scholarly journals Administrative Creativity and Its relationship with Transformational Leadership in Scholastic Sport Activity Directorate in Baghdad from Physical Educators’ Point of View

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 124-132
Falah Hassan Shadhan ◽  
Ali Abdulatif Ali

The importance of the research lies in creative administration and transformational leadership as new topics that play an integral role in scholastic sport development. The researchers came up with a question that they aim to answer through this researcher: what is the relationship between creative administration and transformational leadership? They used the descriptive method on (250) physical educators in preparatory school. The data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to conclude that physical educators have the ability to communicate with others and affect others positively. There is a relation between transformational leadership and creativity in physical educators.

Б.Г. Вульфович

Задачей данной статьи является рассмотрение лингвопрагматических особенностей комментариев пользователей социальной сети «Твиттер» на выход Великобритании из ЕС. Анализ данных комментариев с лингвопрагматической точки зрения представляет интерес, так как показывает наиболее актуальную картину отношения пользователей социальных сетей к произошедшему событию. Приоритетными методами анализа лингвопрагматического потенциала Интернет-комментариев для нас являются: описательный метод, метод прагматического анализа, т.е. рассмотрение языкового материала в его непосредственном контексте в функциональном аспекте, метод частичной выборки, метод контекстологического описания. Контекстуальный метод был использован с целью установления особенностей комментариев в среде социальной сети «Твиттер»; описательный метод - для выявления непосредственного отношения пользователей социальных сетей к выходу Великобритании из ЕС; частичной выборки - для отбора наиболее эффективных и целостных комментариев с позиции прагматики и их реализации в данном контексте. Проведённое исследование позволило установить, что большинство людей удовлетворено результатами выхода Великобритании из ЕС и положительно отзывается об этом событии. Об этом свидетельствует как большое количество экспрессивов, использованных в интернет-комментариях в отношении данного события, так и активное употребление в них оценочной лексики. Результаты проведённого исследования могут быть применены в теоретических работах по описанию характеристик речевых актов, в курсе теоретической грамматики, стилистики, прагмалингвистики. The purpose of this article is to review the linguo-pragmatic features of Brexit represented in the comments in Twitter. Their analysis from a linguistic-pragmatic point of view may be of interest, since it shows the most relevant picture of the relationship of social network users for the event. The priority methods for analyzing the linguo-pragmatic potential of Internet comments for us are: a descriptive method, a pragmatic analysis method, i.e. consideration of linguistic material in its immediate context in the functional aspect, partial sampling method, contextual description method. The contextual method was used to establish the characteristics of comments on the Twitter social network; descriptive method was used to identify the direct relationship of social network users to the UK exit from the EU; partial sampling was used to select the most effective and holistic comments from the position of pragmatics and their implementation in this context. The study found that most people are satisfied with the results of the UK exit from the EU and respond positively to this event. The results of the study can be applied in theoretical works on the description of the characteristics of speech acts, in the course of theoretical grammar, stylistics, pragmalinguistics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 80-86
Mustafa Hasoon Khadem ◽  
Farqad Abduljabar Khadem

The aim of the research is to design organizational culture for physical educators and military training staff for PMF as well as identifying the level of organizational culture in popular mobilization forces PMF. The researcher used the descriptive method on (300) physical educators of PMF. Ten physical educators as well as 10 officers were selected for the pilot study. The researcher suggested (25) items for this scale to collect the data and come up with the conclusions. The results showed that origination is a vital means for making a difference in the PMF performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Reja Abdul Hussein Aziz ◽  
Asaad Abdulla Alsalami

The research aimed at constructing a quality performance scale for physical education and scouting activities departments in Baghdad general education directories of education from physical educators’ point of view as well as identifying the level of performance quality of physical education and scouting activities departments in Baghdad general education directories. The problem of the research lies in answering the following questions: what is the current level of physical education and scouting department performance quality in Baghdad general directorates of education from physical educators’ point of view? What is the main reason that helped positive or negative performance? Is quality performance evaluation effective for identifying this performance and its level? The researchers used the descriptive method on (472) secondary school physical educators and the subjects were (317) that were divided into the pilot study, construction, and application subjects. The researchers proposed (22) items for measurement and the data was collected and treated using proper statistical operations to come up with the conclusions and recommendations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-189
Awad Al Tarawneh ◽  
Issa Al Tarawneh ◽  
Jawaher Al Ghoweri

