scholarly journals Konsep Teologi Kekudusan Seorang Hamba Tuhan Menurut John Chrysostom

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 310-330
Fransiska Juliawati ◽  
Hendi Hendi

The holiness of a priest is an important review in this paper based on the study of the text in the book entitled Six Books on the Priesthood written by John Chrysostom. A book dealing with the priesthood. The holiness of life is not only seen from one aspect, but there are three things that must be considered both in the position as a representative of Christ, in shepherding, and spiritual growth through spiritual discipline. That is why an Imam has a very noble job despite many difficulties and temptations. Only the priest is qualified to bring offerings to God on a holy (intermediary) altar. The priest is not only responsible for his status as a representative of Christ (church confirmation) but must lead Christ's sheep to salvation even if his own life is at stake. Grace and mercy as well as an intimate relationship with God will further purify the heart, soul, and mind of a priest so that through the spiritual discipline he does (prayer and repentance) more and more reflect Christ in his life, including his pastorate.

Benaouda Bensaid ◽  
Salah Machouche

This chapter seeks to explore the crossroads between learning in Islam and spirituality, and also the methods according to which Muslim instructors shape students' experiences in a context of piety development. This study also examines questions pertaining to the concept of spirituality in education, methods pedagogic principles that further merge spiritual discipline with knowledge acquisition. The theoretical research draws on the textual analysis of early works of Muslim scholars, more specifically on Abdul Ibn Khaldun and Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, given their prominent positions in the history of Muslim education. This study shows that the Islamic learning has always taken students' spiritual growth for granted and has, despite differences of practices across Muslim regions, always maintained the refining of learners' spiritual character.

2013 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
Amanda L. Du Plessis

Meditation: Bible based or a mix of religion? A Pastoral investigation. The influence of other religions on the Christian community was a perceptible trend that cannot be ignored in the realm of spirituality. Meditation was one such example and consequently requires thoughtful investigation. Some Christians found meditation a valuable spiritual discipline that aids their spiritual growth but, in my opinion, also opened up the door for them to become victims of a subtle spiritual deception. The question posed was: how can Christians distinguish between the many and often-conflicting views on meditation found in easily accessible literature? A need therefore exists to define meditation as a possible Christian spiritual expression by distinguishing its uniqueness from the influences of other non-Christian religions and popular opinion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-50
Sewie Elia Huang

Abstract Fasting prayer has a very significant role for the growth of faith and congregation in the growth of the church because fasting prayer is their intimate relationship with God. The purpose of this paper answers the question: What is meant by fasting prayer? What is the relationship between fasting prayer and the Holy Spirit? What is the relationship between fasting prayer and shepherding leadership? What is the relation of fasting prayer in the growth of the Church? The research method uses descriptive literature research. The results of the study are: (1) fasting prayer is abstaining from all physical food for other bodies describing the consequences of fasting, namely: "suffering of the soul". (2) the relationship of fasting prayer with the Holy Spirit is fasting prayer which brings clarity of the way, the voice of the spirit, so that it will be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit to provide guidance in obtaining spiritual and material victory as well. (3) the relationship of fasting prayer with the leadership of the shepherding is a servant of God who truly is a servant of God whose life of prayer is accompanied by fasting. (4) the relation of fasting prayer in the growth of the Church is the pastoral service can help realize the need for maturity and encourage growth in spirituality.AbstrakDoa puasa mempunyai peran yang sangatlah signifikan bagi pertumbuhan iman dan jemaatnya dalam pertumbuhan gereja karena doa puasa merupakan hubungan intim mereka dengan Allah. Tujuan penulisan ini menjawab pertanyaan: Apakah yang dimaksud dengan doa puasa? Bagaimanakah relasi doa puasa dengan Roh Kudus? Bagaimanakah relasi doa puasa dengan kepemimpinan pengembalaan? Bagaimanakah relasi doa puasa dalam pertumbuhan Gereja? Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian deskriptif literature. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) doa puasa adalah berpantang dengan semua makanan jasmani untuk tubuh yang lain menggambarkan akibat berpuasa, yaitu: “penderitaan jiwa”. (2) relasi doa puasa dengan Roh Kudus adalah doa puasa mendatangkan kejernihan jalan, akan suara roh, sehingga akan peka dengan suara Roh Kudus untuk memberikan bimbingan memperoleh kemenangan rohani dan materi juga. (3) relasi doa puasa dengan kepemimpinan pengembalaan adalah seorang hamba Tuhan yang sungguh sungguh adalah hamba Tuhan yang hidup doanya disertai puasa. (4) relasi doa puasa dalam pertumbuhan Gereja adalah pelayanan penggembalaan dapat menolong menyadari kebutuhan akan kedewasaan dan mendorong bertumbuh dalam kerohanian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-347
Hisikia Gulo ◽  
Hendi Hendi

