scholarly journals Ireine’s Education Model to Improve Tooth Brushing Skills in Preschool Children

Ireine Norma Dajoh ◽  
Bedjo Santoso ◽  
Lanny Sunarjo ◽  
Ari Suwondo ◽  
Waljuni A. Rahman ◽  

Dental and oral health problems in preschool children i.e. Early Chilhood Caries (ECC) is amounted to 90.05%. This is because the children have not been able to do the tooth brushing activities on their own. The modified Ireine’s Education Model reflects a model of change in dental hygiene behavior of preschool children in the habit of tooth brushing from an early age. Its aim is to improve the tooth brushing skills of preschool children with guidance from their teachers and parents. The aim of generating modified Ireine's Education Model is as an effort to improve the tooth brushing skills of preschool children. The study method Research and Development (R & D) with Quasy experiment. The subjects of the preschool children were divided into 2 groups: Intervention group with the modified Ireine's Education Model which was done for 21 days and control group with Phantom Media. The independent variable in this research is the modified Ireine's Education Model, while the dependent varibale is tooth brushing skills in preschool children. The data was tested using Intraclass corelation test coefficient, Anova, Shapiro Wilk, Wilcoxon, and Mann Whitney. The result indicates that the modified Ireine's Education Model is more effective raises the free score of preschool children plaque with p-value in less than 0.001. Furthermore, it improves their tooth brushing skills with p-value in less than 0.010 compared to the control group. In conclusion, the modified Ireine's Education Model is more effectively improves the skills of brushing in preschool children as opposed to phantom media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-67
Werna Nontji ◽  
Dwi Kartika Sari ◽  
Sitti Maria Ulfa ◽  
Syafruddin Syarif ◽  
Inez Vravty Lestari ◽  

Background: Educating mothers during their postpartum period could potentially help them to overcome some important phases after giving birth. The process of education is evaluated based on the mothers’ knowledge about their independent self-care. Independency is an activity that is started individually and is done based on self-capability. The independency in the postpartum care is not only important to decrease the mother’s mortality and morbidity rate, but it is also crucial to strengthen and improve the post-partum mother’s healthy behavior during the perineal care. Providing education using Android-based application called BUBI Care could be potential to facilitate a more dynamic transfer of knowledge to the postpartum mothers.Aims: To analyze the knowledge, skills, and independence of primipara postpartum mothers in independent perineal care before and after accessing BUBI Care app. Research Method: employing quasi experimental research with pre-test and post-test design with control group design. The sample for this research were 19 pregnant mothers TM III (pregnancy age of ? 38 weeks) on each group. The treatment group was educated using BUBI Care Android app that was conducted at one of Public Health Center. The control group was educated without BUBI Care that was conducted at a Midwife Practice Clinic. The research was conducted on September to October 2020. Study Result: According to the Wilcoxon test, there was a difference in the pre-test knowledge of the treatment and control groups with the similar median of 53 and p-value of 0.666, the treatment group showed their scores improved to 80 on the post-test while the control group stayed at 53 with the p-value of 0.000. It means that BUBI Care app education influences the post-test. On the other hand, the perineal care skill saw a difference between the intervention and control groups. The intervention group had a mean of 70.05 and 56.68 for the control group with the p-value of 0.002 which means that there was an influence from the BUBI Care app education. Additionally, Mann Whitney test showed that the intervention group had a mean score of 78.95, but the control group only had 49.26, the total difference between the two are 29.69 with the p-value of 0.000. It can be concluded that there is a significance in difference in the independency rate from the provision of BUBI Care Android app education.Conclusion:  there is a significance effect on the intervention group in terms of Android based usage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-67
Anggi Vina Hariyati ◽  
Cahyaningrum ◽  
Adil Zulkarnain