The study aims to recognize the relationship between organizational culture and administrative innovation in private schools in Jordan. The study uses the descriptive method through the distribution of two questionnaires: the first is to measure the organizational culture, and the second is to measure administrative innovation. The study sample consists of (197) teacher from private schools during the academic year 2018/2019, Validity and reliability coefficients were ensured for the tool. The results of the study shows that the organizational culture level among the principals of private schools is high, and the level of administrative innovation is moderate. The results of the study show a statistically significant positive correlation relationship between the organizational culture and administrative innovation. The study shows no statistically significant differences in teachers' estimates of the level of organizational culture among school principals due to gender and experience variables.

Fahad Dhari Al-Shammari

The study aimed to identify the degree of the practice of the heads of scientific departments of transformational leadership at King Faisal University from the point of view of the faculty members, and the requirements of developing the performance of the heads of scientific departments, and to provide a proposed vision to develop the administrative performance of heads of scientific departments in Saudi universities in the light of transformational leadership. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive method was used in a manner appropriate to the nature of this study. The sample of the study consisted of (166) faculty members. The study reached several results, including that the degree of practicing the heads of the scientific departments of transformational leadership at King Faisal University from the point of view of the faculty members within the average grade of average medium average (3.61), and there were no statistically significant differences due to gender variables, and the number of years of experience, and academic rank, With the exception of the field of empowerment, where the results showed the presence of statistically significant differences for the benefit of the rank of professor, and the results showed that the most important requirements for the development of the performance of the heads of scientific departments in Saudi universities in the light of the transformative leadership approach from the viewpoint of faculty members, was the formation of a general To evaluate and suggestions of faculty members and staff in the department, and create an attractive environment based on communication between employees and touch their needs and concerns, and facilitate the work procedures to be clear to all without complication, and in the light of the theoretical literature of the study and the relevant scientific studies, and the results of the field study has been proposed to develop The performance of heads of scientific departments in the light of transformational leadership. In the light of the results of the study, several recommendations were made, including the provision of a favorable climate for the practice of stimulation and excitement at King Faisal University, and the university's call for the need to design a performance evaluation system for heads of scientific departments based on sound scientific bases, which has the ability to measure the performance of each department head and its contribution to achieving goals Department and College.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-97
Sarip Sarip ◽  
Nur Rahman ◽  
Rohadi Rohadi

This article aims to explore the relationship between the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) and the Ministry of Villages (Kemendes) from theconstitutional law and state administrative law point of view.The second concerns of this research is the disharmony and problem between the two ministries.From the constitutional law point of view, it turns out that what the Ministry of Home Affairs is doing, is closer to the object of its discussion. The method used in this research is normative legal research bycomparingthe constitutional law and state administrative law to obtain clarity regarding the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Village. The result shows that the Ministry of Village approached the science of state administrative law, namely to revive or give spirits to the village. Disharmonization began to exist since the inception of the Ministry of Village. The root of disharmony itself was the improper application of constitutional foundations in the formation of the Village Law. It would be better if the government reassess the constitutional foundation for the village.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 2523-2529
Slobodan Marković ◽  
Zoran Momčilović ◽  
Vladimir Momčilović