This article is a review of the spirituality of Jesus prayer according to the    Philokalia Fathers for the spiritual growth of the congregation in a book entitled Philokalia: The Bible of Orthodox Spirituality, this book is a book that is not widely known by believers because this topic is rarely discussed, even studied by the Church. The aim of this research is to explore that the Jesus Prayer Prayer is a spiritual discipline, its practice is to help a person control the mind of many wandering thoughts so that they can focus more on Jesus Christ. The research method is literature and then interaction with other related texts in the Bible and other Church Fathers. The results of the analysis show that the Prayer of Jesus praying for mercy from God will make someone realize that only God is the source of help in the pain and suffering of the human soul and body.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-90
Hisikia Gulo ◽  
Hendi Hendi

AbstractThe preaching role of the pastor of the congregation in the spiritual growth of the congregation has a major contribution to the salvation of every soul. This article discusses and describes the role of the pastor as a preacher in the spiritual growth of the church taught by John Chrysostom. Every pastor as a preacher must reach 3 depths of approach to preaching the word of God; Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor. It is through the preaching of the word of God which is taught by a pastor so that someone understands and understands the meaning of following and imitating the great shepherd, Jesus Christ, and carrying out each of His teachings. The spiritual growth of each congregation is influenced by each pastor's role as the preaching of the word of God through 3 depth approaches with the aim of the need for the purity of one's soul leading to spiritual maturity. AbstrakPeran khotbah gembala sidang dalam pertumbuhan rohani jemaat memiliki kontribusi besar bagi keselamatan setiap jiwa. ­ Artikel ini membahas dan menguraikan peran gembala sidang sebagai pengkhotbah dalam pertumbuhan rohani jemaat yang di ajarkan oleh John Chrysostom. ­Setiap gembala sidang ­ sebagai pengkhotbah ­ harus mencapai 3 kedalaman pendekatan pemberitaan firman Allah; Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik. Melalui pemberitaan firman Allah yang di ajarkan oleh seorang gembala sidang sehingga seseorang mengerti dan memahami arti dari mengikut dan meneladani gembala agung ­ yaitu Yesus Kristus serta melakukan setiap ajaran-Nya. Pertumbuhan rohani setiap jemaat ­ di pengaruhi dari setiap peran gembala sidang sebagai pemberitaan firman Allah melalui 3 kedalaman pendekatan dengan tujuan kebutuhan akan kemurnian jiwa seseorang menuju kepada kedewasaan rohani. Kata-kata Kunci: Gembala Sidang; Kedewasaan; Peran; Pengkhotbah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Fajar Gumelar ◽  
Christopher James Luthy ◽  
Robi Panggarra ◽  
Hanny Frederik

Abstract: Matthew 5:17-48 is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, where it is the deepest reflection of God's law which contrasts sharply with the patterns and teachings of the scribes and Pharisees. This passage concludes with Jesus' mandate to His followers to be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect (5:48). The word perfect in this text is translated from the Greek word τέλειος which can actually be translated as perfect, complete or mature. The difference in interpretation of the meaning of the word τέλειος has led to several different thoughts and doctrines. In Matthew 5:48's research, the author uses general hermeneutic principles to find the meaning or meaning conveyed by the author to the first reader. This research used the critical historical interpretation method. In addition, the author also uses library research methods, by reading books, journals and investigating books related to the discussion of this scientific work. Based on the description of this scientific work, the authors draw the following conclusions: first, the meaning of the word τέλειος in Matthew 5:48 does not refer to a sinless perfect state, but rather to the meaning of completeness. Second, the example of life for believers is God himself, not others. Third, the command to be perfect like God is not an impossible thing for God's people to do. Fourth, completeness like God can only be experienced if humans have an intimate relationship with God. Fifth, Jesus calls His people to be complete in fellowship. Abstrak: Matius 5:17-48 merupakan bagian dari khotbah Yesus di bukit, dimana isinya merupakan refleksi terdalam terhadap hukum Allah yang sangat kontras dengan pola dan ajaran ahli-ahli Taurat dan orang-orang Farisi. Perikop ini diakhiri dengan amanat Yesus kepada para pengikut-Nya untuk menjadi sempurna sebagaimana Bapa di surga adalah sempurna (5:48). Kata sempurna dalam teks ini diterjemahkan dari kata Yunani τέλειος yang sebenarnya bisa diterjemahkan sebagai sempurna, lengkap atau dewasa. Perbedaan tafsir akan makna kata τέλειος ini kemudian memunculkan beberapa pemikiran dan doktrin yang berbeda-beda. Dalam penelitian Matius 5:48 ini penulis menggunakan prinsip-prinsip umum hermeneutik guna mencari makna atau maksud yang disampaikan penulis kepada pembaca pertama. Metode tafsir yang digunakan adalah metode tafsir historis kritis. Selain itu penulis juga menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan atau library research, dengan membaca buku-buku, jurnal-jurnal dan menyelidiki kitab yang berkaitan dengan bahasan karya ilmiah ini. Berdasarkan hasil uraian dari karya ilmiah ini, penulis menarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: pertama, makna kata τέλειος dalam Matius 5:48 tidak menunjuk pada keadaan sempurna yang tanpa dosa, melainkan pada arti kelengkapan. Kedua, keteladanan hidup bagi orang percaya adalah Allah sendiri, bukan orang lain. Ketiga, perintah untuk menjadi sempurna seperti Allah bukanlah suatu hal yang mustahil untuk dilakukan umat Allah. Keempat, kelengkapan seperti Allah hanya dapat dialami jika manusia memiliki hubungan yang intim dengan Allah. Kelima, Yesus memanggil umat-Nya untuk menjadi lengkap di dalam persekutuan.

