early chilhood
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 370
Sri Mulyati ◽  
Hotma Sumeriwati

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran sentra materi alam dalam upaya meningkatkan kemampuan ilmiah PAUD usia 5-6 tahun serta mendeskripsikan faktor penghambat sentra materi yang menghambat kemampuan ilmiah anak. Hasil penelitian dari proses pembelajaran IPA melalui strategi pembelajaran sentra berbasis alam dapat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tujuh komponen proses pembelajaran IPA yang meliputi mengamati, membandingkan, mengklasifikasi, mengukur, membuat kesimpulan sederhana serta memprediksi dan mempelajari sentra bahan alam yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan sains siswa. Untuk mencapai konsep IPA secara utuh, diperlukan upaya dan kompetensi guru dalam memuat aspek hakikat IPA dalam proses pembelajaran. Salah satu faktor utamanya adalah rendahnya pemahaman guru terkait konsep IPA PAUD.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 480
Joyce Danielly Pedrosa da Silva ◽  
Ana Lúcia Felix dos Santos

O presente artigo discute a relação entre as políticas públicas para educação infantil e as possibilidades de interferência da participação popular nas ações que são de responsabilidade dos municípios. Tem como objetivo analisar a influência da participação popular nas decisões para política educativas nessa área, considerando a concepção de infância e suas especificidades. Toma como espaço de estudo o município do Recife e adota como campo empírico documentos concernentes ao assunto. Procurou considerar os avanços e contradições que permearam o processo de reconhecimento da educação infantil como direito da criança. Os dados revelaram que a participação das comunidades e seus representantes foi determinante para a construção do perfil das ações para a educação infantil municipal.Palavras-chave: Políticas Educacional. Participação Popular. Educação Infantil. Recife.The influence of popular participation in early chilhood educaction’s public policies in the city of RecifeAbstractThis article discusses the correlation between early childhood education's public policies and the possibilities of popular participation interference in actions which are the city’s responsibility.  It aims to analyze the influence of popular participation in decisions for educational policies in this field, considering the concept of childhood and its specificities. Takes the city of Recife as a study space, and documents concerning the subject as an empirical field. It pursued to consider the advances and contradictions which permeated the recognition process of early childhood education as a child’s right.  The data revealed that the participation of communities and their representatives was decisive in developing the action’s profile for municipal early childhood education.Keywords: Educational Policies. Popular Participation. Childhood Education. Recife.La influencia de la participación popular em las políticas públicas para la edcación de la primera infancia en el município de RecifeResumenEste artículo analisa la relación entre las políticas públicas para la educación de la primera infancia y las possibilidades de la interferência del participación popular en acciones que son responsabilidade de los municípios. Su objetivoes analizar la influencia de la participación popular em las decisiones del política educativa para primera infância, considerando la concepción de la infância y sus especificidades. La ciudad de Recife fuera lo espacio del estúdio y adopta  documentos empíricos sobre el tema. Intentó considerar los avances y contradicciones que permearon el proceso que he reconocido la educación de la primera infancia como un derecho del niño. Los datos revelaron que la participación de las comunidades y sus representantes fue determinante en la construcción del perfil de acciones para la educación infantil municipal.Palabras Clave: Políticas Educativas, Participación Popular, Educación Infantil, Ciudad de Recife.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fahmi Rieskiana

AbstractThis study aims to determine the professionalism of Early Childhood teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is literature research method. The conclusion of this study shows that Early Childhood institutions must have adequate facilities to support learning systems during the Covid 19 period. The role of parents and the readiness of Early Childhood teachers in helping Children to learn during the Covid 19 pandemic is important factors.Keywords: Early Chilhood teachers; parents; and Covid 19

Darlin Darlin ◽  
Samar S. ◽  
Busyairi Ahmad

The implementation of Role PlayingLearning Model to improve the Language Skill of Early Chilhood in Grup B class at KartikaVI-15 Kindergarten Biak. The purpose of the research is to know the improvement of the language skill of early childhood at Kartika VI-15 Kindergarten Biak by conducting the RolePlaying Learning Model. The research method is Classroom Action Research. The data are collected by: (a) observation sheets; (b) interview of early childhood’s language skill; and (c) recording the learning process which is involved the communication the teachers and the learners to know the improvement of early childhood’s language skill. Based on the result of the cycle I, most of the early childhood leaners can already do the activity well, however have not reached the indicator percentage which is 75% that if the early childhood learners reach the score of Growing as Expected and Growing well. While, the result of cycle II evaluation, 95% has been reached by 19 early childhood learners, therefore general the result showed that program of a series impelementation of learning in improving early childhood’s language skill through Role Playing Learning Model in Kartika VI-15 Kindergarten has been completed and achieved the research target which is 75% of success indicator.