Anemia is one of the public health problems that need more attention of the female because they experience menstruation and they are in the growth phase. From the data of Semarang City Health Office  in 2011, it is shown the incidence of anemia in adolescents aged 10-19 years old are 68.24%. The prevention effort of the case is by measuring hemoglobin and prescribing blood supplement. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Fe tablets on Hemoglobin in Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnique students. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Fe tablets on Hemoglobin in Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnique students. This research used pre-experimental design with the two group pretest posttest. The population in this Study were all Merchant Marine Polytechnique Semarang at the 4th semester of female students  amounting to 50 with the total respondents 34 respondents taken with purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by performing Hemoglobin examination. The results of the study show that the average Hemoglobin before being prescribed Fe on the intervention and control group was 11.29 g/dl. After being prescribed Fe to the intervention group, it is found the average increased to 13.69 g/dl, while in the control group it is found averaged 11.72 g/dl. Bivariate Analysis uses an independent t test, the value of t is 6.136 with a p-value of   0.000. It shows that the p-value is 0,000 <((0.05), this indicates that there is a significant difference in the decrease in Hemoglobin levels in the population after being prescribed blood supplement between the intervention and control groups in The Semarang Merchant Marine Politechnique Students. It is suggested that the female adolescents to consume more iron-containing foods or consume Fe supplements such as Fe, during menstruation. ABSTRAK  Anemia merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang perlu khusus nya pada remaja  putri yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian khusus karena remaja putri mengalami mestruasi tiap bulan dan dalam masa pertumbuhan . Hasil Data Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang tahun 2011.  Kejadian anemia pada remaja usia 10-19 sebanyak 68,24%. Untuk menangani masalah tersebut pencegahan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan cara mengukur hemoglobin dan pemberian suplemen tablet tambah darah . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Pengaruh Pemberian Tablet Fe Terhadap Hemoglobin Pada Taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat Pengaruh Pemberian Tablet Fe Terhadap Hemoglobin Pada Taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan  pre-eksperimen design dengan rancangan Two group pretest posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian iniadalah seluruh taruni politeknik ilmu pelayaran semarang semester 4 berjumlah 50 taruni dengan jumlah sempel 34 responden dengan tehnik pengambilan sempel purposive sampling. Pengambilan data dengan melakukan pemeriksaan Hemoglobin.  Penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata Hemoglobin sebelum diberikan pada taruni kelompok intervensi  dan  kontrol sama yaitu  11,29 g/dl.  Dan setelah diberikan pada kelompok intervensi  rata-rata meningkat menjadi 13,69 g/dl, sedangkan  kelompok kontrol rata-rata sebesar 11,72 g/dl. Analisis bivariate Menggunakan uji t independen, didapatkan nilai t hitung 6,136 dengan p-value sebesar 0,000. Terlihat bahwa p-value 0,000 <a (0,05), ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan secara signifikan penurunan (selisih) kadar Hemoglobin b pada taruni sesudah diberikan tablet penambah darah antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol pada taruni Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang.  Hendaknya bagi remaja putri lebih banyak mengomsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat besi atau mengomsumsi suplemen yang mengandung besi seperti Fe terutama saat mestruasi

Nurlaela Kurnia Rahayu ◽  
Pepi Hapitria ◽  
Rani Widiyanti

As the pregnancy gets older, the attention and thoughts of pregnant women begin to focus on something that is considered as a climax, so that the anxiety experienced will intensify just before the childbirth. Excessive anxiety and sleep disorders during pregnancy can cause mental disorders in pregnant women and inhibit fetal growth. To determine the effect of prenatal gentle yoga and hypnotherapy on anxiety level and sleep quality in the third trimester pregnant women. This is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-post test with a control group. The sample was 32 respondents consisting of 16 respondents as an intervention group and 16 respondents as a control group taken by purposive sampling. The analysis used was the Paired T-test. There is a difference in the average of anxiety level in the third trimester pregnant women in the intervention and control groups with a p value 0,000; there is a difference in the average of sleep quality in the third trimester pregnant women in the intervention and control groups with a p value 0,000; and there is no difference in the average of anxiety level and sleep quality in the third trimester pregnant women in the intervention and control groups with a p value 0,64. Prenatal Gentle Yoga and Hypnotherapy have an effect in reducing the anxiety level and improving the sleep quality in the third trimester pregnant women.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Lina Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Widiyanti Widiyanti

