessler 6 Scale. Participants were divided into two categories: a group with and a group without PFA experience. Participants were further divided between physicians and healthcare professionals other than physicians, because physicians are more likely to experience morally injurious events. A mixed-model repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted as an indicator of the group differences. In T1, 398 healthcare professionals participated. The longitudinal analysis of healthcare professionals other than physicians showed that psychological distress was significantly greater in the group without PFA experience than in the group with PFA experience (T1 vs. T3). This study showed psychological distress among healthcare professionals other than physicians was significantly greater in the group without PFA experience than in the group with PFA experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the results were not consistent among physicians.

Tiago Filipe Oliveira Costa ◽  
Francisco Miguel Correia Sampaio ◽  
Carlos Alberto da Cruz Sequeira ◽  
María Teresa Lluch Canut ◽  
Antonio Rafael Moreno Poyato

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Madhawee Fernando ◽  
Amila Chandrasiri ◽  
Madhubhashinee Dayabandara ◽  
Nicola J. Reavley

Abstract Background Family and friends can play a key role in supporting a person with depression to seek professional help. However, they may lack the knowledge to do so. English-language guidelines for high-income countries have been developed to assist with this. The aim of this study was to adapt the English mental health first aid guidelines for helping a person with depression to the Sri Lankan context. Methods A Delphi expert consensus study involving mental health professionals and people with lived experience (either their own or as carers) was conducted. Participants were recruited from inpatient, outpatient and community care settings. The English-language questionnaire was translated into Sinhala and participants were asked to rate the importance of each item for inclusion in the guidelines for Sri Lanka. Results Data were collected over two survey rounds. A total of 115 panellists (23% male) consisting of 92 mental health professionals and 23 consumers and carers completed the Round 1 questionnaire. A total of 165 items were included in the final guidelines, with 156 adopted from the guidelines for English-speaking countries and 9 generated from the comments of panellists. Conclusions The adapted guidelines were similar to the English-language guidelines. However, new items reflecting culturally relevant approaches to autonomy-granting, communication and culture-specific manifestations of depression were reflected in the adapted version. Further research should explore the use of the adapted guidelines, including their incorporation into Mental Health First Aid Training.

2021 ◽  
pp. 621
Alya Dwiyana ◽  
Decven Angela ◽  
Agnes Marcella

Education related to emergency cases and their management are very important and practical; in order to increase the number of people, particularly students, who are trained in handling first aid in emergency cases. The purposes of this event are to provide an insight and understanding as well as to socialize first aid skills on emergency cases to lay people. By understanding health and safety factors, positively they can help to prevent unnecessary death. Emergency education and first aid training can increase public knowledge about the potential cases, so that people can implement them in daily life. This will definitely have an impact in increasing positive attitudes on the community. The event is held online using Zoom platform, on Saturday, September 24, 2021 and were attended by 339 participants, mostly medical students. Before and after the presentation, a pretest and a post-test are conducted to assess the knowledge of attending participants regarding emergency education. In general, the participants have better understanding about emergency cases and first aid training after the event.Kegiatan Penyuluhan Kesehatan Masyarakat (PKM) berupa edukasi terkait kasus gawat darurat serta tatalaksananya tentunya merupakan hal yang sangat penting dan bermanfaat. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah terjadinya peningkatan jumlah orang yang terlatih, terutama dikalangan mahasiswa, dalam melakukan tindakan pertolongan pertama pada kasus gawat darurat. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan wawasan serta pemahaman kepada masyarakat dan mensosialisasikan sejak dini kegiatan pertolongan pertama pada kasus kegawatdaruratan. Dengan demikan, pertolongan dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan unsur kesehatan serta keselamatan dengan tujuan dapat mencegah terjadinya kematian. Edukasi serta pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai kasus gawat darurat yang berdampak pada peningkatan sikap yang positif pada masyarakat, khususnya dalam kasus kegawatdaruratan serta penatalaksanaannya sehingga masyarakat dapat menerapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan secara daring (online) dengan menggunakan platformZoom pada hari Sabtu tanggal 25 September 2021 dan diikuti oleh 339 peserta yang sebagian besar dari kalangan mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran. Sebelum dan sesudah penyampaian materi edukasi kasus kegawatdaruratan, dilakukan pretest untuk menilai pengetahuan awal peserta dan post-test bagi peserta untuk menilai pengetahuan setelah mengikuti edukasi terkait kegawatdaruratan. Secara garis besar, terdapat peningkatan pemahaman peserta mengenai tatalaksana kasus kegawatdaruratan (first aid) setelah dilakukan penyuluhan.

Alison H. Vasa ◽  
Karen A. Falkenstein ◽  
Wayne A. Centrone

Abstract Background: Given the demonstrated success of programs that bolster informal Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems in other low- and middle-income counties (LMICs), this study aimed to explore formal and informal systems, practices, customs, and structures for emergency response and medical transport in Colca Valley, Perú while identifying possible opportunities for future intervention. Methods: Twenty-two interviews with first responders and community members were conducted in three mountain villages throughout rural Andean Colca Valley of Perú. Subjects were recruited based on profession and experience with medical emergencies in the area. Transcripts were entered into Dedoose, coded, and analyzed to identify themes. Results: Providers and community members shared similar perceptions on the most common barriers to emergency care and transport. Challenges experienced equally by both groups were identified as “structural problems,” such as lack of infrastructure, lack of structured care delivery, and unclear protocols. Incongruities of responses between groups emerged with regard to certain barriers to care. Providers perceived baseline health education and use of home remedies as significant barriers to seeking care, which was not proportionally corroborated by community members. In contrast, 86% of community members cited lack of trust in health providers as a major barrier. Community members often noted witnessing a high frequency of emergency events, their personal experiences of helping, and the formal utilization of lay providers. When specifically questioned on their willingness to engage in first aid training, all participants were in agreement. Conclusion: While structural changes such as increased infrastructure would likely be the most durable improvement, future interventions focused on both empowering community members and improving the relationship between the health center and the community would be beneficial in this community. Additionally, these interview data suggest that a layperson first aid training program would be feasible and well-received.

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