1996 ◽  
pp. 180-207
Elliot R. Wolfson

This chapter presents some crucial aspects of the itinerant motif as it is developed in early hasidism. At the outset, two distinct typologies can be distinguished, although only the latter is rooted in teachings ascribed to the Besht. The first involves the use of the walking motif as a symbol for the spiritual progression through various grades, culminating ultimately in a state of devekut, cleaving or attachment to God. This usage is found in a wide range of authors including two of the most prominent followers of the Besht. One can distinguish between at least two models of cleaving to God in hasidic sources: (a) a vertical one, which entails the metaphor of ascent and descent, and (b) a horizontal one, which entails the metaphor of traversing from place to place. Hasidic writers used both models to delineate the individual's intimate relationship with God. The second typology, which is traceable to the Besht himself, or so one may gather from the hasidic sources, is decidedly soteriological in its orientation: it emphasizes two acts whose redemptive nature, from the kabbalistic perspective, is beyond question, namely the liberation of the sparks of light trapped in the demonic shells and the unification of the masculine and feminine aspects of the divine.

2020 ◽  
Endang sri budi astuti

AbstrakKeluarga adalah tempat pertama bagi seseorang untuk menciptakan dan membentuk kedisiplinan. Melalui keluarga anak dapat belajar menjadi pribadi yang baik. Orangtua harus menjadi objek utama yang memiliki kedisiplinan dalam keluarga. Orangtua yang memiliki kesadaran dan pengalaman rohani yang baik terhadap perjumpaan dengan Allah dan memahami kebenaran akan Firman-Nya, maka orang tua akan mengajarkannya kepada anak-anak mereka. Orangtua menjadi teladan bagi anak-anak dalam keluarga Kristen. Mengajak anak mengikuti ibadah Sekolah Minggu serta saat teduh, agar anak memiliki kedisiplinan rohani dan pertumbuhan rohani yang dewasa di dalam iman kepada Yesus Kristus.Kata Kunci: keluarga, kedisiplinan, orang tua, anak, saat teduh, ibadah. AbstractFamily is the first place for someone to create and shape discipline. Through family children can learn to be a good person. Parents must be the main object that has discipline in the family. Parents who have good spiritual awareness and experience of meeting God and understanding the truth of His Word, so parents will teach it to their children. Parents set an example for children in a Christian family. Invite children to attend Sunday worship and quite time, so that children have spiritual discipline and mature spiritual growth ini faith in Jesus Christ. Keywords: Family, discipline, parents, children, when quite, worship.

Scrinium ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-86
Raymond Laird

In determining the attitude of John Chrysostom to life in this present age, examination is made of the various images that this great rhetorician of the Church used in his homilies and writings. It could be said that the power of his oratory reaches its apex in the images frequently employed throughout the corpus of his extant works. This is no less the case in his references to our earthly lives. Inevitably linked with his pastoral concerns about human passions that endanger spiritual growth, the canvas for the main part is filled with images of disdain for and warning of worldly values, and of encouragement to focus on the heavenly riches.

Vox Patrum ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 531-545
Mariusz Szram

The aim of the article is to show the specificity of the fundamental fight in the soul and in the life of man between pride and humility as it is seen in the writings of the Cappadocian Fathers and John Chrysostom. In the opinion of the Greek Fathers of the 4th century pride is the root of all sin. It destroys all good fruits in the Christian spiritual development, whereas humility enables and protects spiritual growth. Arguing against the here­tics of their time, mainly against the Arians, the Cappadocian Fathers (especially Gregory of Nazianzus) made particular attention to the theologians’ pride, cha­racterized by the lack of respect for the mysteries of God and being proud that is without moderation in talking about God. Gregory of Nyssa pointed out the perversity of the vice of pride: the arbitrary exaltation leads finally to the great unwanted humiliation and even to fall into the sin. John Chrysostom em­phasized the paradoxical risk characteristic of the process of spiritual fight: one can brag because of owned humility and enjoy it. Then even true humility can imperceptibly transform into pride and become its source. Therefore the righteous people should avoid the pride and seek humility with more care than sinners.

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