Hospital procedures, such as infusions, are often associated with pain. Preschool-aged children who are hospitalized for infusions will often exhibit a strong fearful response because their concept of body integrity has not fully developed. One way to reduce the fear of infusion pain is by using stories as a distraction technique. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in the scale of pain between members of an intervention group, to which the distraction technique was applied, and a control group, to which it was not applied. The study used quasi-experimental methods, with intervention and control groups. The study was conducted on 46 preschool aged respondents (3-6 years old), divided into a 34 member intervention group and a 12 member control group and ran from September to December 2017 in one of the private hospitals in the East Bekasi. The research employed a questionnaire to collect demographic data and used the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scale to assess pain levels. The data analysis technique used was the independent t-test. The results showed there was a difference of pain response between the intervention and control groups with P value < 0.05. Pediatric nurses are advised to use storytelling therapy as an option for providing atraumatic care intervention.  Keywords: Distraction Technique, Infusion installation, Pain, Stories, Preschool Abstrak Teknik Distraksi: Bercerita Menurunkan Nyeri Pada Anak Usia Pra Sekolah Selama Penggunaan Infus. Rasa sakit seringkali dikaitkan dengan salah satu prosedur rumah sakit yakni pemasangan infus. Reaksi anak prasekolah yang dipasang infus menunjukkan ketakutan yang luar biasa, hal itu disebabkan karena konsep integritas tubuhnya belum berkembang dengan baik. Salah satu cara untuk mengurangi ketakutan akibat nyeri pemasangan infus pada prasekolah adalah teknik distraksi bercerita. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan skala nyeri antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasy eksperimen, yang menggunakan kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 46 responden usia prasekolah (3-6 tahun) yang terdiri dari 34 kelompok intervensi dan 12 kelompok kontrol dari bulan September-Desember 2017 di salah satu Rumah Sakit Swasta di wilayah Bekasi Timur. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner data demografi dan lembar observasi skala nyeri Wong Baker Faces Pain. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Uji Independent T test.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan respon nyeri antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p= 0,012 (< 0.05). Perawat anak sebaiknya menggunakan metode bercerita sebagai sarana asuhan keperawatan atraumatik.  Kata kunci: Cerita, Nyeri, Pemasangan infus, Prasekolah, Teknik distraksi

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-94
Seri Wahyuni

Anemia is one of the indirect causes of maternal mortality. The Government of Indonesia has made efforts to overcome anemia, including by giving iron tablets to pregnant women. To improve maternal compliance in consuming iron tablet healthcare workers should include family/cadres in the supervision of food and medicine. This study aims to know the effectiveness of accompaniment drinking iron tablet By Cadres Against Increasing Hb Level of Pregnant Women at Puskesmas Kota Palangka Raya. This research is a quasi-experimental design using "nonrandomized control group pretest-posttest design" approach. Sampling technique total sampling is with the number of samples of 62 people divided into 2 groups, 31 intervention groups, and 31 control groups. In the intervention group involving cadres as moderate blood-boosting drink companions in the control group without blood-boosting companions. The analysis technique used for the intervention and control group is using the Wilcoxon test. The result of intervention group statistic test get p-value = 0,000 (

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 396
Nurasih Nurasih ◽  
Endang Nurrochmi