Ireine Norma Dajoh ◽  
Bedjo Santoso ◽  
Lanny Sunarjo ◽  
Ari Suwondo ◽  
Waljuni A. Rahman ◽  

Dental and oral health problems in preschool children i.e. Early Chilhood Caries (ECC) is amounted to 90.05%. This is because the children have not been able to do the tooth brushing activities on their own. The modified Ireine’s Education Model reflects a model of change in dental hygiene behavior of preschool children in the habit of tooth brushing from an early age. Its aim is to improve the tooth brushing skills of preschool children with guidance from their teachers and parents. The aim of generating modified Ireine's Education Model is as an effort to improve the tooth brushing skills of preschool children. The study method Research and Development (R & D) with Quasy experiment. The subjects of the preschool children were divided into 2 groups: Intervention group with the modified Ireine's Education Model which was done for 21 days and control group with Phantom Media. The independent variable in this research is the modified Ireine's Education Model, while the dependent varibale is tooth brushing skills in preschool children. The data was tested using Intraclass corelation test coefficient, Anova, Shapiro Wilk, Wilcoxon, and Mann Whitney. The result indicates that the modified Ireine's Education Model is more effective raises the free score of preschool children plaque with p-value in less than 0.001. Furthermore, it improves their tooth brushing skills with p-value in less than 0.010 compared to the control group. In conclusion, the modified Ireine's Education Model is more effectively improves the skills of brushing in preschool children as opposed to phantom media.

Jurnal Surya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Asyaul - Wasiah

Background : Dot, yang juga dikenal sebagai dummy, soother atau pacifier, adalah pengganti puting susu (ibu) yang biasanya terbuat dari karet atau plastik. Minum susu menggunakan dot menjelang tidur mulai menjadi kebiasaan yang sering kita jumpai. Padahal kebiasaan itu akan beresiko pada gigi anak. pada saat tidur kandungan gula dari minuman akan tersimpan dan menggenang lama di dalam mulut.  Dari situlah bakteri akan tumbuh subur pada lubang gigi.  Ditambah saat anak tidur air liur akan mengalami pengurangan. Jadi, genangan air minum mengandung gula tertahan oleh dot diantara lidah, gigi, langit-langit dan disekitar bibir . Hal seperti itulah gigi anak menjadi berlubang. Sindrom tersebut di dalam medis disebut nursing bottle caries atau Early Childhood CariesObjectivies : Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Dampak Penggunan Dot Terhadap Sindrom Early Childhood Caries pada Anak usia 3-6 tahun di TK Nurul Huda Desa. Gedongboyountung Kec. Deket Kab. Lamongan.Design : Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional study ( study potong lintang) Populasinya adalah semua murid di TK Nurul Huda yaitu sebanyak 54 anak. Sampel dipilih secara Purposive Sampling. Analisa data terdiri dari a). Analisa Univariat untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi dari setiap variable independent, b) Analisa Bivariat untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variable independent. Dalam analisa ini dilakukan pengujian analitik dengan uji chi-square (α = 0.05).Result : Hasil uji chi-square test di atas didapatkan nilai signifikansi p-value sebesar 0.000. Karena nilai signifikansi 0.000 < (0.05) maka  H0 ditolak H1 diterima artinya ada Dampak Penggunan Dot Terhadap Sindrom Early Childhood Caries pada Anak usia 3-6 tahun di TK Nurul Huda Desa. Gedongboyountung Kec. Deket Kab. LamonganConclusion : Dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan orangtua mengenai pola asuh orangtua yang tidak tepat dalam pemberian susu botol terhadap terjadinya early chilhood caries. Serta memberikan masukan agar diadakan program penyuluhan kesehatan rongga mulut di kalangan orangtua, anak dan guru sekolah agar langkah pencegahan terhadap karies bisa dilakukan sejak dini 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-87
Irfanda Rizki Sejati