This text is an attempt to see sport in different ways in the light of ancient philosophical themes. Philosophy of sports gets less attention than other areas of the discipline that examine the other major components of contemporary society: philosophy of religion, political philosophy, aesthetics, and philosophy of science. Talking about sports is often cheap, but it does not have to be that way. One of the reasons for this is insufficiently paid attention to the relation between sport and philosophy in Greek. That is it's important to talk about sports, just as important as we are talking about religion, politics, art and science. The argument of the present text is that we can try to get a handle philosophically on sports by examining it in light of several key idea from ancient Greek philosophy. The ancient Greeks, tended to be hylomorphists who gloried in both physical and mental achievement. Тhe key concepts from Greek philosophy that will provide the support to the present text are the following: arete, sophrosyne, dynamis and kalokagathia. These ideals never were parts of a realized utopia in the ancient world, but rather provided a horizon of meaning. We will claim that these ideals still provide worthy standards that can facilitate in us a better understanding of what sports is and what it could be. How can a constructive dialogue be developed which would discuss differences in understanding of sport in Ancient Greece and today? In this paper, the authors will try to answer this question from a historical and philosophical point of view. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section of the paper presents two principally different forms or models of focus in sport competitions – focus on physical excellence or focus on game. The dialectic discourse regarding these two approaches to physical activity is even more interesting due to the fact that these two models take precedence over one another depending on context. In the second section of the paper, the focus shifts to theendemic phenomenon of the Ancient Greek Olympic Games, where the topic is discussed from the perspective of philosophy with frequent historical reflections on the necessary specifics, which observeman as a physical-psychological-social-spiritual being. In the third section of this paper, the authors choose to use the thoughts and sayings of the great philosopher Plato to indicate how much this philosopher wasactually interested in the relationship between soul and body, mostly through physical exercise and sport, because it seems that philosophers who came after him have not seriously dealt with this topic in Plato’s way, although they could.

Суусар Искендерова

Аннотация: Исследование проблемы фольклоризма является наиболее актуальной в современной науке о фольклоре. На разных этапах развития художественной литературы для формирования индивидуального творчества писателя особенно значимым становятся фольклорные жанры, сюжетные мотивы и художественные средства. В статье рассматривается связь письменной литературы и фольклора, особенно точка зрения проблеме фольклоризма в прошлом и их анализ. Термин «фольклоризм» начал использоваться советскими исследователями учеными как научный термин еще в 1930-х гг. Термин «фольклоризм» используется в различных сферах культуры, а в этой статье мы будем рассматривать в литературе. Несмотря на то, что на протяжении многих лет этот вопрос изучается литературоведами, фольклористами, все -таки нет единого теоретического определения понятия. Ключевые слова: фольклор, фольклоризм, литература, культура, письменная литература, художественная литература, оседлый народ, пословицы и поговорки, фольклорные песни. Аннотация: Көркөм адабияттын өнүгүүсүнүн ар кайсы баскычтарында сүрөткердин жеке чыгармачылыгынын калыптанышы үчүн фольклордук жанрлар, сюжеттер, мотивдер жана көркөм каражаттар айрыкча мааниге ээ. Макалада жазма адабият менен фольклордук карым-катышы, айрыкча фольклоризм маселеси жөнүндө мурдагы көз караштарга кайрылып, аларга талдоо жүргүзүү менен бирге автор өз байкоолорунда келтирет. “Фольклоризм” деген илимий термин 1930-жылы баштап колдонула баштаган. “Фольклоризм” термини маданияттын түрдүү сфераларында кеңири колдо- нулат, бул жерде адабияттагы колдонулушун каралат. Макалада адабий материал менен фольклордук байланышын терең түшүнүү үчүн адабий фольклоризм маселесинин талаштуу жактары каралат. Түйүндүү сөздөр: фольклор, фольклоризм, адабият, маданият, жазма адабият, көркөм адабият, көчмөн калк, макал-лакап, фольклордук ырлар. Annotation: The study of the problem of folklore is the most relevant in the modern science of folklore. At various stages in the development of fiction, folklore genres, plot motifs, and artistic means become especially significant for the formation of the writer's individual creativity. The article examines the relationship between written literature and folklore, especially the point of view of the problem of folklorism in the past and their analysis. The term "folklorism" began to be used by Soviet scholars as a scientific term back in the 1930s. The term "folklorism" is used in various fields of culture, and in this article we will consider in the literature. Despite the fact that for many years this issue has been studied by literary scholars, folklorists, all the same there is no single theoretical definition of the concept. Keywords: folklore, folklorism, literature, culture, written literature, fiction, settled people, proverbs and sayings, folk songs.

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