In Indonesia, Yoga is currently one of the most popular sports, not only for the general public but also for pregnant women. Many benefits can be obtained from prenatal yoga including the mother feeling comfortable and relaxed throughout pregnancy and during childbirth, training the pelvic floor muscles and perineum, keeping the body's muscles relaxed, balanced during childbirth, reducing stress, increasing and improving oxygen circulation to the body and fetus. . This study aims to determine the effect of prenatal yoga on optimizing fetal position on third trimester Primigravida maternal delivery output at Puskesmas Cirebon City. This research is a quasi-experimental research pre post control group design and only post control group design with T test and Chi Square test. Paired T Test results of the intervention group (mean difference = 3.111, P value = 0.000, control group (mean difference = 0.833, P value = 0.318). Independent T Test results obtained (average difference = -1.944, P value = 0.024), Chi Square test obtained a value of P = 0.73. There is a difference in the average anxiety before and after the intervention in the intervention group, there is no difference in average anxiety before and after the intervention in the control group. There is a difference in the average anxiety between the intervention and control groups. There is a difference in mean Long I stage between the intervention and control groups There was no effect of prenatal yoga on the type of labor.

2021 ◽  
Pegah Mohammadzadeh ◽  
Elnaz Shaseb ◽  
Zohreh Sanaat ◽  
Parvin Sarbakhsh ◽  
Nasrin Gholami ◽  

Abstract Purpose Peripheral neuropathy is a complication of taxane that in severe cases can limit the optimal treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of memantine in prevention of docetaxel induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer. Methods In this randomized clinical trial, 40 women between the ages of 18 and 64 years with non-metastatic breast cancer (stages I to III) were included (registry number: IRCT20160310026998N9 and registry date: 26 March 2019). All patients were treated with the AC-T regimen (with docetaxel). Patients in intervention group received memantine at a dose of 20 mg for 8 weeks at the beginning of the first cycle of docetaxel. Patients in control group did not take any medication for neuropathy prevention. To assess the neuropathy, DN4 and CTCAE questionnaires were used at baseline, one months, three months and six months after the intervention. Results The DN4 questionnaire score was remarkably less in memantine group in follow up one (p-value: 0.033) and three (p < 00.1). The CTCAE follow up score did not change during study. The Neuropathy duration and Neuropathy onset, were shown significant difference between the intervention and control groups, p = 0.050 and p = 0.001, respectively. From 40 patients, 8 (40%) in memantine group and 2 (10%) in control group, did not experience any kind of neuropathy. Conclusion Data showed that prophylactic administration of memantine 20 mg/day has been effective in prevention of severity and incidence of docetaxel induced neuropathy in patients with breast cancer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-269
Djunizar Djamaludin ◽  
Setiawati Setiawati ◽  
Rika Yulendasari

The effect of range motion (ROM) ankle exercise on prevention of neuropathy and angiopathy in patient with diabetes mellitusBackground: Based on data from Basic Health Research (2013) conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in a way to obtain the proportion of DM at the age of 15 years and over, confirmed / checked whether or not they suffer from DM or not.It was found that Lampung Province was ranked as the 8th largest DM person from 33 provinces throughout Indonesia, with DM patients with 38,923 lives and 5,560 people. One complication that needs attention is diabetes foot injury and it can cause amputation. The most common cause of diabetes foot injury is peripheral neuropathy which includes damage to sensory, autonomic and motor nerves.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Range of Motion (ROM) ankle exercise on prevention of neuropathy and angiopathy on diabetes patients.Methods: A quasi experimental pre and post- test with control group study design was employed. The purposive sampling with 26 participants (13 respondents intervention group and 13 respondents control group) were recruited. The interventions groups performed ROM ankle exercise in their own respective training programs for 4 weeks, whereas no training was done in the control group. Both groups intervention and control, before and after the exercise program were measured with monofilament test for neuropathy and Venous Doppler for angiopathy. The data analysis was using t-test.Results: In the intervention group there were a significant improvements after ROM ankle exercise on prevention of neuropathy with p Value 0.000 and for angiopathy with p Value 0.000. There were significant different between intervention group and control group for neuropathy (p: .004) and angiopathy (p: .031).Conclusion: To prevent neuropathy and angiopathy on diabetes patients a home exercise program with Range of Motion (ROM) ankle could be implementedKeywords: Range of Motion; Neuropathy; Angiopathy; Diabetes MellitusPendahuluan: Berdasarkan Riskesdas tahun 2013 oleh Kemenkes RI dengan melakukan wawan cara untuk mendapatkan proporsi DM pada usia 15 tahun keatas yaitu proporsi penduduk yang terdiagnosis menderita DM dan penduduk yang belum pernah didiagnosis menderita DM. Provinsi Lampung menduduki peringkat ke – 8 penyandang DM terbesar dari 33 Provinsi diseluruh Indonesia, 38.923 jiwa dan 5.560 jiwa . Salah satu komplikasi yang harus mendapat perhatian yaitu luka kaki diabetes karena dapat mengakibarkan amputasi. Penyebab terbanyak dari luka kaki diabetes yaitu neuropati perifer yang meliputi kerusakan syaraf sensorik, otonom dan motorik.Tujuan: Diketahui pengaruh Range Of Motion (ROM) Ankle terhadap pencegahan terjadinya Neuropati dan Angiopati pada pasien Diabetes Melitus.Metode: Penelitian ini mengunakan desain quasi eksperimen pre post test dengan kelompok control dan intervensi..Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan tehnik Purposive Sampling dengan jumlah sampel yaitu 26 responden. Instrument penelitian ini  menggunakan 10 gr semmens weinstein monofilament untuk  mendeteksi  Neuropati dan  Venous Doppler  Ultrasound untuk  mendeteksi angiopati. Hasil: Menunjukkan adanya pengaruh latihan Range of Motion (ROM) Ankle terhadap pencegahan neuropati dengan p Value 0.000 dan angiopati dengan p Value 0.000. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok intervensi dan control untuk neuropati (p: .004) dan  angiopati  (p: .031).Simpulan: Untuk mencegah terjadinya neuropati dan angiopati pada penderita DM untuk dapat melakukan latihan Range of Motion (ROM) Ankle  dirumah