The process of learning in early childhood education and kindergarten is never apart from musical activities, although it is mostly just singing and dancing. Singing is one of the learning activities that is carried out daily from beginning of class to the end of class. Integrated PAUD Satya Wacana Children Center Salatiga provides a form of extracurricular Bina Vokalia at school to support learning, improve and develop student talent in singing. Vocal teaching of children is definitely different than adults, the delivery of the song material should be interesting to learners and in teaching the child's vocal techniques is need patience and technique. In view of today's modern times, many parents are increasingly giving their children activities outside school, especially music. Integrated PAUD Satya Wacana Children Center provides a vocal building learning facility that might develop a child's talent for music. The problem considered in the study is "how the learning process of Bina Vokalia and how the obstacles and solutions to delivering vocal materials in integrated PAUD Satya Wacana Children Center " The study employs qualitative research methods with descriptive exposure. Research subjects are students and teachers of integrated PAUD Satya Wacana Children Center salatiga. Data collection results with observation techniques, interviews, documentation and data analysis. Data analysis techniques divide into three phases that are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of the interviews and observations already collected include the documentation, pictures, photographs, field notes, personal notes, and other documents after studied and researched than reduced to an abstraction. As the results of research, researchers concluded that the Bina Vokalia PAUD activities could help students develop singing skills early on, not only good vocal techniques but training children to be bolder and more confident in the activities organized by the foundation. The advice is that music teachers should not be absent too often, requiring an additional event of school in order to make children more active and creative. It is necessary to increase the practice time and musical facilities so the children do not become bored prematurely.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 155-162
Josué Prieto Prieto ◽  
David Cerro Herrero

La función motora tiene un papel de gran importancia en el desarrollo integral de los individuos, por lo cual la motricidad se presenta como un tema de indudable relevancia dentro de las escuelas. Los estudios previos analizan la importancia de la motricidad en Educación Infantil desde el punto de vista de los docentes, pero consideramos relevante conocer el punto de vista de los futuros docentes para mejorar la formación de los estudiantes universitarios. El presente estudio exploratorio es de tipo descriptivo transversal y de enfoque cuantitativo mediante uso de encuesta, que tiene la intención de conocer las percepciones que los estudiantes del Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil en relación con la situación de la práctica motora en las aulas. Específicamente, se abordan aspectos relacionados con su percepción hacia su competencia inicial sobre motricidad. Para ello, tuvimos una muestra de 36 estudiantes matriculados en la asignatura de Educación Corporal y Motricidad de cuarto curso del Grado en Educación Infantil en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de Extremadura (Cáceres). Todos eran mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 25 años. Para medir las percepciones de los estudiantes, utilizamos el Cuestionario para el Análisis de Motricidad en la Educación Infantil (Moreno, et al., 2004). Los resultados nos permiten concluir que los estudiantes perciben la importancia de trabajar la motricidad en las aulas, pero la mayoría de ellos indican que el trabajo realizado no es suficiente. Además, se observó que la competencia para la práctica motriz en los futuros maestros presenta algunas deficiencias. En vista de los resultados, en la educación superior, parece interesante orientar las estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje para mejorar la formación de los estudiantes universitarios. Abstract. Conscious of the role of motor function in the integral development of individuals, motricity is presented as a topic of undoubted relevance within schools. Previous studies analyse the importance of motricity in early childhood schools from a point of view of the teachers, but we consider relevant to know the viewpoint of the future teachers in order to enhance the training of college students. The present exploratory study is of a descriptive cross-sectional type with a quantitative approach, using a survey intended to assess the perceptions of students in Early Childhood Education Teacher in relation to the situation of motor practice in the classrooms. Specifically, aspects related to their perception towards their initial training on motricity are addressed. A sample of 36 students enrolled in the subject of Corporal Education and Motricity from the 4th Grade in Early Chilhood Education Teacher at the Faculty of Teacher Training of the University of Extremadura (Cáceres) was selected. All of them were women, aged between 21 and 25 years. To measure students’ perceptions, we used the Questionnaire for the Analisys of Motricity in Early Chilhood Education (Moreno, et al., 2004). Results allow us to conclude that students perceive that it is important to work motricity in the classrooms, but most of them indicate that work put into it is not enough. Furthermore, it was observed that the competence on motor practice in future teachers presents some shortcomings. In view of the results, in higher education, it seems interesting to guide teaching and learning strategies towards enhancing the training of college students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-186
Anisa Mar’atu Soleha ◽  
Yasbiati Yasbiati ◽  
Heri Yusuf Muslihin