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 640-645
Rohisotul Laily ◽  
Rasipin Rasipin ◽  
Supriyana Supriyana ◽  
Suharyo Hadisaputro ◽  
Bedjo Santoso

Dental health problems occur in many communities, including mental retardation in children with all of their intellectual limitations, social behavior, and sometimes the weakness in motor coordination. The study aimed to develop and to examine the effectiveness of the behavior change therapy model as an alternative to improving the tooth brushing behavior among children with mental retardation. The Research and Development (R&D) approach was applied in this study. The quasi-Experimental, Pre-test, and Post-test with the non-equivalent control group for examining the effect of the model on health outcome. The research subjects of mental retardation children were divided into the intervention group and the control group. Experts tested by the intervention group validated the model development. Expert validation of the behavior change therapy model gets an average of 86.67 (very decent) as an alternative to improving tooth brushing behavior among children with mental retardation with p-value<0.05. Other results found that the model effectively enhanced the knowledge, gesture, and tooth brushing skills in mental retardation children with p-value <0.05. The therapy model as an alternative strategy was useful and recommended improving tooth brushing behavior among mental retardation children

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Siti Fadlilah

Hypertension is increased blood pressure in the artery. Signs and indication arise from this disease are a dizzy, headache, pain in the nape of the neck (neck pain), easily angered, and hard to breathe. This neck pain can offend essential hypertension in daily patient activities. One of the non-pharmacological actions to decrease or overcome the neck pain is by a warm compress. The warm compress is giving a sense of warm/heat in a certain area. This research is purposed to find out the influence of warm compress towards neck pain in essential hypertension patients. This research is carried out in Puskesmas Depok I area, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Type of this research is quasi-experiment with pre-test post-test with control group design. Several samples consist of 40 respondents and divided into two groups, which are 20 respondents of the intervention group and 20 respondents of the control group. Statistic test used in this research is Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests. Before applying pre-test, 12 respondents (60%) are having moderate pain, and after giving warm compress (post-test), 17 respondents (75%) are having minor pain. There is a significant scale of neck pain before and after the warm compress treatment (p-value = 0,003) as well as contrast scale of neck pain between intervention group and control group (p-value = 0,000). There is the influence of warm compress towards neck pain in essential hypertension patients in Puskesmas Depok I area, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

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