ABSTRACTThis research is motivated by difficulties to improve fine motor, which happened to group A in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Tasikmalaya City, many children less in fine motor development especially create vertical line, horizontal, curve left/right, tilt and circle so become less irregular. This is because learning is still rarely used APE, Especially on fine motor learning. This reaserch is aimed at improving fine motor of children through the use of APE Maze in group A aged 4-5 years old in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Tasikmalaya City. Class Action Research (PTK) Conducted in  collaboration with a teachers and implemented as many as 3 cycles by using models Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The subject research is group A Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Tasikmalaya City consisting of 15 people that is 9 male and 6 female and a teacher class A. The object of research is the fine motor ability of children using APE Maze. Data collection techniques using observation and documentation, while data analysis technique use descriptive quantitative and qualitative. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, the observation stage, and the reflection stage. The result of the research have shown that used APE Maze can improve the fine motoric ability of the children. This is evidenced by the improvement of teacher’s planning daily lessons, teacher’s ability in the learning process and the teacher’s ability to use APE Maze and fine motor sklills of early chilhood of each cycle. Contraints obtained during the study are conditioned children, but researchers have managed to overcome them. The result showed that the use of APE Maze can improved the fine motorskill of children aged 4-5 years old in Kindergarten Negeri Pembina Tasikmalaya City. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya kesulitan dalam meningkatkan motorik halus, permasalahan yang terjadi pada kelompok A di TK Negeri Pembina Kota Tasikmalaya, masih banyak anak yang kurang dalam perkembangan motorik halus khususnya dalam membuat garis vertikal, horizontal, lengkung kiri/kanan, miring dan lingkaran sehingga menjadi kurang beraturan. Hal ini disebabkan karena pembelajaran masih jarang menggunakan APE, khususnya pada pembelajaran motorik halus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan motorik halus anak melalui penggunaan APE Maze pada kelompok A usia 4-5 tahun di TK Negeri Pembina Kota Tasikmalaya. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan bekerja sama dengan guru, dilaksanakan sebanyak 3 siklus menggunakan model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart. Subjek penelitian adalah anak kelompok A TK Negeri Pembina Kota Tasikmalaya yang terdiri dari 15 orang, yaitu 9 orang laki-laki dan 6 orang perempuan dan guru kelas A. Objek penelitian adalah kemampuan motorik halus anak menggunakan APE Maze. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan APE Maze dapat meningkatkan kemampuan motorik halus anak. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan pembelajaran harian, kemampuan guru dalam proses pembelajaran dan kemampuan guru dalam penggunaan APE Maze serta kemampuan motorik halus anak usia dini dari setiap siklusnya. Kendala yang diperoleh selama penelitian adalah mengkondisikan anak, namun peneliti telah berhasil mengatasinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan APE Maze dapat meningkatkan motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun di TK Negeri Pembina Kota Tasikmalaya.

Bambang Harmanto

The way of early childhood (ECE) teachers in introducing English to their students often seems to be unique. With a limited knowledge and skill, they have to be competent English practioners. The learning outcome migh not be optimal as the parents expected. The writer has raised questions regarding what early chilhood teachers should know and the skills they need to teach English in early chilhood education. This identified need was able to be the basic consideration to help the early childhood teachers have capacity of teaching appropriately. The researcher findings drwn on the questionnaire distributed to 31 early eduaction teachers in Ponorogo. Data findings showed that eventhough their education backgrounds were not suitable with the subject they teach, they will welcome conveniently the offerred breakthrough. They were open to receive any programs to enhance their capacities of teaching skills and attributes they require or knowledge they need..

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